Ailward Aspect

Two lost souls (Bexley & Erythreus)

It was almost noon when the aspect of death woke up.  A late hour to start the day according to most, but not very unusual for the broody male who didn’t really have a circadian rhythm. He didn’t have any obligations demanding him to wake up a certain time. No hobbies forcing him to be at a certain place. What he did have was duties but he hadn’t fulfilled them in ages and now it felt almost insuperable starting, but he knew he would have to sooner rather than later.

Erythreus yawned as he got up from the bed, wondering what today would bring. Nowadays everyday was almost the same, escape the guards pretending to go to the grave yard helping lost souls find peace and keeping order in the death realm. However instead he ended up drunk in a bar reminiscing about old times and old love. Somehow life had taken a turn and Ery didn’t know how to break the pattern. The rest of his aliward family had looked at him concerned, trying to break trough to the bitter shell of Erythreus but without luck. 

After a quick look in the mirror assuring he didn’t look like a complete wreck, not more than usual anyways, the aspect left his residence and made his way to the shared kitchen. The mansion was quiet, all of the guards were outside practising with the new weapons that had been delivered the previous day. The rest of the aspects were probably with them helping and participating. Erythreus had a faint memory he’d been asked but grunted a sour ”No”. Now he regretted that decision. It would’ve been nice feeling part of something again. The blonde knew they would welcome him with open arms if he decided to join in now. He could hear their laughters from a far and longed to be there with them. Anyhow he also knew that if he had been there he’d feel distanced, ruining the fun for the rest of his family. 

Instead the lonely aspect searched through the fridge for something to eat. His eyes noted a hot sauce with Bexley´s name tag on it, causing him to frown. That guard had been one of his closer friends but had also had a rough period in life and left the manor, and suddenly Ery knew what today would bring. He found himself a sandwich in the fridge that he devoured on his way to town, hoping any of the guards wouldn’t give him hell about it later, and heading for Bexley´s little shop in town. It wasn’t weather to drive his motorcycle and it would’ve drawn too much attention. He didn’t want to tell the guards where he went, hoping they wouldn’t notice he wasn’t brooding in his room until he came back.

A bell rang as he entered the small shop announcing his arrival. ”So its here you’ve been hiding Bex” Erythreus stated not meeting the females eyes.

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    Ailward Aspect

    ✓ Erythreus Aliward

    Erythreus mind spun. This was certainly not what he had expected when waking up this morning. If it had been a normal day he’d been drunk beyond senses at this time a day. Drowning in self doubt and loathing. Isolating himself from whoever could either help or judge him. Second guessing his every decision and existence. The aspect had known something about his magic had been off for a while. However he’d assumed it was due to his negligence and failures rather than a ”system” failure. Which in the end had driven him farther down the depression hole hed dug for himself. All this was his fault! He should’ve asked for help months ago when he first had trouble getting a soul to pass. Now thousands of ghosts lingered and disturbed the order on earth.  Posing a risk to all the living. And in the middle of this how could his idiot brain think of how the light hit Penelopes hair and how her laugh warmed his heart?

    Ery took a deep breath trying to shake off all his mixed feelings and regain composure, as if he’d had any from the beginning. ” I don’t know that has never happened to me before” he admitted as stunned and confused with the whole thing as the girls. ”I turned into my dragon from without problem and then threw myself through the dimensions as I use to when guiding souls but then just when I was supposed to pass through the veil keeping our universes appart it was like I hit a wall of glass keeping us out. Blocking anyone from entering.” The aspect of death tried to describe as well as he could. ” I don’t know if it goes both ways? So that the souls on the other side still can pass through to earth but then can’t return. Usually it’s the other way so the souls can’t go from the death realm and back as if the veil has mirrored” Ery said sharing his thoughts. Had this anything with the magic preformed to bring Crane back? He didn’t know and couldn’t say for sure. He certainly didn’t hope so. Too many kinds of magic involved.

    ”Good at least one problem we don’t have to think about then” Ery sighed lifting the orb with Crane to gaze through it ensuring his soul was still safely kept in it. ”Well if you haven’t noticed I have been kind of busy hiding from you guards and hanging out with my new bestie booze” He said giving them a sarcastic answer. It wasn’t like anyone had missed him. Dom had been too busy with his own struggles and his siblings had been awfully absent. Since his last relationship he had had no one to take his mind off things or cheer him up.

    ”Thank you, I don’t deserve that, but I appreciate it Pen” the aspect smiled faintly at the blonde whom he started to like more and more. A feeling he’d be forced to push down and hide to not get things messy. Something he was awfully good at. ”Hm I don’t remember exactly it was a few months ago I think” Erythreus tried to think back to when the problems had started. He had been sad because of a break up, another girl not seeing him as husband material, so had thrown himself into helping the lost souls pass instead of thinking about his heartache. It had been a soul who had been hard to motivate to pass fully. But after weeks he had succeeded and transported her to his kingdom, or so he thought because the next day she was back.

    ”Do we have a choice at this point?”  Erythreus questioned just wanting to go back to bed.

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    Ailward Guard

    ✓ Bexley Dumont

    ✧ Two Lost Souls ✧
    Tension coiled tightly around Bexley’s shoulders as she absorbed Ery’s words. “It’s almost as if the portal to the underworld rotated,” she mused, her voice barely above a whisper. “To allow spirits to escape. If it’s my doing, then it hasn’t been like this for long.” Unsure whether she was trying to convince herself or the others in the room, Penelope placed a finger thoughtfully against her lips, her mind racing to piece together the fragments of knowledge she had gleaned from the Archive Hall. Yet, she doubted that the answers could be found in dusty tomes or ancient scripts. Her gaze shifted to the embodiment of death standing before them; instinctively, she felt that the key to their dilemma lay within him. His concern for Crane revealed a glimmer of care, a reminder that even lost souls could find their way back with a little guidance.

    “One thing’s for sure—magic has definitely had a hand in mucking things up,” Bexley said softly, her words hanging in the air like a weight. Penelope nodded in agreement, feeling the gravity of the situation. She watched as Bexley reached out to gently stroke the orb containing Crane, an act of affection that made Penelope’s heart ache. She had never experienced such tenderness firsthand, and in that moment, she understood why Bexley felt compelled to show her love. True love was a rare treasure, after all, and it seemed to shine even brighter in times of darkness.

    “A few months ago?” Penelope chimed in, her brow furrowing as she considered the timeline. “It seemed like it didn’t have to do with the Aurazin, but that doesn’t mean the voidlings didn’t play a role in the door closing to your realm.” She observed Ery’s unenthusiastic stance on hunting voidlings. “Well, we could stay here and sift through endless knowledge, but that feels far too slow,” she added with a playful chuckle, a bow magically forming in her hand. “Besides, I long for an evening out,” she shot Ery a cheeky grin, hoping to lighten the mood.

    Bexley gave the crane orb one last tender stroke before placing it securely in her bag. “In case this goes sideways, I think he’ll be safer back there,” she said, nodding toward the hall. With a flick of her wrist, she opened a shimmering portal leading to the Veil, its ethereal glow barely visible to the mundane world. The air hummed with energy as she stepped through, and Penelope followed closely behind.

    As they emerged on the other side, Penelope glanced back at Ery, her eyes sparkling with determination. “Come on, Death. We’re going to fix what’s wrong. I believe you’re the answer; I believe in you.” Her genuine smile was met with a soft warmth, but the moment was cut short by the sudden sound of clicking in the shadows. Instinctively, she raised her bow, a magical arrow notching itself against the string. With a swift release, the arrow shot forward, glowing a vibrant red as it pierced the air before disappearing into the darkness.

    “Let’s see what we’re up against,” Penelope declared, her heart racing with adrenaline as she began to trek in the direction she had shot. Each step was a blend of excitement and apprehension, a dance with danger that felt all too familiar. With Bexley and Ery by her side, she felt a surge of hope. Together, they might just have the power to restore balance and uncover the truths hidden within the shadows.
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    Ailward Aspect

    ✓ Erythreus Aliward

    Everyone was in their own deep thoughts after his words. Trying to figure out the cause to this anomaly. ”Who would have the motive to keep the souls from passing or letting the passed spirits go back, not realizing it harms them” Erythreus frown grew as he tried to connect the pieces but couldn’t see the whole picture. Why had this happened, what was the meaning? Was it even intentional? If it was intentional was it someone who wanted to see a loved again like Bexley? Or was it someone who had more devilish intentions? Rubbing the balance between the dimensions. Creating an army of unlucky ghosts. Did they want to overthrow him?

    Ery broke out of his own concerns and watched as Penelope tried to get any clarity on the situation. As her eyes rested on him they met for a short while and he felt a warmth rush through him, a need to make everything right for her. It was a silly instinct. Clearly the result of him being alone for so long or at least it was what he tried to convince himself. The shiny happy blonde in front of him wouldn’t want to get involved with him anyways. What did he have to offer? In fact he was sure she knew the rumors about him around town to be a carless drunken womanizer and there was some truth to that. However he had been in love several times in his lifetime. He had seen a future with many women but none of them had chosen to stay. It had broken him. Nowadays he only offered temporary hook ups, he couldn’t bear being rejected once more.

    ”Yeah I agree Bexley there is some strong magic involved here” the aspect of death sighed loudly. It would make things so much more complicated. Why couldn’t the world just be logical.   No supernatural. No magic. Would he have been happier? He’d been dead for over a millennium. The guards movement as she went over to take over the Crane orb and handle it with such love and care caught his attention. It was what everything everyone wished for and so unfair that their story had come to an end years in advance. Still he was jealous. He’d never got to experience that kind of love the one that you would do anything be anything to keep. His choices had never choose him when it came down to it work or an ex had been more tempting.

    ”Didnt think you were the adventurous type” Ery chuckled surprised by Pen´s sudden excitement to leave the archives. He had gotten the impression that she was the read a book and bake kind of girl. This new side of her made him like her even more. ”Ah yes you should probably not bring Crane” He agreed knowing that Crane wouldn’t like being left out. But they couldn’t risk losing another soul. 

    ”Ugh I never get used to this portal traveling” He shrugged preferring to travel in his dragon form. It was a strange sensation to move from one place to another a tingling he didn’t like. Penelopes words warmed his soul, she believed in him! Wow to hear those words was amazing he hadn’t heard them in a very long time. But the feeling was abruptly chased away when the darkness surrounded them. ”You really think the answer to our questions is here” Erythreus asked his mood uneasy.