
Going away? Make sure to drop us a comment right here so we know and you don't lose your role!

  • Ailward Guard

    ✓ Sapphire Rizzoli

    Hey guys I will be gone, August 7 through the 15th . I am going on a vacation with my grandparents and wont be near a computer. 

  • Celestial

    ✓ Katrina O'Sullivan


    My family and I are moving again. I will be away from August 24th till the end of September possibly. Depends how long our little trip takes and that we get internet again! 

  • Nephilim

    ✓ Nayoung Choi

    My activity is going to be spotty for a while now. I got a new job, and I'm working on site a lot. Therefore I haven't got access to internet on the job site. I will reply to rps when I can, and get online when I can.

  • Initia

    ✓ Clara Carter

    I will be unable to answer replies between the 25th of August to the 21st of September, I'm moving and while my family and I wait for the closing of our new house we're staying in a cottage and since my laptop is breaking at the seams I won't be able to reply to roleplays until we unpack. 

  • Human

    ✓ Everson Echo


    Due to a mix of coming out of remission, moving properties and losing a family member I haven't been active, nor will I be active for another week or so. 

    I plan to be back as soon as possible and I'll periodically try and find the time to nip on and check things. 

    Thank you,

    Everson and Leonardo

  • Human

    ✓ Caleb Eli Segal ~Mod~

    // Partial hiatus due to health and trying to keep up with responsibilities. Effects all characters but Caleb will be the most active. 

  • Ailward Guard

    ✓ Sapphire Rizzoli

    Hey guys, 

    Letting you know that I will be leaving on vacation on October  2nd and wont be back in the US until either the 10th or 11th of October. 

  • Instar Diviner

    ✓ Kaelyn Brookes ~Admin~

    I'm away on holiday 3rd October - 10th October 

  • Ailward Guard

    ✓ Sapphire Rizzoli

    I will be away on vacation for Christmas. December 25th- December 31th