
✓ Sariah Amelie Holloway ~Admin~


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  • Nephilim

    ✓ Cornelia Hael Bradford

    Merry Christmas!

    ~Love, Cornelia xx

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Delivered as promised. Things are about to get rather interesting.

    Let the Games Being

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Glad to see you made it through the night and home in one piece.

    Hopefully our paths will cross again soon.

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    I couldn't agree more. I do have every intention in joining that RP in the next two days.

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    I see interesting things coming down the pipe line in this RP. It's always a pleasure running into you.

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    A little later than I expected it to be done but creativity comes in random waves. Hope you like it.

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Happy Birthday! I made a couple things. One you've seen the other I haven't shown yet.

    So Happy Birthday and I hope you have the best weekend ever! Even if you don't see this until after weekend because well you are more than owed a break and in need of one as well :)

  • Celestial

    ✓ Ophelia Dreyvalian ~Admin~

    To celebrate the site turning 3 today! Thanks for being a member of ECRP and making this community a wonderful place!

  • Ailward Aspect

    ✓ Erythreus Ailward ~Admin~

    Merry Christmas!

    Something to keep warm in

    Diamonds, because you women love them

    And alcohol, because we all need that for the holidays x)

    Hope you have a great Christmas


  • Initia

    ✓ Clara Carter

    An Early Christmas Gift Just for you

    Related image

    Merry Christmas

    ~Clara Carter

  • Nephilim

    ✓ Cornelia Hael Bradford

    ~falls in~


    Thank god for timezones because it's still Christmas and hence, I am on time. 

    So, merry Christmas bestie <3 I love you so much, as evident by me taking wonderful care of our children and also bringing you all these fancy gifts. 

    Let's assume that's not Apple cause I know you aren't a fan of iOS.

    We are totally going together, btw.

    And finally

    I am only a Queen if I am reigning by your side <3

    ~Love, Cornelia <3

  • Nephilim

    ✓ Siobhan Leslie ~Mod~

    Sariah, I am just becoming your friend but I hope you enjoy your gift.

    Merry Christmas Siobhan

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    As I seem to always to running late, I've been told it's better late than never. Truly what can you get the woman who has everything? 

    I guess you'll just have to click on the presents below to find out.

    Just a few odds and ends which cause my mind to flutter to you. 

    Not that I think about you constantly or anything crazy.

    Fondest Holiday wishes,
    Orion Valkyrie

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    And just in case you may have forgotten or need a pick me up:

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    I can see a lot of Orion and Sariah in this song and it kills me:

    Is not drunk after seeing The Greatest Showman or anything.

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    I know you're mad at me and rightfully so but I might just need your help.

    Unlikely Assistance

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Oh why, oh why do you do this to me? 
    Now this song is going to be stuck in my head for days.

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Seems it's my turn to leave something *winks with a slight grin*

  • Ailward Aspect

    ✓ Erythreus Ailward ~Admin~

    Happy V-day x) just wanted to leave a few things, thanks for being awesome <3

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    I have the feeling it will be a night neither of us will soon forget.

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Thank you for the birthday wishes darlin’! It was a great day and I couldn’t have asked for anything better if I’m being honest <3

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Just watched Felicity fail and feel all bad on herself and it made me sad and want to hug my Sariah. 

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Because I'm tired kind, I shall refrain from replying until tomorrow afternoon or evening.

    Though sleeping with the reply on my mind will be no easy task.

  • Nephilim

    ✓ Cornelia Hael Bradford



  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Who makes me smile? You!

  • Inactive

    ✓ Valentine Dimitreu

    ^Code for will you plot with me? 

    We are both techies so I am sure we can come up with something exciting! 

  • Inactive

    ✓ Valentine Dimitreu


    Plot ideas I have one, so far; it starts off innocently enough, where we are just messing with each other with like hacker games, I.E turning each other's lights off at an inopportune time or taking over each others computer and changing settings so the computer screams like a goat every time one of us presses something etc... And that goes on for a while until it suddenly stops and we both realize a dangerous hacker and/or threat is coming for evermore and that we need each others help so we put our differences and friendly feud to the side to work together to neutralize the threat. 

    That was a mouthful haha o.o

    Thoughts? Concerns? Comments? Ideas? Haha

  • Inactive

    ✓ Valentine Dimitreu

    *whispers* let me tell you secret. If you give me time and a cookie, which I had both of today my brain will work wonders :p. 

    Haha, glad you liked the idea! Would you like to start or shall I? I do not mind either way! :3 

  • Inactive

    ✓ Valentine Dimitreu

    Well then, hit me with your best shot and let the games begin! 

  • Inactive

    ✓ Valentine Dimitreu

    And what a beautiful thing it is i am proud haha! I shall reply soon! 

  • Nephilim

    ✓ Siobhan Leslie ~Mod~

    I just thought of something...Have we ever commented each other? time to correct that.


  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Omg *.*

    I love it! It’s amazing! I can’t stop watching it while trying to get ready for work and I’m 100% okay with that! 

  • Nephilim

    ✓ Cornelia Hael Bradford


  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Alright beautiful, so it begins. Good luck to us both since we may very well need it.

    BBQs and Introductions

  • Nephilim

    ✓ Cornelia Hael Bradford

    To my bestest-est-est friend in the whole wide multiverse and the only Queen I will ever rule beside,

    Merry late Christmas. 

    You're always making things for people and being the amazing, giving Unicorn that you are so I decided that today I will give you a fantabulous manip of us because we're amazing.

    Worry not, of course there's also a non-holiday edition in case you wanna be remembered of our awesome friendship in the middle of Summer.

    Now the most important thing you need is love because honestly who could run out of love when it comes to a Unicorn? But I'll settle with a bottle of red wine made personally for you. Though you have to thank Venetus for pulling the strings to make this happen. Who knew being friends with centuries-old immortals had its perks?

    And yes of course, we're long overdue an rp in general so I decided this should be the best Christmas present I can come up with for you apart from my love and affection :P


    Cornelia <3

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Happy Valentine's Day my hooman!

  • Niveis

    ✓ Mirae Stormwind

    So, Im having a fangirl moment over this song, and I had to share with my music buddy :P 

    I wouldn't be surprised if you've beaten me to this song already, but if not, I hope you like it! Its replay worthy xD 

    Click me you know you wanna!



  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Feeling cheesy and nostalgic all at the same time. 

  • Initia

    ✓ Athena Rosenberg

    Thank you so much! That was so helpful :) I am so excited to be here, it seems like just this place to be for me!

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    I can't help but post this gifs every time I come across them for obvious reasons:

  • Inactive

    ✓ Orion Valkyrie ~Admin~

    Alright gorgeous, lets continue this roller coaster ride that seems to be our lives.

    Temperament and Anchors

  • Nephilim

    ✓ Svetlana Vasilyev

    New songs, or maybe xD if you haven't heard them .. they're different, but pretty good ^^

    Remind me to fangirl to you about this second song, and who I had in mind while listening to it, whenever we're both back on :P

  • Ailward Aspect

    ✓ Erythreus Ailward ~Admin~

    His song burn is pretty good too ^.^

  • Fluid Role


    To help get you through at the end of the day

    One must be prepared at all times

    Not forgetting the important gift for whose important to you 

  • Ailward Aspect

    ✓ Erythreus Ailward ~Admin~

    I remember the first time I heard them,when you sent me a song.. I still love them a lot, and I thought about you when I ran across this today... But.. I wouldn't be surprised if you've not already heard's to trying xD 

    Click Me For A New Song by Walking On Cars