*THUMP*, Clara woke up, she must have fallen asleep while she was reading, she started sitting up and picked up the book on the floor, glancing over at the clock it read that it was 8:27 pm, she got up out of her bed and put the book on the dresser, walking over to her closet to grab a different outfit, she made up her mind this morning she would go to the city this evening for an evening out and she was determined to stick to her plans.

Once she had changed she looked into her standing mirror "maybe I should wear some makeup" she thought to herself Clara almost never wore makeup her mother once told her it made her look older. Looking up and down at the dress she had chosen she decided to keep any makeup off her face and leave her hair down "that's enough, stop looking at yourself." she thought as she walked away from the mirror.

Walking down the stairs barefoot with her shoes in her hand and her purse in the other. Getting to the door and locking it once she was outside, she sat down briefly on her steps to slip on her shoes, while she was putting on her shoes she could hear the crickets in the forest it was like a band, each cricket knew when to sing and it sounded beautiful just like magic. 

Clara was on her way into town now driving down the road listening to the music on the radio, she never really went out at night but something her friend had said a couple days ago about her playing it too safe, and realizing in that moment she really did play everything to safe, she had made these plans to prove her friend wrong, and to prove to herself she could do this but mainly the first one.

Walking up and down the streets for a half an hour now she was thinking of going home, she hadn't really done anything this evening except walk and her feet were beginning to hurt, but Clara stopped where she stood and started listening,  across the street she heard music, it sounded like a live band and it was coming from an Irish Pub, she had never been in a pub before and thought it might be a good idea. 

She walked across the street and walked into the pub looking around the place she could tell it was pretty packed in here but it wasn't overcrowded, Clara stood in the background for a bit just listening to the music but thought maybe she should get a drink, she walked over to the bar, and sat down in the only free seat in the corner, the bartender came over he was older, red hair with white streaks in his beard and from when he spoke he was Irish "What would you like Missy?" he asked her " A Bellini, Thank you." he looked at her with a strange face like my drink was way too fancy for a place like this but he walked over to his counter and started making it. A few minutes later he had her drink in hand and passed it on over to her, "Thank you." she said.  

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Dominic was drinking more of his beer when she had mentioned a stranger came to the house to inquire about her supernatural genes. He couldn't finish the gulp fast enough to respond. "Wait, what? A stranger just shows up at your place while you're showering and tells you to lift your top up?!" He put the bottle down and leaned in again to be heard over the crowd as the music continued to keep the patrons occupied.

"I mean, I never had anything so dramatic," he began, diving back into family memories. "I'm a pureblood, so it runs in the family. My parents were Therians, along with my siblings. I would see them leave on full moons and my older brother would watch out for me and my little sister when they left. My mom was kinda a dreamer, so she would always tell me fantastical stories, even ones about werewolves. I never believed what she was saying until I got older and I realized she was actually telling the truth. Well... in some ways." Dominic picked up his beer again and took a swig as he continued on with his past. "Obviously, Therians and werewolves aren't exactly the same, but you get my drift. I finally hit my maturity phase when I shot up about six inches in six months and the change happened one full moon. Thankfully, I had my family there to support me. I can't imagine what it's like for other Therians who don't know what's happening to them. In many ways, I'm glad there are packs to keep them in line and teach them how to control themselves. Packs aren't really my thing..." Dom trailed off and grabbed his beer again as Hugh made his rounds back to them and put down another Corona and two shots.

"But back to you and the weirdo who came a-knocking. Who was the guy?" he asked, running a hand through his hair which had fallen over his face and furrowing his eyebrows as he waited for her reply. 

"Well, when you say it that way," Clara said in blushing and smiling, "It sounds kind of silly when you say it., Creepy actually," she said thinking about how it was actually quite strange to let a stranger do such a thing, I mean if a man knocked on her door now she would probably deliberately ignore it just so she wouldn't have to deal with it, Clara realized how much she had changed over the years. As Dom leaned in she followed trying to listen to what he was saying.

Clara smiled listen to this man's story, it was beautifully heartbreaking, "Were you close with your mother or siblings? I don't mean to pry, just curious." she said knowing she was giving off a curious kind of gentle look in her eyes. "So you don't actually run with the wolves," she said smiling trying to lighten the mood, then picking up the shot and swinging it back, still smiling as she set the shot glass down. 

"I don't really know, I kind of assumed my father was an Initia when he died, but I never really knew, they say you know when you are going to die.. like on that day... but my father didn't and he left nothing to tell me what I had become, I was pretty much in it alone, except for the strange man, who I think was a friend of my fathers, but I was never to ask him questions, but I have quite a few, like how did he know when I was going to become and Initia or was he an Initia himself or something different? So like you I don't know much about this strange man who came-a-knocking." Clara said her lips were now dry from that mouthful so she picked up her glass of water and took a swig. 

Dominic stood from his bar seat and gave a single head nod and a smile to Hugh who saw him put a hundred down from the other side of the bar before giving him another nod that indicated he was going to leave. "You wanna get out of here?" He realized how that must've sounded to her and quickly amended with a chuckle as he raised his voice over the crowd. It was the first time he'd used that line without the 'normal' meaning behind it. "No, not like that! I meant, a little bit quieter. Outside." He leaned in closer to her ear to be heard. "There's a great food truck down the street that has some really slamming desserts. I'm always up for greasy food when I drink." He placed his arm out to help her stand and could immediately feel the effects of the alcohol which meant she must've too. Reaching behind the bar, he grabbed another bottle of water before linking her arm around his so he could lead the way through the swarms of people. No one was going to not let a man his size through. 

When they stepped outside, the busy night life was still going on throughout the streets. Hundreds of people were mingling and walking around the area from smoking to bar hopping; loitering and eating. Dominic passed the bottle of water to her as they made their way down the street. He could feel his ears ringing from the difference in noise level they had just left to being out here. The night had gotten cooler and it was a stark change from the heat inside the bar caused by all the bodies. After walking a bit, he continued the conversation. "I was very close to my family," he began, abruptly stopping as a few drunk frat boys stumbled in front of them. He pulled Clara closer to him so they wouldn't knock into her. Rolling his eyes, he continued. "Things kind of fell apart for us when my mom died and my father not long after. I haven't spoken to my pain in the ass brother or sister in a long time."

They weaved through the masses and Dominic pointed across the street where there was a grouping of food trucks. He walked them over to one in particular and stood in the long line that many other intoxicated people had joined. "Have you ever tried looking for the creeper? He may have answers to a lot of the questions you have. Hell, he may even still be keeping tabs on you without you even knowing it. There must be a reason why he wanted to ensure you were okay at the time or at least whether or not you were an Initia." 

Clara gave a sweet smile, her eyes tracing the movement as Dom stood up, and placed money on the counter at first she was wondering what he was doing a quick thought flooded her mind, what if he was leaving, but just as quick as it came it left in a sudden sweep, he spoke. Getting out of here, she thought what that could mean exactly but he suddenly made it clear, he leaned in to tell where they were going "Desserts, I look forward to it, just hope you don't plan to kidnap me down an alley, I'm a scratcher." she said smiling as she begun to stand up and grab her coat for the evening air.

When they had exited the building, the sudden drop in sound was different she could hear her heart beating, she could almost see her breath in the cold air, but it was magical, there were people around, doing their own things, the streets had all been lit up and to Clara it was beautiful. Dom passed her a water bottle she quickly (almost whisper-like) said: "Thank you."

They continued walking, he begun speaking of his family again she listened intently until she was pulled into Dom as a bunch of drunk frat boys came out, for a second Clara thought she was going to fall over but quickly regained her balance, he began talking again. "I'm sorry, that must be hard, I know what it's like to lose a parent... or two," she said gently. 

After walking through a couple crowds, Dom stopped and pointed to a bunch of food trucks, "I better not get food poisoning." she said with a hopeful look on her face. They walked towards the line and waited, "No, I never tried looking for him, I really never gave too much thought to him actually, it sounds silly, but honestly I didn't want to know, deep down he might have told me something I didn't want to know, something I couldn't deal with, and I wouldn't have known what to do with that," she answered, "If you don't mind me asking but what would you do, if you were in my shoes?" she asked. 

Dominic smiled at her quip about the food trucks. "Ah, no way. They have them all here because they're considered the best in the area. Trust me. There will be no regrets and you better pick something that's greasy and fattening. A sundae with all the toppings, funnel cake, deep friend oreos.. those are all acceptable. Anything else and I interject while you order and do it myself." He chuckled and moved forward a bit as the line shortened from people ordering. 

As Clara spoke about the mysterious stranger who inquired about her supernatural genetics, Dominic quirked an eyebrow and didn't hesitate on his answer. "I would absolutely look into it." He turned to face her, his expression becoming a little more serious. "People don't just randomly show up to ask if you're a supernatural and I find it a little more than creepy that there was no other contact from him than the one time. Something about that just seems really off." They moved up a little further in the line as he continued. "I know I mentioned him possibly still keeping tabs on you and I don't want to freak you out or anything, I just think there's something more there that you should look into." Working as a Guard made him more weary of the world around him and the people in it. Coincidences just wasn't a thing.

"If you need help, I'm there. If you find out something that seems like it could be dangerous, let me know and I'll come. Don't put yourself into a dangerous situation if you don't have to." Dominic smirked and pretended to stand up super tall and puff his chest out. "I can be pretty intimidating sometimes." He winked at her as he backpeddled while the line moved forward. 

"You don't have to worry I'm not one of those girls, who order a salad or a piece of broccoli those are sides in my opinion to like ... a big juicy steak, I love a good sundae with extra toppings or this one time I ate a whole box of mini cupcakes, those are my favourite, I just love them, Sorry I realize I must be rambling I'm a foodie you see, I like to eat it, make it, talk about it, it's a great conversation starter" she said smiling now thinking how she couldn't wait to sink her teeth into something sweet or savoury.   

As Clara walked up the line they began talking again, he had given the answer she had expected him to give, he was a fighter she could tell, she liked that, "You're right, I should look into it, but how? I never knew any addresses or phone numbers, and how do you find out to know that he could be keeping tabs on me?" She asked curiously she didn't know very much about how to find people, she could barely find her keys in the morning.

Clara giggled, "Thanks, I would appreciate that," she said smiling as they moved forward in the line.

Finding people was Dominic's specialty. Being a Therian made it very hard for people to come and go somewhere without Dominic picking up some sort of trace of them being there. He had years of experience and time to hone the skill which made him a favorite among the Ailwards when they needed something or someone found. Taking a more serious tone, he looked into Clara's eyes. "Well.. if you want I can come back to your place and take a look around. I should be able to pick up some scent that was left by someone that didn't belong." This was turning into more than just meeting a pretty girl at the bar like most nights, but Dominic couldn't turn down a damsel in distress. It was his weakness. There was nothing he was looking for in return; just knowing she would be okay was reward enough. "That's somewhere to start."

When they reached the front of the line and were next to order, Dominic picked out the funnel cake and then let her order as well. When she was done, he tacked on two hot chocolates. They stepped to the side and he gave her a reassuring smile as they waited for their food. He couldn't exactly tell her what he did for a living besides the mundane jobs of being a mechanic and bouncer, as that tended to be frowned upon with the Ailwards. Hopefully, Clara would believe that he could help her. "Being Lycan comes in handy sometimes." He decided playing the Therianthrope card would have to be convincing enough. "Extra sensory overload when it comes to being around people."

Clara listened as Dom was speaking he made some very good points and sounded like he had done this before, she believed he could help her find the truth out, and at this moment it was important for her to find out the truth.

They got up to the front of the line, and as Dom was speaking to the cashier in the truck she was picking out something, "Do you have a sundae with like brownie topping on top?" she asked, the man nodded and then Dom asked for two hot chocolate, where they stepped aside to let other people order, as they waited for there food.

"I usually don't invite strangers back to my place but you have this trusting quality.." she said looking at him seriously she wasn't one to just invite people back, she never really invited anyone over, no one had ever seen her house, one of her friends once asked her if she even had a house, she responded with a hard glare and a laugh. "But, I've decided you can help, I'd like you to help," she said as the man called there orders they walked over to grab them "Do you have a car? If you don't we can drive back in mine, and I'll show you where I live." she said realizing she was being very forward. 

Dominic grabbed the box which was full of their food and waited for her to take what she had ordered before breaking off a piece of the funnel cake and eating it. He smiled as she stumbled over her words. It was nice to know she trusted him at least seeing as they had talked about how going out was something she never did. He was confident he would be able to pick up some sort of clue from her house. That is, if there was something to be found. It just didn't sit right with him that some stranger would be checking up on her. He hoped Clara saw it too.

"I brought my bike with me. I'll walk you to your car and grab my ride and I'll meet you back where you're parked." They dodged between the many people in the street as they walked to their destination. It had given them the chance to finish their food minus the hot chocolates. Dominic handed it to her to "keep safe", as he said, since he wouldn't be able to drink it on his motorcycle. Once she was in the car, he made his way back to where he'd parked his bike on the street and quickly made it to where she was. 

It didn't take long for them to get back to Clara's place. Dominic parked his bike in front of her home and took the place in. Everything appeared to be normal on the outside, but that certainly didn't mean anything. As she got out of the car, he took his drink back from her and gave a reassuring smile, despite not knowing how well the news of someone keeping tabs on her would go. He definitely didn't want her to start panicking. "After you," Dom said, gesturing to lead the way.

As they walked to her car eating her delicious Sunday ("Would you like a bit of brownie." she had asked him) she kept thinking about what he could find, what if he did find something? she had never fully learned yet how to use her power to sense danger and she wondered if he knew that Initias were able to do that, but she thought maybe to tell him late, she had only been able to sense danger once and it had been a while since that happened but she remembers it like it were yesterday. 

When they got near the tribe base, she was pulling into the deep forest, the trees were tall here and it being dark, the lights of her car was casting shadows off the trees, she could hear his motorcycle, it was loud but if it were off you could hear nothing it was always quiet around here Clara loved this.

Clara parked her car in her regular space, taking a deep breath in (then out) and opening the car door, he was waiting there already looking around, Beside and behind her house was a pond like swamp, with willows hanging low (the leaves all gone) she had no close neighbours, they were all alone for acres and acres, Clara got up out of her car and handed him his hot chocolate, she took a sip of hers it was still nice and warm. She walked over, she had a two-story house with a wrap-around porch, the siding was a white-yellow colour, the door was white with glass windows, all the house accents are a cinnamon brown. they walked on the porch, up the steps, she slipped the key into the lock, looking over to the garage/shed she thought she had heard a sound it must have been an owl, when she walked up she slipped off her coat and hanged it on the rack, she flipped the light switch on so he could see which brightened the furniture, she had a romantic/vintage/ bohemian style with a hint of farm girl, there were plants everywhere but she liked it this way.

"Sorry I wasn't expecting company," she said looking out to see the kitchen where her olive green counter laid in the middle, they walked over to the dining table, looking over to the fireplace in the living room, she could see her deck in the back, and opening a curtain in the pantry walked into the conservatory/greenhouse. "What do you think so far?" she asked.

Dominic took his hot chocolate back from her and had a sip as he followed up the drive and towards her house. If there was one thing he liked about Initias, it was the fact that they loved the outdoors as much as he did. Using their powers usually required the help of nature and that meant most of them chose to live in or around wooded areas. His gaze went around the property briefly before she inserted the key to her door and a noise made them both look over to its location. Dominic's extrasensory abilities kicked in and he concentrated on any movement that was coming from the shed, but Clara had already opened the door and he turned to follow her inside. 

The house was as he expected it to be; full of a woman's charm. It suited her, he thought, as he walked around the house. Thankfully, it wasn't full of modern decor. He would've felt completely out of place. This was definitely more his style and took note of all the plants around the house. Dominic inhaled deeply and tried to clear his senses so he could concentrate on what he was possibly looking for. Using his enhanced sense of smell, he tried to differentiate her scent from any others that were foreign. As he moved from room to room, there was nothing popping out at him. Maybe he was just thinking the worst in people as always. "Not really picking up anything," he answered to Clara's question as he came back towards her, his eyes scanning wall to wall.  

He nodded to the door to indicate he was going to check outside. Jogging down the stairs, Dominic walked along the house perimeter and made sure to take his time by the windows. Nothing was creepier than some guy staring at you through a window without knowing it. He walked over the lawn and by the shed where they'd heard the noise before entering the house. There it was. The unmistakable scent of a man. His ears suddenly perked up as he heard movement passed the swamp. Taking off through the woods, he looked back to see Clara had come out on the porch and saw him run into the darkness. If this was who was watching her, Dominic wasn't going to let them get away. 

Clara watched as Dominic went jogging downstairs, she still wasn't sure exactly what was going on, What if he found something then what? but what if he found nothing what were they suppose to do then? Clara had a bunch of questions in her head, she walked into her closet and started changing into something a little more comfortable, she grabbed a pair of pants, and started pulling it down over her head as she walked down the stairs, she grabbed her plaid wrap and walked onto the porch, where she saw Dominic walking toward to shed.

They had heard a noise there, it concerned her in the moment but, she had heard it she didn't make it up but she wanted it to be false, or just maybe a mouse, a bird anything but what she saw; It was a man, definitely a man, he was running fast, she couldn't tell who it was, it was dark, the sun had fallen hours ago. Dominic had started running he was fast, but would it be enough, something in her head told her to go after him, she closed the door and dropped the wrap in the porch and ran after him.

Everything was different in the dark, there were no lights, everything was dark she couldn't tell where she should go, she just followed the noise, Dominic could run faster than her, he was way ahead of her. She started running out of breath, she could see her breath in front of her and snow had begun to fall it was cold, but she was hot from all the running, she started slowing down, her feet were hurting, from walking on her heels all nights and now all this running, she couldn't hear Dominic anymore, she wondered how he could just keep running, she couldn't, Clara was tired, she stopped. 

After catching her breath,  she had cooled down, she looked around, the forest she walked every day was different in the night, the trees were taller, spookier, different. She was lost, she looked back she couldn't see the lights of her house, the snow was falling heavier, she sat down by a tree trying to come up with a plan, she closed her eyes and envisioned she was at home by the fireplace, or on the window seat, reading a book, with one of her blankets, drinking a hot cocoa. Clara opened her eyes, she could see the lake, she decided to follow it.


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