Today was a strange day, to say the least. The young Therian felt strangely unsettled for some reason. Maybe, it was the constant news about the missing people, mysterious murders and such around Evermore that had her worried. Especially, since she had two brothers; living in the city as well. God forbid, if something happened to Phoenix or Justice; Elle-Mae would freak out. Despite, how complicated her family life was, she loved and adored her brothers. And didn’t want anything to happen to them. Elle, could only hope that what was going around Evermore, would calm down and that her family...or what was left, would not be dragged into this mess and harmed.

Not sure, what to do with her frustration. The young female, made her way into the woods. A bag with spare clothes; slung over her shoulder. Maybe, a good run around the forest in her wolf form; would allow her to clear her head, and get rid off some of the tension. Finding her usual spot, beneath a large oak tree...there was bit of a dent. Elle-Mae, set her bag there, Hiding it. Shifting a large boulder, in the way so her bag wouldn’t be spotted.

It was clear, that she needed a run. Breaking into a light jog; it wasn’t long before she found herself on all fours-letting her inner Werewolf Out. The sound of her clothes ripping was heard; before the tatters of the old t-shirt and jeans, that she didn't mind to get rid off, were scattered around the forest floor from her turn. A brown/golden hair fur, four paws, more brighter greeny-blue eyes. That was her. Feeling the dirt, grass and twigs crunching beneath her paws as she was running around the Therianthrope Territory. Feeling some sort of freedom and trying to get rid of the tense feeling, that had been building up that entire morning.

For a while, things around her were peaceful. But slowly, there seemed the temperature started to drop, and a slight mist was forming, covering her lower half. But the mist, seemed to be only in certain places; before it was clear. Then there it was again; like it was scattered around in strange patches. Something eerie, was going on. Elle-Mae could feel it. But at the moment, she could not put her finger on it.

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Running the trail through the Therian territory had become something of a routine for the nomad.  He still didn't have a house to live in, so he spent the nights outdoors in a tent.  He was a squatter and he knew he would need to find something more permanent, and soon. However the idea of finding a permanent home terrified him more than Zeph was willing to admit.  He had lived as a nomad for over a century, sleeping by the stars was his way of life.  Besides he didn't sleep much, only about three hours, before the sun rise.

As he ran, Zephyr noticed a strange fog.  It seemed to come and go leaving patches of clear land while in other areas was as thick as pea soup.  The Valkyr wasn't familiar with Evermore's climate so he didn't give it much mind.  With a shrug, Zeph continued his run.  The wind was picking up a bit, not unusual for this time of year.  Inhaling deeply, Zephyr closed his eyes as he passed a patch of that soupy fog.  Stopping abruptly he felt his lungs burn for a moment then it passed.  

He had stopped since he had began to cough, as he took another breath, Zephyr heard a noise and began to smell the coppery sent of blood.  The Valkyr couldn't tell if it had been a scream or a grunt.  Either way in his many years of experience, Zeph knew where there was blood there was always trouble.  Running towards the sound, the closer he got, the more the sent of fresh spilled blood accosted his scenes.

When he arrived at the scene, he carefully observed his surroundings.  The first thing he saw was a huge boulder that had recently been moved as the dirt to the side looked moist and not dry like the dirt around the boulder.  Then his eyes saw the clothing.  It was ripped to shreds.  At first he didn't see any blood, but as soon as he touched a piece of garment, another soupy patch of fog passed discretely through him.  As he blinked, Zephyr saw blood.  He could smell it.  Taking the sent from the garments, Zephyr went after the animal that had killed someone.  Anger rose as he prepared his body for a confrontation.  Zephyr couldn't allow a killer run around rampant around here.  So many people used the trails to run.  He would make it safe again for everyone in Evermore.  Usually Zeph was level headed, but today was very different.

Running with purpose, Zephyr soon caught the scent of the offending animal.  Hot on its trail, the Valkyr could sense he was getting closer.  He rarely used weapons.  The Valkyr preferred to kill with his hands.  When he entered a clearing he saw the animal.  It was a golden wolf with green eyes.  His mind was trying to tell him something, but b y now Zephyr was focused on killing.  His eyes were bloodshot red, sweat covered his face as he lunged towards the wolf.

The young Therian, didn’t have any idea what was coming for her. She could smell something nearby. The scent made her nose itch a little bit. The scent was getting stronger with every passing minute. It smelled like Valkyr. She should known, given her half-brother Phoenix was one. Even though, she was used to her elder brother’s scent. This scent was new, and somehow it made her nose itch uncomfortably. The Lycan wondered what a Valkyr was doing on their territory. She knew, came and went to go to the Bar; that was open for any species. But other than that; she hadn’t run into a Valkyr, trespassing. If that’s what you could call it?

Elle was a gentle person; one that never would wish harm on anyone. So she wouldn’t dare dream of killing someone innocent. It already, pained her when she had accidentally hurt someone; during her first transformation during the full moon. So, why would she want to hurt someone on purpose? No...not hurt. Kill? It was against her nature, against the rules of her people also. But unbeknown to her; she was about to be accused of such crime.

The Wolf, glanced over her shoulder. Just in time to see the anger filled eyes of the Valkyr. As the male lunged for her. A loud growl came from her. Leaping into the air. The Therian managed to jump over the Valkyr...before he could tackle her to the ground.

Elle could smell the sweat on him; he must have been running after her for awhile before she detected the nomad. His blood shot eyes; made her on edge. The Lycan didn’t want a fight on her hands. Or to hurt someone. Especially a Valkyr; whom was goodness how old. To fight an elder creature than herself; wasn’t much of a wise idea. But he was the one who initiated the fight. If she had to bite the man, to protect herself and render him pain so he was unable to fight. She would; but Elle-Mae would  rather hope, that it wouldn’t get end up getting to that.

It was clear she was confused; the confusion visible in her expression. Watching the Valkyr for any sudden movements. Trying to figure out, what on earth had possessed him to attack her out of the blue. As the temperature was still uncomfortably cold; despite having a thick fur for protection. Something didn’t sit right with her. The patchy fog, the odd coldness, the sudden attacker. Her teeth bared, in a warning. Snapping at him; in attempt to get him to back off. God, if she had been in her human form; and someone attacked her. Then she would have kicked ass; since she had been trained in self-defence. Mainly, because growing up with two brothers. She needed to be bit more tough.

His eyes had changed into a crazed glare.  The pupils were blood shot red, an oily fevered sweat exuded out of every pore on his body.  Zephyr’s thoughts were scrambled.  He didn’t know what he was doing there, but his physical form was gearing up for battle.  He saw the wolf snarl, Zephyr could sense the animal’s trepidation.  *This isn’t right* he thought to himself.  A wild thing won’t hesitate at all.  This is not a wild animal Zephyr summarized.  This was a super.  Then why had he attacked?  He couldn’t remember.

The  soupy fog came back and any semblance of rational thought left him.  Forgetting his thought process, Zephyr stood up after falling on the ground when he lunged for the wolf.  A tattered garment was held on his left hand, the right hand pumping the fist, ready to fight.  The fog however was so thick it was hard to see, he would need to use his other senses to trap the wolf.  The Valkyr didn’t intend to kill the animal, just capture it and take it into town along with the garment, as evidence of foul play.

He brought the garment to his nose and gave it a hearty sniff.  There was no doubt in his mind that the scent belong to the creature in front of him.  In the back of his mind, however a question began to fester *why were there any blood stains?*. The absence of blood gave him time to hesitate, still his blood angry eyes had not stopped looking at the same spot where the wolf had been before the fog had come.

What had started as a normal run, had now escalated into something dangerous.  In his right mind Zephyr would have not left the path that was consider public.  He knew very well about the territorial habits of the Therian.  In his right mind this would’ve never occurred, but at the moment... something or someone was at the driving seat spewing crazy thoughts into Zeph’s mind.

The crazy eyes of the Valkyr, bothered her. The young man looked out of it. Covered in sweat, like he was ready for action. But she did not know, what he was following. Seeing the piece of garment in his hand; it was a piece of her ripped clothing. But as far as Elle saw; it was clean. No blood, no traces of whatever was trying to incriminate her as the bad guy. Elle-Mae still remained in her stance; watching his every move. But she was ready to spring into action, if need be.

‘Go on...attack him! Or he’s going to hurt you...or kill someone, you care about.’ a voice taunted in the back of her head. Elle-Mae shook her head at herself. Doing her best to push back those thoughts herself. Elle wasn’t planning on getting into a fight; if she could avoid it. With the fog becoming more quicker; she had quickly turned around. Running back towards the direction, where she left her clothes. With the fog shielding her from the Valkyr. She had disappeared rather quickly...and strangely, for a few moments her scent disappeared with her two. Leaving the Valkyr alone in the spot where he stood.

When she got to the familiar tree, she shifted back with a slight gasp. Trying to catch her breathe. “What in the world, is going on?” Elle-Mae muttered to herself. Wishing one of the Alphas, or another Therian was around to help her. But for now, she would have to do this on her own. Pushing back the large rock, back to it’s usual spot. Taking out the bag from her hiding spot. Elle pulled out the fresh clothes that were there. Getting herself dressed; pulling the fresh pair of jeans on, along with long sleeved top. Elle-Mae then slipped on the pair of hiking boots. Tying them up tightly.

Looking around, the fog seemed to be getting bit higher up. Climbing up the tree. Elle-Mae found herself among the treetops. As a young child; she spent hours climbing trees with her brothers on their family farm, growing up; mainly when they wanted to escape farm duties and have some fun.

Taking advantage of the fog, Zephyr summoned the energy of the shadows surrounding the area.  Whips appeared in each hand.  Using them as Lagos, Zephyr hoisted himself onto the tall pines of the forest.  There the fresh air helped him clear his mind a little.  He had no memory of what had happened. Puzzled at how he got there he began to climb down.  Stopping abruptly as the fog reached to him like deadly tendrils wanting to snag him down.

With the energy whips still in his hands, Zephyr began to jump from pine to pine, keeping a watchful eye on the menacing fog.  Once cleared, Zephyr began his descent onto the ground.  The path that was public access was a few feet away. A sigh of relief showed through his face.  Scratching the back of his neck, he felt a blinding headache.  Zephyr had never had these headaches before.  Looking around for help, he spotted a sneaker up on a tree.  Lifting his voice in hopes that the person would hear him, Zephyr beckoned...

”Hello stranger, could you offer some assistance to a wayward traveler?”  The sun was on his eyes, the sting of the sun’s rays was unbearable.  First an odd headache and now his eyes hurt?  What was going on?

He waited to see if the person that was upon a tree would help him out.  Zephyr felt disoriented and for some reason he was exhausted.

Sitting up in the tree. Elle-Mae leaned against the thickness of the tree trunk; holding onto the branches. Whilst keeping her eyes and ears out for anything strange; from a higher stance. Elle’s mind was still very foggy about the entire matter. Stunned and confused, why a Valkyr would have tried to attack her? As far as she knew; she didn’t do anything wrong. Having been on the Therian territory, she wasn’t the one that was trespassing; even if there was a peace treaty among the factions. But she hadn’t seen him around Evermore, in the time she’s been there. So, maybe he wasn’t part of the Valkyr faction? But an outsider? That seemed to make sense to her. But then again, she could be wrong.

Hearing a face from down below; a slight growl rumbled from the back of her throat when she saw the Valkyr in question. Him asking for her help? Now that was unexpected...especially as he seemed to be after her. Wondering, if this was some kind of a game he was playing. “What is your game?” Elle-Mae breathed out, without really thinking. The words had just slipped out. “First you pursue me, like I am some kind of animal you want you’re asking for my help?” A frown gracing her features. Elle hoped, that this might be some sort of misunderstanding. That, the fog made him bit fuzzy and he didn’t know what he was doing. But there was no way to know, that for sure. “Whatever, the reason why you’re after me…..I didn’t do anything!” Elle-Mae told him simply. And hopefully, he too would realise that she was innocent.

She refused, to move from her spot. Staying in the thickness of the tree; away from the ground and the lingering fog that was slowly fading out. But at the said moment; The Therian didn’t trust that she would be safe on the ground and near the Valkyr.

Disorientation took the Valkyr by surprise, almost loosing his grip on the branch that he had been holding for support.  This feeling of unrest was odd to him, not to mention the pounding headache.  Is this what people meant when they said they had a migraine?  He decided that his feet were not trustworthy at the moment so he sat on top of a thick branch, settling his back on the heave trunk of the old pine tree he had jumped on.

The woman must be a Therian, his acute sense of hearing had caught the slight growl that she had made.  She was feeling threaten?  By him?  What cause had he given her?  Zephyr scratched his head once more, not sure how to reply to the mambo jumbo discourse she was given him.  What was she talking about?  She sounded miffed and offended.  When females got that way the best course of action was to leave them alone.  Nothing was worse than a disgruntle female, especially when the male had no clue what had happened.

"Listen lady, I was only asking for help to go back to the running path.  Somehow I have strayed away.  I never meant to encroach on your territory.  I'm leaving now." 

He raised his hand in a form of surrender and began to climb down the tree.  The Valkyr had not noticed the dilapidated state of the pine for as he climbed down, the dry branches broke.  He hit every single branch on his speedy way down some forty feet.  Landing flat on his back as a cloud of dust lifted and settled on him, starting a sneezing fit that wouldn't stop.

It would seem that today had not been a good day to go running.  He had made a Therian angry, had fallen from a tree and now he was sneezing no stop.

The young woman still looked at the Valkyr in confusion,with a hint of annoyance and caution. Trying to figure out what indeed was going on. But, she couldn’t put her finger on it. As he seemed to be confused also. If it was an act; he was doing a good job of keeping it up. Should she give him the benefit of the doubt? Maybe he really was as confused, as she was right now.  He seemed to be avoiding her statements, about what he had done. So she wasn’t sure, what to make of it. Other than, the fact that he had no idea what was going on. “You really, don’t remember what you’ve done few moments ago?” The Therian questioned the Valkyr, her brows furrowed together.

It seemed like he may be really lost. “The running pat…” before she could finish her sentence; and gesture in the direction of the footpath. The Valkyr had fallen out of the tree. The tree shook slightly. Elle tightened her grip on the branches; so she wouldn’t fall off.

A part of her felt worried; maybe she should check up on him. See if he was alright. Even though he did try and attack her few moments ago; before he mysteriously forgotten what he had done. But, another part was telling her to keep her guard up. Climbing down slightly, but still keeping in the tree, few feet away from the ground. Elle peeked through the branches; to see him still laying on the ground sneezing.

Since she wasn’t so far off the ground. Elle jumped down. Landing on her two feet near the Valkyr on the ground. “You might want to stay away from the fog...but the running path’s in that direction.” she pointed eastwards; where the path in question was. Elle had a bad feeling about the fog. There was something, mystical with it. And not in a good way. The air around them, was getting more colder; than previously. Feeling the crispy cold air, hitting against her warm cheeks, like razors.

Zephyr stood up, dusting himself off.  Keeping his distance from her.  “Sorry, it won’t happen again.  I’m new in this place.”  He looked apologetic and a bit embarrassed He looked around and found the path.  He had ventured about fifty feet.  Puzzled the Valkyr scratched the back of his neck.  

“I don’t know why I ventured away, sorry for the intrusion once more.”  He began to walk towards the path, knowing that maybe the Therian   Wasn’t finished admonishing him, but he was done with it.  Never liking for someone to yell at him especially since he apologized already.  Svetlana understood how it bothered him to do something illegal, and right now he felt the lowest of the low.

No more running in a stranger’s land,  he would do something about that.  It was time he set roots, buy a house, maybe with some land and make his own running path.  He was deep in thought, getting closer to the running path, feeling better about himself.  As he finally reached the path he turned around and waved goodbye to the stranger.  Disaster adverted.  He thought as he continued his run away from the Therian territory.

Since Elle had returned to Evermore. She felt a little tense, especially after learning whom had chased her away 5 years ago and away from Baptiste. The information that she didn’t know back then; Elle knew right now. And as it stood, she didn’t know whom this stranger was. For all she could know, he could have been one of the twins that haunted Baptiste and was responsible for the mess, 5 years ago. So her guard was up and her Werewolf side, willing to protect herself; if she had to.

Watching him retreat. Elle felt herself relax once he was running away down the running path. “What the heck is going on?” Elle whispered to herself. Leaning against one of the trees, for a few moments. Rubbing the back of her neck, in frustration.

Giving him a head-start. It was a few moments, before the Therian picked up her bag, from under her hiding place. Tossing it over her shoulder and making her way home. Despite being a Therian, she lived in the city. But mainly, with what was going on. She had been staying with Bap now. Unless either of them had some errands to run, or he was at work. Even then, he kept an eye on her, if he could. Jogging back towards the city. The Therian kept her eyes peeled in case something was still lurking about. Unable to help, the paranoid feeling she had at the moment.


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