She was dreaming. She was actually dreaming. Mirrors of her figments were sprawled and mixed in the whirlwind. Malva was actually experiencing a good sleep yesterday night, for once in her life, after a while. Despite only getting 4 hours of sleep, it was enough to give the Aspect of Magic all the rejuvenating traits she needed. Catching the glimpse of the crystal clear vial by her bedside, she took it into her hands and let out a sigh. "Well this is just..great." Shaking her head slightly, the brunette got out of her bed and made sure her bed was neat as it used to be the first time, before making her way to the bathroom. Malva rinsed her face a few times with the cold water and then stared at her reflection in the mirror. She didn't look like it, but she was sure, like her siblings, they were deprived. Of a lot of things. Sleep doesn't even began to cover it. When she found the vial standing idly by near her, she knew it was too good to be true to actually experience a good night's sleep like any normal person should.

Of course she brewed something up. 

She's Malva. She's a witch. If she could offer slight comfort despite it being only a few hours or minutes long, so be it. She went back to her vanity table and unlocked the bottom drawer with telekinesis before getting a necklace out. It was a diamond necklace, a trinket she remembered Argent blessing a few centuries ago. The Aspect of Magic, like her two other sisters, both Aspect of Light and Darkness respectively, had a hobby on enchanting their jewelries. She clasped the necklace around her and regained her composure. She was wearing a lot of Argent's blessed items these days and also had a particular bracelet on her right hand that was used to keep any of her emotions surpressed and dialed down. She couldn't handle another breakdown, it's painful. She felt as if every being, living and non-living, were whispering to her. All the voices bothered her.

Unlocking the other extended room she had to put all her magical items assorted from grimoires and enchantments, she took one particular spell book about traditional magic, a form of magic she's practiced even before, when she was a Fae. She needed to reconnect with the nature itself, it's been way too long overdue. Tucking the book into her bag, she made a quick dash to her wardrobe and grabbed whatever was there before going downstairs. Her sanity pin was about to be revoked soon, and she needed another warranty. It's been a while since she had tried to make herself familiar with nature, she just didn't have the time and forgot about it altogether.

After a while of not transforming into her dragon form, she wanted to try it out again, just to see if she still had it in her. Exhaling the air, she bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes. "Here goes nothing." She willed for herself to be her dragon self and it worked. The next minute she saw herself soaring through the skies and was about to land in the meadow not far off from Dominic's place in the woods, until she basically forgot something and landed in a quite unnerving fashion. Reverting back to her Aspect self, she groaned out in pain as she laid on the ground, staring up to the sky. "Well ow. Thanks for the ride, Malva." The Aspect of Magic grumbled and was distinctly heard complaining to herself about the manner of flight she had earlier.  When she reverted back to her human self, she had tumbled down due to her steps and rolled down to hit a random rock there. So now she's bleeding. 

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Siobhan didn’t mind the chuckles she earned from the magic aspect, it seemed like she needed to laugh. Sio was well aware that she had an air of innocence that comforted people around her. It was kinda her superpower so to say. Not every nephilim was a like. Take Isaiah Bradford he could come of cold and uncaring, and Sio was the other side of that coin, open and warm to everyone she came across. Though she did have her dark side even though it didn’t come out often. Siobhan listen as she watched Malva seem to be lost in time in her head. She tilted her head to the side and she smiled softly “That was how my family was, the Leslies lived off the land and the farm. It was a lot of hard work, I like to think it made me into who I am today just as I am sure that struggles for you and your family made you who you are and appreciate what you have now.” Giving her the classic warm smile that seemed to radiate from her when she is able to help others.

“I have plenty of things to help clean the air. Dominic friend Billie Mae she is a light diviner she has taught me a lot about stones and cleansing energy in a room and stuff like that. So I am sure I can help make you feel more comfortable here and get some rest.” She had hoped that she could make Malva feel at peace in the cabin that her and Dominic resided in. “I love candles!” she said with enthusiasm “So many scents I went to a store one time and I swear I smelled candles for like three hours till my head hurt.” she gave a gentle laugh as she leaned on her own hand. She looked at her talk about how crying could be the strongest thing a person could do was cry. “Then I am the strongest person around because all I do it often.” she gave a weak laugh as she brushes her hands together. The next thing the aspect caused the young Nepilim to turn her head to the side as she looked to her. “I don’t see someone cold or harsh or miserable. I see someone who has taken on too much and not sure how to handle it because they fear failing.” She gave her a reassuring smile again.

“I guess then you have to find out how to be a mix of who you where and who you are into the best version of yourself. That is what  am trying to do. Keep the light of who I was with the Knowledge of who I am now to not be as naive as I once was.” She gave a gentle nod in the thought of how she was trying to work on being the best her she could be. “I think one thing you should know about me. I don’t go running when things get hard if they get hard.” She reassured her with a soft smile before giving a soft laugh. “To be fair I am still new to the whole immortal side of things to me I thought you guys where at the most around your fifties? I know I still have a lot to learn.” She gave a gentle chuckle before disappearing and returning after placing the pendent in a safe place. “Well if you have a mild concussion maybe sleep isn’t the best first option.” She eyed the aspect for a moment.

Siobhan gave a slight laugh “Wouldn’t be the first time I have found myself in trouble I am sure it won’t be the last.” She patted the aspects shoulder gently.  As lowered herself to the couch beside Malva as she pulled her sleeve up and gave her a gentle smile. “I know I don’t have to. I am offering it as you shouldn’t spend your day off with a broken limb and a concussion. Not when I can help you heal quickly. Let me do one of the things a nephilim is good for. A syringe full is more than enough to get you healed up and ready for some hot tub time.” She chuckled light heartly. “Look at it as doing something for me. You are really keeping me company today since Dom is away on a mission.” Giving a gentle shrug toward her.

"You're very admirable, Sio. I hope you know that." Truly, whatever act that the Nephilim had done before her? It was commendable. Malva couldn't recall the last time she'd been so comfortable with someone that wasn't her siblings or guard. Even then, it was very limited few. Perhaps, it was due to the fact that the blonde had frequent to theirs often, but then again being Dominic's girlfriend, she didn't expect anything less. Which was probably a complicated thing for the Nephilim to be thinking about since she could remember what she said about the therian. She wishes she could do something about it, break the linking to the spell, maybe. But that was simply impossible for her to do when she is still sore from her connection to magic. Although the Aspect of Magic had to admit, that story gave her a small motivation to get back up on her two feet so she could help them. 

"That's actually a very good tactic" she pointed out when Sio told her she was taught by a light divine to do a few things. "My entire cabinet back home is always stocked with scented candles. I always love the smell and it was so much better than incense so… it calms me down when I'm trying to think" And Malva does think a lot. There wasn't a minute in the day where she doesn't need to rack her brain. Sad, really. "I imagine crying can be very… energy consuming. But it's human nature to feel all of that. We should be glad there's some humanity still ingrained in most of us. Not everyone has the luxury." That was one of the things that made Mal feel very grateful. At least she still remembered what it was like to have them even if she finds them burdensome. "You're right, I don't know how to handle it. I was a kid when I first became an Aspect and a thousand years could pass but I will still be a kid. I'm impulsive… temperamental… stubborn… I feel like a kid."

 It was frustrating at some point, because she wasn't supposed to be in that state. Sometimes, it felt nice having someone to comfort and console her while trying to reassure and encourage her that it was fine to feel all of those. It made her feel normal, for once in her immortal life. She chuckled when the blonde diagnosed her when she mentioned she may have a mild concussion, she was a doctor so she knew enough about her own body but leaving the Nephilim to play doctor with her doesn't seem like it'll hurt. Where's the harm, right? Besides, she won't be able to walk in awhile, anyway. She may as well make her time here. Malva felt the hesitation setting in when she gave her pendant, her source of power. But she trusts her. Her eyes softened visibly and she nodded gently, "Okay... " Perhaps, a time of with Sio wouldn't be the worst. God knows she probably could nap for awhile too. "Knowing me, I may even fall asleep halfway, do you soak often?"

Siobhan eyes looked towards Malva for a moment as she gave her a gentle smile. “Thank you.” The Nephilim choked up the slightest bit and blinked away the tears from her eyes. She didn’t want to fight the compliment because if she was being honest it made her feel warm in her chest the way Malva said it. “Means a lot coming from you, someone I really respect and admire myself.” She gave a slight bow of her head to the aspect to show that she respected her. Not wanting to focus on her own issues to long when it was clear that Malva had so much more going on in her life.

“Billie Mae has been a wonderful teacher in helping me learn to ground myself again. Not lose myself to the darkness that seems to follow me.” She said as she gave a nervous chuckle at admitting these things aloud.  “I have been wanting to try my hands at making scented candles but then I think I may over do the scents.” She chuckled as she looked to her scared palms. “Now you want me to craft something out of wood I am your girl, though.” she chuckled softly “I would agree lighting four in a circle around me facing the directions on a compass rose and focusing is what has helped calm me along with the smells.” The nephilim reached up to the ends of her own hair for a moment. “I feel like Nepilims cry more than humans do if I am being honest with you. Or maybe it's just me that does.” She chuckled softly, if she was being honest she related to her Zodiac sign heavily. Classified the cry baby of all the signs yet it also gave her highly empathic nature.

Siobhan tilted her head to the side for a moment as she thought on the aspects words. “You were frozen in the body of a kid but you mind has grown with that age. I think it's just a moment for you Malva, maybe time has built to this but I don’t think you are like a kid at all. I think it's just the easiest way for you to explain what is going on in your brain. Because no matter what your brain has gained years of experience even if your body has stayed the same. At least that is how I look at my newly gained immortality.” She hoped she explained what she meant well, sometimes her thoughts get jumbled in her head. “I think it's just this moment and once you get some rest and time away you will be back on your feet before you know it.” She chuckled softly. She waited until there was a syringe full of her blood and gave a chuckle. “I live with Dominic, he falls asleep on me often when we are relaxing. Says that around me it's just easier.” She chuckled her mind drifting to Dominic for a moment then looked to the syringe. “Want me to inject it to you? So your body will heal? Sometimes takes a few minutes.”

An amused chuckle escaped the Aspect of Magic when Sio said it meant a lot coming from her, "Someone you respect and admire? Oh wow, I didn't think someone would ever think of me in that way, or in any other way, to begin with. Thank you, Sio" it was heartfelt and sincere, she's been keeping people at bay for quite some time, perhaps it was time to let them back in? Is this a good decision for her to do? What if she was making a huge mistake? Then I'll be glad to know I tried, she told herself. Trying is one step closer to success, anyway. "Darkness is always everywhere, you can't ever… really hide from it. Believe me, I know."

 Speaking from experience, what happened 400 years ago still haunts her until today, Malva knew she couldn't forget about it nor will she ever really be able to. It was stuck in her head and everytime someone mentioned about it, the brunette would be quick to snap. It was why nobody in the household dared to speak of it. It wasn't something anyone wanted to remember. Especially Malva. "I can help you do it" she quipped wryly, she had a soft spot for candles, and that's known. "I'm very good at alchemy, or brewing… in general. I can help you make those candles, or even soaps. It may get my head out somewhere healthy to be doing something… ordinary, right? And I can't think of anyone more suitable to accompany me if not you." Sio gives her calming aura and she wasn't sure if that was just the Nephilim using her clairsentience ability but either way, it works. 

"Nephilim… they're very emotional. You have enhanced emotions. That's normal… ish. As normal as we can make it sound. Once you're better at controlling them to keep the unnecessary ones at bay, you'll be fine. But it's also okay to feel all of those." It's only natural. "I used to cry a lot but uh, it's hard for me to cry almost all the time because I get overwhelmed by my emotions and my magic will go frizzy and spiral out. That's why people like keeping me… stable. Too pissed or too upset? Not a good combination, to be honest." She couldn't help but wonder what if she wanted to stay a kid, "What if I want to stay a kid? What if I don't want… to grow up too fast?" As a child, she's never had that privilege before, and she was robbed from Earth too early. 

"1290 years… that's a long time. My mind has matured over the course of time but I feel like I wanted to stay a kid at times. Is that normal?" Her eyes fell on the syringe that was now full with Sio's blood, "Sure. Normally I'd do it myself but I'm far too tired right now to bother." Mal held out her arm with a gentle smile, waiting for the blonde to use it on her. 

Sio liked the way Malva light up when she said she respected and admired her. It after all was just the truth she was speaking. She gave the aspects hand a gentle squeeze. “You don’t have to thank me I am just speaking the truth.” she smiled brightly to her. She could tell the woman had a lot going through her mind. Honestly Sio was the same herself. Just so much noise that was going on in her own head sometimes. It was nice having Malva there to distract her from her own dark thoughts. “Well even a break from it is nice. Getting out of my head is a big key to trying to keep the dark thoughts at bay.” She said softly as her vision for a moment spaced out as she thought about that dark dream she had in her dying.

Though she was quickly pulled from that as Malva offered to help her learn how to make candles. Excitement jumped into her throat as she smiled wide to her. “Really? I would love to make candles and soap with you! I actually have been thinking heavily on opening my own little shop to sell my wood workings and baked goods but if I could add candles and soap to the ranks maybe I could actually make a living on my own.” The nephilim had no idea what she would need to do so yet she really wanted to try her hand at it. “I could of course give you a cut if you would like?” She could almost bounce out of her seat in excitement,she had actually stopped using her clairsentience on her since it was still a skill she had to focus on. “I would love for us to help each other out of our own heads.”

Siobhan gave a slight shrug for a moment, “I guess it's a blessing and a curse to be able to feel everything so deeply. You know?” she said for a moment as she picked at her sleeve. “Sometimes I keep forgetting  I have only been a Nephilim for a short amount of time and I wasn’t raised in a community so I have had to figure it out all on my own.” she said softly as she shrugged softly, then listen to her talk about how her own magic has gone out of control with her own emotions. 

“I think we would all much prefer to stay children now that we are grown. I wish I could go back from time to time and spend a day with my brother.” She said honestly as she then took the syringe from her hands and then moved taking hold of her arm injecting her blood into the aspects blood stream, knowing it would heal her and take hold of her with in a matter of minutes. She moved throwing away the syringe as she looked back to her. “Best part about being adults though is that we can do things we couldn’t as kids. Like drink, stay up late, do what we want somewhat.” she chuckled lightly as she sat back beside her. 

It's been a while since she's actually hear a genuine compliment, even if Malva doesn't usually go out that much, that was saying a lot. She was all too used to the backhanded ones, so much she actually forgot about the real people underneath the exterior she's met. Sio had so much potential to her and then rooms for improvement always lit itself on her, there were times when Mal found herself being jealous over that. "Still, it's hard for me to find someone who was actually being genuinely nice to me without asking for anything in return… the only people who's ever actually shown me enough of that would be my family." Her siblings and the guards are the only people she had left. Whilst there were other good people in this world, Malva knew it was only a matter of time with the right push, to get them riled up and go crazy. It was unfortunate but inevitable. 

"Yeah, you'd be surprised to see what dark thoughts your own mind could induce you in… it's scary." The Aspect of Magic had been a good alchemist in her past life and she decided to keep that trait of hers alive throughout the centuries, which led to her discovery of making candles and potions alike. It's a hobby, if everyone else had their, this was hers, alongside a few other things. "You'll be surprised to know that my candles are magical, quite literally" she winked playfully, she hasn't made one for someone else for a while, "You'll see how it works later. I always gift them to my siblings, sometimes to the other guards, it depends on what element I think would suit them best." Sometimes they help people sleep better than most, and other times they help them reduce their anger. 

"It sounds lovely, I'd love to participate." Seeing her bounce in enthusiasm made Mal grin coyly, it was cute to see someone so giddy in a time like this. When was the last time she could actually see someone who was genuinely happy because they wanted to and not because they have to? The brunette brought her hand up to put it on top of the blonde's hand, and gave her a reassuring squeeze just like what she had done to her earlier, "Sometimes it could be a curse and other times it could be a gift. I guess we just have to learn on how to make do with it. If we can control it, maybe more good will come out of it." It was a positive mindset for her to have, for once. Being around Sio just made her want to cheer her up, because she knows she wasn't the only broken soul there. 

"You know, back then, we had tighter rules but since we matured fast, I tell you we could've drank at 14 even if we wanted to" she chuckled, she's definitely seen plenty of kids get in trouble for that only to be dismissed later on, "I had more freedom back then than I do now… surprisingly. But my life wasn't happier then… so I guess there's an exchange somewhere." Glancing to her side, Mal tilted her head slightly and took it as a chance to enjoy the day, "Are you a good drinker? Lightweight or?"

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