Loud music, bodies melding together, laughter and the smell of human order was strong. Eliot's favorite place to be, in the mix of self-loathing humans. He sat quietly in a corner all to himself. Sipping his liquor in silence as he thought of the city life he had come to. Living in New York he had VIP access to all the hottest spots. This city tho he had to resort to basic entry. His bad mood only started there and started to sour. "Stupid father, mother and stupid fucking family" He muttered to himself as he blankly looked around the room. His eyes to fall back in front of him. "What a fucking bore!" He slammed his half empty glass on the table causing some to spill out in his out-ragged movement. His yell barely herd over the thumping music of the club. 

A group of high end men walked in, catching Eliot's eye as he smirked. One man was roughly 6'2 with the most bashing blue eyes Eliot had seen in a while. Suit and tie all wrapped in a nice little box. Target acquired. He needed a good fuck after moving and the stress of the world resting on his shoulders. He placed his empty cup down on the table once he swigged the remaining liquid and walked toward the bar where the group of men had landed once entering the bar. "One glass of champagne, not the cheap stuff" He slammed a 100 dollar bill on the counter. Looking over at the man before him a charming smile took over. His body language shifted as well. holding out a hand "Hello there sexy, names Eliot" As soon as Eliot said the word sexy the man's eyes turned angry  and his fits balled up. "What did you Just call me fag" 

Eliot's eyes grew a bit wide as he faked a laugh that was empty as his own eyes. "Sorry...I'll be on my way now." Eliot grabbed his drink and change from the bartender holding his bubble lovely drink. Before Eliot could turn on his heels and leave the man reached up and hit Eliot in the back of the head. Eliot's champagne hit the floor and he was soon to follow. Landing on his hands and knee's. His eyes flashed with red as small sparks danced on his finger tips. Taking a deep breath he extinguished them before anyone saw. Raising up he locked eyes with the man who had hit him. "Call me a fag all you want sir. For the un-educated are always the first to judge" He smirked. Walking away leaving the man gawking at him. He knew more would arise from the man but for now. He wanted to clean himself up. Ordering a drink back at his table and wiping any excess liquor off himself. 

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This city has been a mess ever since she arrived. In a very short time Em has found herself caught up in all sorts of trouble, none of it actually related to her past at all. She’s not sure whether she should be grateful for that fact or concerned about it. In order to not dwell on it too much Ember has been essentially wearing herself to the bone most days between her two jobs. Her insomnia doesn’t care too much about her not getting sleep so she’s been frequenting a bar she used to go to rather often. It wasn’t long before she and the owner got back into their old arrangement.

An older human gentleman owns the place and, knowing her role in a security company, he’d offered her some of their leftover alcohol in exchange for keeping an eye on the place while she was there. She doesn’t drink often or heavy but she’s never been one to turn down free booze and besides, the bottles make good gifts. It’s not like she minds keeping an eye on the place either, the owner has always been rather nice to her and he can’t exactly handle the more supernatural elements on his own. It’s been a rather quiet night so far, relatively speaking. Sure the music is loud and people are being loud, but other than a couple of arguments she hasn’t had to look up from nursing her drink. Then the new group saunters in and Em can tell immediately by looking at them that this is going to spell trouble. She keeps an eye on them as they head to the bar and a stranger approaches.

Sure enough her suspicion proves correct as almost immediately the big one of the group gets physical with the smaller man, bringing a sigh from the lips of the red head. What really gets her attention is the brief spark she gets from the smaller man that he’s in fact supernatural, meaning that she’ll likely actually have to step in. The big guy doesn’t seem willing to let this go, like a giant ass, and as he starts to follow the supernatural to his table Em gets to her feet, with an eye roll to the bartender for dramatic effect, to follow. His group is flanking him but none of them notice the much smaller dhampir behind them keeping an eye out, likely due to how drunk they already seem. Not for the first time Ember thanks her general sense of self control seeing as she’s still on her first glass of whiskey since arriving and still has a very clear head but she’s several feet behind them thanks to the crowd. The guy will have to fend for himself for a second until she can push through and reach him. “What the hell did you say to me you little punk?” The voice of the guy can only barely be heard by her over the thumping of the music and only then thanks to her enhanced senses. If this turns into a fight she will kick them all out on their ass.

Eliot looked back up at the gentleman who followed him. "Please, I made a mistake. I simply amused you for someone you were not. Now lets be gentleman and part over a drink. What are you drinking? Flat bud light?" He said this with a smirk. He waved down a waitress and ordered them a round of bud light and a cocktail for himself. Standing up to be at eye level with the gentleman "Learn how to take a compliment sweet cheeks. It will do you good, also, Maybe smile once and a while." He raised his glass to clink the can the man held. The man before him hands grew into balls of fists as steam could physically. 

The man reached behind and grabbed Eliot around the collar pulling him into him. "Watch what you say fag*t, you could lose a limb here" Eliot looked around the group. 3 vs 1. What fun this night had turned into. For the first time in along time Eliot didn't want to fight. Didn't want to be labeled a fag*t or be shit talked. He was done and wanted to go home to his sister. Maybe she was right. Maybe he had been partying to much lately. Trying to make himself feel better in a shit tone of drugs and Liquor wasn't going to bring his lover back.  "Can we not be civil gentleman and  let this go." 

Out of Embers eye shot  Eliot had slipped a match into the gentleman's pocket. Nothing happened, simply there for safekeeping in case in gets messy later on. He tried to step out of the mans neck grip by pushing him but he kept a tight pinch that made Eliot winch. "No, your coming with us little bitch boy" They lead Eliot toward the backdoor where the smoke pit was. No security guards stood watch. They pushed him out the door as he stumbled a bit causing his glass to smash to the floor. "Come on guys. The drinks are at the table. Lets just part ways and leave me be." The gentleman before him laughed as they closed in around him "Aim for the face boys" Eliot let out a sigh. "You asked for it." Rolling up his sleeves he wanted to make sure his suit would remain undamaged, but these dirty fighters had a different plan. They circled him as one kicked out his back knee's sending him to a doggy stance on the ground. With out hesitation one guy lifted his boot and kicked him right in the face landing him on his stomach. "FUCKING ASS" Eliot spit out blood as his mouth flooded with it. The drugs and liquor in his system making his balance difficult and the pain numbing slightly. Which he was thankful for. The gash on his cheek and in his mouth was gonna hurt in the AM... He didn't say anything for a moment as they yelled slurs at him. Should he burn these fuckers down? or take the beating he deserved? 

She’s finally close enough that she can hear what’s going on over the cacophony of music and people yelling to be heard over it. Unfortunately the people dancing here are packed so closely together that she can’t push her way through without knocking people over so she’s having to slow significantly to weave her way through. Already she can feel her irritation rising and the conversation she’s overhearing is just making it worse. Her swords are out in her car but something gives her the feeling she won’t need them for this little encounter considering how irritated she already is and how drunk the men are. Things only appear to be escalating between the group and as they begin to drag the smaller man outside Ember heaves a sigh that feels like it comes from her toes. Finally she gets over her ‘being polite’ facade and raises her voice, physically pushing a couple dancers to the side. “Get out of my way!” That gets the people’s attention and finally they move, clearing a path between her and the door right as the 4 slip through it. She doesn’t bother removing the knife from her boot, she has no intention of killing the assholes after all, she just intends to scare the hell out of them.

She shoves the door open, causing it to slam against the bricks loudly, right as one of the men kicks the smaller one in the face. She wastes no time in that moment, immediately grabbing the one nearest her and slamming him into the wall headfirst. She pulls her strength last minute, knocking him out solidly but not breaking anything. Then she turns to the other two, her posture far more relaxed than it should be for someone who just knocked a grown man much bigger than her out cold. “I suggest you two leave before I send you away with a boot in your ass.” They stop in their assault of the one who is trying to pick himself up off the ground to focus on her, obviously the much bigger threat at this moment as she’s still standing and quite unhurt. Unfortunately they’re too drunk to realize the mistake they’ve made as they turn their insults and sneers on her. She doesn’t react at all to their yelling and calling her a bitch and every other name under the sun. “You have 5 seconds to leave. 5… 4… 3… 2…” Despite the warning look in her eye her tone remains quite neutral as she counts down, which is creepier than it maybe should be. Before she can reach 1, the biggest of the guys comes at her. He’s the one she’d been hoping for as he seemed to be the instigator in all of this. Eliot can see her small smirk as the large man comes barreling at her. He swings, then swings again, obviously intending to knock her out in quick order with what he perceives to be superior strength, but unfortunately he’s a human. She ducks then turns, his second punch hitting straight into the brick wall of the building. She hears his knuckles break. Without turning to look at the other one who is coming at her from behind she spins around him and he crashes into the other one who was still nursing his broken hand, causing both to go tumbling to the ground.

With them down she walks over, grabs them both by the backs of their shirts, and hauls them out of the alleyway, tossing them firmly on their ass onto the sidewalk before returning to the bloody man on the ground. He’s obviously high off his ass but to his credit he’d tried to avoid the fight all he could. She wouldn’t have blamed him for beating the shit out of those guys at all. She offers him her hand to help haul him to his feet. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” She knows that he's supernatural like her, though not exactly what he is, so she’s rather grateful he didn’t unleash his powers on those guys. She’d hate to have to clean that mess up, not to mention explaining it to Val or Ori. She doesn’t say much as she helps him back into the building and leads him into the bathrooms, only speaking once they’re away from the pounding music. “Sit. Anything broken?”

As Ember dealt with the two men who beat him to the ground unconscious Eliot's mind flooded with memories and flashbacks. He was sitting on his family home's deck sipping on a light spritzer at 5am when his mother and sister walk out. Jazz's head down cast as she had just been scolded. This caused Eliot's eyes to narrow on his mother. She wen't on to speak about how Jazz is not training enough, strong enough and blah blah fucking blah. Eliot tapped the chair beside him to jazz to sit down as he stood. "Ah mother. Pleasant day out. Sun is strong and bright. Kinda like your cunt." His mother began yelling at him screaming. Eliot turned on his heals, winking at jazz as he did and walked further into the yard "Oh dear mother! I can't hear you! I'm to far away!" A little skip in his jump. This should cause his mother and father to leave jazz be for a couple hours and focus on their delinquent heir. He swore he could feel the cold glass in his hand, his toes in the grass and the silent giggle coming from his sister. A pain pinged in his head as he dropped his glass placing his hand to the side of  his head. A whirl of black pulled him out of his unconsciousness as his eyes fluttered open. 

He's face had splatters of blood on it, his lip still actively bleeding but his cheek had stopped. The flavor of blood still lingering on his tongue as he sat up. His hazed over eyes were brought to Ember as he knocked the two into the street. His eyes looking at her shoes and outfit. When she started to walk toward him the single lady became three. His eyes focused fully and grasped her out held hand. He smirked at the lady. "You seem like a bitch. I like it" He wasn't sure if he had whispered it or said it in his head. Everything hurt and his mind was processing his black out dream. He shook himself off and dusted off his expensive vest. "Bastards better not have ruined this vest. It's my favorite." He refused her help to walk but joined her in the bathroom area to wipe the blood off his face which had been splattered everywhere. 

He turned the watered taps on and took a moment to look into the mirror. His eyes held a flash of red as his internal anger began to spike. Not because he just had the tar beaten out of him but because His vest was most likely going to have to go to the tailor for a small rip he had found in the front area near his pelvis. "Nothings broken but those fuckers ruined my favorite vest..." His eyes flashed again as he stuck his finger out the side where the rip was and wiggled it. "Well, that's that." He threw his hands up in the air and brushed them on his sides before looking at her and holding out a hand. "Eliot, Eliot Lennox.  Pleasure to meet you." He smirked 

The two are so drunk that when they hit the ground they can’t really get back up so Em decides she’ll just leave them there. Cops will eventually come pick them up and if not they’ll stumble back home and probably not even remember what happened. Jerks. The guy on the ground appears to be unconscious, unmoving though she can hear his breathing so he’s alive. Hopefully without a concussion. He starts to stir as she approaches, her boots crunching softly on the gravel that’s made its way back here over the years. She doesn’t seem to notice the man examining her, but from the way she’s dressed it’s hard to imagine the life she lived beforehand. She’s dressed comfortably, her clothes obviously meant for freedom of movement instead of to look great. Her boots are obviously well taken care of but look quite old and worn, she’s probably had them for years, and nothing on her appears to be designer or even really expensive. Her jacket in particular looks like it’s seen some wear and tear, thin and worn but quite comfy overall.

She’s quiet as she helps him to his feet, bright blue eyes watching his face for a moment before she opens her mouth to answer him. “Many people would take offense to a statement like that. You’re lucky I’m not one of them or you’d be joining your buddies on the sidewalk.” It’s hard to tell if she’s joking or not, she doesn’t smirk or laugh, but the deadpan tone suggests that it’s a joke. She can tell that he’s hurting but considering she can sense he’s a supernatural she’s not too concerned with wasting a rune on him. Most supernaturals heal quickly and his injuries don’t seem that bad. He probably notices she doesn’t comment on his vest though, instead opening the door to let him back into the building. Immediately the loud music pours out into the alleyway, only to quiet as she lets the door shut behind them.

As he turns the water on she pulls a first aid kit out of the cabinet, turning just in time to catch the red flare to his eyes as he looks in the mirror. She pulls out the alcohol and bandages and walks over, handing them to him. “You must be new to the city. Remember to keep that under check, if I were a human who knew nothing about this world you’d be in some trouble.” She doesn’t sound like she’s lecturing him, just offering a reminder as to the rules. Something about her seems quite serious but as she takes a second to examine the tiny rip in his vest that breaks for a second. She smirks at him. “Come now, that little tear is not a big deal. A few stitches and it’ll be good as new. Just be thankful it’s the vest and not your skull.” The way he speaks tells her he’s definitely not from Evermore. Sounds like a New York accent and from the way he acts and talks and what he’s wearing he likely comes from old money. Well at least that means he probably has no connection to her old life. She looks at his outstretched hand for a moment before shaking it. “Ember Rinaldi. Pleasure. Kinda wish it hadn’t been when you were getting your face kicked in. What exactly prompted the whole altercation?”

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