What can one say when they are proven wrong? That the person they had been so upset and angry towards for so long was right? Let alone about the fact they didn’t use you. That they didn’t murder someone. What do you do when what could have been the best thing in Lachlan life he made sour for years? Well for Lachlan the only thing he thought he could do was apologize, and tuck his tail between his legs and run. Yet it was hard for him to leave Irene's side. Especially learning that she was in fact right and there was someone out there trying to ruin her life. Fucking magic users was a phrase he had used more then once when it came to the Diviner bullshit he saw over the few months of Irene proving her innocence. Lachlan soon unable to face her found himself fading into the background of her life.

He buried himself into work and kept tabs on her, now to keep her safe. If anything felt wrong he would be by her side for it. It was the least he owed her. At this point he felt he owed her his first born child or something but he tried not to focus on that fact. He just chose to watch over her, in a not creepy way. Or so he hoped it would come off as one of his screens became dedicated to watching around the city for her, and the woman that had become her doppelganger. Though for months nothing exciting had happened and he had kept up with her, through text to not disappear out of her life completely. He just knew he didn’t want to mess anything else up. Months went by before something happened that raised alarm bells.

His screen that kept an eye out for her and her doppelganger started flashing as two Irene once again showed up in Evermore City. His eyes grew big as he watched the Irene’s draw closer to the other. “Shit.” He said as he quickly jumped from his seat and was out of his office, not bothering to explain to his team as he climbed in one of the cruisers and took off. His phone beeping with the location. The flashing lights going as he sped through Evermore. Before he knew it he was throwing the vehicle in park and jumping out of the car. He took off towards the secluded location that his phone read as he pressed the call button trying to get Irene to pick up. 

He could hear the ringing in the distance and as he came upon the scene he saw Irene laying on the ground with the doppelganger standing over her with a bat in hand. Lachlan let out a low growl and as the doppelganger turned to see him there she was gone in a flash. “Fucking magic users.” he mumbled out before moving over to Irene. He moved picking her up off the ground and settling back with her in his lap as he used his Lycan gifted ability to take her pain away in hopes that would help her wake up from being hit over the head with a bat.

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She rolled her eyes playfully and pushed his hand off when he asked if that was really her, it does sound uncharacteristically her. Irene Farley is an ambitious woman who would stop at nothing to make sure what’s hers really ends up becoming hers. That applies to literally everything in her life. But a girl can be tired too. Priorities matter as she grows older. After all, she’s not an immortal. “I’m growing older Lachlan… I think I’m getting tired too. Sometimes you ask yourself if you want to rest and that’s really it.”

The thought of him being a lawyer cracked her up to a point she winced because she was laughing too much, not realizing she was injured previously “You’d be a shit lawyer.” Any other days people would wonder how did they grow to be closer when they were once pretty much bickering because he had to take her in and she wouldn’t allow herself to ever touch the cell. But over the years, she liked to believe the therian knew her better.

“I’d be a crazy ghost… I wouldn’t even use the good ol traditional methods, hell I would actually annoy them to death if I’m being bored.” Irene can be resentful, that much everyone agreed on. She allowed her eyes to trail over his big cat form and couldn’t help but to brush her hand against his fur, stroking her gently and drifting slowly into slumberland.

By the time she wakes up, she was sure she would be different. Hours later, when the sun was peeking out and her alarm blaring as if it was trying to hit her temples by telling her to wake up because it was 6 am, the diviner groaned and stared at the ceiling first thing. “Fuck…” she muttered and went to massage her temples, only to realize there’s a big cat laying nearby and screamed.

✧ doppelganger mischief ✧
Lachlan’s eyes softened as he looked at Irene, remembering their journey from antagonistic strangers to trusted companions to antagonistic lovers to whatever they were now. "You're right about getting older though. We can't keep going at the same pace forever. Even you, Miss Invincible, need to take a break sometimes." He leaned back against the wall, watching her with a mixture of concern and fondness. "But you know, it's okay to rest. You don't have to carry the world on your shoulders all the time. Priorities do change, and that's not a bad thing."

He rolled his eyes as he smirked at her, "I'd make a fantastic lawyer, thank you very much. I'd just… have my own unique style," he added with a wink, clearly not offended by her earlier comment. Lachlan's expression turned serious for a moment. "And as for being a ghost, I have no doubt you'd be the most annoying spirit ever. But let's not rush into that, alright?" His tone was light, but there was an underlying current of genuine care.

As he came into his large cat form, feeling her fingers trail over his fur gently was strange he had come to learn he felt more things in his therian form. Being able to feel her touch was invigorating, it brought up memories from the past when she would run her fingers down his neck. Memories he drifted off to sleep once her hand stilled and her breath became even. The sleep was peaceful, he even managed to ignore the alarm till she screamed. He was on his paws growling looking around for danger only to realize he was the reason she screamed.

Lachlan chuckled softly as he moved into his human form pulling on a pair of pants, his deep voice resonating through the room as he watched Irene react to her surroundings. "Good morning to you too," he said, his amusement evident. He stretched out lazily, shifting from his feline form to human called for the stretch. "You know, for someone who's always so prepared, you sure do get startled easily."

As he noticed her massaging her temples, he reached out to take her hand but stopped himself not wanting to aggravate her wounds. "Maybe a coffee will help you wake up properly. Or, if you're really feeling adventurous, I can attempt to make breakfast. No promises on the quality though," he said with a grin, trying to lighten the mood. Lachlan stood up, offering her a hand. "Come on, let's face the day together. Whatever it brings, we'll handle it. I won’t let you down again.”

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