To say that Octavia had a lot on her mind lately was an understatement. The Nephilim had seen many awful things in her time, things that would haunt and torture anyone but losing Vlad had to be the worst and in the 6 months since he passed, she had felt a little lost. She had tried to find herself in the things she loved, fighting, spending time with her family, being a dutiful guard and attempting to make happy memories just like she knew Vlad would have wanted her to. But no matter how much she told herself she was strong and she was going to make it through this, which she knew she would, at the peak moments, when she was all alone at night, she knew she was lost, that she had lost a small part of herself she may never get back.

Which she supposed was why she was always up so late, the guard spent a lot of time alone nowadays, just thinking and processing everything she had been through and where she went next, it was impressive, how long she could just fade away into her mind for and often it was a very dark place, full of questions and what-ifs, wondering if there was anything she could have done to change the reality she now lived in. As she laid on her back in bed she stared up at the ceiling and sighed, it was like this most nights, she wanted to sleep but her mind was aware and screaming at her. She could lay for hours tossing and turning, fighting it until she eventually gave into exhaustion but that simply drained her more than it actually gave her rest.

So she got to her feet, changing into jeans, slip-on shoes and wrapping a cardigan around her before she slipped from her room and headed out to the gardens. There weren't many things that could fully distract her but there was this one bench in the gardens up on a slope which gave the perfect vantage point to look out at the night sky and over the lake which was behind the Ailward manor. It was her favorite place of the whole grounds and not too many people ventured far enough from the warm building at night to even know about it. She headed out into the night, pulling the material closer around her shoulders and shivering because the fall air had taken a turn towards chill. 

She padded through the gardens, her fingertips delicately running over a few of the plants before she finally made it to the back of the place but to her surprise, someone else was out here, sitting alone on the edge of the bench and staring out into the distance. She debated turning around and going back into the manor for a moment but instead, she came closer to the bench and then silently took a seat next to the figure, glancing over at them for a moment. She recognized him but she'd never actually met him, she'd seen the aspect of light tailing him all over the place, Argent liked to take people in and help them, she had this natural kindness to her that was unparalleled. "Couldn't sleep either?" she asked as she stared out towards the sky and allowed a smile to travel over her lips because it was beautiful "You picked a good night for it, wow" she marveled at how clear the sky looked and also how amazing it looked reflected in the water. 

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Caleb sat quietly, listening, and contemplating what she said as words drifted between them. He wasn’t sure why he’d kept up with his habit of journaling as long as he had, but in truth, his pencil had been there for him so many times when there was no one to talk to or no words he could use to describe what was going on inside. It was his outlet. He’d once had a habit of naming every journal he had, but eventually they grew so numerous that the experiences on the pages just spoke for themselves. He wrapped his long arms around his knees, lying his head down. Their talks were relaxing. The process seemed to help the tension from his nightmares leak away and disappear. “I think home is wherever you are and you don’t feel like you need to change….people, circumstance, or whatever it is. It’s just somewhere to be anything you need to be.” 

He’d had three homes in his life: the treasures but dilapidated farm in Annecy, the apartment he’d shared with Ava where they’d planned for a family, and the studio on Main Street where he’d finally learned to breathe again while alone. They were all home, but they were all different. Each one held different parts of him. Strewn together, it was like stained glass that began to trace everywhere his heart had been in the past twenty years. “I may be more than a little biased to anywhere I can see the stars.” A soft smile lifted one corner of his mouth, as he stared out at the canvas of bright ones that were reflected across the lake. “I’ve always needed time to myself. Extra time to think. It grew as my rambunctious side calmed down. Although, I wouldn’t ever turn down a tree to climb,” He chuckled. “Maybe someday that willow tree will be a good one. Likely not in my lifetime, though.”  

The original had grown a lot in four years. It almost felt wrong to take a clipping back with him, but he also knew it didn’t feel right to be starting over without a memento to his old family in sight. His son would be almost five years old now. A wistful expression settled in his eyes but it wasn’t there for but a moment before he slowly said. “It is a complicated thing to miss someone you never got to meet. Ava and I planted the original tree when we...lost our baby. I wanted some reminder. With me, you know? That good things grow. That they would want me to keep living too.” 

Caleb didn’t listen to a lot of music, which was unusual, perhaps, for someone who enjoyed playing it so much. “You enjoy finding something unique. Perhaps, something that can be appreciated in a way that hasn’t been before.” He leaned back against the bench, pondering the answer to her question. “I do not fancy myself a very good singer. Perhaps in private. I can play guitar, but if I had to choose between dancing and singing...I would probably choose singing. I don’t think life would be the same without music.” 

He knew very well that his guitar had carried him through some difficult times, though it would be hard pressed to get him to sing outside of the shower. “What makes you feel happy?” 

She liked how there was no pressure when the two of them sat here and just talked, they just said what was on their mind, it didn’t feel like there were things they couldn’t say, there didn’t feel like a pressure to say something at all times, it felt comfortable, and comfortable was something she really needed right now. “That makes sense” she responded and nodded slightly as her green eyes lifted to catch his gaze for just a moment, he seemed less….distanced when they first met, a little warmer in the way he held himself and spoke, it was a nice development to experience and likely came with the two of them spending so much time out here “I think for a while after I lost Vlad, I wondered if maybe I made the wrong choice choosing the guard as my home but…” she pressed her lips together “They were the only ones here for me when I have nothing and I will always belong here” which is exactly why she had decided to stay.

She barely remembered her childhood home, it had been centuries upon centuries and the place itself had slowly disappeared from her mind, she could remember little things, details like the color of a certain wall or perhaps how a certain room used to be laid out but most of her memories she held onto from then were of her parents, the people who taught her to be strong and to protect people. They were the important part of that time which she tried to hold onto in her mind. “No matter where you go, who you’re with or how long it’s been, there will always be a time when you can see the stars, I find peace in that” she responded with a soft smile “Whenever I worry about change I remind myself of that small thing and everything feels….easier” she explained as she nodded her head slightly. “Ah tree climbing, I’ve always been a fan of that myself, used to get bloody knees because I didn’t know when to stop exploring” she laughed slightly, you could say she had always been a tomboy of sorts.

She could see the emotion hidden behind his eyes if she looked closely as he talked about missing someone he never got to meet and her eyes softly a little as she looked back at him, she couldn’t even imagine how hard it must have been for him to lose a child like that, especially when she knew he had lost her too. “They would want you to find a way to be happy, I’m sure of that” she spoke softly, she didn’t know Ava personally of course but she had heard things about her from Caleb and the summary she had drawn was that she was a headstrong person, but one who cared deeply and was a loving soul “You know I could ask Tia to show the tree a little of her elemental care, if you’d like to experience it growing” she was always fascinated by the way the earth element worked.

“I guess you could say that, I like the idea of supporting smaller artists, you know the ones who might never be big superstars but the lyrics, they just speak to you in a way you can’t explain” probably because they were writing about their own experiences and feelings rather than what a label told them to produce. “I never said you had to be good at it” she commented with a soft smile “I feel like everyone does one of those two, to express themselves, though it’s usually a...personal thing” she was more of a dancer herself, if she was in the kitchen and found the music speaking to her she would end up tapping her feet and swaying a little.

His next question made her ponder for a moment because it was so broad and so many things came to mind all at once, she decided she would just list them out as they came as that seemed like the most genuine answer “My family...making other people smile...baking, though I have to be in the right mood for that” she laughed softly “Staying up late enough to see the dawn break” she pressed her lips together thoughtfully “Trips to the library and finding the perfect book to read” she snickered “Pandas, because for some reason I just find them adorable” she realized she was rambling and gave a soft apologetic smile “What are some things you hope to do in your life but haven’t achieved yet?” she was curious to know about his hopes and dreams.

Whatever went on in that gazebo was just that. It was between them and private and whatever they wanted it to be. He could be as strong or silent or sad as he wanted to be and for Caleb that was everything. He'd never been someone comfortable with expressing himself to other people. He'd been taught inadvertently through loss that the best way to handle pain was to bottle it up or pretend it didn't exist. Ava had been someone who had slowly and gently come towards him with keys. She'd gently, brightly encouraged him to face his demons and when they were together he was not afraid to see everything that he'd hidden away for so long. After she died, old patterns were easy to revert back into. He found himself holding so much inside that it burst out sometimes in brightly colored portraits and sometimes in days of no sleep, but when he was here by Octavia, it was as if once again he was with someone who did not judge. Even more, she seemed to understand. She was comfortable with his loss which made it easy to laugh again. 

He enjoyed the way that she described her family. It was like a sneak peek into a deeper part of people that he'd known. Sometimes, he wondered if the secrets spilled would have had others cringing, but he was good at keeping them. Part of being a family was sharing one another's embarrassing moments, carrying the pain, and ensuring laughter. He'd never had a big family, so, this was all new to him. "I know after time you have to move on." He nodded. "I like to try to keep the good, you know? As much as I love to remember, sometimes I find if I let myself too much, I get stuck. New things can be good. New pages and new chapters as you change and heal." 

For sure, every person that he'd lost had brought new awareness into his life and slowly healed the wounds of losing others. Healing was not obtuse. It was vague and sometimes frustrating. It was walking on blisters in order to bandage burns. It had taken him time to learn to keep walking when leaving love in the past ached more than anything. 

As his nights grew long, Caleb slowly found himself preoccupied. As she spoke, he would find himself distracted by her lips, rather than listening to her words. He was thankful for the semi-darkness that could hide his embarrassment and the twenty-four hours he had to reconstruct his boundaries after they were bombarded with guilt. They were friends and he liked it just the way that he was...there was no reason to change something that worked so well. 

He took a deep breath, thinking on the answer. There was a lot that he wanted to do in life, but he was only just getting used to doing it on his own. He'd spent a lot of time taking care of other people. "Get published in an art journal...have a gallery...restore the farmhouse..." He nodded. There was one more, but it made him nervous to say.

This was just a friend. He could say anything. Caleb chuckled and finished his list. "Get married. Settle down. Be happy. Sleep normally again someday."

The thing about being around Caleb which was different with anyone else was that he never told her how she should be handling her grief. With others she often felt like either they thought she was too sad or not sad enough, everyone had this opinion on how she should feel but he’d never done that. Sometimes they would talk about the people they missed the whole evening, other times they would avoid the topic altogether and distract themselves with happier things. Every day was different, but that was how all of this worked, she had decided. “Me too, the good feels...less frequent nowadays” so she tried to hold onto the little details which made her day feel better “Change is scary...but not always bad” she surmised in agreement with him, sometimes you had to let change happen or you would stay stuck in one place forever.

She still missed Vlad every day, there were little things which reminded her of him and made her wonder what he would be doing or thinking if he was here, but she didn't feel constantly sad to the point it was all she could think about anymore and that was the progress she needed. She guessed she had found a certain kind of solace in Caleb, it was rare you found someone who was going through the same experience as you and therefore truly understood and in a way, they had leaned on one another a little just to make it through.

She had watched the way he began to open up over time and they became friends, rather than come here because she couldn’t sleep, she had started to come here because it meant she got to spend time with him and he made her feel better. Sometimes she found it hard to get him to open up though, he was a guarded person and occasionally he just didn’t want to talk, she understood it, he had been through a lot but she did her best to be patient.

Hearing him talk about the things he wanted to achieve there was a soft smile resting on her lips, his art had always been his focus, she knew that, oftentimes she would come out here and he would spend the entire time painting and she would sneak a few glances at what he was creating, they never ceased to amaze her “Have you thought about actually submitting some of your works to galleries?” she asked in a soft voice wondering if he was ready to reach for that step or whether he felt like his work was currently too personal to share.

His last one though, that one made her go quiet for a moment, her heart clenching in her chest a little because she knew that was what he had hoped for with Ava but it wasn’t something she had expected him to admit out loud “That’s quite the ambitious list” she spoke softly and smiled, there was a sense of pride in her knowing that he could feel like he still wanted that, that he felt like he could heal enough one day to get there “But I get the feeling you’ll find it” good things came to good people she liked to think and there was no doubt in her mind that he was good.

Caleb’s pencil scratched back and forth on one of the many pads of paper that had begun to pile up in his box of art supplies within the gazebo. It was starting to turn into a sort of tree house in the manner that like children, they brought things there and sometimes like lost toys they were lost one night and found again two weeks later with both chagrin and great relief. His side included his box of paints, brushes, and two large canvases that leaned against the pillar, a blanket for cold nights, and a stash of snacks for emergencies. Tonight, he wasn’t drawing in his own journal, but working on a commission for one of the businessmen in Evermore. Two large circles rounded from the lead tip of his pencil and slowly began forming lights at the edge of a carnival. It had taken some research to remember what these things looked like, because Caleb hadn’t been to one since he was very small. His mother had loved living in the country and part of doing that was things like country fairs and farmers market, the small of hay in the morning. The only thing Caleb didn’t miss was the rooster. He could easily live without the 4 am quor-cori-coos of his feathered friends. It was enough to be a night owl, the last thing he’d enjoyed was a rude bird interrupting his early morning zzzs. 

The final thing the poster needed was the lettering. He pulled another page off to begin playing with concepts for different fonts. What mixed art and circus all into one? Elephants settled in the back of his mind. With a grin, Caleb traced some letters that connected with wrinkling snouts forming the ends like little trunks. Before he could add color, the design would have to be approved, but he was pleased. It somehow managed to feel both American and have an air of something else, too. A bit like him. 

He set down the art supplies and reached or his blanket. Spring was fully in season and with it came night time breezes off the lakes. They reminded him of home. This felt like a lot closer to that than he’d been in years. Perhaps, maybe it was time that he stop running from everything and just let life be still for a little while. Sometimes it was easier to face things when you could share them with someone. Someone else who helped them make sense. 

He felt fresher than he had in many years. Despite that the circles under his eyes were still there. Perhaps, it was just that his internal burden had been lifted to some degree in knowing he wasn’t alone in the same sense he always thought. It seemed everyone experienced was across species, tying cords. 

“As I've grown I've become better at mediating my own ambition, but I’ve also seen what happens if you ignore them. At least I’ve found peace with being honest about who I am. I like that person.” Caleb said, smiling at his feet. “Most of the time, anyway. Have you ever been to a country fair? Or ridden a roller coaster?” He asked, swishing a line in the background of his drawing to form the highs and lows of some daredevil engineering. “They’re bringing a travelling one to Evermore in a few weeks...” 

She had been watching as he worked on the painting for a while, sometimes she wondered if it bothered him to have someone watching while he painted but he never seemed to complain and honestly, she found it pretty fascinating to see the way it all unfolded. The poster of sorts he was working on was different from the usual things she saw him paint and yet it looked like something that was his regardless. It was quirky looking and she liked it a lot, she imagined it must be for a commission which made her happy to see because he deserved to have his work out there for others to see.

She had learned a lot in the time she had spent with him, most of it was just small things, the two of them found this inner peace when they were together and so she felt like she could just say what was on her mind and be herself. It was rare to find someone she could do that with lately because with all the sadness and tough times going on in the guard, she didn't have time to drop her walls and honestly, to be happy. So these small moments became a little like gold dust she wanted to grasp onto.

She nodded thoughtfully when he described his own ambition and how it was natural, human even, to want things “It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about what I want...for me” she spoke softly nodding her head. What was it that she sought in life? She’d had the opportunity to do so many things and yet she still felt she was lacking when it came the things she could list out “I think mine are small things...learn something I could do for work that’s just..mine..stop and learn to just have fun sometimes” she laughed, one of her better memories she remembered was the time she stopped at a farm once just so she could feed one of the baby lambs, silly but meaningful things like that.

She raised her brows when he mentioned a country fair “I can’t say I have” she commented and frowned, having lived on the Isle of Skye for so long she had never gotten the opportunity to do human things like that and now she was in a place where she could she had been so busy with work to even consider going to one “What does it...entail?” she asked it curiously because he’d captured her interest, especially if he was offering to go see it with her.

It was curious for him to find someone who had never exactly participated in certain human rituals that he considered a right of passage, like riding a roller coaster. Perhaps, different races had their own traditions. He knew for his own things like obtaining a drivers, going on road trips, attending college, having a drink, and having daring adventures were all part of your admittance into adulthood, but maybe it was different when your lifespan was changed. He knew, given his ancestry, that he could expect a good ninety years on the earth with about half them young and spry. The rest was a time for knowledge and guiding future generations. Caleb didn’t think a lot about getting old, because it freaked him out more than most. He didn’t want to lose his capabilities. That was a possibility he didn’t like looking in the face. 

“I suppose, the best way to describe it is like Christmas.” He stilled, shifting his eyes as he tried to remember something vague. “The lights are the brightest thing and they are everywhere. Most fairs start up at 6pm and run late into the night. They have games, and unhealthy food, and the biggest thrills with none of the bad side effects. Somehow you want to stay in the bubble forever, but then it closes up and moved on to the next place leaving behind only colorful posters and whiffs of corn dogs.” Caleb chuckled, holding the poster he’d created against the wooden beams of the shelter and trying to imagine what it would like to see them splattered throughout the city. He liked that. It may not have exactly been his name in lights, but he enjoyed the idea of his art drawing people to a colorful place where they could escape whatever was heavy in their lives. The Parisian crossed his long legs, carefully returning everything to the structured basket. “I’m sure that for a first time, you could just ride the carousel and eat cotton candy.” 

He knit his fingers together, staring downwards, before glancing up quickly with a sideways smile on his face. “Unless of course, you’d like an escort on the scary ones. I’d never mind.” They’d never met outside the gazebo. He wondered what she was like outside of this small space where he soothed her nightmares and she conquered his midnight terrors. Perhaps, that could be nice. It made him nervous, but sometimes stepping outside your comfort zone was essential to discovering a new one. “If you’d wish.” 

She knew she had a lacking when it came to human experiences, at least modern ones anyway, she had grown up in an entirely different era where these things weren’t even a reality yet, she never had the chance to study or go to college. Things she was sure she younger people of today would no doubt take for granted because it was just an integral part of her lives. She had joined the guard before long and then the preface of her whole life changed, moving to the Isle of Skye meant she became detached from normal human society and while the community on the isle was special, it did now make things challenging for her in the modern world. Missions had kept her in touch with most things like technology and driving and the likes but the opportunity to just go to the carnival? Not high on the to-do list.

But that didn’t mean she didn’t want to experience it, it just hadn’t ever occurred to her that she could. She rested her chin against her hand as she listened to him explain what it was like to attend one, she had to admit he had a way of describing things which just drew you in, she supposed that was probably the artist in him, making things sound beautiful. “Sounds magical when you put it like that” she spoke softly, nodding her head slightly “Especially the unhealthy food part, I have to say I can be tempted by a few sweets” she had a twinkle in her gaze which showed that she was excited about the idea of it all. She did shake her head when he said she could play it safe, watching the way the poster looked up against the wall she smiled “No if I’m going to go, I wanna do it all, it’s there one moment and gone the next right?” she smiled softly.

She smiled when he offered to escort her on scary ones “What are the scary ones?” she asked with a grin, she was planning to search them up when she got back to her room so that she could prep herself for them, she was always seen as brave in the guard but that was mostly because she did her research and knew what she was getting herself into, the only thing she found nerve-wracking over everything else was stepping into unknown territory. They’d never spent time together aside from this spot here but she didn’t think they would have any trouble getting along “So Saturday at 6pm then? We don’t want to miss it all right?” she felt strangely excited which wasn’t usually like her but she was going with it.

The weekend came around quickly and by Friday all of main street was decorated in colorful posters that were straight out of Caleb's art notebook. Directions to the festival on the outskirts of town were printed in large block letters and he had to admit that seeing his own work all around, making people smile and chat amongst themselves in quiet, but excited tones, made him happy. Inviting Octavia to the festival with him had been spontaneous. He was not, in general, a spontaneous person. He hadn't gone to any large events since he'd come to Evermore. Breakfast with friends had seemed far less intimidating to the quiet introvert. However, as he stood in front of his hallway mirror, trying to decide whether a leather jacket was appropriate for summer, he shook his head. Despite that it had been a few years since he'd been properly out in any major fashion, it wasn't like he'd forgotten his social skills. Worrying meant you suffered twice and that wasn't something he was keen on doing.  

Caleb brushed his hands through his hair, and settled on carrying the jacket. He didn't need to bother more than he normally did. It wasn't like this was a date....the young man's mouth squeezed itself into a properly confused circle. He didn't want it to be a It was just friends. He wasn't ready for a date. He was happy with the way things were. Comfortable, casual, and sweet.

The fairgrounds were loud, even though they'd only opened an hour ago. People were milling from place to place with corndogs and cotton candy in their hands, and large prizes from the booths already stuffed inside backpacks. It reminded him of good times. He smiled, waiting at the gate and buying himself a ticket and a set of passes for all of the rides, which were already spinning away against the blackness of the sky. There was nothing more American than this, except maybe fireworks. He'd spent plenty of time in the country, but celebration was one thing they had a strong hold on. He waited patiently, trying to spot Octavia through the crowd that was quickly building. It shouldn't be long.  As a familiar head of blonde hair weaved through the crowd, he waved. For once, his height was at an incredible advantage. 

Octavia had been looking forward to this whole carnival thing since they had agreed to go, so much so that she had even been looking up online what to expect when they went. It was pretty much exactly how Caleb had described it, bright and perhaps dare she say gaudy but it looked like a lot of fun with all the colors and moving things. The food looked like it was terribly bad for you but also really interesting and delicious. She had purposely insisted she needed the day off for that day, even though it was usually pretty unlike Tavia to take a break. The others had agreed without much questioning, probably over the shock that she asked for it in the first place.

She had gotten ready pretty early on and then spent the rest of her time wandering about the manor, watching the sky above and hoping it wouldn’t be too cold or rainy, just after midday the sky had clouded over and while it was breaking up a little in the evening sunset she was still hoping she would have the chance to experience the carnival without getting soaked. She dressed herself in a cable knit sweater and pants, paired with sneakers which seemed practical enough for the rides, after all, she didn’t think a skirt would be a good idea given some of the videos she had watched of the rides.

She had gotten lost on the way to the place though, ending up finding the fenced-off section which marked the exit and having to walk all the way around but before long she could see the bright lights in the distance, the music was whimsical and fun, the kind of music which immediately made you feel happier. She headed up to the entrance and purchased her ticket along with one of the passes the operator recommended she get and then headed in. Her green hues scanned through the crowd before she eventually spotted Caleb from a distance and waved to him, thank god he was tall otherwise she might be looking all night. Before long she had made it over to him “There is...a lot going on here” she commented and laughed, her eyes bright because she was excited “Am I going to stick out like a sore thumb?” she asked him as she sidled up next to him, she didn’t even know where to start.

"You look great." Caleb smiled, softly, as Octavia approached. The compliment was true or he wouldn't have said it. Only as they walked towards the colorful, music emitting rides did he notice their height difference. Perhaps, he liked small girls. Ava had been short too. Confusion and embarrassment tingled on the edges of his fingers as he found himself comparing the two, although after a moment, mostly confusion lingered. He shoved his hands deeply into his pockets, trying to hide the complicated thoughts that were racing through his brain. At least they weren't stumbling through his lips, because they were very French and crossed over the border of friendliness, which clearly he wanted, but felt very unprepared for having. Instead of talking, he led her towards the food stalls. It seemed like a good distraction. He'd chosen to skip dinner, knowing that there would be a lot of delicious treats to try, despite that he'd have to make up for it later in physical exercise. It was like Christmas, except on a warm summer night. "Here," He pointed to the cotton candy which swirled around a giant bowl like spider silk. "You've got to try this." 

The Parisian paid the vendor and took one giant pink sugar cone and one giant blue one. He generally preferred salty snacks to sweet ones, but there was nothing more quintessentially fair ground than a giant cone of cotton candy. "It melts in the icecream, but warm." 

The crowd rushed around, laughter brimming from every side. There were children playing hide and seek, teenagers in dark corners practicing their kissing skills, toddlers crying over lost teddy bears, and long lines of people waiting to get on spinning teacups and carousels. For good measure of the innocence, a few people stumbled drunk out of the one area that served beer and had older adults milling around. Caleb found a bench near a well lit area and crossed his legs as he sat down. There was always the perfect time to get in line for the fun and that left just enough time to catch up on the last few days and finish the candy. 

"How goes the night walking?" He teased. It had been a few days since he'd been to the gazebo. He'd been falling asleep on the couch in his art studio, around five a.m, putting the finishing touches on things for the fair. "Quiet enough...or missing a ne sais quoi?"

She paused for a moment when she heard his compliment before pressing her lips together and giving a soft smile “Thanks” she commented in a quiet voice, she hadn’t had someone comment on her looks in a while and it was a bit of a strange experience for her, not bad though, a part of her liked hearing it. She liked Caleb’s company a lot, they had spent countless nights just chatting in the manor gardens, overlooking the lake and putting the world to rights. Frankly, it had become something she actually looked forward to, to the point where sometimes she felt a somewhat sinking feeling in her chest when he wasn’t there. She shook off the thoughts when he spoke though and she realized they were both just kinda standing there a little dazed in thought for a moment, she followed to where he pointed with her gaze and widened her eyes at the machine which was making cotton candy.

She edged in closer to the machine to inspect it, honestly it looked almost magical to her, the way the wisps of candy appeared almost seemingly out of thin air as it whizzed around the bowl and her eyes widened as she watched the clerk dip the stick into the machine and saw the way it attached itself, she was sure she looked like a kid, staring in wonder at something they couldn’t explain, she had to admit she was excited to taste it “It looks like a cloud” she spoke softly, the tone of her voice showing how something simple had managed to amaze her.

It was really crowded, there were people rushing around everywhere and it was hard not to be distracted by everything going on, honestly, it felt kind of soothing to her because she saw people’s attention going here there and everywhere, people watching the rides and the flashing lights, eating food and then enthusing about how good it was. But she was glad to get away for just a moment to take it all in, she took a seat next to him on the bench and then hesitantly reached to pull off some of the candy to try, she placed it into her mouth and then widened her eyes because of the way it melted “That is incredibly bad for you I can tell but so good” she enthused with a soft laugh.

“Better than usual” she responded and nodded her head “I think me and sleep have finally come to half an agreement” she joked lightheartedly and shrugged her shoulders slightly, she still checked to see if he was there but she knew he had been busy working on his art lately and that when he got wrapped up in it he could often lose track of time “Quiet without you though” she commented softly “Working on some new paintings?” he asked curious to know what he’d been working on while she took another piece of the cotton candy.


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