It was a dark night when Rosabelle got off work when she decided to meet the Alpha of Alphas. Rosabelle wasn’t used to meeting new people but since he was her alpha, she needed to meet him. While making her way over, Rosabelle made sure she looked presentable as she wanted to make sure she was presentable for her alpha. Once she got to Lachlan’s house, she knocked and waited as she kept her senses up due to her past. Dom had told her that she was safe in Evermore but Rosabelle was still nervous and scared that the men might come after her.

Rosabelle straightened her jacket and held her bag closed before she heard the door open. She was startled alittle as she looked at him. Her eyes examined him as he looked tired and overwhelmed. “H-Hi, umm I am Rosabelle Grey? I just wanted to meet you since you are the Alpha.” She said softly before she looked down at the ground in nervousness. “W-Would you like some help?” She asked as she glanced at him for a moment, “You look tired and look like you need help.” She said nervously as Rosabelle didn’t want to offend the Alpha.

The Ailuranthrope looked at her alpha to see if he would like her help, even thought she wanted to help her alpha to get some rest and not feel overwhelmed. “I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make it sound like that.” She said nervously as she looked down at the ground again as she kept standing there nervously. “I can leave if you want me to.” She said as she looked at him for a moment before looking back down.

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✧ Lending a Helping Hand✧

Lachlan smiled warmly at Rosabelle, appreciating her eagerness to integrate into their world despite her past struggles. He listened attentively, nodding along as she shared her experiences with the firefighters and her interactions with Dominic and now him.

"Rosabelle," he began gently, his voice steady and reassuring, "it's completely understandable that you're still adjusting. You've been through a lot, and finding your footing again takes time. But you're among friends now, among those who understand."

He glanced at her with genuine empathy as she mentioned her unfamiliarity with concepts like family and modern technology. "Sapphire is indeed a wonderful person. She cares deeply for those around her, and she'll be a great friend to you," he assured her, glad that Rosabelle was beginning to find connections within their community.

"As for a potluck," Lachlan continued thoughtfully, "that's a fantastic idea. It'll give you a chance to meet more of our pack members in a relaxed setting. We can plan it together whenever you feel ready."

He reached across the table briefly, placing a reassuring hand on hers. "And if there's anything else you need, whether it's understanding our ways or simply someone to talk to, I'm here for you, Rosabelle. We all are."

Lachlan's expression softened with a smile as he saw her relax in his presence. He was determined to help her feel at home among them, to rebuild a sense of belonging that she so rightfully deserved.

Rosabelle looked at him when he spoke her name. She sighed, "L-Lachlan I don't think everyone would know what I went through...But I don't want them to know...The only ones that know are Dom and you.." She said as she looked down at the table. "Sapphire only knows alittle but she has been a big help with getting me caught up with everything I missed." She said as she looked at him and smiled softly when he spoke about how Sapphire was a caring person. "Yea its nice to have woman to talk to about things...It would be weird to talk to Dominic about things.." She said with a slight chuckle. 

When he mentioned the potluck, Rosabelle's eyes lit up. "Yea I would love that." She said softly as she then felt him move his hand to hers to reassure her about if she needed anything. "Thanks Lachlan, I really appreciate it. I am glad I have people I can go to and make me feel better while I am here. I-I still have nightmares though.." She said as her eyes dulled and made her smile fade a bit. When she felt more relaxed when he could tell her body was feeling good about being around Lachlan.

✧ Lending a Helping Hand✧

Lachlan observed her closely, the weight of his words lingering in the air between them. He knew he was treading on sensitive ground, but his concern for her well-being overpowered any hesitation. As she chuckled softly, a faint smile touched his lips. It was a small victory, a sign that perhaps she could see a glimmer of light in the darkness she had been navigating. She was strong, stronger than most gave her credit for, and that strength was something he admired deeply.

He nodded thoughtfully at her mention of girl talk, knowing that the bonds she was forming could be a lifeline. "Yes, having someone to talk to, someone who understands, can make all the difference," he agreed, his tone gentle yet earnest. He wanted her to feel the warmth and safety that the pack could offer, to know that she had a place where she belonged.

When the conversation turned to nightmares, a shadow crossed Lachlan's features. He understood the torment of restless nights all too well, the way memories could claw their way back into the present when least expected. "Nightmares… they have a way of sticking with you, don’t they?" he said, his voice laced with empathy. "I wish I could tell you that they'll disappear completely, but they have a nasty habit of resurfacing. And while magic might offer a quick fix, I’ve always found that it tends to create more problems than it solves. At least for me."

Realizing he had wandered into his own thoughts, Lachlan quickly shifted the topic, hoping to lighten the mood. "As for the potluck," he began, his tone brightening, "is there a dish you’re particularly fond of? Something that brings you comfort? I’d love to make it for you." He leaned forward slightly, his eyes warm with the promise of a shared meal and the comfort it could bring.

He wanted her to know that, even in small ways, he was there to support her. The pack was her home now, and he was determined to help her find her place within it.

Rosabelle could tell that Lachlan was observing her as she spoke. The chuckle she let out, Rosabelle could tell that it made him happy as she smiled and looked at him. It was true she was happier about being able to talk to people like her but deep down there was something that she couldn't shake out of her mind. When he spoke about how it was good to have someone to talk to, Rosabelle nodded and smiled. "Yea it is..." She said as she could feel that it was starting to bring back some past memories. The warmth of Lachlan's tone made her smile as she could tell he was wanting her to feel safe. 

Her eyes went to his as she did mention nightmares as she was still suffering from them lately. Her eyes watched as a slight shadow casted over Lachlan as they spoke about nightmares. When he said about them sticking around, Rosabelle nodded as she looked at him with a slight frown. She could tell that he suffers from them as well. "To be honest, the nightmares have gotten worse and makes it hard for me to sleep." She said as she heard him talk about how magic could help. She shrugged as she shifted in her seat, thinking about her own nightmares. Rosabelle even thinks about how she has to call someone to help calm her down a couple of times during the night.

When the potluck was mentioned, Rosabelle looked at him and shrugged. "Um I dont know if I have a dish that I am fond of.. maybe mac and cheese?" She said as she didnt know what would bring her comfort. "I never really had a dish to make me feel like that at all." She said as she frowned and looked down at the table. She could tell her was there to support her but deep down she felt that she was a waste of space in the pack already as she didnt know much about being in a pack.

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