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The Online Roleplay Community
Going away? Make sure to drop us a comment right here so we know and you don't lose your role!
Members: 59
Latest Activity: Aug 25, 2023
Please state how long you are going to be away in as much accuracy as you can, if you believe it will be longer than a month then please speak to an admin to make special arrangements so you do not lose your role.
All comments will be deleted 1 month after they are posted. You should update each month if you're still away.
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Hello All,
Many apologies for being gone so long. Life has gotten in the way and so has lack of inspiration. I will still be on hiatus, unsure till when as things have been busy for me. I'll try and keep you all updated about my hiatus and when it'll be ending. For now, I hope everyone had good holidays and wishing you all a happy new year :)
This applies to all of my roles.
I will be away on vacation for Christmas. December 25th- December 31th
I'm away on holiday 3rd October - 10th October
Hey guys,
Letting you know that I will be leaving on vacation on October 2nd and wont be back in the US until either the 10th or 11th of October.
// Partial hiatus due to health and trying to keep up with responsibilities. Effects all characters but Caleb will be the most active.
Due to a mix of coming out of remission, moving properties and losing a family member I haven't been active, nor will I be active for another week or so.
I plan to be back as soon as possible and I'll periodically try and find the time to nip on and check things.
Thank you,
Everson and Leonardo
I will be unable to answer replies between the 25th of August to the 21st of September, I'm moving and while my family and I wait for the closing of our new house we're staying in a cottage and since my laptop is breaking at the seams I won't be able to reply to roleplays until we unpack.
My activity is going to be spotty for a while now. I got a new job, and I'm working on site a lot. Therefore I haven't got access to internet on the job site. I will reply to rps when I can, and get online when I can.
My family and I are moving again. I will be away from August 24th till the end of September possibly. Depends how long our little trip takes and that we get internet again!
Hey guys I will be gone, August 7 through the 15th . I am going on a vacation with my grandparents and wont be near a computer.
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