
Family & Relationships


Family & Relationships

This is the place where you will find information about relationships here on the site. As well as were you will need to apply for a relationship, proposal, wedding date, pregnancy and adoption applications.

Members: 39
Latest Activity: Aug 25, 2023

Family & Relationships

Rules and information about relationships here on the site:

  • Both members must let their individual ambassador know they're in a relationship.
  • All of the site relationships are on the relationship page.
  • Please no OOC drama with relationships, use common sense and don't set out to hurt anyone's feelings.

Engagement and Marriage:

  • Please let us know when you get engaged so we can update the relationships page.
  • Please arrange a date with the ambassadors for weddings to make sure people have the opportunity to participate.

Pregnancy / Adoption:

  • Please give the ambassadors and Ophelia a heads up if you intend to have a pregnancy storyline.
  • Pregnancy for all species lasts 9 months of site time.
  • All baby and child characters under the age of 15 will be NPC characters. They can either be played by someone with a fluid role or be godmodded into the RP.

Chat Guidelines

  • Don't Spam
  • Don't Advertise
  • Don't interrupt RP
  • Use // or || for OOC Posts
  • Be Kind. Always

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