“Maybe it's worth a try” she murmured to herself and bit her bottom lip apprehensively while her thumb hovered on the screen of her phone, it was as if the name Arcadia written in a neat font was slowly calling her out. Maybe she’s free… maybe she’s not free. Astraea knew the elder Aurazin was volunteering at Evermore General, so with all the logical explanations considered, she should be busy. She probably should’ve thought twice before accepting the task given to her earlier today instead of thinking she could handle it when she may not have the capacity to hold her own. It’s been a little over two months since she’s worked at the cafe as a part-time waitress. Somehow, they employed her after seeing her work ethic for the past month. She’s been working for dinner shifts mostly since she would visit the tea shop in the mornings to help the old lady who owned it. 

Mrs. Evans is a very nice woman around her late eighties who owned the shop and from what she gathered, people often ventured there to buy her tea sachets. Surprisingly, she was still so healthy and it didn’t take the Aurazin long to develop an attachment towards the kind old lady who taught her how to brew tea. Today is one of those silent days, it wasn’t that busy when the clock struck 5 pm. Not that she was complaining, she could get some rest then. It wasn’t until she was greeted by the news that the cafe will be closed at 6, a few hours earlier than usual. Astraea was used to closing up at 10 pm the earliest after cleaning up so it was news to her. Apparently, someone reserved the place to hold an event tomorrow, and it was both good news and bad news for the staff. 

Good news, some of the employees would not be needed for tomorrow because it was going to be a private event and they will only pick a few to stay, and those who are selected to work for tomorrow would be paid twice the amount by the hour. Bad news, they will need to have the entire place prepped and done in less than 22 hours. 21 hours now, after she cleaned up and sat by the kitchen, staring at the phone in her hand with a skeptic look. Time was running out and she was told to decorate the cafe and make it ‘presentable’ by 4 pm tomorrow. By presentable, she had a feeling it needed to look close to perfect for a private gathering, judging from the looks her co-workers gave her. The Aurazin was fine with doing anything. 

One big problem. 

She does not know anything about event planning, not the slightest.It was why she has been scrolling down Google for the past 35 minutes trying to wrap her head around it. She really needs help, she decided, and pressed on the name before pressing her phone against her ear, “Please… please, pick up” she mumbled and when the call was finally connected, she almost cheered loudly. “Arcadia! Hey… it’s me, Astraea. Do you think you could come over to Wanderlust? I need a big favor” she was trying her best to drag it out politely but it was clear from her tone, that time was running out. Leaning against the counter near the cash registry, Astraea started telling her what happened and why she called her. It was almost 8 pm by the time she finished cleaning every table and every surface. She wasn’t sure if they were trying to test her or bully her, because being left alone to decorate the spacious room in less than 20 hours was definitely not how she envisioned things happening. Positive thoughts, Astraea.

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Cadia really wanted to believe this was okay because living in the same city as the one person she wanted to see most was so hard for her, every day she had to fight herself to stop from showing up on Ce’s doorstep like a lovesick puppy. “I’m just…wondering how long this is going to be for right…will the door to the veil open again?” if it does…would they all be made to go back even after acclimating here?

She could understand Astraea’s choice, being an empath wasn’t an easy choice because it meant you had to give out so much of yourself that sometimes it felt like there wasn’t a lot let afterward. It was a lifestyle and she could understand those who got themselves in too deep “You’re not wrong…being here…it wasn’t an easy choice but” she pressed her lips together, they both knew why she did it for so long, it was the only way she could see Ce “Always” she responded in a quiet voice in response to Astraea’s summary…that feeling never left her.

“That kind of love…it makes you but it being separated from it…it really does ruin you” she commented and nodded her head a little solemnly “Just prepare your heart either way…I don’t regret having it for a second but…it isn’t easy” still, she would do the same over again and again without a second thought. Cadia gave her a sarcastic look when she very poorly tried to deny that she liked this guy “All these years and you’re still the worst liar I know” she pointed out and shook her head playfully “What’s special about him?” she questioned with a knowing smile.

She had a good question. How long will this actually last for them? Will the door to their home be opening any time soon? Or will it stay closed despite everything? Will they actually have to build a new life here in Evermore? On Earth of all places? What about the Veil? There were so many questions yet so little answers. “I wish I know the answer to that… it would be so much easier to navigate our lives onward if so.” Even a hint would be nice.

She has witnessed her love towards her first love, it made the younger aurazin admire how resilient Arcadia was because how were you able to love someone this long and not be tempted to be with them? The blonde was patient and collected, if it was her she would never be able to do that.

“You’re scaring me a bit but… I do want it. My mother had an epic love… she always told me about her younger days and I’m envious. Of course I didn’t grow up having my biological father due to circumstances, but she loved him very much… I just hoped I could experience that, at least once in my life.” Even if it was just a small taste it would be more than enough.

She scowled playfully and hid her face momentarily before peeking back out to meet the blonde’s blue hues, she was wearing that guilty look again. “He’s… cold, he’s harsh and would flick you off given the chance. He has the personality of an alley cat. But he’s genuine, Cadia… he’s not fake. He always tells me for what it is and he understands how cruel the world is to those who aren’t strong. He… pretends he doesn’t care but I think he always takes care of me… in the smallest ways.” Oh perhaps she has gone under.

She nodded her head slightly, it felt so cruel for them to get a taste of what life might be like if they stayed on earth only for that to be taken away later. But then…she was worried about those trapped in the veil too…they must be scared not being able to reach the outside world. “We can’t really predict what will happen…our entire…foundation is being shaken” she had no idea what the future would be like. She didn’t know if they should try to lead normal lives or not, no one seemed to have the answers.

When Astraea said she scared her a little she pressed her lips together “Love…is scary” she admitted in a soft voice “It’s scary because it’s not the kind of emotion you can experience on the surface level, it runs deep, it changes every part of your life…how you see yourself, what your thoughts about the future are…one person can change so much for another” and that was scary, because with so many changes, it created so many possible gaps if they were taken away.

“But just because it’s scary…doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it” even if the pain of losing it was never ending, she never regretted experiencing what she did, she never wanted to forget all of those happy moments, they were the very basis of the persons he was today. She perched hand hand under her chin as she listened to Astraea talk about this guy she knew “Tell me about those smallest ways” she commented as she tilted her head slightly.

She already knew that look in Astraea’s eyes, the soft tone to her voice which was full of optimism and endearment, she was talking about someone she cared about deeply, she already knew it wasn’t some surface level crush from the choice of words she was using “Is he….a good person?” he might be cold, but that didn’t define someone’s core, aurazin could see past the fronts into the colours of someone’s soul.

Normal feels so surreal to them. After all these years, Astraea couldn’t remember the last time things were ever normal for her. Or for any of them really. Normal for aurazin meant to go about their day job which is also their night job, and it becomes a whole cycle. You never truly get out of it. “You always sound so experienced but then again, you have experienced it before haven’t you…” She could recall Arcadia’s epic love story. Her first love even. When was she going to get that? Her epic love story… her first love… Will she ever get it?

The aurazin blushed because how could she begin to describe what Sunmin does to her? Her friend. Yes, her very close friend. “I think it has something to do with what doesn’t he do to give me butterflies…” She could not believe she’s really saying this out loud about him. “He has a great heart… and I don’t mean his chest, though that’s also nice…” She spluttered and bit her lip, realizing she had gone off course “Sorry…” Because why was she talking about his broad chest?

“Sunmin is… complicated. He’s like an alley cat… hisses at everyone and would probably scratch you given the chance just because he could. He scowls at everyone and everything. Except animals. Yeah, he’s got a thing for them.” But he’s endearing. “I personally think he’s just been hurt by the world enough to leave scars… deep ones.”

Cadia paused for a moment when Astraea pointed out that she seemed experienced “Very…I suppose you could say” her whole life before she became an aurazin basically revolved around her own experience of love. At least, there wasn’t much to say about before then, she was a very average girl, living a very average life until Ce had come in and changed everything, opened her eyes to the world and dreams. So many dreams.

She gave the younger aurazin a pointed look when she started talking about how she saw so much good in her friend and then went on to ramble about his chest “So he gives you butterflies, you clearly find him attractive, you’re friends with him so his personality can’t be too bad…sounds like a lot of boxes are being checked” she raised her brows slightly “Do you know…if he feels the same about you?” that was always the biggest risk after all.

“Well…I think we can all relate to wanting to go into our own bubble and shut everyone who could hurt us out” it was something she thought about at times, but she just wasn’t the kind of person who did well alone. But if she was, she could see the appeal in just…doing things by yourself. “Animals are usually a good judge of character” she commented softly, they saw behind a front a person put on to their core, they knew somehow.

Astraea has never truly experienced how it was to be in love so she was quite happy to actually talk about it with a fellow aurazin. Especially Arcadia, whom she saw as a sister figure. When the other female listed out what Sunmin makes her feel, Astraea felt her cheeks growing warmer. Is that truly how she felt? 

The blonde wasn’t wrong but the celestial is her friend, she wasn’t supposed to feel so strongly about him. Not like this. But she is. “I… honestly don’t know. He’s not much of a talker, in general” she murmured. “Sunmin has always been hard to approach and I don’t imagine that he is one to talk or admit his feelings easily, unless it’s to snark someone.” The celestial makes it easy to make the rest of the population annoyed with his coy remarks but he wasn’t wrong most of the time. 

“What if I ask him and he says he doesn’t feel the same way?” she pouted and whined softly, she didn’t want to have to think about that. “Cadia… I think I’m in trouble.” Perhaps, she really has fallen for him. The aurazin covered her face and blushed. How is she going to get rid of this feeling now? 

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