The sound of the alarm blaring in the on-call room made the valkyr groan in response. It was so loud it was making her feel like throwing the damn phone outside a better option than waking up to whatever the alarm was meant for. But to throw it meant she had to get up too. "I hate Tuesdays" she muttered under her breath and instead of sliding the snooze button as she should, Celia got up and stretched her limbs. Yesterday and today have been particularly hectic in Evermore General.

There were tons of patients being transported in here and she was really weirded out by the sudden events. Too many people were getting hurt, and some were even mortals. She wanted to investigate further but couldn't. Not now, at least. There was only so much one could do when they are being bombarded by hurt patients. However, Cecilia did tell her brokers to find out what was going on. A little bit of information wouldn't hurt anyone.

She changed out of her coat and said her goodbyes to the staff by the room before going out for late dinner. She was famished and god knows if the valkyr does not feed herself, she might lose control one of these days. Being too packed with patients meant she didn't have time to hunt either. But for now, human food will have to suffice. The brunette decided to take something on the go instead of staying for a meal since she had to go and investigate anyway.

It didn't take long for her meal to be delivered in the form of a paper bag. She munched on the taco shell and groaned in pleasure, "Tacos... always the best answer for everything..." While she was busy stuffing her face with the taco, she noticed a certain blonde in front of the stall, texting someone. Usually, Ce would just leave it be because it was just a random girl. But it wasn't just a random girl. No, she looked way too familiar for her to not stare longer.

Her flaxen locks reminded her of a certain someone she thought was gone forever. Even her height was the same. She decided against her usual instincts to leave it be and stalked the female. It wasn't until they passed a rather dingy alley that she pulled the other female in and pinned her against the wall. She tried to see her face under the moonlight and that was when she froze. No way. There were cases of people having similar faces but this one was too similar to the point the valkyr thought it was reincarnation. "What type of plastic surgery did you have to have this face?" she hissed. 

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Cadia softened her gaze at Ce’s world because it was such a natural thing for her to say, she knew it was hard to understand, Ce had even died and been reborn as something else herself so it wasn’t an unfamiliar concept “I have to…if we ever find a way to get back” she responded and nodded her head sadly “There’s others…trapped there…I’m worried about them” she murmured softly.

As their lips met, she swore everything felt like it stopped, the world grinding down to a halt for just a few moments she never wanted to end. Her heart was beating hard in her chest, the feeling of lightweightedness taking her over. She slowly fluttered her eyes open as she stared back at her, the words exchanged silently saying a lot there wasn’t time to speak right now.

Before long they were heading into a bar nearby, to her relief there weren’t too many people inside so they could slip through the crowd easily until they found a spot they could sit together. She took a seat next to the brunette and took a deep breath, this wasn’t how she expected her night to go. “I…” she knew anything she said to answer that would sound like an excuse.

“I couldn’t offer you hope like that when I wouldn’t be able to stay…” she knew that Ce would be obsessed with trying to change things to the point she would never move on with her life, she would never be free of the heartache. “I’m always your Cassie” she responded, her eyes welling with tears as the rawness of the tone “But..mostly I go by Arcadia now…my aurazin name” she mumbled softly.

She squeezed her hand gently as she sensed Ce’s emotions “I never saw the valkyr’s face” she mumbled softly and naturally reached to touch her neck gently where she had been bitten that night “But…don’t…killing them won’t change anything” she whispered softly and lifted her gaze to hold hers “I…didn’t plan any of this…” she whispered softly but naturally leaned closer “All I wanted to do is run to you…I hope you know that”.

If her world had fallen apart many centuries ago, she wasn’t sure how she was able to piece it back together now, even after witnessing that her first love is alive. Breathing. She’s right there. But was she the same girl she fell for? It was a bad thought to have but Celia couldn’t be sure. Her Cassie or this girl, Arcadia? “Can’t you stay?” For once, god knows she sounded so vulnerable. So raw. Her emotions were all over the place as the aurazin could sense it. But knowing her nature, of course Cadia would put everyone else above her.

“Still nice I see… sometimes I keep wanting to tell you it’s fine to put yourself first…” Unlike the blonde, the Italian was selfish, and knew when exactly to make sure she gets what she wants. But how could she think of herself when the person she wanted to protect so badly, is right in front of her? If Cadia willed it, then it would have been done, that’s what Celia knew.

“I don’t want to think about you… leaving. I know it’s a long shot considering all the circumstances going on right now but… can’t we just live in the moment? For once? Instead of worrying about the future…” That was their mistake previously. They kept thinking about the future to the point they forgot about living in the present.

“Arcadia sounds like a name you would pick… it’s cute and it suits you.” Not calling her Cassie would be weird but Arcadia suits her just as much and the valkyr wanted to respect her new identity. She rubbed her knuckles and smiled “I know…” The two of them loved each other deeply. She remembered wanting to elope with her even. History would paint them as friends. But they know each other as lovers. “I’m… a bit different than the Cecilia you knew too, and not in a good way, I’m afraid…” But surely Arcadia has kept up to date.

When she said those words, Cadia felt her heart lurch in her chest because of course that’s what she wanted, when she died, she had been ready to drop everything and start a new life with Ce, it was her dream. Even now, she still wondered what their life would have been had she not been forced down a different path “I don’t get much choice about it baby…” she mumbled in a soft tone.

“Nice me was exactly who you fell for” she responded and offered a slight smile, sure the valkyr had always chastised her for being too good…too empathetic to others, it got her in trouble plenty so she wasn’t wrong to be concerned. But she knew deep down that Ce fell for her because of her nature, because she was drawn to someone like her “And I never was good at…you know” putting herself before anyone else, just wasn’t in her nature.

She didn’t want to have to think about leaving either, but there was a constant reminder of the friends she had back in the veil who were trapped there. Were the voidlings under control? Were they in danger? She felt a sense of guilt from not being able to go back and ensure anything “We’re…together…” she mumbled softly, what a new reality that was.

She offered a small smile “I still hear your voice all the time…when I’m sad…when things feel impossible, I hear you saying ‘Cassie won’t you run away with me…’” she commented, feeling a tear well in her eyes “I’m different now…but I’m still her too…you know” she smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek “We both had to go through the opposite sides of hell…being any part of ourselves is…enough” Ce had changed and so had she.

“This is supposed to be a happy moment…so why do I feel like I want to cry my eyes out” she whispered vulnerably

Cecilia chewed her bottom lip and actually did have a slight scowl on her face upon hearing Arcadia’s response about not having a choice. And no, she was not mad at her blondie, never. But she was pretty aggravated by the idea of not having her back in her arms after a long time of being separated, so the world can kindly fuck off. “You’re right, nice you is who I fell for… I remembered that pretty sweet girl who would feed strays and would help people out with their dresses. The kindest girl in town…” And she was all hers. 

It wasn’t a wonder the Italian fell for her when Arcadia was a charming girl who had everyone enraptured. “You were terrible at putting your needs before others first so I often do them for you. It’s fine, you can be a good girl. I’ll just be there waiting in the shadows, to be your selfish desires…” Knowing her, she probably had to go back to wherever she came from but Ce couldn’t think about it now. If she did, then she would never be able to move on from the broken-hearted syndrome. Or it might even be neverending considering she’s immortal. 

“I would feel a bit weird calling you anything other than Cassie or… vita mia but Arcadia’s nice. Cadia…” A sanctuary. Sounds quite ironic given her nature. Cecilia brought her hands up to cup her cheek and smiled “Don’t cry… If you don’t, I’ll give you candy.” That’s usually what she usually tried to bribe her with, it felt nostalgic. 

Cadia couldn’t help the blush that rested on her cheeks when Ce talked about the way she remembered her back then, she was proud of the person she chose to be and she didn’t regret a thing about it because it was what led to her meeting the brunette, it was the reason the valkyr had fallen for her in the end too “You were always telling me to be more selfish” she commented and pressed her lips together “But I could never reach the levels you wanted me to…” she had always been an empath before that word had the same meaning behind it that it did for her now.

She met the valkyr’s dark eyes for a moment, holding the gaze “My selfish desires…every single one of them ended up revolving around you” she confessed softly, when it came to it, Cadia knew Ce was always the one thing she wasn’t supposed to have. Back then because it was frowned over, they couldn’t be free to be happy all by themselves, they had to hide, to lie. Now…even with that hurdle finally gone, there was still something in the way between them. It was frustrating, like the world was always against them.

“It does matter what name you call…I’ll still come running to you every time” she murmured softly as she reached for her hand and held onto it tightly where it was cupped against her cheek. Her hand was trembling at first but it steadied under her touch “I do love candy…” she managed to get out without crying, a small smile appearing on her lips. She shifted on the spot a little “Can we…go somewhere quieter?” bars weren’t really her place of comfort.

The valkyr scoffed when she said she was told to be more selfish “Because I was right, you should have been more selfish baby…” It wasn’t as if Cecilia was telling her to be to the point where she would leave everyone with nothing as long as she had what she wanted, just that she shouldn’t think too much about others, and more to herself. 

“You’re too selfless and like I said yeah, that’s great because my girl is a nice person but people step on you for being too selfless too, you know… people would call you a pushover…” Back then, Ce had told Arcadia that she would just be selfish enough for the both of them. “But it’s okay…” It felt as if the world had stopped time and Ce was still there hearing every single word that came out of her mouth; she was at the center of every selfish desire? “I am…?”

Speaking of candy, Cecilia took them out of her pocket and put it in front of the blonde’s peripheral vision “Here.” She used to eat candies whenever she wanted to curb her thirst, it happens a lot whenever she has to do surgeries at the hospital. It gets better, of course. “Sure… where do you want to go? Do you want to go to my place? Or an ice cream parlour? Or… you know what? Let’s go shopping…” Just like that, the brunette took her hand and dragged her away to what seems to be a nearby mall. 

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