"I'm all in baby" was the last thing he had said to her before heading away from her house, he wondered how things had changed so quickly between them and yet it felt like this had been a long time coming. They'd known one another for years, been friends for most of that and in time she had become the single person he reached for first. She was the first one he wanted to talk to in the morning and the last person he wanted to wish goodnight. It was hard to imagine his life without her. 

Watching her rush off to her room he headed out the door and started walking the distance to Han's place, thankfully it wasn't too far. He didn't waste any time as he headed in, grabbed some clothes from the chest of drawers and piled them into his duffel bag before looking around and grabbing his blanket off the bed, he was used to traveling pretty light so it didn't take him long to gather up the essentials. He wasn't really sure what their next few days were going to look like but he felt optimistic, which wasn't something the young star was used to. He wondered if the feeling would last. 

He scrawled a quick note to Han not to expect him home for a few days and then headed out, grabbing his keys and getting into his car. Before long he was pulling up outside the house once again. He got out and checked the state of the car, making sure all the lights were working and none of the tires looked like they were on their last legs, he didn't want to risk breaking down in the middle of the trip.

Knowing the door was unlocked he headed inside just in time to see her coming down the stairs. She looked so much brighter and happier than she did the first time he saw her today and he felt his heart lurch in his chest in response "You look...shimmery" he commented a little bluntly, but the sentiment of what he was thinking was there.

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She could already see the kind of reaction he was going to give the moment he heard about the traditional arranged marriage issue, yeah that didn't sit well either her either back then, hence why she was so rebellious and adamant into telling her parents it's going to be hard to whip her into shape. Obviously they thought it was just a phase. "I did knew my fiancee though, he was this kind guy who seems like he'd be more busy with administrative work than go home to his wife... but he's nice."

It wouldn't be such a stretch to say that if things were supposed to go that way, then perhaps Astraea would've found herself falling for him because personality wise, he fits it. The talk about all the dramas and cliche plots made her shook her head in response because Sunmin was really teasing her on this, as expected. "You know it's not always the male lead who had to be good... sometimes the actual hidden male lead is the bad boy... the one the female lead should t be interested in. The main character of the whole premise." That would suit him better, the one she shouldn't like nor want but she defied those either way.

"Leave all the mood reading to your princess then, it can be very overwhelming and not to mention, gives you a splitting headache when you are overloaded with information... like a freaking computer." It was ironic and funny at the same time. The aurazin still had her eyes glued on the steering wheel where his hand is resting at, it was so attractive to her she might've actually drooled if that was possible in the first place, "What can I say? I'm a girl with fantasies... too." She blushed profusely because he said she talks a lot, "I'm trying my best to try and not talk too much..." It's a working progress.

"I don't think we'll lose anything... I don't want to lose anything between us... I want is to continue this mutual like and see where it takes us... you are my boyfriend now... right? Is that what you are?" Honestly she had no idea how to label them because he said so. But at the same time, she wanted clarification.

He let out a somewhat sarcastic laugh "So it was basically enough for someone to be passable then?" it seemed like a whole different world honestly but he couldn't see himself going along with it, even if it was the norm, the idea of committing to someone you only really knew on the surface was bizarre to him. "I think this modern era suits someone like you better" she might be a little soft spoken and shy at times but she struck him as someone much stronger and more stubborn than most probably credited her for.

"So you're saying I'm a bad boy huh?" he chuckled softly and tilted his head to the side slightly, he supposed he could see why he would be placed into that box, though he never really tried to be anything other than just the person he was, he was used to keeping other people at a distance and only doing the things that mattered to him, he didn't live his life on other people's terms. "Well I suppose you are the expert, but I'd argue I can read you better than you can me, even with the ability to cheat" he smirked playfully knowing she would protest him calling it cheating.

"You talk as much as you want" he responded to her words "I like listening to you talk" he pointed out and shrugged his shoulders slightly, perhaps she had a lot to say but he honestly always found it pretty intriguing and memorable, she was passionate about things and that came out when she talked about them. She could tell him about something mundane and somehow make it sound interesting. He did cringe a little when she said he was her boyfriend, not because of the concept but because the word itself just seemed so foreign to him "Is there any way to call it that doesn't sound so....teenage?" he questioned.

She could feel herself growing redder when he let out a sarcastic laugh and said that, "I suppose I wasn't... really asking for much... if you could take care of me then wouldn't that be enough? Give me some affection... don't cheat on me... people don't exactly practice monogamy where I'm from either... so that's already the high standard." For her, it was acceptable. But yes the modern era would've suited her rebellious side much better because contrary to people's beliefs, Astraea can be stubborn. She doesn't let people throw her around like a ragdoll easily. "Are you jealous over my former fiancee, Sunmin?" She teased, was that what it is? Jealousy?

"I mean you do fit into that category very well and I like that you do. I'm sure we shouldn't be boxing people based on their physical appearance and those... terms, but I guess you could say as far as my fantasies and likes align, I have a thing for bad boys" and normally she would be reluctant and shy to even admit it, but... if it's him, it should be fine, right? She did whine in protest when he said he could read her far better than she could him, because it was the truth but she didn't like being reminded that he is one person she couldn't read, it's fascinating that he's special like that but that fact also made the aurazin frustrated.

When he told her she could talk as much as she would like, her eyes softened considerably and she smiled, "People always told me to shut up a little though" of course she wouldn't expect him to say anything similar but she wouldn't exactly be surprised if he is exhausted by her chattering. It's not easy handling her, after all. When she saw the celestial cringe at the term, she bit her lip and felt a wave of blue rushing over, fine she would admit that seeing that honest reaction from her best friend somehow made her feel upset even though it came with reasons. It felt as if she was being childish at that time and moments like these were exactly what differentiated them both. "I don't know...:

He nodded slightly, he found it hard to comprehend the world she must have grown up in, things were so different then than they were now and honestly he was impressed she had managed to adapt to this modern life so well. He pressed his lips together almost as though he was shocked at being called out when she asked if he was jealous of her former fiance. He scoffed but it was evident if you paid attention that he was a little defensive "What's there to be jealous of? He was just...passable...right?" he was looking for her to assure him that he was a step ahead of that guy.

He pondered over it for a moment when she said he fit into the bad boy box "And is that what you thought your type would be?" cause if he was to guess he wouldn't name a bad boy as her first choice, she seemed like the kind of girl that could bag herself a sweetheart if she wanted to. "What is it about bad boys?" he questioned playfully, raising his brows slightly. Her whining made him laugh softly because they both knew he was right in that statement "Sometimes I swear I can see the cogs whirring in your head" he teased softly and grinned, it was cute how he she expressed herself honestly.

Seeing the way her eyes softened he glanced back at her and offered a small smile "Please don't shut up" he responded in a quiet voice, he never wanted her to do that, her stories and the random things she talked about were comforting to him so he often reached for her when he was feeling lonely, it was a habit established long before now. He bit his lip harshly as he heard the disappointment in her voice when she reacted to his words "Don't...mind my awkwardness...if you wanna call it that then I'm okay with it...." he considered it for a moment "I think I'll call you my partner...if that's okay" he liked the idea of that.

The life he led back then and now felt so different it was crazy. How could things changed so much in the past 500 years? It was too much of a change but she was grateful to have been good at adapting. Seeing his reaction to her calling out his jealousy made her grin widely, oh this was the reaction she never thought she'd receive from Sunmin Park of all people but one she would keep in her memories forever. "Mhmmm he was just passable... unlike someone I know" She bit her lip and giggled because it was cute of him to be jealous. She wants to see more of these moments for sure, she never thought Sunmin would have a cute reaction when he's jealous though, perhaps it should be the norm in the future.

"Not exactly, with how I am you'd think my first choice would be those like my fiancee... sweet, kind... generous... humble, probably the type you'd call a male lead in a novel. I won't lie, because I used to imagine myself bagging someone like that, even in this life, I dreamt of bagging someone who would look at me with honey dripping from his eyes but I have my fantasies too, some things that are far better kept as dirty little secrets... I want to be loved passionately, and it's nice when those eyes I want to see honey dripping out of, could also look at me with desire and possessiveness." Maybe she was expecting too much but one can hope, right?

Astraea pouted and glared at the celestial playfully, huffing at how he was saying he could see how the cogs whirring in her head due to his expressive she is. She couldn't help that part. Please don't shut up, he said. Why does that make her heart feel so warm? Because of who and what she is, Astraea finds it hard to hide her emotions, sometimes it even feels like it's purposely enhanced for the sake of it so the fact that she was upset, especially in front of the man who could read her, made her whimper. Did she make things awkward with her reaction? "If you don't want any labels... that's fine too... the last thing I want is to pressure you..."

He had a wry smile on his lips when she agreed the guy back then was passable and that there was someone else who was far more that that "Lucky guy" he commented and grinned slightly, of course he was a little jealous of someone who had almost got to marry her. even if she hadn't gone through with it and didn't have any feelings back then either. "Do you think you would have married for love if you met the right person back then?" he questioned curiously, she seemed like the hopeless romantic type after all.

She was so open about the things she wanted and how she saw things and he had to admit he liked the clarity and honesty shared between them "So that's what your type is huh" he commented with a thoughtful voice, honestly he was a little shocked to hear it all but he supposed he shouldn't be surprised that she'd thought a lot about what she wanted in a person "You have a lot of things you want, will you be disappointed if you don't find them?" he asked curiously, he wondered how well he fit the box when it came to the things she wanted. He didn't know what his eyes looked like when he stared at her but he did know he was going to do so more now.

"I want labels" he responded without a moment of hesitation "Don't fool yourself for a second into thinking this isn't what I want because it is" and he was going to be crystal clear on that. they'd come this far and there was no way he was going to let go of her now. "It's just all really new to me...everything is going to sound odd because I didn't...grow up with people telling me what I was and wasn't supposed to do, it's all foreign" he bit his lip softly "So you'll have to be patient with me" because he was sure there were some things he wasn't going to get right away.

She was honestly glad when she saw his reaction morphing into something more light, he was happy to hear the guy was just passable to her and despite that incident being over 500 years ago, he was still cute. "Yeah... lucky guy, I hope he'll stay with me for a very long time you know..." She wants him to stay, like really stay. She didn't want to worry about breaking up or losing him ever. "I think I would've married for love either way, especially if I found them. My parents can be like any other, but they love me just as much so what kind of parent won't want their daughter to be happy?"

She was confident they would've let her marry anyone who makes her happy, as soon as he meets the bare minimum, because to marry her obviously they had to go through a few requirements that shouldn't be hard to meet. "Mhmmm I think I found my type right in front of me though, he seems to check all the boxes, crazily enough" he wasn't the typical bad boy but she loves that he wants to make her happy. The fact that he is her best friend who never wanted to make her sad too, that's a big bonus. "I'll be disappointed sure, every person with emotions will come to feel disappointment right? I'm humane still... so of course I'd be upset too. But I won't let that dictate my own happiness in this life."

She didn't want him to worry over that because Astraea honestly thought it was unnecessary to add to their worry list. When he suddenly interjected and said he wanted labels, she was briefly taken aback byt he sudden reaction but her look of shock slowly shifted into one where she's grinning and hiding her blush, "You sound as if you were ready to scold me" She pointed out teasingly. "Don't worry... I'll be patient with you. In return, you'll have to be patient with me too. I know I'm not easy to handle but I hope we can try together..."

He had a wry smile on his lips when she said she hoped he would stay with her for a long time "He's not in any rush to be anywhere else" he admitted in a soft voice, he was willing to follow her lead and see where it took them, even if it was halfway across the country he wasn't put off by that idea, he was excited for the adventure they'd share. "It would have been bold of you to push to choose that back then" he pointed out and nodded slightly, still he couldn't see Astra settling for anything less than what she was searching for "I don't know much about parents but...you'd hope so right?" he murmured softly.

He felt his heart racing a little in his chest when she said she found her type in him, he never really thought he would be enough for anyone which is why he never really tried to rise to that level but she seemed confident in everything she said and she seemed confident in him. God knows she had chosen him iong before now "I don't know how well I'll measure up to everything you hope for" he murmured softly under his breath "But I really hope I can be that person for you..." he wanted to be worth her, even if it took forever to reach it.

He offered an apologetic smile and bit his lip when she said it sounded like he was ready to scold her "I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea..." he murmured softly and glanced up at her "When I say all in...I mean it...all of me" he squeezed her hand a little in an encouraging manner and nodded "I find you easier to be around than anyone else...you get it...everyone else likes to push things" despite being persistent, she understood his boundaries and had always been respectful of them. "So this is your first road trip ever right?" he'd been on several in his time but none like this.

She could feel a sense of reassurance when he told her he wasn't in any rush to go anywhere, it wouldn't be bad for her to feel this, right? For once, shouldn't she be able to feel like she had something exclusively for herself? He did agree to go with her to travel halfway across the country over a whim, just so he would cheer her up. That gesture alone made the aurazin's heart thump erratically. "My parents loved me so I'd hope so." She forgot that celestials often do not experience parenthood in general, only a lucky few were able to have family of their own.

"Have you... ever wished to wake up with parents or family by your side?" It was the kind of question that Astraea has been wanting to ask the fallen star for a while now but didn't ask because it never seemed like the right time was there. "I am confident that you can be that person for me... so you should have some faith too, after all... doesn't a relationship work two ways?" Everything must be mutual between both parties. Hearing him describe how it felt to have her with him the entire time was making her jittery from all the excitement. Her feet kept tapping the ground as she clenched her fist to remain calm.

How the hell did she get this lucky with someone? It felt as if she bought a lottery card and scored jackpot. It certainly does resemble the kind of feeling she thought she'd have if she were to win one. "Mhmmm I've never been on such a trip... much less a spontaneous one like this... it's very... surreal... so forgive me if I act a bit... obnoxious."

He nodded slightly, he was glad to know she had such a relationship with her parents because he was sure back then there were plenty of girls who were forced into something they didn't really want for themselves without a single say about it "Guess you were lucky in that respect huh?" he didn't have parents himself, or if he did, he didn't think he would ever get to meet them. "Not really" he responded honestly to her question "I was never a child on earth...I never needed anyone to teach me the basics about life, I knew them" and sure it was a little lonely but he had always done better alone.

"My brother is more than enough family for me to handle" Han had these expectations of what a family looked like because someone took care of him not longer after he fell, sometimes he felt pressure from his twin to be something he didn't know how to be, but somehow he still wanted to live up to that image the other male was looking for. "I guess you're right..." he commented softly "I've never really been good at relationships in general...I have this instinct in me to always want to go things alone...it's been hard to fight" but he had been trying for her and Han's sake.

He laughed softly "Be as obnoxious as you want, I like seeing you get all excited" she wasn't good at hiding her emotions so it was always evident when she really liked something or when she was faking. You could even tell in her smiles because the ones which reached her eyes were the ones that told you what she really felt. "Guess we'll have to make it one to remember then" he commented softly and smiled "It'll be my first time at Disneyland too...maybe you should do a little passenger seat research" he chuckled softly.

She knew there were plenty of girls who had to be forced into marriage but thankfully not her, because her mother would be dead before she allows anyone to tell her daughter what to do. When he told her he never had a moment where he was growing up or even a child at all, she couldn't help but wonder if that was better or not. "That's... I don't know, it sounds pretty lonely... did you prefer it compared to others?" Never been taught, never had anyone to accompany him to do all of those, it made her sad. "It sounds nice to already be an adult but at the same time... I kinda wished to have a little bit of childhood..." After all, Astra was a child who had to grow up too quickly for her liking.

She grinned when he agreed that a relationship should work both ways, "See... we can make it work both ways" She was determined to make it work that way. "Well tell your instinct that it should be mad at you for saying you wanna try this thing with me because now that I'm by your side... I will not leave it alone. I'll fight it for you... Don't do things alone, okay? Please... let me help." She was sincere and she wanted to help him so that he could learn new things about this relationship.

She blushed when he told her she could be as obnoxious as she wants, that's very rare to actually hear someone say it and mean it. Astra, who could read people's emotions like a book, found it pretty easy to see who was telling it with the utmost genuinity or the opposite. She showed him her phone in excitement because she was already doing her research on Disneyland, "I can't believe we're going here without knowing anything... but I guess there's a first thing for everything right?" She brushed her thumb against his knuckle and scrolled her phone intently, "We're gonna try so many rides we might as well sleep there."

He looked over at her for a moment before pressing his lips together in thought as he considered her question. "I never really had much at all to compare to...so all I could really do is wish things were different and wait to see what the world decided to deliver" he was and always seemed to be at its mercy in the end. "There must have been some little things you got to enjoy as a child right?" he raised his brows in a questioning manner.

He smiled softly when she said they could make things work from both sides, he liked the idea of that, working together and fighting together, it made him feel stronger. Hearing her say she would fight his instincts and ask him not to do things alone he offered a small but genuine smile, squeezing his hand gently against hers "We'll both keep fighting...we've always been good at that" he whispered softly, neither of their lives had ever been simple, maybe they were drawn to one another because of that, they could empathise in one another.

He laughed softly and drummed his fingers against the steering wheel "I find doing things on a whim makes it more fun" he murmured softly and grinned slightly "I always remember the chances I take...even if they don't pay off" he smiled softly there was no way he was ever going to see tonight as anything other than a win though, because there was nothing he wanted more than this. "You're not going to want to go home by the end of it" he pointed out and laughed softly, who wanted to return to reality right?

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