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"I'm all in baby" was the last thing he had said to her before heading away from her house, he wondered how things had changed so quickly between them and yet it felt like this had been a long time coming. They'd known one another for years, been friends for most of that and in time she had become the single person he reached for first. She was the first one he wanted to talk to in the morning and the last person he wanted to wish goodnight. It was hard to imagine his life without her.
Watching her rush off to her room he headed out the door and started walking the distance to Han's place, thankfully it wasn't too far. He didn't waste any time as he headed in, grabbed some clothes from the chest of drawers and piled them into his duffel bag before looking around and grabbing his blanket off the bed, he was used to traveling pretty light so it didn't take him long to gather up the essentials. He wasn't really sure what their next few days were going to look like but he felt optimistic, which wasn't something the young star was used to. He wondered if the feeling would last.
He scrawled a quick note to Han not to expect him home for a few days and then headed out, grabbing his keys and getting into his car. Before long he was pulling up outside the house once again. He got out and checked the state of the car, making sure all the lights were working and none of the tires looked like they were on their last legs, he didn't want to risk breaking down in the middle of the trip.
Knowing the door was unlocked he headed inside just in time to see her coming down the stairs. She looked so much brighter and happier than she did the first time he saw her today and he felt his heart lurch in his chest in response "You look...shimmery" he commented a little bluntly, but the sentiment of what he was thinking was there.
"It's different now... you have me, so comparison will not really beat what you have now, right?" Because now, he has her and was visibly happier. When he said there must be some things she enjoyed as a child, she nodded, she could recall some. "I liked to go stargazing... I would sneak out at night and gaze at them by the cliff... I would also jest with my stepfather using my katana..." It was nice when she thought back what she could do as a child. "He would never tell my mom obviously..."
When he squeezed his hand gently against hers, she could feel her breath hitching and squeezed his back just as playfully "You know you look so damn different with this glow... your happy glow... I don't know what it is but I love it..." way too much. It felt as if she was looking at a guy who never had it bad and was just living his life happily with his girl. "Well... with me, it pays off, right?" And god was she a sucker for compliments. She wanted to hear it from his mouth.
When he told her that she wouldn't want to go home by the end of everything, she found herself humming gently because he wasn't wrong, it's likely that she wouldn't want to go home from this. Who wanted to go back to reality when you're this happy? "Then let's live in this fantasy just a little bit longer...? Besides, I need to see you gambling and winning my heart, you once told me you're you're at them, was it just talk?" She teased.
He nodded slightly in agreement "Everything is different now" he commented softly, things had changed slowly but also quickly in a way for him. "I keep feeling like I should pinch myself because there's no way this could be real" he murmured softly, he had never expected much, because he knew how much disappointment could sting. He smiled at the thought of a younger her learning to use her weapon with those wide, inquisitive eyes "You were pretty close with him huh?" she mentioned him quite often.
He had a wry smile on his lips when he felt her squeeze back against his hand. He could even feel his cheeks getting flushed when she complimented his glow "I've been learning to control it but....I guess in this case emotions win out" how he could he not feel like he was on top of the world right now, it all felt so very surreal. "It does" he agreed with her, it had taken him a long time to tie together the attachments he felt to her but everything just kinda made sense to him now.
His eyes kept on the road, navigating around the traffic on the road, he had learned to drive as Han's encouragement, mostly because his brother hated to drive and preferred to ask him to take him around. But he was glad to have done it now, he enjoyed the freedom it brought to just be able to go wherever he wanted. "Work is unfortunately going to expect us back eventually...I put in some vacation days" He had originally been planning to just play games in his room but this was a fun adventure. He frowned playfully when she called him out "It's definitely not just talk and I'll show you" he insisted, even puffing his chest a little defensively.
She used to not like the word 'difference' because of what it entailed, it meant that everything she knows will be lost and the last thing the aurazin wanted to feel is to be lost. "Well baby I can pinch you and say it is all very real" ever since he allowed her to use the endearing nickname, Astraea's lips have been very loose around it. The way he was so interested in her past made her feel that perhaps, recalling all of those old stories wouldn't be so bad and painful anymore.
When asked whether she used to be close to her father, she nodded and bit her lip "He loved my mother very much and he treated me like his own... ever since the day I was born actually..." He was everything she wanted in a father and though she was not even his flesh and blood, he never treated her as lesser. "I think this time... you won't want to hold back on your emotions" There was no need to hold them back right? Especially with how it is right now with her. She didn't see the need for it.
Astraea had to admit, the sight of him driving with only one hand on the steering wheel while the other is busy occupying her small grip was making her heart flutter. It was all her fantasies plus one. "Yeah? You'll show me? I'll look forward to it, who knows... Mr Casino might also be Mr Casanova... is that right? You dropping those hearts, baby? Breaking young girls' hearts?"
Every time she called him like that he swore he felt his head spinning a little, how could one little shift change so much? "I'll believe you..." he whispered softly and smiled, this warm feeling was welcoming, he still couldn't believe he was allowed to have this.
He smiled and nodded slowly as she talked about her father and the relationship she had with him "You must have felt lucky to have him" sometimes Sunmin wondered what it would be like to have a family that way, someone who raised him and showed him the ways of life, it almost seemed foreign when compared with his reality. "I've always been pretty good at...pushing it aside...getting my hopes up has always felt dangerous...considering the hand I've been dealt" he turned to look at her for a moment and bit his lip "I want to have hope" he admitted in a soft voice.
He grumbled because of the way she was calling him out, especially with the nickname she used and he narrowed his eyes slightly "There's only one that I have my eyes on and I have no intent of dropping it" he murmured it softly and shook his head "do you think I'm a heartbreaker?" He questioned as he glanced over at her, wondering if that was how she saw him.
She had this urge to always stroke and ruffle his hair whenever he whisper so softly like that. It was a rare occasion even for her as his good friend, getting Sunmin Park to show that kind of expression is not easy so whenever she witnessed it, she tells herself to bask in it. "Yes that's right... you better believe me." It was as if she was dealing with a puppy, except he wasn't one, if he was to resemble any animal she could see him as either a wolf or cat, any in between. A feline suits him.
"I was lucky to have him... it's not everyday you get a good stepfather right? I was afraid too but growing up I realized I was privileged in some ways that others aren't. I had parents who loved me, that's more than what I can say for a lot of people..." people would be envious of her. And she often wondered if that envy sometimes cost her the life she could've had, especially when everything about her death seemed premeditated. "Then have hope... I'll be here to guard it with you, I'll be your guardian angel and deliver you that hope..." She whispered.
When she saw him narrowing his eyes at her, she snorted and covered her mouth to stifle her chuckles, he looked so funny. She had to admit his words travelled to her heart and she could hear it beating happily "Honestly? You look as if nothing fazes you... like nothing at all. People flock themselves on you yet you never spared them so much as a glance... you don't even have to say a word to reject them. And I bet some of your one night stands... they will say you're a heartbreaker."
He noticed the way she was staring at him and smiled to himself, he liked the way she was looking at him, with those curious eyes, such a stark contrast from the sad gaze she had given him earlier. "You're usually right, I've gotten used to that" she was usually pretty smart and while she might not be super savvy in the streets, she knew how to navigate people in a way he was a little envious of. "That's not easy for me" but he wanted to hope, with her he could believe that maybe a better future was possible...maybe even closer in reach than he ever thought.
"If I have parents then I don't remember them but I do like the idea of having someone to guide me...someone who is on my side no matter what" he hadn't been given that luxury for most of his life so far and he honestly didn't expect that to change, not until he came here anyway. "I like when you talk about your memories" she always had this bright, wistful tone to her voice when she talked about it in the past.
Noting the way she was laughing he couldn't help but steal a glance to see the way she looked "What's so entertaining?" He questioned with raised brows and shook his head playfully, he swore no one could pull his strings quite the way she did but he also liked that. He listened to her speak and nodded a few times "I never made anyone promises I didn't intend to keep" he whispered softly and bit his lip, but she supposed that didn't change the image that people might have for him "Nothing really does faze me though, I feel like I've seen everything...experienced it all" so then why did this feel so new "at least I thought I did..." his gaze on her for a moment said she had opened a door he hadn't found before.
A part of her beams in delight whenever she knew he was looking at her and decided to give his trust to her. It meant that she was a person worthy of his trust and love, and coming from him of all people was actually an achievement. "Things are not always easy, Sunmin, the trick is to not let it weigh you down." That's what she tells herself anyway, she's not perfect, god knows she struggles every single day but she does try to see the best of everything, which helps.
"Even though you had nobody like that on your first time, growing up... now you do. It's a bit late but better late than never right? You have a twin brother and you have me... who would give you the world if she could." She actually would. "But unfortunately, I'm a small person with big dreams, not enough to hold the world and give it to you though..." When he pointed out that he likes her talking about the past, she smiled "My memories are the only thing I could cling onto... because if I don't, I might forget everything."
She hated to admit it, but she has been forgetting some as centuries go by. She grows older anyway, she couldn't possibly remember every bit of it. As she regained her own composure after keeping the laughter in, she cleared her throat playfully "Does this feel new to you... talking about attraction and love?" It looked like it. The look in his eyes were different, it burns another feeling... one she couldn't quite decipher. "You're making me blush though so stop..." At that exact moment she covered her red cheeks.
He nodded "Nothing has ever been easy for me but that's just taught me to fight for things and to never give up...I'm stubborn in that way" when he focused on something it was hard to sway him in any other direction "but hoping feels so...you know...out of any real control" and that's what was really daunting, putting yourself out there.
"When I first met Han it felt a little like it was too late...I felt even a little resentful that he'd appear then, so far down the line" he pressed his lips together in thought "But he's such a good person, how can I really stay angry" and he'd done everything right since then, even though he didn't really deserve it "You may be small but you are mighty in many ways, sometimes I feel a little in awe" and today only showed him how strong she must be to hold everything she's been through and still be this person.
"Tell me your memories sometimes...tell me them over and over if you want...I'll help you remember" he wanted her to keep the parts of her that made her who she was, because that was the person who brought out so much in him. "New...scary...a little overwhelming " he admitted honestly and bit his lip "I'm so used to showing the world the bare minimum but with you I want you to see it all" but that was scary when people had hurt you in the past "What about you...you've lived so long...do you think you've ever felt it?" He wasn't sure what he hoped her answer would be, he was curious.
She chuckled and nodded because god knows how stubborn this man is, she has never seen someone so adamant and still keep that cold look plastered on his face without moving an inch "Yes you are stubborn... you know it makes me so frustrated sometimes I just wanted to wrap my hands into those beautiful locks and pull? Okay wait that actually sounds so wrong but you get what I mean..." He wasn't the easiest guy, but it's part of his charm she guessed.
"So you can't stay angry at good people? Speaks a lot, I mean just look at me" She pointed to herself and grinned sheepishly, flaunting herself playfully like that to him. The drive felt lengthy and she didn't even realize how long it has taken them because they were chatting the whole time. This whole trip still feels surreal to her, she had to hold him and look past the window to make sure it was real.
He told her she could tell him her memories so she will be able to remember. "Apart from telling you my past... I really want to make new memories that will last forever... with you especially" he had some considerable ones as her friend but now, as something more, it'll be different. "Have I felt love before? I mean... I swear I've fallen in love a few times, I've lived for almost 600 years, Sunmin, it's hard not to come across one or two that gripped my heart. But I think that's what I tell myself... rather than what it really felt. I've never felt this way with others before so it scares me..."
He couldn't stop the surprised laugh that left his lips when she described what she wanted to do "So you're basically saying that I drive you crazy" he teased softly, he had to admit he knew he was frustrating and he couldn't help it, he was just really set in the way he saw the world, probably because of the way he experienced it.
He chuckled and shook his head slightly "I can't stay mad at people who stubbornly want to take care of me no matter how hard I try to push them away" she had never seemed all that affected by his prickly nature, if anything she just took it as fuel to try and find a way around it, he was honestly impressed.
"Then we'll do that" he responded and smiled, he had to admit that many of his fondest memories involved her and he was sure there would only be more to add to them from here. In fact, this trip was probably going to be one etched into his heart. Listening to her talk her was curious about how she saw the world, she'd seen so much of it after all "So what you're saying is that you love the idea of it all" but he was honestly glad that she felt a little nervous about it too, they could share in the feeling of newness, figuring things out step by step, he squeezed her hand "It seems less scary if we figure it out together" he admitted. Looking down at the clock he noticed that a couple of hours had already passed since they got on the road "Are you hungry? I think there's a diner coming up not too far from here" he could use a bite to eat too.
She could feel her cheeks warming up when he said she might've implied he drove her crazy, well... there is some truth to that. "Yes basically... you're an infuriating man but at some point I learned to accept that the man I like is a hard headed guy... if it makes you feel better, it adds up your charming points." She giggled, it really does.
She understood that. He tried to push Han away but it didn't work and the same thing happened to her. She showed up one day and suddenly one coincidence led to another, it became a series of coincidences that eventually made them good friends. And now here they are, together on a spontaneous trip. All because he wanted to cheer her up. "It's hard to push me away so that doesn't matter, god if anything you were probably very stressed I didn't go away huh?"
She loves it all, the idea, the action, what it could be. She wanted to be a part of it. When he squeezed her hand, she bit her lip and brushed her thumb against him. As if knowing what he meant, her tummy growled and she nodded cutely "I'm starving... I could eat you to be honest... and not feel full..."
He couldn't help but chuckle when she ran away with his words, saying that he was infuriating "I have no idea how you've managed to stay patient for as long as you've known me" it wasn't like he was the only person who had others coming up to him either, he'd noticed there were plenty of people who followed her around the room, tried to catch her attention and make her smile "So you're saying you like a challenge" he teased softly, wondering for a moment in his mind if she had waited for him...hoped for this perhaps.
"At first it was just confusing, out of all the people around it seemed strange to me that you'd single someone like me out, I'm not...approachable" and while they had met in rather strange circumstances, he had expected that night to be a single moment in time, forgotten about a few days later. He supposed the world had other plans considering they had ended up working at the same place "Maybe it was a little stressful, you are quite puzzling" he confessed with a twitch of a smile at the corner of his lips.
She definitely struck him as the kind of person who was in love with the idea of love, he'd noticed the way she would watch couples around her or how she held on to the stories she read or watched, he couldn't even put a number to the love stories she had told him about. He laughed softly when she agreed she was hungry "Sounds like two votes for food then, maybe even a milkshake if I'm feeling indulgent" he chuckled and pulled into the next services, parking up the car in an available spot and then got out "So have you been to many places?" he imagined as an aurazin she must have right?
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