Nightmares. Everyone had them right? Yeon was pretty sure everyone must have experienced the unwelcome feeling of a dream turning dark, memories you'd rather forget seeping in and playing on a loop in your mind but he was also pretty sure it wasn't normal to have the same one each and every night without fail. It was always the same one, the sky was dark, he found himself running desperately through the streets, tears piercing in his eyes as he struggled to accept what was now his reality. And then that scene played out again, watching as his mother cried for the son she had lost that night, the son he would never be again. Because he was dead and he could never go back. Never go back. Those words would repeat in his head like an alarm bell until he felt like he couldn't breathe and he would suffocate on the words themselves and then he would wake up, sweating and panicked.

It was one of the reasons he never let anyone see him through to the mornings, he could stay and play for a while but before anyone could get a glimpse at his weaker side he would be gone. And it really was one of his only weaknesses, Yeon was endlessly confident and very much in love with his life, it was hard for people to get him down, but his past was definitely his Achilles heel, the thing that sent him spiraling. Lucky for him, most people didn't get close enough to him to ever figure that out. He sighed as he gripped the sheets he was laying in and wiped the sweat from his brow, he was getting tired of never getting a proper night's sleep and it was starting to make him grumpy. Or maybe it was because he hasn't been able to really let his mind relax, not since he had met a particular snowy haired male who had ruined everything he ever thought about a good time.

Yeon grumbled groggily as he got his feet and headed into the bathroom not even giving his reflection a glance as he undressed and climbed into the shower. Twenty minutes later and he felt more alert and awake, though he still felt the urge to grumble. He had seen a few professionals about his nightmares but all of them told him the same thing because he was a valkyr most medicine wouldn't really have much effect on him so he was left just trying to deal with it naturally. He knew nothing about natural treatments and nothing he Googled made a lot of sense to him but he did find the location of a little apocathary in Evermore that was worth a shot. He had to try something if he had any hopes of making it to NYC and back over the next week without passing out. 

With that thought in mind he headed back into his bedroom and changed into tight-fitting black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a black blazer, that was about as casual as you would see Yeonseok Lee dressing, he liked to make an effort, even if he was just wandering around the city where no one knew him. He grabbed his phone and tucked it into his pocket before he headed out onto the streets ordering an Uber and getting into it to take him across the city to where this little shop was supposed to be. When he pulled up outside it he thanked the driver before getting out and heading up to the place. It was so dark that it looked like the place might be closed but when he tried the door it did open. He pushed it open and stepped inside. He didn't see anyone but he heard someone shuffling around somewhere in the back and called out "Hello?" he asked as he headed up to the counter. The place smelled really interesting, a mix of floral scents and herbs which was odd but also nice to the senses. 

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Mirae felt like she could relate in a way, personal attachment to people usually ended up turning around to blow up in your face. Even the attachment she had to her brother, was one that scared her. To lose him again, would break her, but Dae would be someone she'd always be attached to. The young Niveis tilted her head, gazing at Yeon as he bluntly said he didn't enjoy sleeping with the same person twice. "Well at least you have fun and you're not ashamed of how you do it" she said, grinning playfully. "And I bet I wouldn't. I can imagine how many you've spoiled and pampered, even for one night" she added, with a wink.

Mirae had always been energetic and hyper, and among her peers in the village, she had been the most popular, while in school she'd always been the it-girl. It was no surprise that she got on with someone like Yeon as good as she did. It was refreshing to meet someone with as much enthusiasm as Yeon, it magnified Mirae's normal perky personality and she could tell he noticed. A bright smile painted her features when the Valkyr gave her words of encouragement "I guess you have a point. God knows if I cowered down every time I got embarrassed about doing the things i like doing, then i'd probably be a pretty miserable person" she admitted, nodding as he said she could always be herself with him. "That's refreshing, i'd fail at trying to be something or someone i'm not. But the same goes for you, even with all your blunt responses" she added with a playful smirk referring to how open he had already been about his sex life among other things. She enjoyed his company either way.

For a moment or two, Mirae struggled to peel her gaze from his toned body as he continued leading her into different stretches, blushing again when he said 'stare all you like'. "So with me being someone who loves attention naturally, ill basically hog the spotlight when it's on me" she commented, and giggled softly. "Ive always been one to love attention but some people get so much that they start believing they're better than their peers and those giving them all that attention, i'm one who loves giving it back" she then stated, pressing her lips into a thin line as she moved about, stretching as she talked.  Nodding, she flashed him a warming smile when he said they had a mutual understanding, and that, they did. Mirae herself hated toxic people; if someone was willing to bring down her vibe, intentionally or not, she didn't wanna be around them.

As she sat there already spread eagle, stretched as far as she assumed her legs would go, Yeon had pushed her a little further, causing Mirae to groan a little "oh I feel the burn" she breathed out, trying to hold the stretch for as long as she could before her legs finally flew together to relieve themselves. "Damn I don't know how you do it" she chuckled, but she knew this was nothing compared to what Yeon probably did on a daily basis. When Yeon flashed that charming smile of his, saying he had a feeling they would get along well, Mirae radiated that very same smile and rolled her shoulders a couple times, giving him the simple nod of her head to signal she was ready.

Mirae listened intently, as she started doing small moves of her own just to get a feel of what he was saying, and though she stumbled a few times, or tripped over her own feet, she finally executed a particular move she'd been trying to master from a video she had watched with some pretty sick choreography in it. Her heart pounded away at her chest for a few moments, utter excitement coursing through her being as she looked at Yeon like a child would look at a parent after doing something to make them proud. After she'd executed the hip roll against him and twirled herself out, she was caught off guard by him pulling her back in. Thankfully, Mirae caught the gest of what he was doing, and though her feet movement wasn't perfect, it was good enough to get her back to him without crashing into him, or tripping herself up. After meeting his gaze, she grinned, but she was truly unprepared for what he did next.

As Yeon flawlessly moved around her by holding her hips, her eyes dropped when he did, as well as her jaw; stuck in shock, she could only stare as he continued moving until he snaked his way back up to her. Flustered, Mirae opened her mouth to answer his question about keeping up "How the hell?" she asked, ending up giving an answer totally different than the one she intended too before chuckling "jesus christ .. any other given situation, Im confident i'd be asking for more than dance lessons" she stated, chuckling and shaking her head at how intense his dance moves tended to be. "One things for sure though, it makes me happy as hell to have you teaching me a few things. I hope one day that ill just be a sliver of the perfection you are" she added with a wink.

Something she noted though, was how free and happy he seemed for those few moments where he moved in ways Mirae never thought possible for the human body. It was nice. To see someone truly in their element of life. When Yeon spoke again, Mirae was still some-what flustered, trying to compose herself all over again. She nodded though, and decided to not ask what he meant. Instead, she did what she assumed he meant, that way if she was wrong, he could help her fix it now rather than after she made a fool of herself. Dropping down next to Yeon, Mirae used her hair for what it was worth in this scenario and gazed back up to him, before popping back up and rolling her hips, but dragging it out exceptionally longer than the last time "something like that or am I way off from what you explained?" she questioned, blushing some.  So far, this seemed easy enough, with the few exceptional challenges, and then there's the fact that she assumed Yeon hadn't really even done his best yet. That much, was a little intimidating.

"I like what you did a minute ago though, the part where you tipped me off balance and held me by the small of my back. It's only on the internet that ive seen good couples choreography, so that part excited me"  she admitted, grinning from ear to ear. Mirae thought she'd already seen the sexiest move ever just moments ago when he had pulled her back to him but after seeing him do a body roll of his own, she nearly drooled on herself. Having to think quick, so she could come right back at him, Mirae placed a hand on his chest after spotting her target (a chair) and began pushing, hoping he got the gest to back up on his own, otherwise this dance wouldn't have worked very well.

Moving her feet so that her hips rocked side to side as she walked until the chair was just underneath him; after that, Mirae moved with a weightlessness that spoke in volumes, using the same tips he'd just given her moments ago about her hips, and her hair. It did end up making this a little more sexy than she had saw it in her head before she started.

"You were right about the hair, and im hoping my feet continue on this path where they move the right way" she chuckled as she gazed at him for a moment. Her feet had only betrayed her at the very last of it though; Mirae was ready to stand back up from dancing just over him, and ended up in his lap instead, causing the chair to tilt almost enough to scare her senseless. "Thank god that didn't just happen" she stated as she quickly got her composure and backed out of his lap "I totally thought we were gonna hit the floor" she added, chuckling, but for once, she didn't feel embarrassed. She supposed Yeon's words were finally sticking, that she could genuine be herself and breathe around him, Making mistakes wasn't a thing she feared anymore. It made his presence that much more compelling.

"Never knew I had a lot of this in me to be honest. Like I said, the most ive ever done with these skills, is either in the back of my shop on a slow day, or in the middle of my living room when im dying of boredom" she expressed and bit down gently on her lower lip. "I wish we had met sooner, i'd be soaring by now" she added, giggling softly. "But im happy to know you now" she then said truthfully, giving a genuine smile before playfully nudging him. "Don't think ive even asked, but do you live here in the city alone?" she questioned with a thin dark brow raised, wondering if he had any family here with him. "I definitely wanna learn some upbeat fast movements. I know way to many slow grind dances, and they're sexy, they even make for amazing choreography with a partner, but it's too simple if that makes sense. I wanna expand my skills" she then said, before raising her brow at the alert on her phone "Damn it D- -" she breathed out, shaking her head.

Mirae hadn't mastered texting yet, so the rare once in a blue moon occasions that they used that feature, it turned out that she couldn't make out what he was saying.  Her and Dae were close, and after getting him back, she pestered him until he agreed tthat they both got a cell phone to stay in touch. "Sorry. My brother-" she stated, chuckling. Mirae flipped through a few songs until she found one on her phone she had downloaded that she liked, but one that she specifically spoke of earlier that she'd learned the whole slow-grind type of movement to. "So, Yeon. What was on your to-do list next for the day? I don't have much doing on, maybe I can tag along; unless you have more to show me" she stated, grinning brightly. Ready for whatever he threw her way.

"Im usually no good at the fast paced stuff, but throw on a slow song; and my body normally reacts how its supposed to" she finished off, reaching for his hand, showing she wasn't shy anymore; and embarrassment was the last thing she now radiated, "so, in just this very short time, you've helped me accomplish some things I never thought I would even work on" she admitted and began moving to the slow rhythm figuring they could both use a breather from the more serious stuff.

Yeon laughed, while Mirae had been embarrassed by this topic at first, it seemed now that she knew him a little better and they’d been talking for a while that she was easing into the whole thing “Not sure I actually know the number” he answered with an amused chuckle, he wasn’t ‘that guy’ who was just collecting names, it wasn’t about the challenge or trying to get as many people as possible. It just happened to be a lot of people because he always avoided being with the same person multiple times, it was a commitment thing, give someone a second time and they would start to think it was more serious than he ever wanted it to be.

He looked up at her and smiled, he got the impression that once you got to know her, even a little, she was quite a confident and open person, he could definitely respect and appreciate being around people like that “People always try and tell you who you’re supposed to be and what you are and aren’t allowed to like but” he shrugged his expression a little sarcastic as he spoke “Fuck them, they don’t know me” he chuckled softly, the only people he cared for the opinion of enough were the very select few that he let past his walls, there were people who knew about him and then they were people who knew him and the distinction was very clear, the was definitely the kind of person to keep most at arm’s length and not immediately trust. Came from working in business and knowing most people never offered things out of the good of their heart.

“Enjoying the spotlight is fine as long as you choose your moments” he spoke thoughtfully, when he was performing and the lights were down low on him, he felt like he was on top of the world and he enjoyed having eyes on him, seeing the way they reacted to the way he moved and how he held himself, it was very thrilling. “But you’re right, the whole idea of attention and being the center of attention can often make a person selfish, like they can no longer share” he’d seen a few people like that and they rarely got that far and if they did, they did so while stepping on others and hurting people along the way “Hold onto any humility you have because one day it might be the only thing that you have” he nodded a little, he came from absolutely nothing so he knew how to appreciate what he had and the work he had done to get here.

Yeon was chuckling as he helped her with the warm-up, making sure she was doing the proper movements and studying the way she held herself, it was clear that she was under practiced when it came to this but he wasn’t expecting anything else, she hadn’t been gunning for a dance career after all “Hours of practice and making sure to keep up with it every day definitely helps” he teased with a laugh, really there was no other way to make sure you were ready for performing, you just had to keep up with it regardless of how tired you were or what else you had to do that day, he still managed to fit in a workout on days when he had flights, though he wasn’t the best example of a healthy work-life balance.

She was a really good raw talent, that was the overview he had gotten so far as they danced together, his eyes making sure to take in the way she was moving and the presence she had when performing, she had a confidence that wasn’t matched in most of his trainees. And he didn’t see her confidence in the arrogant way that some people had when they walked in here, the ones who bought their way through college and thought they should have an easy ride because of that. He usually sent those types packing. After showing her a little of what he could do he chuckled at her flabbergasted look and shrugged “I think you should keep the practice up” he spoke softly noting that while she seemed a little surprised and panicked at times, she did manage to recover every time, just like he advised her to “If you have any interest in going professional” he smiled, she needed more practice to get onto the trainee program but someone that determined shouldn’t have a problem.

He watched her as she took note of everything he said, following by example and showing she understood what he was talking about “Technique will always come first over extra flair but” he chuckled softly “I happen to think using what you have on your side lets you get a cut above the rest” he wasn’t a massively prideful person when it came to that, he needed a lot of help when he started out and he had taken it from those he felt like he could trust enough. He paid them back in full once he did manage to make something and being able to prove he was worth their time was very important to him. He now tried to feed that same logic back into others, help them and nurture them to realize their dreams. He watched the way she moved her head and her hips to accentuate the movement she was doing and he gave an impressed arch of his eyebrow “Not bad at all” he spoke softly “The blush doesn’t quite sell it though” he commented and tapped his cheeks with a smile, her confidence would come with time and practice he was sure.

He chuckled softly “I haven’t done a lot of pair work lately, I kinda missed it” he spoke with a thoughtful expression, especially not the kind that sided on the sexy style, he could tell a few of her movements were inspired by Latin American type dance styles, perhaps from what he had seen. Yeon had done a few routines recently with one of his more experienced dancers who was starting to get into choreography and that had been a lot of fun so maybe he needed to be more open to collaboration. He was surprised when he felt her hand against his chest and the push backward, he smirked a little and did as she wanted, gracefully moving backward until he felt himself pushed down into the chair. He looked up at her watching the way she moved and wet his bottom lip, girl definitely knew how to move and own it and while trapped in the chair she had her audience exactly where she wanted them, eyes right on her.

He laughed “The feet are always tricky, especially in fast choreography but if you’re struggling, just try slowing the track down and practicing the steps out and then slowly speeding it up” he nodded a little, he choreographed to slower music and then increased the tempo once he was happy the footwork was sitting right, he was a bit of a perfectionist when it came to his own routines and making sure they looked exactly the way he pictured in his mind. When she fell into his lap he felt the chair tip back and there was a mild moment of panic as it rocked back onto the back legs but he did the smart this and leaned forward, tipping her back with the movement but putting his arms out to make sure she didn’t fall the other way “Little too eager there” he spoke and laughed with her, his eyes tipping up to meet hers as she backed up and then he pushed himself to his feet.

He definitely thought she had potential, she had a presence when she was dancing that was captivating and even though it was clear she was new to this and her movements weren’t always as full and fluid as they could be, she made them look good, especially the more time that passed and the more confidence she managed to get “Well there’s plenty of time, if I can achieve a turn around from nothing to this in the space of 8 years then there’s hope for everyone” he still couldn’t believe quite how far he had come since he arrived in Evermore a completely broken shell of a person “We have trainee auditions coming around in a few weeks, if you really do enjoy it then you should think about signing up” he nodded, he imagined she would do a lot better than a lot of candidates he’d seen. “I do live here alone yes, though I spend most of my time in hotels in New York lately, bit of a passion project going on out there” he beamed proudly, still under NDA so he couldn’t reveal what it was yet though. “Technique comes with time, I’d recommend maybe some more modern dance styles, a bit of high energy” they were one of his favorite styles though those kinds of routines would tire you out faster than most.

As she went off to check her phone he took the opportunity to take out his own phone and check his emails, scrolling through them and marking any he felt needed a response or further reading off on the list so that he could deal with them later. Yeon was pretty much always working, even on a day like today which he called a day off, struggled to ever put things down if he was honest. “No problem, I’m taking the break to check up on all the people who swear they need my attention today” he chuckled softly tucking his phone back into his pocket. When she asked about his to-do list he shrugged his shoulders “One thing I am terrible at, is not working when I’m supposed to have a day off” he pondered it for a moment “If you’re interested in taking these skills to an audience then I have an idea” he smirked a little.

He didn’t stop dancing to the music as the slower music came on and he took the opportunity to switch the style, his hand resting on her hip and threading his fingers through her other hand and then he moved in a ballroom style, counting his steps out loud to give her indication of how he was moving and what she needed to to. He lead the way, moving in a one-two-three pattern and turning on each rotation as he looked down at her, smirking because of the style change being so very different from the type of dance they were just doing.

Mirae chuckled at his blunt comments. It was true that in the beginning, when sex had first been mentioned, Mirae blushed like a child. Now, she found herself indulging and sharing as much as he was without hesitation. Grinning, she shook her head amused. Even though he didn't add the real reason why he'd slept with so many people, at this point, she pretty much knew him well enough to know he wasn't the type of guy to do something like that for numbers or to make a statement. "I think if you had knowledge of the number, it would just add to your insomnia anyways. That's something people tend to dwell on" she stated, giving a teasing grin. Mirae wasn't as experienced in that department, but she wasnt a complete idiot either. It made her think a little longer on the matter than she wanted to; knowing how much her sex life lacked, saddened her just a little. But, now that she was seeing Ha-joon, she didn't mind holding off for him.

Mirae grazed her teeth along her lower lip, smirking, enjoying how honest he could be. And, she couldn't agree more to the statement that those who didn't know you .. the real you, their opinions didn't really matter. "Cheers to that, actually we should drink to that" she stated, playfully of course, because she didn't really peg him as a drinker with how fit he was, and she still had a bit of a shy way to her around him that kept her from straight up asking if he'd wanna go have a drink with her sometime. Hopefully the subtle hint of her playful statement would grant her an answer from him. "The tribe I used to be in, our leader was that way; you were either what he wanted you to be, or you were nothing. My brother wanted very much to live his own life and do his own thing, but the day he decided that, his was met with a sword through his chest.. after that happened, I decided to never let anyone in the way of me being who I really wanna be, after we gained control of our lives again that is.. because I spent a long time in punishment for trying to fight for him" she jibber jabbered about something that was probably totally irrelevant to Yeon's point, but she never could help herself.

The Niveis bit her lip again as he spoke thoughtfully, she appreciated each statement he gave, because Yeon's words had a way of making her think about things further in depth than she normally would have. Mirae listened intently as he told her to always hold onto her humanity, that someday it may be the only thing she'd have left; it scared her slightly, cause that would have meant she no longer had Daehyun, who played a huge part in her humanity. "You're right, and I do without a doubt always tend to appreciate what  have rather than pout about the things I want" she admitted. It was an honest statement, even though Mirae never really caught herself up in wanting for much. A little bit of happiness went a long ways with someone like her. Mirae couldn't help but notice how much pain Yeon must have felt through the dark times in his life, it radiated through a set of deep dark eyes; it seemed that there was an entire world she didn't know about beneath them.

It made her want to get to know him even more though. Glaring over at him as he chuckled at her, the Niveis shook her head, giving a playful pout "something funny mr Yeon? Some of us aren't god-like with the way our limbs stretch; I can see why you have a high number" she stated, grinning teasingly about earliers topic, making a bold statement about how he stretched himself in ways she could only assume benefited him both on the dance floor and in the bed. The more she spoke to him, the more relaxed she became, and at one point, it had even scared her a little with how open she'd gotten herself. If something happened and she ended up close to him, she'd end up fearing that she would lose him, the way she feared losing Dae every day of her life. And no matter how happy she seemed on the outside, that was a pretty miserable way to live, and internally, it'd take it's toll on Mirae. She just refused showing anyone signs of weakness as far as her expression went, and the way she carried herself around others.

Mirae flashed a grin when he said to keep up the practice "Oh, bet your ass on that.. you've got me a little addicted to moving now. Before now, I loved dancing around in the back of my shop, or the middle of my living room, but never to the point where it made me feel this weightless.. and a feeling like that is something i plan to keep going after" she expressed, it wasn't so much that she even wanted to be famous or recognized, she would have been fine never being under a spot light and being one of those back up dancers in the very back who was never fully seen; for Mirae it was more about reaching out and taking what she wanted from life to live exactly how she wanted to. "professional, such a large word for me" she chuckled, but it did have a nice ring to it, maybe she didn't have to live an eternity working in an herb shop after all. She would never close up shop, because she loved knowing her herbs actually helped those in dire need; but she did need a little more out of life, something more exciting at least.

Mirae's heart tended to race a little more than usual each time she had showed him something of her own, especially now as he called her out for blushing, but she was happy that he had went as far as to say 'not bad at all'. Mirae bowed and smirked playfully, "thank you, thank you" she said, before rolling her shoulders; parts of her burning that she didn't realize she even had. The muscles in the back of her legs especially. Bending over, she breathed out "damn.. it's a good work out too. dancing i mean" she expressed, a little out of breath, chuckling at the irony of it. A supernatural like her getting worn down from dancing. She could only shake her head, amused.

The incident, or well, the dance around him in the chair may not have turned out as perfectly as she had hoped for, but it brought a little laugter to both their worlds, and it was a rather sexy move, she knew once she could perfect it, that more people would look at her the way Yeon just had as he wet his lips, captive to her every move. She did have to admit, she loved getting that sort of look. Maybe it was because Yeon was probably one of the most attractive males in the city she'd seen yet, and part of it was because no one had ever looked at her that way; perhaps it's why she craved a little more of it even after Yeon had gracefully kept the chair from flopping on it's back, and held an arm out to keep her from falling. Now as they were both back to their feet, the Nivies gave him a nod of acknowledgement. Every thing he told her, she buried deep in her memory; his words were like gospel and she'd use them to her full advantage.

Mirae could see the passion in his eyes spark up when he mentioned NYC, "Sounds like you've got something pretty amazing going for you. It bums me out that you struggle beyond the happy, encouraging, awesome person you present yourself as" she expressed, frowning slightly, but she knew everyone had their issues. "At least you keep pressing on. Some don't even have the capability to roll over in the mornings once life gets to them" she added, before grazing her lower lip with her teeth; putting a little thought into signing up for these auditions he had just mentioned. "I want to, but I'm so afraid of busting my ass in front of people.. like i just did you almost" she chuckled, "And i gotta work on keeping myself from blushing so much when i notice people noticing me" she then said, shaking her head, giggling.

After she had finished checking her phone, Mirae returned with a smile on her face; Dae had always had a knack for that, making someone smile with the most simple things. He could text her and say 'hi' and it would make her laugh, simply because she knew Daehyun wasn't a talker, and he wasnt a sociable person; he loved being a bounty hunter, and thats how he had made things seem.. that beyond it, he didn't have much else he was interested in. Chuckling when Yeon said he was only checking on all the people who needed his attention, she sent a playful nudge at his side "Guess im the lucky one today?" she teased, seeing a little bit of mischief behind the smirk painted on his lips when he mentioned having an idea. "Im open to anything" she stated, a bit nervously though. She had no idea what was in store, but so far Yeon had proved to be amazing with every little thing he'd done, so she was sure whatever came next, wouldn't hurt.

Mirae's eyes widened at the sudden change of pace between them, but regardless, her feet began to glide along the floor in sync with his; finally, she felt she was doing this the right way, and not stumbling every five minutes. The slow song helped her learn a new style though, it's not like she was very experienced with this dance, but it wasn't one she had tired for the very first time either, she loved it actually. His one-two-three pattern became easy to follow after he counted the steps out loud a couple times, and before she knew it, she was dancing with him as gracefully as one could for a dance like this. "This is nice, I wouldn't have imagined you knowing a dance this sweet" she stated, grinning and giving him a nod of admiration. "Sooo?" she then trailed off in though, making eye contact as she continued following the steps "Whats next?" she questioned, transfixed on him as he continued guding her around the dance floor. It had became engrossing to be around him.. she knew there would be a point where she called him 'the best friend' .. in fact, he was her only. Daehyun was her brother, and Ha-joon had became her love interest, but she had no friends to speak of, except for Yeon. Friendships took a lot for Mirae, the person had to be made of something special to be called that, and apparently, thats exactly what Yeon was to her at this point; special, and important.

He laughed when she spoke about knowing how many people he slept with making his lack of sleep worse, she was probably right “Yeah, I’m not the type to get caught up in small details but I imagine if I was, you’d be right” he shook his head a little, he liked to think he was pretty good at letting things go and going with the flow, an adaptive person so to speak. Hence why he was able to invite someone who was essentially a stranger back to his studio. Problem was, a free-spirited and roll with the wind kind of life required you to have a lot of free time, something Yeon didn’t have a lot of. He liked to think he found a decent balance between planning his life and work schedule and still doing the things he wanted to do but it wasn’t easy and a lot of the time, work took precedence over everything else.

Yeon raised his brow when she mentioned getting a drink, at first when she suggested coming here he figured it was for the potential opportunity and the chance to try out her dancing for real but that offer actually sounded like she wanted to keep him around. Which was surprising really, Yeon was kinda used to people coming along and taking what they wanted from him but very rarely did they actually want to know him “That’d be nice” he responded in probably the softest tone he had used that day and gave a genuine smile, the prospect of a new friend sounded really nice to him. He gave her an understanding look as she spoke about the life she had lived before being freed, he grimaced at the very idea of someone being able to control your life so much but it seemed like him, she had used her second chance to make something of herself and that was admirable “It takes a strong person to take the very worst moments of your life and turn them into something positive” he complimented as he looked down to her gaze “Are you happy with the person you became?” he asked with a slight tilt of his head.

Humility was the difference between a good person and a bad person, Yeon truly believed that, when someone lost touch of their roots and became self-centered, that was when you tended to lose them and they became someone who cared more about power and fame than they did the people who helped them to get there. Yeon tried to stay humble, despite him not having many people on his side, the ones he did have kept him grounded, there was Celia, who had a tragic story of her own, she always reminded him to appreciate what he had. And even with Han, who he met more recently, he saw someone who spent their entire life running and yet he still managed to hold onto the sweet person that Yeon had met. “You have no idea how many people I’ve met who only care about the money” he admitted with a sad smile, Yeon had more money than he actually needed, he invested as much as possible back into the company so it could benefit and better others. Didn’t mean that he didn’t enjoy his life or have nice things, he just tried not to be more excessive when he could use the money to help other people.

She was an interesting person, so positive and bright despite everything he got the suspicion she had been through. He definitely found her endearing and more surprisingly, genuine, it was rare that the blond valkyr found people he felt he could lend any level of trust but with her, it didn’t feel like a far leap. He laughed when she teased him for his flexibility, after he teased her first, he deserved that one “It’s just fun to see that small moment of panic in people’s eyes when they realize how much hard work it will be” he grinned, she had taken it like a good sport though which he could definitely respect “Flexibility does wonders for your life though” he spoke clearly talking about the bedroom and wiggled his brows suggestively, he definitely saw the benefits. They were both just laughing at each other and honestly, it was a refreshing situation to find himself in, another person in this city that he felt like he could be himself around without the usual judgment that was passed.

He smiled, he loved the fact that he was able to inspire passion in someone else and from what he saw in her today, she really enjoyed dancing and being able to express herself in such a raw way. She reminded him of himself when he was just starting out, raw talent but very little direction for what to do with it or where it could take him. Yeon had been pretty determined to make his name, his business background gave him that drive, one thing he would thank his childhood for. The way she spoke about dancing, it sounded like the right reasons to him, some people wanted the fame and fortune but the people who truly made it, they wanted to bring creativity and ideas to the world, they loved dance for the movements and the way it made them feel in the moment “Professional just means turning something you love into a career, nothing to be afraid of” he found the people who cared most about it, enjoyed the program the most “You know this afternoon has made me tempted to start running lessons again” he hadn’t personally run a lesson for at least a year now, he forgot how much fun it was to see people develop.

The way she bowed at his compliment made him chuckle, especially because he knew she was being a little sassy with him, he liked people who knew their own worth and confidence and yet still listened and acted upon his feedback. There was a line between confidence and having an ego and she seemed to walk that line pretty well. There were times where he could falter to the ego side so he respected those who were better at it than him. “People always count it out, but it’s really one of the most taxing sports there is, no breaks, no room for mistakes” if a soccer player tripped they would just get back up and continue, if a dancer tripped that could ruin their entire performance “I’d call both of us insane if it wasn’t so damn fun” he chuckled wiping a little sweat from his brow.

He chuckled a little when she spoke about what he was working on in NYC, he wasn’t allowed to say much about it because it was heavily tied in contracts right now but he was really happy with how it was going. It made him miss home though, there was something very different about living from a hotel and living from his apartment, even though the hotels were typically pretty big. “You know, I just don’t think it would feel as worth it without the struggle” he admitted with a roll of his shoulders “I tried to turn everything hard into something else, turn negative energy into positive, though it took me a long time to get there” there had definitely been a point in his life where he would say he didn’t love himself but now, he did. “Oh come on, falling and getting up is part of the journey” he teased with a laugh, he didn’t judge people on their mistakes but on how they handled them at the moment “But take your time, you should wait until you’re ready” he knew better than to push someone into an audition they didn’t feel ready for, even if he disagreed.

As he glanced up from his phone he gave a wry smile at her comment “Very lucky” he spoke with a laugh “We happened to meet on the one day free I have in a month” he chuckled as he shook his head a little “I’m sure you probably understand where the insomnia comes from now” he didn’t rest, that was his problem, always onto the next thing, always working, always someone else to worry about and something that needed his attention. “Anything, now that is a very big word” he teased her with a laugh, she was probably right to be a little nervous because he could be pretty spontaneous and with the money he had, who knew what could happen. As far as ideas went, however, this was a pretty sensible one, it was a newly opened bar in Evermore, no one really knew about it because it was invite only and generally for celebrities but major dance companies were often given invites because they provided free entertainment for the guests, win-win he supposed. Yeon mostly used it for networking but tonight perhaps they could put on a bit of a show.

As he changed the style of dance, he saw the look of discomfort in her eyes but it didn’t take long for her to adapt to the steps he was counting out loud, thankfully, with the slow music and repetitive movements, this was a pretty easy dance to learn and once you got it slow, speeding it up was usually relatively simple “My background actually started in contemporary and ballroom” he explained as they dance “So technically this is what I do best, or at least it used to be” he chuckled softly, when he first did lessons, modern dance wasn’t really covered, it was mostly traditional steps and performance. “Well next, we both need a shower and to change because the place we’re going has some pretty high standards” he laughed softly lifting his hand and twirling her around in sync with the music without dropping the step as they moved “So hand me your phone and I’ll give you my actual number, not the one I print on business cards and only answer in hours, head on home and find whatever outfit you have that sparkles most and I’ll text you the address” he smiled gently as he waited to see if she was up to the challenge “Who knows, that drink might actually be there” he grinned, he did actually drink, though not excessively since he had gotten drunk on the anniversary of his death.

Flashing him a playful wink, Mirae grinned "face it love, i'm always right" she said in response, playfully of course. It was insane how comfortable she felt around Yeon now. She was aware of how soon it was to say that, but sometimes time wasn't part of building a bond with someone. It was about the connection in general, at times, that could be felt the moment someone spoke to you; much like it had been with Yeon.

The raise of his brow when she asked about getting a drink, seemed to be that of a chain reaction, because Mirae ended up doing exactly the same, finding herself just as shocked with his reaction as he was with hers. Maybe she was being too forward, but when he responded, something told her that his reaction was simply due to people not taking much time to get to know him for who he actually was. They saw him as a money sign, or at least that's the impression Mirae just now got. "Sad." she said simply. "I take it not many people offer you anything genuine?" she expressed in a questioning form, grimacing as her chocolate gaze fell to the floor. "Don't ever feel like you don't deserve that from people" she added, before looking back up to him.

Mirae continued gazing at him, sometimes she found herself doing so simply because of how attractive he was. She couldn't help it, but eye contact was important in conversation to her either way. It let someone know you were paying attention to them. "Yeah, it definitely does. But admittedly, there used to be days where I didn't have the strength to even roll over in my bed. I'd sit and think the worse case scenario's about my brother, and feel as though i should have fought harder than what I did for him to get the chance he deserved, because if i hadn't chose to stay behind for the sake of revenge, I can't help but think things would have played out differently. But, another story for anorther time I guess, ive basically given you all the gloom and doom about that" she chuckled, trying to make light of the moment, hating to be the person known for bringing someones mood down.

Mirae had to think about his question for a moment. Was she happy with the person she had became... "That's deep" she stated, grinning playfully before pursing her lips. "I do. It does with what you said a minute ago. It takes someone strong to take the worse pars of their life, or bad moments and spin it all into something positive. I don't think I used to be half as strong as I am today, and I doubt I would be if I adn't decided to grip onto my life and take it back, to make it my own .. to be exactly who I wanted to be.Working in that herb shop is oddly enough, a huge part of my past, and sometimes a painful memory, but helping people is something I sincerely love.. its my comfort zone" she expressed, giving him a genuine smile before reversing his question "And you mr Yeon? Are you happy with your life as it is now, and are yoou happy with the person you became?" she asked, genuinely curious of his answer.

Yeon's sad smile gave Mirae one of her own, sighing as he mentioned the many people he had crossed paths with who cared more about his money than they did his feelings, or who he may have been beneath all that money. "I believe you. You have a certain look in your eyes when you speak of it. But, you're one of very very few wealthy people ive ever met who's so kind, helpful, encouraging and .. well just all around awesome" she expressed, grinning. "My point is, unlike most of the world, money didn't define you" she stated, giving him a look of admiration. Yeon was beginning to grow on Mirae more and more, she could see this friendship blooming into something incredible.

Reaching over, Mirae gently, and playfully, smacked his arm, chuckling at his comment. "I can only imagine, maybe ill start having a little more fun too when I learn how to stretch myself the way you do" she chuckled, oddly enough, not even blushing as normal as it seemed to be this open with him at this rate. It was refreshing to have someone she could be this giggly around, and this open towards without having them give her a look of disgust, or simply just walk away from her. Mirae's open personality had tended to do that once or twice. Mirae breathed out, as if she was releived to hear him say that professional only meant to turn what you loved to do, into a career. She couldn't help but grin when he said today made him want to run sessions again "Well, while I get the impression that your schedule is already as full as it can be, i'm happy that this day opened a window for you.. maybe i'm good for something after all" she chuckled playfully, but it did light her up to think he'd decided to think about doing lessons again because of their time here.

"You have a point that never dawned on me before hearing it that way.. perhaps one falling on stage could ruin their career .. thats sort of scary, I doubt it's that serious to make a mistake, but yeah I get what you mean. People shouldn't downplay dancing so much" she added, grimacing at the thought. "Amen to that, without struggle, it means one never tried hard enough, or put their all into something" she said in response, giving him a nod. "I can see that with you too. It is hard to turn negativity into positivity, but those of us blessed enough to know how, normally live a pretty balanced life.. although.. we gotta get rid of those nightmares of yours, and get you on some kind of sleep schedule" she stated, smirking. But, she did truly care about him.. even as short as their time had been with one another, she'd grown pretty fond of the Valkyr. Mirae got the feeling that if she truly went with dance, and decided she'd take it some place professional or at least some place a little more on the serious side of things, that Yeon was the type of person that could push her the way she needed pushed. She realized that when he teased her a little about falling and getting back up.

"I do wanna give this a try" she then said, with no more thought, and no hesitation, the Niveis felt her heart flutter at the realization she wanted to do something with her dance talent. To better her skills was the first thing. Mirae arched a curious brow when he gave a weary smile, but she decided she wouldn't press. Her mouth fell open, and a playful gasp echoed from her mouth when he said she had just so happened to catch him on the one free day he had in a month "I hate to say this, but yay for your insomnia and nightmares. If you hadn't been in my shop.. we would have missed out on such an amazing day, and a new friendship" she said, smiling at the words she spoke, to say that out loud seemed to seal the deal. She did consider him a friend at this point, but she had a feeling, he'd end up being her closest. She then laughed as he said 'anything' happened to be a pretty big word, and now that she thought of it, she couldn't help but shake her head at him.

Mirae wasn't surprised to hear that this type of dance, was what he had started with. "I can't say i'm surprised, you are able to woo a girl with ballroom dancing, so there's no shock that it's what you're most experienced with, though I gotta say.. the grinding and such you did earlier, gave me a minor heart attack" she winked playfully, grinning from ear to ear. She loved how weightless she felt, it could end up becoming an addictive feeling, one where she'd end up leaning on Yeon a little too much, or missing him during the times he'd have to be away for long periods of time due to his career. It was a little unsettling to think about, but that only meant that she did genuinely care. Mirae had withdrew her hands when the music ended, and Yeon had instructed her on what they both should do to move on with the next part of their day/night, and for a moment her heart raced a little. It was possibly the unknown, not knowing what they were doing, but just enough to know she'd need to dress up. After handing him her phone, and getting his number, Mirae grinned at him, shaking her head "Ill do my best, Ill be ready in no time though, so ill be waiting on that address." she stated, and made her way out of his studio, and to her small but cozy apartment.

It took the Niveis no time to dive into a much needed shower, and after that, she spent the rest of her time looking for the perfect outfit, styling her hair, and only applying make up lightly. She topped everything off with matching shoes, and with that, she clutched her phone, finding herself a little to anxious to see him again as she waited for his text. Since she was unsure what this night would turn into, Mirae decided to play it safe and pack a spare change of clothes in her bag, with sneakers that would allow her to move around a dance floor if needed. But, she couldnt deny.. she loved how she looked when she made an effort and dressed up like this. Her nerves were rattled though, he said something sparkly, Mirae could only hope she had dressed the part, not knowing what they were getting into, but having the hint that the drink she'd mentioned might be there, it had to be a club of sorts.

There was one thing that stuck with him the moment she spoke, the same way it did every time someone called him some kind of pet name, he visibly wrinkled his nose in distaste from the memories it brought up and the way it made him feel “Not your love” he spoke a little bluntly before he followed it up with a slightly forced smile “Yeon and Yeonseok are fine, but please no other names, not even as a joke” personal choice but he really didn’t attribute pet names to good things and therefore didn’t want to expose himself to them.

When she spoke the word sad, he lifted his head a little confused as to what she meant, his hand reaching up to run through his hair as he listened to her question and shrugged “Rarely” he answered honestly before following it up “A lot of people in the world tend to see those who are richer or more successful than them as someone they want to use or step on” which is why to be successful in business you had to be pretty cold-hearted and he definitely presented that kind of persona when he was in the office and wearing that hat, so to speak. When she spoke about not feeling like he didn’t deserve it he smiled “I know that it just makes me a little wary of who I choose to keep around” he tended to trust them more if they seemed to be friendly with him before they knew who he was.

Of course, it didn’t escape Yeon’s notice that Mirae was very attractive, she had a confident air about here which he would usually attribute to his type, she could move and she had a really gorgeous voice too but part of him knew if he crossed that line with her then he couldn’t work with her in a professional setting, one of his personal rules to keep work and play separate and he really saw talent and spark in her which outweighed anything else that might threaten to overtake. The way she spoke about what she went through only reiterated the sense of strength he felt like she had, she was able to go through years separated from her brother, in a place she didn’t want to be and managed to turn it into some sort of positivity, that was strong to him “No point dwelling around things you can’t change, just make up for the lost time with him now” he advised as he looked up at her, if he dwelled over the things he didn’t do, he really wouldn’t be able to get out of bed in the morning.

He chuckled when she responded to his question saying it was deep, he wasn’t much for the shallow questions, how much could you really learn about a person only asking them about their pets or favorite color, he preferred to get a look into the way someone’s mind worked, what was important to them, what made them tick. “Sounds like you found passion in a place you never even expected” he commented in response to her talking about how working with herbs and understanding their uses and benefits had helped her to come closer to finding her own purpose. When she turned his question back on him he chuckled, “I feel like someone like me will never feel like they’re done, like there’s more to achieve” he commented and shrugged his shoulders “But looking at the shell of a person I was 8 years ago and how he grew into someone else, I’m happy with what I’ve managed to do” he wasn’t just talking about his success either, but having enough money to donate to charity and feel like he was helping ideas to become reality “I still have my low moments too though” he admitted with a slightly solemn nod, even the king of confidence had his off days.

He laughed at her compliment and bowed his head a little in thanks for it, she wasn’t wrong when she said most people with money tended to be assholes, having money himself tended to attract those kinds of people and they often cared more for the money and making it than they did any person. He was guilty of enjoying his success a little but most of his money went straight back into the business to invest in new talent and making the next generation of dancers “I try and stay grounded, I guess because I know what it’s like to have to choose between a meal and a place to sleep at night, I learned to appreciate what I have” he chuckled “And you’re one of the only immortals I’ve met who haven’t let it become the single defining part of their life” he laughed softly, he’d met so many immortals who were letting the weight of living crush them so he could respect someone who showed positivity.

He chuckled as he felt her smack playfully against his arm and he gasped and rolled onto his front as though he was recoiling away and then kicked his legs a little as he laid there just to stretch his limbs out further “Well lucky for you, a proper stretching routine is definitely one of the first things you need to master” he insisted on warm-ups, proper warm-ups, he’d seen too many dangers fall victim to injuries because they didn’t look after and respect their limits properly, a simple warm-up made such a difference on the readiness of a dancer. He was impressed with how casual she was able to be when talking about such a topic, especially considering her reaction earlier, he figured she felt more comfortable around him now which was nice, the two of them had fallen into an ease which he really liked. She was right, he was very busy but today reminded him how important it was to spare time for new and budding dancers to help shape them into the stars he knew they would be one day “Well I’d say if the herb mix you gave me works, you’re actually a miracle worker so” he winked and chucked tapping his pocket where the bottle she gave him was “So good for many things, more credit needed” he spoke it as though he was scolding her but there was a smile on his lips.

He nodded a little, he had seen a lot of people make massive mistakes on stage and not recover from them and it would be plastered all over the media and the TV, they would constantly be reminded of the time they froze or fell “I say fail as much as you can in practice so that when it happens for real, you’re already able to handle it” he wasn’t going to say he performed every routine he did perfectly every time because it wasn’t true, sometimes he missed a step or felt like he wasn’t quite expressive enough or felt like his body wasn’t able to do what he needed to do in the moment and he changed it to support that feeling. At the mention of his nightmares though he scratched at the back of his neck “Yeah you’re right, I really need to start getting a handle over that part of my life” he admitted with a nod, he’d been a slave to these nightmares for a very long time now and it was hard to remember a time in his life where he slept peacefully through the night “Do you sleep well, after” he paused for a moment “You know, everything you went through” he questioned as he glanced over at her.

He was really happy to be able to convince her to at least give dancing a try, he saw a rare level of natural talent in her that he didn’t see in many, you could teach people the steps and the moves but there was nothing that could replace a real passion and natural talent for dance which is always what he tried to look for in people. He smiled again when she thanked his nightmares for the chance for the two of them meeting. It had definitely been an unusual day for him, normally when he brought someone along with him it wasn’t with the intention of making friends but there was something about Mirae that just kinda uplifted you and made you wanna do something crazy, he guessed he could call her somewhat of a free spirit, going with the wind and just agreeing to do things on the fly “It has been quite the adventure already and we haven’t even got to the best part yet” he agreed with a laugh, he hadn’t actually been to a club in a while either.

He chuckled as he watched her steps as they danced, she was a fast learner he would give her that and on the rare moment she did miss a step he was doing his best to support her and help her pick it back up “Oh, believe me, I can woo more than just girls” he chuckled softly and twirled her out and back towards him effortlessly before he ended their dancing session with a slight bow of his head and smiled “Plus you got so moves yourself when it comes to grinding” he winked a little noting the little chair moment she had pulled “Just don’t use it as your only card, there’s a lot of people in the industry who can be quite meticulous about technique” including himself, he knew how to see through the smoke and mirrors and really spot whether someone was talented or good at pretending they were. That was why seeing someone in such a raw state made his job much easier. He took the phone and added himself as a contact, saving himself as ‘Yeon’ and then texted himself to get her number back “You better not stand me up” he teased with a laugh as he handed it back to her and waved as she left.

It didn’t take him long to lock up the place and head back to his apartment over the road, he didn’t waste any time, Yeon wasn’t the kind of person to sit around and wait for things to happen, he was quite a reactive person and liked doing things spur of the moment. He jumped in the shower and washed off the afternoon’s dance session and then wrapped a towel around him as he headed over to his closet. Yeon wasn’t exactly short of flashing clothing, he had designers send him clothes for free quite frequently and he could easily afford whatever he wanted. He decided since he’d told her to wear sparkly he was going to show her the definition of sparkly. He changed into his shirt and a pair of well-fitting jeans that he knew he could also dance in before he texted her the location and the password to tell the bouncers.

Once he was ready he grabbed his phone and wallet, tucking them into his pockets and got a cab to the middle of the city where the club was located. He made no hesitation as he climbed out of the car and flashed his membership badge to the place before informing them he had a guest joining him later this evening and her name. He gave them a fake smile before heading inside, same as he did all the people who greeted him the moment he made his way into the room, people knew him as the guy who provided most of the dance talent here so they tended to be sweet on him. He made his way over to the bar area and ordered himself a cocktail before getting himself comfy on one of the maybe sections of seating and waiting to see if his new friend showed face.

Mirae frowned. She had apparently struck a nerve with Yeonseok, without meaning too. Whatever had happened in his past, had been so much that he couldn't allow someone to even call him something as common as 'love' when speaking casually. When he said that Yeon, or Yeonseok was the only two names he'd allow, Mirae simply nodded. At first she didn't know how to respond, and for a moment, things had gotten painfully silent. That was odd for someone who was typically loud and intimidating towards almost everyone; Mirae was never in her life silent, until now. "I didn't realize. I'm really sorry Yeon" she said genuinely, but found it hard to look at him during that moment. 

Mirae was thankful for a subject change, even if her non-existent heart, beat rapidly right now. She still found herself heaving as she breathed a little heavily. She supposed another downfall of hers, was upsetting someone she cared for, which only went to say she actually cared for Yeon at this point, and by no means had she meant to hurt him with what she had said earlier. Maybe he'd tell her about it one day, maybe not. Until then, she knew never to use a nickname for him again, which saddened her for him more than anything. A faint smile reappeared on her features when he said he was wary of those that he kept around. "And rightfully so" she added, finally able to look at him again. "You're right. Dwelling really sucks, I do it a lot" she chuckled, and nodded when he spoke on how she'd found passion in doing something that she never imagined. "Yup, but this whole dance thing.. has intrigued me so much that my herb shop may end up becoming a part time thing, I guess we'll see" she expressed with a genuine smile lighting her features up a little more, if possible. 

She listened intently, unable to contain how much she smiled around him, but a lot of that came from how Yeon carried himself. He was able to talk about things that Mirae had never bothered to speak about with anyone else in this city so far, and so far from the things she'd learned about him, had given her inspiration for her own life. "I'm glad you're happy with who you've become. I think that's whats important when we've faced past trauma; I can't begin to imagine what you've been through, but I really like who you are.. so" she admitted, and from what she knew of him, she wouldn't have changed anything about him. Yeon had a spark of life to him, that maybe he didn't even see, but a spark of life that made whoever he was talking to, want to perk up and never be sad. And admittedly, he was probably one of the most attractive males she'd ever saw in her life. From the way he moved while he danced, to the way he talked and smiled.. there wasn't anything not attractive about Yeon. Mirae kind find herself lucky to even be so wrapped up in conversation with someone like him. 

Mirae grimaced when he said he had learned to appreciate what he had, by having to choose between a meal at night, and a place to sleep at night "I guess that'd make almost anyone appreciate what they have. Sadly though, there are the rare few who don't appreciate anything at all, and assume the world owes everything to them" she expressed, giving him a faint smile as he stated she'd been one of the first immortals he had ever met, who hadn't been defined by all the cruelty her life had handed to her. "Admittedly, sometimes I feel like i'm suffocating.. but I normally keep that stuff behind my bedroom door. But, you wouldn't imagine how many nights ive screamed into my pillow, or crumbled to my bedroom floor, and just rocked myself for the rest of the night.. life has had it's way of crushing me .. but I crush back" she stated, flashing him a wink before giggling softly. "I just don't ever want to let the things of my past consume what ive built for my present life, and what I hope to have for my future" 

Mirae watched as he rolled onto his front, playfully gasping at her smack. This was a side of him, she really did love. She was sure he didn't show it often, but she was lucky to be someone who got to see it. "All that stretching is bound to make someone one hell of a .." she swallowed, forcing those words on the tip of her tongue to roll backward instead of saying the first thing that came to mind like always. "My mind lives in a very trashy place.. Im trying to work on it" she stated, chuckling, and slightly blushing before, inhaling. She'd never laughed or smiled so much in her life. It felt so nice that she was scared it'd all be over in the blink of an eye. "I suppose you're right" she stated, doing a mocking gesture, but poked her tongue out playfully, And, he was right, there was definitely more credit owed than what she'd given herself "I really do hope those work.. I wouldn't mind being called the miracle worker" she added, grinning from ear to ear. "But more than that, it'd be nice to know my herbs helped someone, especially you with the nightmares and insomnia.. that must be a real pain" she expressed, frowning a little. 

Mirae hadn't ever been graceful about chroegorgaphy and such, but she'd come to learn, Yeon's advice really worked. "Well, im sure i will fail a lot anyways during practice, so failing as much as I can? I have that covered" she joked, but she was sure that he was right about that too, so she stored it in the back of her mind, along with the other tips he had given her so far. To his question, Mirae bit her lip, glancing over to him; studying his features for a moment before she answered. "Not really. No" she admitted, frowning before she continued "I still have nightmares myself, to be honest.. mine aren't every single night, like I suppose yours are, but they still haunt me.. I have some nights where i'm able to rest better than other nights though, and thats more than I can say from how things used to be. Right after everything happened, I refused to even close my eyes; I guess I was afraid to" she stated, sighing softly, and slamming her eyes shut, avoiding the tears she knew she was about to shed. 

Mirae had never been so scared in her life, than the moment she'd saw her brother struck down by a sword. Looking back over to him, with a frown evident on her features, she shook her head "Sorry. Sometimes I can't fight it, no matter how hard I try. I specifically hate showing these emotions in front of someone ive only just met, but I guess that's the human side of me working it's way to the surface". Shaking it off, she inhaled "Well then, enough of my sappy-ness" she chuckled. This was nice indeed, Mirae hadn't exactly started her day with the intetions of making a friend either, but after meeting him, and knowing what she knew now, she couldn't imagine not having him around. As he said they hadn't even gotten to the best part yet, Mirae gave a cheerful clap "Woot! And you're right, it's been quite the adventure already, so who knows? By the time we get to the best part, you may have to call the security team to get me away from you.. i'm enjoying this, a lot more than I expected to" she expressed truthfully, giving him a genuine smile and giggling softly, cause it's not like he'd actually have to call security on her, she just figured she wouldn't want their time to end. 

Mirae quirked a brow when he said he could woo more than just females .. "Ive heard that line .. you and my brother are quite similar about that situation" she chuckled. It was odd enough that Daehyun had used those same words, she wasn't sure if Yeon and Dae had ever crossed paths, but if they hadn't, knowing what she knew now, they'd make quite the hellacious pair. "God" she laughed again, shaking her head. After he had twirled her out, and back to him, ending their dance session with a bow, she smirked, giving him a clap. "You are amazing" she admitted, eyeing him a moment longer than intended before peeling her gaze off of him. "And noted, I think if you hadn't told me not to use that as my only card, that I likely would have; but thank you, the grinding thing, has just always been my favorite.. ive always enjoyed dancing in a provocative way" she admitted, with a simple nod. 

Mirae chuckled as she clutched her phone after he saved his number in it, editing it by putting a crown on each side of the name 'Yeon', giving him a playful smirk. "I wouldn't dream of it" she stated, truly excited to go to the club with him, where they could dance, exchange convo, laugh.. pretty much all the things they'd already done, but at a club, you could do all those things in a more weightless manner. Mirae had wasted no time in getting herself to the location Yeon had texted to her; once she had arrived, the Niveis walked to the door, greeted by security, but as she gave them her name, they removed the red velvet rope, allowing her to walk past them, and through the doors. 

She gulped to see how full this place already was, but instead of allowing herself to get nervous or scared; she searched for Yeon, immediately finding him when she scanned the bar, finding a huge smile of utter happiness parting her lips, Making her way over to him, Mirae approached nervously. She rarely dressed this way, but when she did, it normally turned a dozen heads at least, and now was no exception, she'd been stared down like she was something to eat by some of those she'd passed on her way to Yeon. After taking in his own attire, she gave him a nod of admiration, gosh he looked amazing. After seating herself beside him, Mirae ordered herself a  vodka and cranberry, chugging the first few sips to mellow her nerves out. "You look amazing!" she called out over the music, her feet already involuntarily shuffling underneath her. "This place is.. wow" she expressed, unable to find the right words for something as amazing as this. "Did you doubt that i'd show up at all?" she questioned, grinning "let alone show up dressed like this" she added, chuckling. 

The way she apologized immediately was enough for him, it was a habit for most people after all and as long as they corrected their ways after he asked them to, he didn’t have any reason to worry “It’s nothing, it’s just something I prefer not to go through, brings a lot of memories I don’t wanna process” that was as in-depth as he was willing to go into it with her because they still didn’t really know one another. “Don’t kick yourself for it, you’re not the first and you certainly won’t be the last” the difference is where the person actually held themselves back when he asked them to stop because a lot of people couldn’t and he usually had to separate himself from that level of negativity.

He rolled his shoulders back and chuckled “Rightfully so tends to leave you a little lonely unfortunately” he tended on assuming the worst of people nowadays because he’d met so many people who just wanted to use him for what he could offer them and be on their way, it was rare he would meet someone who was interested in actually knowing him for him. Lately there had been a fair few exceptions to that rule though so perhaps he could finally say that things seemed to be looking up. “Give it a try and see how you feel about it I’d say” he smiled softly “I wouldn’t give up anything else you love until you really feel like you’re making traction” that wasn’t him saying she couldn’t do it but he definitely saw how much she enjoyed her business too and he wouldn’t want to come between that.

He noticed the way she lit up in the conversation though and it was clear to him that she was a very passionate person, those kinds of people he often found were the most determined and committed to the cause so he definitely wasn’t letting her go anywhere fast. “You’re one to talk, you’ve lived far longer than me and no doubt seen a lot more pain come and go and yet you’re…” he gestured generally squinting his eyes as he tried to think of the word to describe it “charismatic” that was the word for it, she was confident and just kinda drew you into things, it wasn’t normal for him to want to spend an afternoon with someone he just met and yet that was exactly what happened today. “Thanks though, it’s nice to hear someone say that so openly” she was pretty open like he was which was refreshing because you always kinda knew where you stood with those kinds of people.

He remembered struggling for a fair while and it definitely wasn’t good memories but also he couldn’t bring himself to resent the way he came to what he had either because he felt like it kept him grounded and close to his roots and helped him to realize how fortunate he was and even take the opportunity to help those in more difficult situations. “There are many of those, one of the worst being the head of one of my competitors, total ass, thinks the world owes him a living because his daddy bought him a company” he rolled his eyes, total ass and general thorn in Yeon’s side, even if he did say so himself. He found a certain respect for her in the way she described how she struggled and yet still managed to fight the day in the morning, he knew the feeling, your past never truly left you but you learned better ways to handle it and move forward with time. “That’s the only way you get by in this world, it pushes you and tries to tell you who you are but you just have to start pushing back and asserting your own truth” he hoped the person he painted to the world was a good one in spite of everything he had been through.

He chuckled when she spoke about her mind being in the gutter “Girl I live in the gutter, don’t worry about holding yourself back around me” he winked and tilted his head from side to side and stretched his neck “Besides, I find the people most in tune with their sexuality most fun” he chuckled, there was nothing wrong with it in his mind, people who were forced to be closed off when it came to all that tended to be the most uptight and miserable he found. When she spoke about the herbs he eyed them and smiled, he had a good feeling about it all, to be honest, and usually when he had a good feeling it was good to go with it “You and me both” he commented and shrugged his shoulders a little “I don’t think I can actually remember the last peaceful night I managed to get” he pouted a little and shrugged “But I have become an expert at falling asleep after I wake in spite of it” which was definitely a useful skill to have.

He nodded approvingly at her spirit when it came to the idea of failing “I always feel like you learn more from failure and eventual success than little successes, so no matter how much you get kicked down the key is to make sure you get back up again.” he nodded firm, he definitely had his own share of setbacks and it definitely wasn’t simply running the company, sometimes deals went sideways, performances didn’t feel right and people got injured at just the wrong times but it was all about how you respond to and deal with that. His gaze softened a little when she spoke about her own experience with nightmares, he understood how she felt well, he often tried to avoid going to sleep just to avoid having to live through the ever replaying situations his mind like to torture him with. “I get it, never really goes away does it, even when you feel okay when you’re awake, the night is another story” he let out a solemn breath and reached out to wipe her cheek a little “Sorry I’m allergic to tears, they aren’t allowed” he chuckled softly.

He gave an amused laugh when she spoke about having to drag her away from him, it was rare for Yeon to find someone he just seemed to click with but he and Mirae definitely seemed to have complementing personalities that worked well together. She was sweet but she was also adventurous and endlessly curious which he definitely liked a lot. Frankly, he just really liked the idea of having more friends, people he could turn to when things got difficult, it was all well and good being successful and having money but it became awful boring when you realized how few people there were to share that with.

He gave a wry smile at the way she likened him to her brother and he shrugged his shoulders a little “Why limit yourself to half the options when you can have the full palette right?” he winked raising his eyebrows suggestively towards her and then smirked, he’d known he was bi for a long time, generally a preference to men but he didn’t really complain either way. At least not till recently when a certain one had blown everyone else out of the water. As they finished their dancing he gave her a wide genuine smile, it had actually been really fun to let off some steam in the studio again, he didn’t get around to it anywhere near as often as he’d like to “As are you, especially for a beginner” he chuckled softly.

Now he was in the club he was already on his second drink, this place always had the best vibe and he really enjoyed their range of cocktails and the atmosphere it held, of course, it was a bit stuffy for most people’s tastes but that’s because it wasn’t designed for the average customer. Surprisingly, she found her way to the club and into the correct area in record time which merited an impressed look from him in her direction as he waved a hand and scanned his eyes over her attire. It wasn’t any surprise to him that she looked absolutely stunning and had half the club turning their heads just to get a look at his companion “So do you” he complimented her back and held his glass up to cheers hers before taking a long drink of it “This place is damn difficult to get a free pass into” he commented and smirked a little “Luckily, money definitely talks here and people like a show” he tilted his head to the side, that was the plan, after all, few drinks and then they would do a few rounds of the place.

“Of course not, who would dare stand me up?” he feigned offense as he looked back at her with a light chuckle escaping his lips. “So you said you don’t mind an audience right?” he peered out over the balcony at the dance floor where a few people were showing off their moves on the brightly lit floor and then he grinned as he glanced over at her “Probably best we have a few drinks first though” he teased and downed the last of his current drink and tapped on the bar a couple times to indicate he’d like another and he placed a few bills up on the counter “So tell me a little about yourself, how long have you been in Evermore?” he leaned one hand against the counter and propped his chin up while they talked.

"Fair enough" she said simply, when he explained the reason he corrected her on the spot for calling him out of his name. Mirae loved how blunt he could be. It added a little flare to his humbled nature. She nodded, giving him a genuine smile when he told her to not kick herself for it, that she wouldn't be the first or last to call him something other than his name "I suppose you've got a point. I'm just used to not stepping on people's toes, I hate it when it happens" she admitted, slightly blushing and chuckling a little. But, even though she had stepped on his toes, she'd gracefully pulled herself out of it before she had actually offended him. Thankfully in this case, it was only something minor as a name, and not even a bad one, but she knew Yeon had his reasons. 

She couldn't have agreed more, when he said that it tended to make people lonely. Dwelling on things certainly did leave a nagging feeling that you were alone. Otherwise, you wouldn't be sitting there able to dwell on whatever it was invading your mind. A faint smile adorned her features when he told her to give it a try first, "Yeah I think that's some advice ill follow. Because I do really love my shop. But I feel like there's some kind of dance monster trying to rip its way out of the surface, one that I never knew of though. Until I met you, I didn't realize how much I actually loved letting loose and dancing my issues away" she admitted, smiling a little more genuinely to that statement. It was true though, countless times, Mirae had danced around her shop, or even her living room, or the kitchen as she cooked, and never had she felt as free as she did when she danced with Yeon, or for him, to show him what she could do. 

It was the spot light. She now knew, dancing in front of someone had made all the difference in the world. That could only say one thing for Mirae. That dancing was something she did definitely see in her future. Even if she had to search and hire someone to run her shop on the days that she couldn't. That realization made Mirae feel something though. Like she had just discovered hidden treasure or something. A weight had definitely lifted from her shoulders. 

Mirae grinned, when Yeon then spoke of how she'd lived longer, and seen more, especially more pain, but when he called her charismatic, all the Niveis could do was smile. "Well, thank you for noticing. You wouldn't have recognized me years ago. I didn't look much different than now, but I was just so miserable.." she started, and frowned a little. "Life back then was hard to live.. sometimes I guess I didnt even want to.. live that is" she added, and inhaled softly. She'd always done her best to shake herself of the things she and dae went through back then. But, no matter how much she shook, there would always be small reminders of those days, and where she watched her brother have his choices yanked away from him, by a sword piercing his chest. Only because he wanted a different lifestyle than what Coldren and the rest wanted. 

God she hated the man, even though he'd been dead for decades now, she hated him with a fiery passion. So much, that sometimes, she often obsessed about the ways she could have ended his life back then. Mirae was happy to hear Yeon's voice chime out again, when he said thanks. She grinned, and gave him a playful wink "Anytime Yeon" she expressed, and chuckled when he called someone an ass, and gave an eye roll to the fact that the guy had been bought a company from his father. "Must be nice to play with daddy's money.. I come from a place where earning everything you get or nearly killing yourself for it, is the only way youll ever have anything at all" she expressed when he talked about whoever the guy was who was apparently a big time douche. Mirae nodded, locking eyes with the Valkyr when he spoke of how life could at times push you, "Couldn't have said that better myself. Life can be a bitch sometimes. But, you have to spank that bitch and show her who that ass belongs to" Mirae chuckled, trying to make light of things. 

But the truth of it all was, Yeon had a way about him that lifted Mirae's spirits so much, that around him, she felt like she was on a never ending high. A great one at that, not some chemically, mind altering high.. just a natural high, she never wanted to come down from. She also enjoyed the playfulness of the friendship they had built in no time, everything seemed to flow naturally between them, and this was someone she'd keep by her side for a life time, if he allowed for it. Mirae chuckled once more, when he said his mind lived in the gutter, he was so free spirited. It was rather addictive, and often rubbed off on Mirae herself. "True that, when you're not in tune with your sexuality, you often come off as a narrow minded moron. Ive met many who just act like bisexual beings are the worse people on earth... but I don't aim for someone by gender, to make connecting with someone, and a good personality are two things that take me a long way" she expressed, smiling genuinely. 

Mirae chuckled when he pouted, not that it was funny, she honestly hoped her herbs would help him and sleep finally get on track with one another, but his comment after that was amusing. "That could be both good and bad, good because you're falling asleep of course, but during certain events, that could be bad" she grinned playfully, hinting at God knows what, likely sex with how her mind had kept returning to the very subject of that. Making her seem like a deprived animal, starved for it or something. Shaking that thought, and the fact that she'd began to blush again. Mirae huffed, and shook her head, she really did enjoy Yeon, and getting to know him so far, had been a piece of cake, She knew there was so much more room to grow, it was just easy for her to be herself with him, and that's why it was easy to get to know him, because in turn, she was able to share things with him, that she likely wouldn't with most people. 

Mirae listened intently. She felt like she had drifted back to the days, where she hung onto every word Daehyun spoke. Mirae used to live for the words that came from Dae's mouth, and considered everything he said, to be gospel, much like she felt now with Yeon. No one had ever made her listen, as much as Dae had, and even though Dae didn't speak much, when he did, the words he spoke were always meaningful, and she supposed Yeon was reminding her very much of that with her brother. "I agree. Failure is something we all hate, but it doesn't define us, it makes us grow" she added, and softened her own features, as he responded to what she had told him about her own nightmares. She had nodded, when he spoke of how nightmares never really went away, "No they don't, and I wish I had happier words than those, but they never really do go away.. that's the harsh reality of my nightmares, and seemingly the ones you're having. Is it why you never sleep?" she then asked, now piecing that part of the puzzle together. It saddened her to know he was likely forcing himself to stir back awake every time he got comfy enough to sleep, just to keep himself from having the nightmares that tormented him. 

Mirae had been frowning, saddened by it all when he reach over to wipe her tears, which surprised her, and melted her heart all the same. No one had ever been kind to her. Her loud, intimidating personality ran most people off before they could even learn her name. But Yeon, he was something else. Smiling, she leaned over, and nudged his shoulder with hers, before laying her head on his shouldr for a brief second. "Thank you, that did make me feel better. Never really had someone be so kind to me" she stated, and rose back up, to avoid taking to much of his personal space. Mirae could sense that Yeon enjoyed her company as much as she did his, and that realization wrapped around her like a security blanket. It was something she felt she needed right now with how close she felt to him already; she'd simply be devestated to lose him. 

Mirae grinned, flustered yet again when he winked at her. "if you keep winking at me, my options are going to expand a little here" she stated, flashing that same playful wink back to him, while biting her lower lip a little. God, she was definitely barking up the wrong tree here. IF she expected him to become a dance coach / teacher, whatever, to her.. seducing him, may not be in her favor. But who wouldn't? He was a walking sex God, with an amazing personality to top it all off. Not to mention, he was pretty beautiful appearance wise too. 

"Shew, anyways" she breathed out, and recollected herself. 

Now that they were in the club, and Mirae had found him succesfully, and surprisingly, to her; she gave a wide grin to him from across the room, and nonchalantly danced her way over to him. She figured why not. If people were going to stare, she'd give them reason too. But, her dance technique always resorted into 'stripper'. She chuckled as she finally made it to where he was sitting, and grabbed a drink, rising her own glass in a cheers manner when he complimented her back. Her bright eyes scanned him for moments longer than she had intended, and Mirae couldn't help but notice that all eyes were now on the pair of them. Yeon must have been a pretty big deal here, and her heart began to race at the news that this place had been hard to get a free pass for. "So, i'm special then?" she asked, flashing a playful wink at the Valkyr. "I don't imagine you'd do this for just anyone" she added, upping her ego more than she needed to, and chuckled playfully. 

"No, really though. This place is amazing, thank you so much for inviting me tonight. A few drinks, then what?" she asked, smirking as though she already knew. He only clarified that though, when he looked over the balcony, Mirae followed his gaze, only to gulp. But, her expression didn't lack the confidence that she actually did. "An audience it is then" she stated, wide eyed, but impressed. "A few drinks definitely sounds like the first thing we should start this night off with. What are you drinking?" she questioned, before peering around, gazing to those who stared at her and Yeon. "Ill have the same as him" Mirae then expressed, making her second drink, whatever Yeon was having, since she'd basically gulped the first one down like it was oxygen to someone who couldn't breathe. 

"Hmm a little about me. That could take years" she chuckled, and pressed on to answer his question "A few years now. I moved here, where there was supposed to be tons of promise, a new life to be lived, etc.. and so far, this place has proven to be worthy of at least a fresh start, and it brought me and my brother back together.. but until I met you, I felt like a rain storm was hanging over my head constantly. I don't know, I just feel a lot of darkness here. Is that just me?" she asked curiously, but continued sipping away at the drinks as they came. "And you mr Yeon? how long has this place been your home?" she asked, but she knew better than to call it home.. for some people, it was just an escape from their old lives. Something was stiring in this city.. inside of Mirae even, and she had a feeliing that it was only the calm before the storm. 

Shaking that dreadful feeling away, Mirae smirked at Yeon "Ya know, I had been missing out all this time" she expressed, and gulped at her drink some more, complimenting the Valkyr's presence in her life once more with that statement. "How did you come about dancing anyways?" she asked, wondering where it all truly started for him. When the last song ended, switching to a new one, something within Mirae began stirring awake, It was a song she'd heard not long ago, that she had ended up having put onto a CD someone made for her. Mirae still hadn't gotten in tune with all the modern technology, so all she had in shop was a boom box that played CD's, but she had a ton of burnt CD's. Still though, the song that'd just came on, had quickly became her favorite song.

His expression faltered only for a small moment when she spoke about not wanting to live, it wasn’t the first time he’d heard that from an immortal and made him realize how bleak the world might look when you were in a bad place and it felt like that bad place could quite literally go on forever. He hadn’t experienced that himself, he was still young in that sense, only becoming a valkyr 8 years ago “Well the key thing is that you can say you made it out the other side right?” he respected that level of strength, especially when it seemed like she had been through hell and back. He had always been one to appreciate the worth of things, he was self-made, which was practically unheard of in this industry and he was proud of it too, didn’t come without a lot of hard work of course, but being able to sit back and say ‘I did it’ that was worth the world. He chuckled in an amused manner at her playful joke “Hell yeah you do” he responded with a laugh “Just gotta be wary cause she’ll always come back to bite you eventually” but you learned to take the good with the bad over time.

Her level of openness, especially because she seemed to be of Korean descent was admirable and he really liked how considerate but also confident she could be when faced with the right scenario, now the two of them were talking like friends rather than strangers anyway “I think it’s more about just sexuality but also being in tune with yourself, a wise man once told me no one’s gonna love you until you learn to love yourself” he shrugged his shoulders a little “Admittedly he was high and probably talking about masturbation but” he chuckled softly “I try to see the best in myself and accept who I am and the things I want” he nodded slightly, he was sure she could relate with losing her identity, it looked like maybe she was still trying to find hers.

He chuckled at her hinting that falling asleep at random moments in time could probably be a pain, it was, never really knowing when he was going to be able to drift off, nowadays it was usually a nap on the plane because he spent so much damn time on them “I’m sure there’s some ironic joke about sleeping when I’m dead in there somewhere” he teased in an amused manner and chuckled. She had interesting perspective, many which aligned with his own, she was open and considerate but he could also tell there was a moral compass inside her too, it seemed she was also quite receptive to things she heard “Failure is something we tend to fear” he commented while rolling his shoulders back “Which is why you have to learn to foster the idea that failing isn’t the end” which was really damn hard, the number of times he had wanted to quit on something because it hadn’t panned out.

“To be honest, I never sleep because my brain is always on work” he admitted with a gentle laugh “It’s my fatal flaw, I can just never let things lie” he was notorious for being at the office too late, answering emails at stupid in the morning, never taking a proper vacation, he knew it was a problem and yet he couldn’t find the will to quit it either. “The nightmares don’t help to tempt me to sleep though” he admitted with a half sigh “That’s the worst part about nightmares and the likes, it’s not something you can just easily treat to make the pain go away” it was closely linked with things that happened in life, things you couldn’t just forget. He was definitely caring in the sense he hated to see other people hurting, he was also a very tactile person, he showed his emotions a lot of the time through touch, he lowered hand slowly and smiled leaning back against her as she nudged him and laid her head on his shoulder “Well then they’re idiots, kindness costs nothing, especially not for good people” and he got the sense she was a really good person, when she pulled away, clearly concerned about his personal space he laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder pulling her into a hug “Little secret about me, I’m a hug guy” he winked and ruffled her hair in a playful manner.

When she commented on his winking he couldn’t help but laugh “Sorry, it's a habit, I swear I have a switch that’s always turned on” meaning that he was constantly flirting and everything he did probably came across as that. Probably why he got so much sexual attention and why he didn’t have many friends. He did have lines though and student-teacher relations were a big no for him because he didn’t keep those he slept with around. “Oh absolutely, I don’t let just any random riff-raff insist I take them back to my dance studio” but there was something charismatic and enchanting about her which had him taking a risk and so far it had paid off. Most people would have shied away from the idea of performing in front of a club after one day of professional practice but Mirae seemed game for it all and he did enjoy people who rose to a challenge “If you wanna make it as a professional dancer, the first step is performing with an audience, may as well make it an interesting one” he wasn’t gonna scare her too badly and tell her the names of those who often frequented the club though.

“You’re welcome, I like the vibe of the place, too bad the drinks are so expensive” he laughed because he could, of course, afford whatever he wanted to but as someone who barely had a penny 8 years ago he knew the worth of things and also knew when places were ripping you off “Then dancing of course, don’t you see that stage down there?” he pointed it out with a mischievous grin, it was a raised platform in the middle of the room, currently unoccupied but it was the perfect space for performing “Mm basically anything on the menu that’s heavy with vodka and doesn’t taste like it” which was mostly cocktails, the bartender knew what to bring him by now and so he brought her a glass of the same thing. He held up his glass towards hers with a smile “To new friends” he toasted before downing a large amount of the liquid and swallowing hard.

“Well technically I have many years to spare” he commented as he glanced over at her, thankfully with his enhanced hearing it wasn’t hard to understand what she was telling him despite how loud and rowdy the crowd seemed to be tonight “I’ve lived in Evermore pretty much since the moment I became a valkyr, place draws us in like a honey trap” he chuckled softly “Gideon and Cecilia helped me to accept what happened and the rest was history I suppose” he paused for a moment and nodded solemnly “But you’re right, it does feel like the bright Eternal City is losing some of its shine” which was evidenced in the strange happenings he’d heard of from people he knew in the city. He probably would have been more involved if he wasn’t in another city half the time.

“Dancing?” he responded with a raised brow “Now that one’s easy” he laughed softly “I was one of those kids who tried so hard to be good at something but never really excelled, good student but never the best, hard-working athlete but never the fastest or strongest” he shrugged “And then one day I tried dance and it all made sense” it was as if something inside him woke up and suddenly things fell into place and it was all he wanted to do. He finally felt like he was good at something without having to try harder than everyone else. Hearing the song that came on he hummed softly along to it “Isn’t it a little crazy how K-Pop seems to be taking over the world” he teased with a laugh enjoying hearing his native tongue. He downed another swig of his drink “What’s one thing you’ve never experienced but always wanted to tick off your list?” you could tell a lot about a person by their hopes and dreams, he found.

Mirae realized her mistake before she could go back on what she had said. She often forgot that some of the things she said, could trigger those around her. To say you didn't wanna live anymore, was something pretty deep to say.. and sometimes, it really messed with a persons head to be around that kind of negative energy. His expression said a lot more than the words that he spoke. "Sorry Yeon, I shouldn't have said that out loud." she admitted, and nodded to what he said with a faint smile "You're right though, and thats something that should outweigh the bad.. I did make it out the other side, and my life is mine now" she added, her smile growing more genuine.

Mirae and Yeon had some sort of natural flow between them, that Mirae had grown pretty attached to at this point. Though the Valkyr was still pretty new to Mirae, and she to him, she really did adore their friendship, and she couldn't wait to see it progress even more. She smirked at his response, "ain't that the harsh truth" she chuckled, because yeah, life really did have a way of biting you in the ass when you least expected it, or when you assumed to have control over it. Mirae bit her lower lip as she locked eyes with the Valkyr. She had only ever remembered one other guy who could speak, and Mirae would hang onto every word spoken, and that had been her brother, so to say Yeon had a similar effect, meant that he'd gained a pretty special place with Mirae, no matter how shortly their time had been together.. it only made her want to stick by him to say the least. "I think that's the best statement ive ever heard.. that you can't love someone else, until you love yourself" she added, giving him a genuine smile before bursting out into laughter at the last bit. "Eh, thats alright too.. Ive heard masturbation is very healthy"

Mirae nodded, she knew better than anyone what it was like to reach far within yourself in hopes of accepting the person you are, or have became, from who you used to be "Ive changed so much over the years, so I get that.. in a way, I'm still trying to find my way with who I am now.. lots of confusion there" she stated. Even if her and Dae had joked about sexuality and the likes, Mirae found herself troubled with her own, because to be frank, she didn't know.

Mirae groaned, before averting her gaze back to Yeon "I gues the worse part is admitting to yourself, that you really don't know who you are, or what you want" she stated, holding a tone of sadness for a moment as her voice cracked a little. She couldn't be sad around him for long though, he had a knack for keeping a smile on her face during the moments she wasn't blushing. But then came the moments of inspiration, encouragement, and uplifting from just the words he spoke. "You're right, I guess I just have to get better at all of that.. feeling as though failure is the end, just means ive not done enough" she added, and smiled faintly.

If you fail enough, you eventually start to see that it's not the end, which made the words Yeon had used, golden in Mirae's ears. It amazed her at how similar they were, and how much they seemed to have in common, even with their views on life. Mirae frowned a little when he said he never slept, due to how his brain never shut down, she knew that feeling also. She was a night owl and sometimes, she didn't even try to sleep, because she knew it'd be pointless when her thoughts began to race; and they always did. Mirae glanced over to the Valkyr, she too had experienced many nightmares that tied her back to her past life, and all the traumatic events that had taken place back then. "I think nightmares last for a long time, because even when they go away, we usually remember them, and how horrific they were, which causes us other issues in the long run.. they have a lot of bad effects on us .. the aftermath of a nightmare is what makes a nightmare so damn hard to get past" she added to his statement, sighing in tune with him.

Mirae enjoyed that he'd leaned up against her, and didn't seem awkward when she had laid her head on his shoulder. Most people would have immedatiely scooted away, but Mirae supposed each of them had an intimate side, which made the simple touches like these, more than welcomed. Mirae was more than relieved to have him pull her into a hug, even if her tiny undead heart raced the moment he did. "Noted, and I do like hugs.. yours are pretty embracing" she admitted, letting the moment last however long it would as she hugged him back.She could tell they would end up being the type of friends who could quite literally share everything. The friends who'd never cross sexual lines, even if the desire was there. Mirae grinned as he apologized, shaking her head "Oh don't be sorry.. keep going if you'd like" she stated, and poked her tongue out playfully. He was attractive, and one would be a fool to not notice that, but Yeon wasn't just attractive with his looks, he was gorgous inside and out, and had a beautiful soul. That was something Mirae seemed to never find in people, so finding that with Yeon was a refreshing reward.

She knew there'd be lines drawn for her, and perhaps he was drawing them for himself too, with the flirty demnaour he had about himself, but Mirae had been giving that right back. She couldn't say it had all been one sided, especially from the moment she'd seen him stretching in the studio. The only issue there, was that Mirae was known for her rebllious nature, and there was nothing more she loved than crossing lines. So, this would be a challenge for her as well."A professional dancer huh.. do you think I ever could?" she asked, biting her lower lip, wondering if he even seen that much potential in her. The young Nieis grinned at him when he said he didn't just bring any ol rif-raff into his studio, and she even caught the look he gave, assuming he'd taken a risk earlier, but she was happy that he had, and even more happy that so far, he hadn't regretted doing so. But, Mirae had been behaving, and hoped to continue on that path. She didn't want him to regret anything they had done so far.

When he mentioned performing with an audience, Mirae's eyes widened only slightly. She forgot that they'd been sitting in a club, surrounded by people. Yeon seemed to take her mind off of everything but himself, and she enjoyed havng someone like that to talk too. Mirae glanced down to the stage Yeon pointed out, returning that same mischievous grin before raising her glass as her drink was slid to her, "To friends" she said, eyeing him for a brief second before deciding to chug her own drink. She felt the sudden need to at least have a proper buzz, for unspoken reasons, but she was sure he'd caught onto a few things she had been trying to be sly about.

"The drinks definitely are expensive here.. but they taste pretty good at least, or you just have good taste" she chuckled, since she'd decided to drink whatever he was drinking. Mirae pulled a sour face when she swallowed her own drink though, she'd forgotten the bitter taste of alcohol, due to how long it had been since she had even allowed herself to have this kind of fun. The young Niveis smiled at him, and nodded when he went into how long he had been in the city, and how those in his faction, she supposed his ambassador and another, had helped hm learn how to deal. "Fair enough, you seem pretty settled in here. I guess i'm still looking for the big 'welcome home' sign. but I suppose it's growing on me a little more now" she said, flashing him a wink, kind of referring to this place becoming home, due to the people she's met, and meaning Yeon in specific.

Mirae had a pearly white grin on her features when Yeon seemed to light up as he spoke about dance, and how he had came into it all when he was just a kid. "That makes sense, doing the herbal business was never my choice, but I guess I found that the more I did it on my own, and the more i created, and the more it helped people .. the more it seemed to stick with me.. to the point that a punishment turned into a luxury" she expressed, and nodded to his question about k-pop "I kind of love that they're playing it in more clubs, and hell, even over the radio when you're driving along on the highway now" she said, being hopeful that one day, K-pop would be just as recognized as everything else.

To Yeon's question, Mirae placed a finger to her chin, tapping for a moment in thought "Well, I have never experinced true love outside of my brother . and while I tend to push emotions, attachments, and feelings away just like he does, I guess ill admit that deep down, I kind of crave just having someone look at me like I mean the world to them, ya know? Like.. it doesn't even have to be a romantic relationship.. to even have a friendship that important would be amazing.. I just wanna be cared about, the way ive always tried to care for others." she started, but Mirae guessed she had a few things she wanted to experience in life. "And then there's one travel related, I would love to see the northern lights, and experience that moment with my brother or a close friend.. watch out Yeon, because you might just be volunteered now that i really like you" she giggled cutely and poked her tongue out.

"My most wanted experience is sentimental, i know.. but I guess i'm a sucker for those moments that i tend to push away" she added, chuckling and shaking her head, truly amused. The things she wanted most, seemed to be all the things she was hell bent on continuing to push away in her life. Her and Daehyun had so much more in common than even the two of them realized. "What about you? What's something you really wanna experience in life?" she asked, wondering what his desires in life were as she was sure he had a few of his own.

“Well I think it’s okay to still be figuring things out, we’re always doing that right? The world keeps changing and so do we” that’s how he saw it anyway, he wouldn’t be the exact same person he was now in a few years time because the world and his experiences would have changed him by then, for worse or for better? Only time would tell on that part. He gave her a sympathetic smile and shrugged “Then don’t have a dream for now, just figure things out by trying, hell spend a few months saying yes to every opportunity that comes up and see where it leads you, you can always back out later if you think you made a mistake” he liked being open to new things and seeing what it lead to, it made for a very diverse life, that was for sure. “To me, the only true failure is never trying at all, when you let yourself become stagnant like that, it’s hard to dig your way back out” he would know, he had spent 6 full months not trying at all and it had just made his life so much more difficult.

She was right, they didn’t use the word terror to describe them for no reason, sleeping when things were heavy on your mind and constantly seeing things that stirred up negative emotions on you took its toll. Especially when it was the same one over and over again and you had no idea how to shake it or face it “Guess it reminds us all that we have some humanity in there somewhere, that no one is truly immune to fear in any sense of the sentiment” he wrinkled his nose and laughed softly “I don’t trust people who don’t like hugs” he grinned and winked, he was just a people person he supposed, he liked being a little clingy and silly, he’d hang off friend’s shoulders and peer over their shoulder often. When she talked about being a professional dancer, Yeon lit up “Hey I made it as one, why not you?” he raised his brow, he was the kind of person who believed in the value of hard work and it paying off and he liked to surround himself with people who felt the same.

After their toast, Yeon couldn’t help but notice the way she downed all of her drink which made him chuckle, he could understand being a little nervous he supposed, it had only been a day of practice and yet here they were, ready to perform in front of an audience of mostly drunk people “I mean it’s all a bit stuffy for my liking but when you get access to a VIP bar you don’t just pass that opportunity up you know” he took another swig of his drink and chuckled “I mean think about all the networking opportunities first and foremost” he glanced up at her and smiled. “Just because it began as a punishment doesn’t mean it can’t be your passion” he commented softly and smiled softly “I like seeing the world diversity a little, seeing different cultures overlap and acceptance becoming a more and more common, it’s a good time to be alive” he nodded slightly, he saw reasons to hope anyway and that was a really nice thought to have.

He looked back at Mirae with a serious gaze and nodded his head slowly “I think we all crave that in some form, someone to notice us and to care for us” he certainly always searched for those things in his father when he was younger, to the point where he twisted the person he was in the name of getting it. And then he died. And everything changed. “Well stick with me kid, I’ve been told I’m a pretty decent friend to have my very few friends” he teased with a laugh, he was a bit of a paranoid people so he tended to keep most people at arm’s length but Mirae had made the effort to be his friend before she even knew who he was and it was those kinds of people he needed in his life. He watched her and smiled gently at the thought of the Northern Lights because ironically, that had been something he’d promised himself he would go and see one day, after everything with his work felt settled “Funnily enough I’ve always had this pipedream of flying out to Iceland just to see them for myself” he chuckled softly “One day” he spoke wistfully.

“Carpe Diem Mirae” he spoke with a wide grin and shrugged his shoulders a little at her question “You know I feel really lucky to have already seen and done so many things but” he popped his lips as he thought about what he really wanted to do “I wanna take an extended vacation and just go see and experience everything, you know? Skydiving, riding in a helicopter, feeding baby animals, swimming with dolphins, all that cheesy kind stuff” he explained and laugh “I’d really love to visit Tokyo sometime because I just think the culture of that city would definitely be my speed” he chuckled “basically all the things that require me to give up my one true love, work” he said it sarcastically but it wasn’t that far from the truth if he was honest. He ordered himself another drink after finishing his existing one and tilted his head slightly “What are three things you hate?” he raised a curious brow.


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