‘You want to know how to remove the curse? I need information from someone high up. His name is  Alexander Sundfør. Kidnap him, a location to follow. -A’

Siobhan had opened the letter, read it, folded it closed what felt like a million times. She had figured out with a phone call to the City hall to a contact that seemed to know her, where he would be that evening. The person who sent her the note sent a dress for the ball that was happening that evening. She wondered if a ball was the best place to try and kidnap someone. Maybe it would be easier because he would be off guard. She cleaned up and slipped into the Yellow high slit dress. On her hidden thigh she strapped a row of daggers to it.

After looking at her reflection in her motel mirror. She gave a faint smile, She couldn’t remember the last time she had been in something so beautiful. Looking at the time she slipped on her heels and made her way out of the door. She tried to plan out how she was going to capture this Alexander male in order to get the answers she needed. Her blue eyes searched along the street as if looking for the person who gave her this mission. After a moment of standing there she found herself walking towards the hall the ball was being held in.

Once there she slipped through the service entrance managing to not be seen even in such a bright dress. She filtered into the crowd, picking up a drink from one of the trays waiters were carrying. She raised it to her lips downing the whole thing, her eyes closing from the comforting taste of alcohol on her tongue. Knowing that she shouldn’t give into the craving to get lost into the blackout she always craved from alcohol. She looked around the room and started to walk around to see if she could pick up on the name Alex or Alexander. She secretly hoped he would just fall into her lap and ask her to dance.

She took one of the mini pieces of food popping it into her mouth. She set the glass aside as she tucked her blonde hair behind her ear. Her blue eyes searching before adjusting the top of her dress. She moved around the people standing out like a sore thumb before stopping in front of a strong looking man. She gave him a gentle smile after catching his eyes before looking away from him in a sly manner. Her nails came to run along her exposed shoulder slowly.

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Alexi walked quietly beside her with his arms resting down by his sides, he felt his phone vibrate but for now, he ultimately ignored them as he didn't want to take his eyes off the blonde-haired woman. She seemed changeable in nature and he had his guard up. As the street slowly turned into a nature path he listened to her speak. It seemed as if she had a serious mental health issue, possibly schizophrenia, "I heard you talk to yourself multiple times...as if you were having a conversation. Is there a voice inside your head or outside of it? Or do you just talk to yourself...I mean I do that sometimes..." The Sundfor male was taking a bit of a stretch by asking her these questions, for one he didn't think she was human so did mental health issues even affect the supernatural? And secondly, he was no psychologist, but he knew some things about different conditions. Still, he wanted to help as much as he could and he figured this was as best of a place as any to start. 

When she sat down on the bench and pulled her knees up to her torso, she honestly looked like a broken child. It was a major juxtaposition to the woman he had met during the charity ball. Her behaviour confused him, "Well you know, I do enjoy living despite all the ups and downs my life has recently thrown towards me. Like some mental rollercoaster." he commented with a light chuckle. If he didn't laugh he most possibly would have joined her in being completely depressed. Alexi listened intently as she unfolded her story about his home city New York. He knew what life there could be like, every man for himself on the streets. In his youth, he had gotten into a fair amount of trouble with the local gangs and even top class business owners, during his hacking endeavours. 

He couldn't stop himself from counting all of the felonies she spoke about. If he did report it, she would be taken to court, but he thought it wasn't right to incarcerate someone with seemingly atrocious mental health issues. She needed help, not to be locked away in solitary confinement for the rest of her life. Alexanders forest green eyes followed hers to watching the ducks swim across the lake, and for a moment he found peace within himself, "Are you supernatural? I know of an Instar Diviner shop...I called in recently to find something for myself, but maybe she might be able to help you?" he said switching his glance back to her, "I could also help you be admitted...um...you know so you can benefit from the therapy and medication." he wasn't sure of the latter, but they were the only two ideas he had.

Standing up he walked over to the water and took out a bag of seeds he'd bought when he has escaped. He had originally planned to take this path home but decided to go back to her first. Slowly the chocolate brown-haired male, hunched so he wouldn't frighten the ducks, pouring a little amount of the packet into his palm he scattered them so they could eat, "Do you want to try?" he asked, turning his head back to the bench she was sitting on.

Siobhan raised her head to look at him, she hadn’t noticed she had been talking aloud. She really thought it was inside of her own head. She looked from him for a moment before giving a shrug of her shoulder. “I guess it's in my head, I am not sure. Feels like a black shadow whispering in my ear telling me to do things. I am not sure if I am going crazy or what. I can’t remember things from two years ago. So I don’t know if I was always this way, according to those who know me, I wasn’t. I just want to go back to who I once was. She has to be better than this version.” Siobhan gave a long stare for a moment to the ground. “Maybe I am just mad, for all I know you are not real.”

She watched him laugh about how he enjoyed life despite the ups and downs of it. She let out a sharp breath from her nose before focusing back on the lake in front of her. “Funny how one can laugh at life being difficult for them. I found it strange how we laugh at things that make us uncomfortable.” She ran her fingers along the back of her neck slowly. She looked at him raising a brow as he asked if she was supernatural. She didn’t think she had hidden the fact she was. “I am a nephilim.” She said softly before letting out a sharp breath for a moment. “Angel child. Ironic isn’t that?” She shook her head towards herself for a moment as she thought of Billie Mae the only Diviner she could trust. 

“I am not fond of Diviners, and with the only one I trust I hurt her when she tried to dive into my mind. She said someone else took over.” She swallowed hard as she tucked the hair behind her ear and closed her eyes for a moment. “I don’t think admitting me will benefit anyone. Especially those locked in close rooms with me.” She said as she trailed her fingers through her hair making it flow in the breeze that flowed around them. Taking a deep breath in, it was cleansing being outside near a body of water, it calmed her. “I would also like to not hurt your friend.” She said honestly before she finally looked back at him.

She moved from the bench and crouched beside him taking a hand full of seed and held it out towards the ducks. Who seemed to come closer but before getting too close a turn and high tailed it away from her. She gave a soft sigh as she frowned. “It's become a common thing, the animals running away from me. Guess it has to do with whatever is wrong with me.” She admitted as she looked at him. “Honesty time, why would someone be after you Alexander? In my experience most people don’t just get a hit put out on them for no reason. There has to be something you haven’t told me yet.” She stood up placing the seeds back into his hand.

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