Lachlan had gained a whole new outlook on life, after realizing the woman he had once loved wasn’t lying to him, was in fact being the one hunted. It restored his fate in good things. Something he had been struggling with since he had believed Irene had used him to get away with murder. He was thankful that he could call her his friend now. He had made it a personal mission to keep her safe from harm. He knew well how much of her past had affected her, yet she had been strong through it all. It was something not many could do. She would probably cast some kind of spell on him, if she knew he was still protecting her from afar. Such a strange relationship to have, he mused in his own mind before the beeping from his computer drew his attention back to it. He had almost completely forgotten he was on the trail of someone who seemed to be hacking their way through the Evermore Security System.

Cracking his knuckles, his fingers got to work, clacking away on the keyboard as the darkness of the room around him gave the Therian a sense of calm and control. This and his job in the ECPD is what gave him relaxation. Since fighting had become an utterly mute point for him. The dulling of his pain had come to a point that he could no longer feel the hits. For some that may sound great yet for him, it was terrifying. As his eyes stayed glued to the screen he gave a gentle hum out for a moment. He hadn’t seen this userhandle before, was this a new hacker on the scene? As Lachlan threw up more and more blocks he could sense that the Hacker known as DARK0N3 was growing annoyed. It was a thrill of a chase that gave Lachlan a smirk on his face, though the smirk quickly faded when another hacker entered in the game. This one seeming to be not only blocking DARK0N3 but himself also. “What in the fuck.” he muttered out as he clacked away on the keyboard.

Lachlan groaned out as this new player seemed to be placing blocks around him keeping him from tracking DARKoN3 location. “Who the hell are you!” he felt the annoyance rise in his blood. S3R3N1TY was this DARK0N3 helper? Maybe they would be so busy blocking him that they wouldn’t notice if he penpointed their location so he shifted gears and worked on a backdoor to get S3R3N1TY location. As he worked on that he still tried to throw up walls for DARKoN3. Finding S3R3N1TY location itself wasn’t hard, he wrote down the Longitude and latitude down. See it was in Evermore itself, which was surprising some. Closing his laptop and placing it in his bag he rose from his home office desk and made his way to his car. The night air was cold and refreshing as he took the deepest of breaths to fill his lungs. Placing his gun in its holster before he started his car making his way to the location.

As he pulled up to S3R3N1TY house it wasn’t what he overly expected. His eyes scanned for a moment before he got out and made his way to the door, making sure when he knocked not to knock too hard, after all couldn’t quite explain to whomever was beyond the door why it busted off the hinges. When the door opened his eyes met that of a blonde woman whom he had met in passing. His eyes blinked rapidly as confusion crossed his face. “Serenity?” He asked with a slight tremble in his voice trying to process and understand. How the leader of the humans was a hacker, he was more than sure now he didn’t have the full picture.

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She grinned slightly when he said he had a van which was basically his baby “Let me guess, you spend nearly every weekend working on it?” she grinned slightly, as an engineer she was better at working on cars than the average girl. She often noticed people got surprised when she changed her own tyre or popped the hood and looked for the problem herself when there were problems “My dad taught me how to tinker, it’s kinda addictive” she grinned playfully.

Before long they had arrived at the police station, the ride was silent for the most part but it didn’t make her too uncomfortable. When they arrived she looked around “In hindsight, if the press saw me being escorted to the station who knows what stories they’d run” she laughed under her breath, thankfully she didn’t see any media around. She got out of the car and followed him inside “Secret lair” she commented and laughed under her breath in response to his words, following him down the stairs to the basement.

“Your secret technical lair seems to have a lack of technical security” she commented, noting the door was made up of a lock and nothing electrical. Still she followed him inside, looking around and grinning at the room he showed her “Looks like we’re about to kick off some superhero crime-fighting” she teased as she found a spare chair and sat herself down on it, spinning slightly “So this is your little hidey-hole” she grinned and placed her laptop on the desk and turned it on.

“And most nights I couldn’t sleep.” He said honestly with a chuckle from his lips as he glanced over to her. “Though she is meant to be a surveillance Van she gained a special place in my big heart.” He placed a hand on his chest for a moment before taking in her playful grin and his own memories dripping in. “My dad taught me also before his life was taken. It became even more special to me after that.” He said with a gentle sigh before shaking his head to clear the memories that haunt him. “Additive is truly the right word.”

“Could you imagine the stories they would run.” He shook his head at the idea of it. “I have thankfully managed. to stay out of the paper but now that I have become alpha of alpha I feel that will no longer be the case.” He gave an annoyed groan as he moved with her down the stairs. As they entered his lair he gave a gentle chuckle at her words and sighed “Well one can only do so much with government funding. Yet everyone that works in this office alone is supernatural, and well there are many things that would keep the information safe.”

His eyes looked towards the door for a moment before he waved his hand for  her to take one of the three other seats in the office. “Into Superhero crime-fighting?” He chuckled softly for a moment as he smiled back to her before giving a gentle nod. “This is where I do some of my best work. He flipped on the power to the computers in the room and waited for them to warm up. “Think all the tech talk makes some of the cops up above us uncomfortable so they placed me down here.” He gave a chuckle.

She laughed under her breath when he added an additional reason he would work on his van “Which ends up being most nights” she commented and shook her head slightly, insomnia really was something that managed to get you. “Sounds like the perfect little hideout when you need some space too” she commented and offered a half smile, she definitely always loved hanging out in her dad’s caravan when she was younger, sometimes they would just hop in it and drive down to the beach, those were some of her best memories. She gave him a sad smile when he said his dad had passed “So sorry for your loss” she spoke empathetically “Working on it brings good memories though so I’m sure you’re glad you have that” it was something after all.

She sighed, pressing her hands against her face when he spoke about potential headlines they might run on her “I swear it’s gotten so often now that I could actually make a decent guess at what they’d say” she shook her head slightly, it was one of those things that came along with being an ambassador but it was certainly something she didn’t enjoy, there always seemed to be eyes on her. “Just keep an eye out for them camping out on your lawn, I swear I almost hit someone with my car when they were hiding at my place” she shook her head slightly, she really did miss her privacy in that manner. She groaned when he mentioned government funding “We’re so lucky to be part-funded by investors because I swear with the budget we get given, nothing would get done” she commented and grumbled slightly, securing funding was one of most tedious parts of her job.

She laughed softly “Everyone likes a good hactivist story right?” even if most of them were overdramatised and certainly not realistic she liked the idea of a hacker being able to save the world somehow “Alas, we both went for the legitimate route” she teased playfully, their roles when it came to protecting the city were very similar which hopefully meant they would make a good team. “I like the dark labs too, when it’s just my screen in front of me, more things seem to get done” she laughed as she opened her code terminal and started building up the framework for an AWS website that they could purposely leave backdoors to “The high rise is fancy and all but before long I have everyone and their cat bugging me” she laughed “One time we actually did have a cat wander in and no one knew how to get it to go back where it came from...climbed up the elevator and everything” she shook her head in an amused fashion but reminded herself to focus.

He gave a gentle confirming nod, “Insomnia is a heartless bitch.” He just stated and chuckled for a moment. “Yes it is nice to have that little hideout. Do you have something like that yourself?” He asked as the curious giant cat he was. He paused for a moment at her reply and gave her a sad smile in return. “Thank you, it's been a long time. I just hope to one day bring the woman who killed him and my mom to justice.” It felt like a long shot the more years that passed but it still was always in the back of his mind. “Yeah it's always nice to do something I know would make it proud. He made me the man I am too this day even though he could have just let me take the path of gang life. Especially since I wasn’t his biological child.” He said for a moment. “Him being my dad feels more special somehow knowing he still wanted me even though my birth mom didn’t.”

He could feel himself getting lost in the memories of his family but snapped out of it remembering he just met this woman. Did he just want her to trust him so they could be strong allies together. “Strangest headline so far?” he asked with a chuckle as he looked to the computer screens in front of him. “Well the difference between you and I is I will arrest them for trespassing since my home is where many shouldn’t reach.” He gave a gentle chuckle from his lip. “No wonder you have fancy things like high security doors.” He joked with her lightly but understood with things in evermore they were funded in a way to keep themselves developing tech to keep many safe. He was actually rather impressed with his own digging he did but wouldn’t admit to it. “Seriously though, you guys are lucky to have the private funding it has to help immensely.”

Lachlan looked her over for a moment and gave a shake of his head. “Oh yes everyone loves a good dramatic hactivist story.” Giving a light chuckle from her lips. “Well I wasn’t always a legitimate hacker.” He coughed out and then chuckled. “Hence why the FBI made me one but that is a story for another day.” He gave her a playful wink. As they were ready to work on writing the codes together. Placing pieces together to leave a way of tracking whoever is doing their best to get in. He felt the laugh leave his lips when she talked about a cat getting in. “So wrong I want to shift into my cat form and crawl up and watch everyone's faces. A giant black lion could you see their faces in your mind?” He tried to picture it.

“True that” she responded when the male mentioned insomnia being a bitch, she had struggled with a lack of sleep on and off for most of her life, nightmares and insomnia were pretty common for her after she discovered the supernatural world, she supposed it was her mind’s way of handling the craziness of the world she now faced. “Is that what made you want to join the force?” he questioned curiously, it must be hard for him to have a case unsolved so close to his heart and she was sure he was desperate to find out what happened to his family. “I’m sure he’s proud of you for going the right route...fighting for justice isn’t easy but it’s definitely admirable” she have a half smile, it definitely made her respect him a lot.

She raised her brows and then bit her lip when he asked about the strangest headline that had been published about her and thought about it for a moment “One time they speculated I must be sleeping with the head of Evermore Daily to make sure no bad news was published about me?” she commented and shook her head slightly, considering the guy was like 60 years old and grumpy as hell it was rather entertaining to her. “Well I’ve reported it but you know what it’s like when things are spread thin” the cops had far more to be dealing with than a few intrusive reporters. She grinned slightly when he mentioned how they could afford fancy security doors “But then we do also have to deal with a board where everyone and their cat wants to put their opinions in” she commented in a grumbling tone.

She grinned slightly “I don’t think any hacker actually starts legitimate honestly, not the good ones anyway” she explained thinking about how much she had learned when she was younger from trying to break into systems. She never did too much damage to anything or gave the FBI a reason to track her down but there was a certain thrill that came from trying to break into something and exploring every avenue to get there. She gave him a stern look but laughed when he said he wanted to explore the building in his cat form “Something tells me you’d get made before you got into the elevator” but it would definitely cause a stir that was for sure. “You’d give the receptionist a real fright” she teased and laughed.

“Okay I’ve started on a script we can use to gather his data when we managed to get a hit on the IP” she commented before tilting her screen towards him to show him her work so far.

Lachlan paused his clicking away for a moment as he stared at the screen not recognizing the letters and numbers anymore. He had told a practical stranger why he joined the force, well partly. He didn’t often let his walls down. So it secretly shocked him that he had been so willing to talk about himself. “It was a driving force, yes, and honoring my father since he had been on the force was a part of it also.” He said softer as he clicked away on the keyboard. “Though I wouldn’t say my intentions were pure at first. It was about revenge to start with. Now It’s more I want questions answered and I am tired of hunting her.” He muttered softly as he pinched the bridge of his nose. A gentle smile came to his lips. “I hope I have made him prouder than I did when he was alive.” It was a truth that he didn’t often speak but it was a truth nonetheless.

Lachlan couldn’t hold back the aggressive laugh that left his lips as he looked at her. “Well clearly he had to have game to pull you.” The therian shook his head with a gentle chuckle at the image in his head. “Well if you ever want help feel free to call me up next time. I will come running and we can make them start rumors about the new beau in your life that aggressively shoosh them away from your home.” He said with a chuckle at the idea. It wouldn’t be the first time a woman used him to scare off people from their homes. He hated to think any woman was harassed at all. It was something that bothered him to his core. 

He gave a smirk at the fact most good hackers don’t start legitimately. His head turned over his shoulder to take  in the blond for a moment. “Tell me, Blondie. How did you get your start?” He asked in a gentle tone. He gave a laugh from under his breath because of her stern look for a moment.  “You doubt my skill at being sneaky, that only makes it more of a challenge for me Sariah.” He said with an eyebrow wiggle towards her but enjoyed the laugh she let ring out. “You have a cute laugh you know?” He said as he looked back to his screen before glancing over to her screen as she showed him her work.

“Good, Make sure to put in it to decode any vpns they may be using.” He said as he looked back to his screen. “I think I got the blog set up and coding with gossip of Evermore going back five years to make it more legitimate looking.” He said turning to show her a rather impressive aesthetic site under the codename Evermore Gossip Guru.

She smiled and nodded “I’m sure he’d be pretty proud of you” she assured him and nodded slightly, it wasn’t an easy job to do, even if you chose a role that wasn’t on the front line, there were still physical requirements you had to meet “Way back when I wanted to be a technical lead for the military but it didn’t work out” she commented in a soft voice, she had an irregular heartbeat which disqualified her for active duties so she had to take another avenue. “Sounds exhausting” she commented in a somewhat empathetic tone, she was sure it was impossible for him to find any real peace when there were still unanswered questions “I hope you get the closure you need” she expressed.

She laughed too when he expressed that the guy must have game to pull her “I don’t like to say I’m...fickle when it comes to picking a partner but I don’t think we’d make a good match” she commented and shook her head in amusement. Mostly because she was planning on staying single for the foreseeable since things hadn’t really worked out for her in the romance department lately. “I suppose it makes better news than the human ambassador being single forever” she commented and pouted her lips slightly. She did giggle slightly when he suggested she could call him to be a fake boyfriend “I have to admit I could actually picture that in my head” she teased slightly/

She grinned and looked down for a moment wondering whether she should reveal her not so clean past to a cop, but she figured if he did have it out for her, it wasn’t like he would ever have a way to prove it or trace back her stuff “Mostly the hacktivist stuff...shutting down websites belonging to terrorist groups or equally bad drains on society” she had practiced on a lot of purposely vulnerable websites to figure out the tricks of the trade and then try them. She looked down for a moment and blushed when he said she had a cute laugh “Thanks...I think” she murmured softly, it had been a while since anyone complimented her.

“Already on it, though many VPN sites have seriously upped their algorithms in the last few years, it might take some time to crack” of course between them she was sure they could find a backdoor. She raised her brows when he mentioned a gossip blog and she peered over his shoulder as he scrolled through the posts until it came over a post with a picture of her being stood up. She bit her lip and averted her gaze back to her laptop “It’ll do the job I’m sure” she commented before continuing the script they could embed into the webpage “Where’s it being hosted...because we may need to put it behind a stronger firewall if we’re going to have a shot of capturing any traffic” your average firewall wasn’t going to cut it.

Lachlan gave her a sympathetic smile in that moment, before his head snapped to look at her. “You want to be in the Military?” The shock was in his voice as he blinked a few times as he stared at her. “Sorry I am trying to picture you in army greens now.” His eyes scanned her before he looked away and blinked. “Sorry that was rather unprofessional.” He admitted as he traced his thumb against the spacebar. “I am sure I will get closure one day, even if it takes some time.” He said with assuredness that could be felt to the bone.

Lachlan felt the laugh leave his lips and faked a shot to his heart. “Now you are just crushing my dreams, Blondie.” He teased her before giving a shake of his head. “I get it though, matters of the heart can be rather… tremulous… My last ex and I broke up because I was convinced she murdered someone I was investigating.” He chuckled thinking of Irene. “Well thanks to the supernatural world we live in, it turns out it was an enemy of hers glamorized as her. It was a whole thing.” He thought on the day at court for that moment before sighing. “You won’t be single forever. A smart, beautiful, strong, independent woman like you. Nah. World wouldn’t be right if the right one didn’t come along and sweep you off her feet.” He listened to her giggle and it made him smile. He was rather sure.  “I am good at scaring people off. Pretty sure it's a personality trait at this point.”

He smirked slightly as she talked about her experience. “Well now all of that makes me like you more. Especially because that is how I got my start in my youth.” He chuckled lightly as he felt like an old man stating it in such a way. When in reality he was only 40. “And look at where we both are now. Fighting injustice in different ways.” He gave an approving nod. Clearing his throat moving on from the awkward moment of him complimenting her. He really couldn’t seem to hold his tongue lately.

As they worked together and went back and forth he looked to the site. “It’s a BlogSpot site called, blog with me.” He said over his shoulder before working on sending her the link to add her firewall over his firewall. “So.” she said then as they both clicked away out of sync but not in an annoying way. “You are the one the designs the weapons against supernaturals right? Do you need a test dummy sometime? I have a disorder that is slowly removing my ability to feel pain, well feel anything in the end. Could be a chance for you to make weapons so strong that they put the average supernatural on their ass.” He said with a shrug.

She raised her brows by the way he was so shocked by her goals “I did” she affirmed and then laughed when he said he was trying to picture her in the uniform “I think the skirts and heels definitely suit me better in the end” she commented and nodded, things had worked out differently than perhaps she had imagined or wanted but she also couldn’t complain. She shook her head “No I think everyone gets surprised” she commented and shrugged “Unfortunately I didn’t make the cut when it came to the physical” which was frustrating even now because there was nothing she could do about it.

He seemed certain which made her nod her head softly “I hope you do” she assured him and nodded her head “And if I can help in any way, I hope you’ll let me know” she wasn’t sure if there was anything she could do but she hated the idea of never knowing the answer to what happened. She laughed and shook her head playfully “I’ve never really had much luck when it comes to dating, but I don’t think any of my exes are suspected of murder” that was very shocking she had to admit “Sounds like we’ve both got pretty messy pasts huh?” she offered a small, empathetic smile, it wasn’t easy. She shuffled and bit her lip slightly “Let’s just hope I don’t fall on my face if that ever happens” it seemed possible considering how everything had played out for her so far.

“I’ll bet all it takes is one growl” she teased playfully when he said he was good at scaring people off, therians had a certain nature to them which she could definitely see as intimidating. She grinned to herself when he said that was how he got started in cybersecurity “I think we all started there...the thrill of trying to get into places we knew we shouldn’t paired with wanting to take down the worst of the internet” she nodded slightly, there was a certain respect among them despite often coming from a less than perfect background.

She glanced over at the site on her screen before nodding when he sent the link over, immediately opening it up and port scanning for any known vulnerabilities that might come back to bite them when faced with an experienced hacker “This is quite the setup you’ve got here” she complimented as she went through the website and the settings on the firewall “Though I think we might want to rent a cloud firewall for this one, can’t risk any kind of brute force and we don’t know what kind of firepower he’s holding” a DDOS attack towards them might take down entire systems after all. She raised her brows in surprise when he mentioned weapon “Well...most of them aren’t really least nothing is designed to permanently harm anyone” she defended not wanting a fellow ambassador to get the wrong impression.

“You want to be a test dummy?” she questioned with a raised brow “Doesn’t that kinda….go against the ethos of your faction?” she was honestly curious about how he saw it. It made her a little sad knowing he couldn’t feel pain though, it was a natural human experience and he must feel isolated.

Lachlan seemed to have an easy smile on his lips when it came to being around her. He reached up and rubbed the back of his neck for a moment. “Well I would have to agree the skirts and heels suit you better in the end. I am sorry the path you wanted to go didn’t work out for you but I believe sometimes things in life happen for a reason. Let's be real though, it was their loss.” He said with clear admiration in his voice for her. “You are a monster in a good way, your brain is what they should have valued more than your physicalities.” 

Lachlan thought for a moment on telling her about his sister that murdered their parents but knew it was best to keep that detail to himself at that moment. He had been searching for her with all the skills and software he had. If she wasn’t showing up on that, there was a good chance she was hiding still. “I will thank you.” He simply said as he still believed it was his burden to bear. A chuckle left his lips as he looked over to her with a shared empathetic look. “Messy doesn’t begin to cover it I feel. Yet I wouldn’t have it any other way. Everything has shaped me into who I am.” A shake of his head as she scoffed at the notion. Only made him lean slightly in his chair causing it to creak loudly. “Ah well if you fall on your face, what matters is they are there to help pick you up and clean up the tears. Love ain’t perfect, even with the one.” 

When she spoke on it taking one growl, a growl built up deep in his chest vibrating its way out towards her in a playful nature. “One like that?” He chuckled softly as the agreeing nod came with her words. “Really it seems all hackers are kind clichés in a way, but the best kind for the most part because we just want to protect others and stop the bad guys.” tapping his fingers along the desk for a moment. “Though it seems that more times than not most hackers see the darkness and turn into self profit from the overwhelming belief that nothing they will do in the end will matter once they have seen the man behind the curtain. The rare breeds are those who keep pushing for good. Like you.” He gave a gentle bow of his head towards her.

As she analyzed his work, he was quiet, almost to the point of making himself dizzy. He was seeking her approval strangely enough. The confident smirk came to his lips, “Glad I could impress even if it was just a little bit.” He took in her words and then nodded. “Got it.” Turning he moved to type in the last bits before waiting for her approval to launch the site and see if they could get the fish they wanted on the hook. 

He looked at her for a long moment before looking towards the screen again. “I have always been different from most of my faction. It was why I became alpha I guess besides the fearsome growl.” He gave a gentle shrug of his shoulder. “Figure if you want someone to test them out on, I am your guy. I also care for humans to feel safe, and have a way to fight off our kind. I had human parents that weren't so lucky.” he breathed out heavily remembering their blood covered bodies. “ Maybe it will allow me to feel something also.” His gaze moved along the screen before looking back to her. “Also if it can stop me, it will stop anyone since I am practically a tank until it's powerful enough. Shifting into my Lion form, I have grown numb too. If you understand my kind you know how big of a deficit that is in pain.”

She nodded slightly “Scars might suck to have but they do help to define the person we are in the end” she pursed her lips in thought of her own experiences for a while before shaking it off, it wasn’t healthy to wallow in the painful things in the path because then you never really moved forward. She bit her lip and smiled when he said love wasn’t perfect but the important part was getting up again “Easier said than done in the end” she murmured softly, it wasn’t easy letting someone in after being hurt.

She laughed when he let out a growl, after jumping a little because she wasn’t expecting to hear the sound from him “Exactly like that” she commented and chuckled. “Hackers fall into two categories, the ones trying to do better and the ones who want to make money” it was easy to scam people after all and there was certainly a lot of money in that criminal lifestyle. “It would be easy…if not rather risky” considering there were some serious punishments for those who got caught with illicit dealings.

She raised her brows almost in surprise when he seemed like he was looking for her approval, she figured from his confidence he wouldn’t care much for what she thought but his expression said otherwise. Either way, she could respect someone who seemed to be as diligent as he was, being thorough was the key to being successful in their industry after all. She laughed when he said besides the fearsome growl “Being different is good, no one looks for a leader who blends in among everyone else” leaders stood out and pushed a different path, it wasn’t an easy role.

She looked up at him for a moment and could see he was sincere with his offer which made her smile a little “You do realize those weapons….aren’t pretty dangerous?” she wasn’t even 100% confident they would work, because how could you be absolutely sure with something like that. “I’m sorry to hear about your parents” she commented and bowed her head a little respectfully “That can’t have been easy to go through” she nodded though, she wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity to test the things she had been working hard on “I won’t say no though…honestly we need all the buy-in we can get” she pressed her lip together “It’s a dangerous city to be a human…”

✧ dark0n3 ✧
Lachlan was a man of many scars, external and internal, he fully understood how the scars make you who you are in the end. Yet he wondered if that would be the case for him when he can no longer remember the pain that came with the scars he had gained? Would he become completely numb and lose himself to whatever monster would take over? He wondered when he no longer felt pain if he would keep his kind soul? “I find when it's the right person things eventually fall into place.” Something he was still searching for.

He couldn’t help but give a cheeky smirk at her jumping at his growl. He didn’t mean to scare her if he had, the chuckle left his lips for a moment. “I have been in both of those spectrums in my life. Started as a criminal till…” He drifted off thinking about his fathers body he had found leading him to a path of being an officer and not a criminal. “Till I chose the path that my father would have been proud of. Now I get to do something I love that makes me money while keeping my soul clean.”

Not that his soul would ever fully be clean. He couldn’t explain why he wanted her approval. Maybe it was because of how highly he thought of her since knowing her in passing with Orion, or maybe it was because of how great at coding she truly was. He gave a gentle smirk and thought about all the leaders of the different factions in Evermore. “I guess our city speaks to that more than one would think. Though I worry I won’t be able to fill the shoes that have been left for me. I just hope I don’t let all the Therians or myself down.” He wanted to protect them all, and this city. These threats were making it hard.

“Life isn’t easy. Some are just dealt a rougher hand than others.” He said honestly, as he didn’t want to dwell on the feelings of loss while he was actively trying to move forward in life. Yet they were always on his mind. “I understand that they are dangerous, I just want to make sure you guys are safe also. This is more your city in my mind. Humans are the glue of everything.” He said and moved to place hand on hers but stopped short and returned his hand to the keyboard. “Humans deserve to not live in fear, even if it means Therians need to portal and keep them safer in my opinion. I am tired of the senseless deaths.”

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