Slipping passed the guards weren’t very hard. Everyone was so busy with their own problems, their own lives. Problems that were partly Erythreus´ fault. Some of his decisions had lead to the fall of Skye and many of the guards death. It was years ago but since then things had only gone south. The aliward and their guards found a home in Evermore where the supernaturals activity seemed to thrive and the peace hanging on a loose thread. The moody aspect isolated himself more and more feeling that his presence only burdened. The people he called his family suddenly felt like acquaintances and his duties that hadn’t been very joyful to begin with felt undoable.

The faint ghost with its empty judge eyes stared at the aspect of death, as it had done the last few days. Ery couldn’t seem to keep up the barriers to keep him from seeing the souls of the dead still seeking redemption. ”Go away” the giant harshly muttered trying to wave it away but without success. From a by stander the beardy male must look like he had one to many mumbling and gesturing to himself like a crazy person. None dared to say anything tho and he still had ladies throwing themselves at him if he was in that mood. One night stands had lost its charm but relations were even worse. Memories of his last still hurt to thing of threatening to tear a big hole in his heart if he gave it too much thought.

The blonde drowned the last of his booze, which didn’t exactly help with keeping the ghosts away rather the opposite, before throwing some money on the table and leaving the bar before any of the guards released he wasn’t in his room mopping  or whatever they believed he did in there. However he wasn’t ready to go home just yet. The only thing awaiting him was his messy room and more booze. So he found himself wandering around aimlessly around with the ghosts as his only company buzzing around his head making it hard for him to concentrate. ”Hey leave me alone I can’t help you” The aspect had come to an alleyway and heard footsteps approaching causing a sigh to slipp out, but it was a familiar face that had caught up to him. ”So you found me Dom, Points to you I guess. Sorry for going out unannounced … again” he chuckled a stiff joyless sound. 

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Dominic shrugged, waving at the apology as he gazed out the kitchen window. "It's in the past. So much has happened over the last few years. Really awful shit to us and everyone it seems," he started, his shoulders slumping slightly as he thought of all the horrible crap in his life and what was happening in terms of the supernatural world. "I haven't been around. I shut down and I shoved everyone away, trying to stay distracted with missions. It's what I do when I can't deal. You don't need to apologize. I've been just as bad as a friend." 

He lifted his gaze towards Erythreus, the normal hazel of his eyes returning, but full of how truly weary he was. "I don't hold anything against you, man. All I want to do is help you, but you have to stop blaming yourself." Dominic's voice edged on pleading because he didn't know what else would finally make the aspect see the truth. "You cannot compare yourself to your siblings. How their abilities have been affected against yours. Or even how they are personally dealing with it. " A light scoff pressed through his lips. "Trust me, I've been around them more than you have lately and they are not handling it with complete grace either."

Dom sighed and leaned forward on the table, pressing his hands flat atop it. "You're in charge of death," his head nodded towards the door where Lucien had exited. "The aurazin are aligned with death after crossing. It makes sense that you might be affected more, shit, worse than the other aspects because of it. You're all working in the same department. They showed up after the rift and when the world started going to shit. There's no way it's a coincidence, Ery. I'd bet my life on it." He grinned a bit. "Hell, I'd bet your life on it since it's deemed more important." 

He sighed, speaking lower. "I know your bent up about it, but the only way to deal with it is through. And you're not alone. Sure, I don't get wayward and pissed off ghosts moaning and bitching up in my ear, but I'm here now to help you figure out how this is all connected. Maybe even figure out how these void bastards got through the rift and why this is all connected."

”Oh so now he can let it go and move on” Erythreus said and rolled his eyes. ”When I wanted to let it go and just move on just moments ago you scolded me” The aspect muttered to himself. He was happy his friend didn’t blame him all too much not consciously anyways. There was still a lot of things to talk through and explain before all walls they had built to protect each other from their own personal shit and things would go back to normal between them. Two dudes trusting each other to the grave and getting into all kinds of trouble.

The guards words seemed logic, that his powers had been most affected because of the rift that had an influence on the veil between this world and the universe where all souls were supposed to travel after their passing. Still there was the fact that he had been struggling before all this too. The aspect had always gone to the bottle with his problems. He had been sad and angry at the world long prior to the Aurazins appearance.

”You are right only way is through” Erythreus sighed. That was one thing that life had taught him. ”Let’s bring Lucien back in and see if he has noticed anything strange. A place to start doing our research and getting things back on track”.

Dominic's ears perked on instinct at his response. You couldn't really hide words under your breath when a therian was around. He bit back his response, swallowing the retort. If this was Erythreus agreeing to move passed their absences from one another's lives, he'd take it. He didn't need to prove a point as long as they were getting to the same solution. All he wanted was to have his friend back first. Even if it was selfish. Even if their friendship actually came second in the grand scheme of the world when really the aspect's purpose was far more important than their relationship to one another. However, it would've eaten at him like a festering wound if they couldn't fix their shit somehow. He was supposed to be Ery's guard first, but that was easier said than done. 

The wolf sighed heavily in relief, nodding to his agreement on letting Lucien in to help figure out what the hell was going on. He knew the sentry had been killing himself to try and figure out what had caused their falling from whatever pocket realm that he and his kind existed in. The puzzle pieces were all there, spread out before them. The picture just couldn't be seen yet. Between the ailwards and aurazin, Dominic lingered on that tether of hope they could figure it out before whatever it was that was crawling through the open rifts fully acted on its purpose. He called out into the lodge. "Hey, Luke!"

Lucien turned the corner into the kitchen again, the deep crease between his brow releasing. Dominic assumed he could read their auras having shifted from whatever anger had been affecting them as an encouraging smile appeared on his face. "Well, seems you two have made a bit of progress then." His hands came forward from behind his back as he walked over to meet the pair at the table again, resting on the back of a chair. "Shall we begin?"

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