The Brunette couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous. It wasn’t often that Artemitra felt nervous. She didn’t have a reason to. Being at the Celestial castle, with her people-whom were like family. They were safe, living the life they wanted before. Yet, the prospect of training made her nervous. Artemis couldn’t recall the last time, she had used her Celestial energy; not to it’s full potential anyways. It would be a lie, if she said she felt confident. It was quiet, the opposite. She felt out of touch with her own energy and talents. And for a Star, it was quiet sad thought really. As Drunk, as she may have been when she agreed to accept O’s training classes. Artemis knew she also needed them. So, she wasn’t sure why she was feeling nervous.

Phe, was one of her longest friends and leader. Artemis trusted her. And knowing, how much Phe was helping the younger one’s, come into their own light and abilities. Surely, it’d be no problem in helping her get back in touch with her own. The elder Celestial tried to remember the encouraging words of Hanseol. If he could do it, so could she. Whilst, the Elder was used to giving advice to the younger Celestials. It felt kind of nice and heart-warming, that one of the younger one’s was the one giving her advice and had encouraged her to go for it. Who knows, maybe it might go a lot more smoother than she knew. Telling herself, not to worry too much. If she worried, stress wouldn’t help her project her energy. Hopefully, she had nothing to worry about. And she was just over-thinking for no reason.

As she stood in her room; looking at herself in the mirror; wearing a tank top with some leggings. It seemed decent enough for a training session. At least, it was comfortable and seemed easy around to move in. Artemis didn’t want to be too constricted in her clothing, if she was wearing anything tighter. “It’s time to embrace, that shine once more Artemitra Bluemoon.” The Celestial told herself, as she pulled her hair up into a tight ponytail. After slipping on her shoes. Artemis made her way out of her room and towards the training room in the castle.

It seemed like she was a little early, as Ophelia wasn’t there yet. So the Brunette decided to to try and warm up a little bit; whilst waiting for her. Trying to see if she could summon a little of her energy. But the Celestial’s energy was a small flicker. A little glimmer, before it faded away. Artemis sighed slightly. “Okay, maybe this might be a little harder than I thought.” she muttered to herself. If something was blocking her, she hoped that Ophelia would help her figure it out. Spending 100 years locked away in steel cages, and then few years scared to use her energy; no wonder her energy was mere of a flicker right now. It had been suppressed for so long.

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“It’s kinda like living in a boarding school and we’re the housekeepers” she teased with a laugh and shook her head, she never really imagined what life with her people would be like because she had always been so used to always keeping on the move and never really having a permanent address so now they had the opportunity to stay in one place it was honestly a little unnerving for her. Still, it had been 2 years now and generally, everyone got along and fell into a routine with one another so things were going better than she really expected.

She smiled brightly hearing Artemis talking about her camera, it made her happy to see all of the people getting express their interests and generally do things that would be considered normal, she personally still felt like she might need to up and run at any moment and she wasn’t sure she would ever truly shake that feeling but having a home and people around her constantly helped to ground her “That’s good, I always like seeing the shots you take, you’re got an eye for it” she smiled brightly, some people were naturals when it came to a camera, others just took photos for the sake of taking photos.

“You know, I’ve just never really been the biggest fan of mixing sweet things with savory” she shrugged her shoulders a little thinking about things like jam on toast and the likes which she didn’t like either “Maybe that’s just me programming my brain to think sweet means dessert and a treat” she laughed softly and rolled her shoulders back, she was willing to give it a try though because pomegranates weren’t exactly that sweet and she’d had things like orange chicken before which was very good, besides, she definitely didn’t like to judge before she even tried something. “Sorry I’ll stop, we’ve got like 4 hours to go until we actually get to eat it so we should probably refrain” the very topic of food was making her mouth water, she needed to distract herself.

She mostly adopted an observing approach to the cooking because so she didn’t get in the other celestial’s way, she was somewhat of a preparation fiend, Phe had noticed, the way she did everything quite routinely and barely needed to look at what she was doing it was clear that Artemis had a lot of experience with making this particular dish, even though it was a slightly altered recipe. She listened to her story about learning to cook and smiled softly, it was a pretty similar origin story to her own, falling completely clueless, being taken in by a family who by no means needed to care for her and letting her stay with them for a period of time. A pretty short one in the grand scheme of things but she was thankful all the same. “Not too far from yours actually, though the couple who took me in were wealthy so I learned from their maids” she responded with a nod of her head “I wanted to become independent as quickly as possible as the moment I fell I had a pull to leave and I knew I couldn’t stay there forever” she shrugged slightly “Seems like that part of the story is the same for all of us right?” she shook her head a little.

Ophelia’s joking comment about them being housekeepers, made Artemis roll her eyes laughing. Before she shook her head slightly. “God, if I actually had to be a maid for a living...I’d go mental.” Having to clean up after someone every day; it wasn’t exactly what either of them wanted to do. Over the centuries of living, she hadn’t lived with so many people in the same house. Unless, of course you counted Isle of Skye. Some remained in groups, some had places of their own. Hopefully, others wouldn’t always rely on her and Ophelia to keep things tidy.

“Have you started writing in your new journal?” Artemis asked, recalling the pretty red journal that Ophelia had found in the storage room; on their drunken night a while back. Ophelia was always a bit more poetic of a writer, than her. She smiled at Ophelia’s compliment. “Well thank you. I’ll show you some new one’s...from my adventures up there.” I do like to experiment with a few shots, see what angles are the best.” A few friends knew what she meant. Especially Ridley, since the young Diviner was a photographer also.

Artemis listened to Phe, express her view of mixing sweet and savory. “Well, I don’t depends what it is. I think the only combination, I didn’t like was Apple and Chilli.” Artemis made a slight face. She wasn’t a fan of food being too spicy. And the Apple didn’t do anything to down the harshness of the spice. “But, I do like to try different combinations, or at least give it a shot.” If it didn’t turn out good, than she didn’t try that combination again. Like trial and error. Testing what you liked and what you don’t. The talk of food was tempting her. “I agree...otherwise, we might be starving even more.” 

Once all of the vegetables were peeled. Artemis chopped them up evenly into stripes, or squares depending on what it was. Laying it mixed out, on two trays. Since there was a lot. Artemis also peeled a few garlics, setting the small buds, among the vegetable mixture. Artemis loved roast garlic. It always finished off a dish. Especially something like this. Listening to Ophelia; their stories indeed were similar. It made her smile. “Where abouts in England, did you first live again?” She was sure, Ophelia told her before. But she might have forgotten. Losing track of where everyone came from. On other two trays, were the potatoes. Artemis put a few scoops off Duck fat among there. It always made them more tasty and crispy, when done. She covered the trays, since they had a while before they could put everything else in the oven, to join the meat.

She couldn’t help but laugh as Artemis expressed her discontent at the idea of being a maid for a living, she couldn’t blame her for that one, it wasn’t exactly fun to be at someone’s beck and call and do things they should probably be doing for themselves. But then she had grown up some time ago when that sort of thing was known and expected “At least you’d get paid for it” she commented with an amused shake of her head, it wasn’t as bad as they were making it out to be, mostly they were just venting more than anything.

“I have actually” she responded with a nod of her head, it was a really nice journal and she’d meant to get back to writing in one, she always found it pretty therapeutic to write down all her innermost thoughts and feelings. It wasn’t the kind of thing she wanted to share or display but sometimes it helped her to process through everything she was feeling and make sense of it all “I didn’t realize quite how much I missed it until I grabbed a pen and just went for it” she laughed “Sounds like fun, I’ve never really gotten into the actual art of it, it’s quite a time-consuming thing but I definitely like looking at well-shot photos” it was definitely a talent and a real process. 

The Wayfinder pulled a face when she heard Artemis say apple and chili “Oh gosh that sounds absolutely awful” she shook her head from side to side a little, what a strange thing to try and pain together, she couldn’t see any situation where you would enjoy doing something like that “Then again I can’t actually really handle much when it comes to spicy either so maybe the chili is what really kills it for me” she laughed softly leaning against the countertop, she was glad the kitchen was spacious so several people could be here without it feeling overcrowded or uncomfortable “My weakness is putting bacon with cheese, I mean what more could you need in life” she teased with a gentle laugh, admittedly it was pretty bad for you but that was kinda what made it so good.

They had pretty much finished the meal prep by now, next came the frustrating part which was waiting for it all to cook and putting everything on at just the right time to make sure it was finished in time. Phe had gotten a few good tips from watching Artemis, mostly how she seasoned everything and the time she spent cooking and preparing everything, she was definitely excited to see how it all turned out. “At first London” she answered honestly “Looked much different to the way it does now though, much more spacious” she wet her bottom lip and smiled “Same as everywhere I suppose” the world had definitely changed a lot in the space of the time she had lived, that was for sure “And you’re originally from Spain right?” she recalled Artemis mentioning it before, though she often muddled up stories since they all had quite similar ones. 

Hearing Ophelia’s comment, about getting paid for it. Made the other Celestial purse her lips slightly. “Mhh, if that’s the case. Maybe we should start charging everyone else, around here for doing their chores.” Artemis suggested, with a giggle. Of course, she wouldn’t be so cruel, as to make everyone pay for what she and Ophelia did around the castle for them. But sometimes, it felt like the pair needed a reward or two.

As Phe, told her she began writing again. It made the Celestial smile. “That’s good.” It was good, getting back into an old hobby. “Yeah, sometimes you need to get back into an old hobby, to rediscover your love for it.” Artemis  lightly giggled at what Phe said about Photography. “Trust me, at first it was a bit of a trail and error.” Artemis didn’t know what she was doing at first either. It took her some time to learn techniques, which camera and lighting was the best. But it had been a fun process to go through, to try and achieve better results; the more she took photos. “But even failures, could be fun. I came out with a few funky shots. Not so bad, when you look at it from abstract point of view.” But her skills got better with time, and she certainly loved it. And having a photographer best-friend, like Ridley. It helped. As Ridley knew things,that had helped Artemitra along the way.

Artemis had no idea, what made her try Apple and Chilli all that time ago. But it wasn’t something, she wanted to go through again. “ was gross.” She said honestly, making a face. “I like spicy food, in moderation. But that Chilli spice was way overdone.” Artemis did like a good Mild Curry and Mexican food. But if it was overly done and too spicy, she couldn’t stand the strong taste. As Phe mentioned Bacon and Cheese. Artemis’ licked her lips “Oooh, god that’s a killer...but soooooooo good.” Artemis had tried it a few times. As it was something Phe suggested she try. And despite how bad it was for you, it was like heaven on a plate.

Looking at the clock. Mitra made a mental note of the time to herself; so she could keep an eye out, for when to put the rest of the food in the oven. Leaning against one of the counters. Artemis paid attention to the Wayfinder. “Yeah, I can imagine London must have changed quite a bit, since then.” Artemitra wasn’t sure, that many places in the world stayed the same really. Everything was growing, changing, more buildings, population rising, modern things coming to the world had been a big change for everyone. As Ophelia mentioned Spain. Artemis nodded smiling. “Yes, Spain. Asturias.” She specified the exact area she fell to. “Have you ever been?” Artemis asked her. Knowing that the Raven haired woman, had seen plenty of places in her life time as well. It was hard to keep track, of all the places that Ophelia visited. Heck, sometimes Artemis struggled to keep track of all the places she’s visited and seen over the centuries too.

“I could charge them in cups of coffee” she responded with a laugh, she did drink a lot of coffee after all and if she could get someone else to make the drink for her then even better, though the fancy coffee machine she had gotten for the castle was easy enough to use and you didn’t really have to do much but put the cup under the tap and then set up the right settings and press go. “Or maybe I should just collect favors, who knows when I might need minions to do my bidding” he added with a soft laugh and shrugged, at least it was always busy for her, busy was good because it didn’t leave her much time to think and dwell.

“I feel like I should probably start thinking about something more substantial” she commented with a shrug “Castle tours are just about paying the bills at the moment but I’ve always liked the idea of having an actual job” she had no idea exactly what but the prospect of being able to settle down into a semi-normal life was actually really exciting for her, as mundane as it all might sound, she’d never really had the luxury of staying in one place for longer than a few months so she never really got to settle into any kind of career “Only problem is I have no idea what I’d wanna do” she laughed, well that sounded absolutely hopeless. Hearing Artemis talk about her photography made Ophelia smile, it was clear she really enjoyed it “Have you thought about taking it professionally? You could do weddings or comic cons or graduations?” she kinda liked the idea of doing something you loved for a job so that it felt less like hard work.

“Never been the biggest fan of spicy food myself, though I can be a little impartial to a curry on occasion” she definitely wouldn’t be the kind of person you see putting hot sauce on everything or biting a chili though, she didn’t see the appeal to making yourself so uncomfortable and your mouth burning. But bacon and cheese, while probably the most heart-attack inducing combination there was, was almost too hard to resist “Why is it that the best-tasting food always seems to be the very worst for you” she commented with a heavy sigh, such a dilemma, celestials lived much like humans when it came to their anatomy so they could get the same illnesses and had to look after their bodies in the same way, the only thing they were impervious to was aging.

“I think everywhere has changed, more so even in the last 20 years as technology has been rapidly developed, I actually remember seeing the first freehold cellphone and believe me you could not fit that thing in your pocket” Ophelia had a complicated relationship with technology, she knew it was necessary but she supposed a part of her was always stuck in the past and not wanting to adapt to what was new. She had to though, she looked the age of someone who would understand all this stuff and for her own cover, there, therefore, needed to keep up with everything new. Begrudgingly. When Artemis asked if she had ever been to Spain she nodded “Not Asturias but I visited Madrid on my travels, such a beautiful country” she smiled gently, she was lucky in the sense that she got to see so many interesting and beautiful things through her life and yet the thing she craved most was to stay in one single city “Any places you want to see now that you have the freedom to go and return?”

Artemitra giggled at Ophelia’s teasing. It was funny how the girls found amusement in little things. “Mhh just be careful, if other people start sneaking coffee for themselves...we might want to stock-pile some more.” Artemitra warned Phe, as the Wayfinder suggested them bringing her coffee. “But then, what would you do? I know you love being busy.” Artemis knew that Ophelia was always on her toes, if people did work for her; she’d have to find something else to do.

Listening to Ophelia talk about finding another job. Artemis thought about it for a moment. Even though others pitched in with their earnings; that job could only go so far. “Mhh, well I’d suggest you find a job, that you like. Nothing worse than doing something you hate.” Or so she always heard from mundanes. The Celestial wondered what possible career path Ophelia could take. “Maybe something with writing?” She knew that Ophelia found it rather therapeutic and always had a way with words. “Unless, you want to do something bit more...I don’t know..” she couldn’t think of the right word. Experimental? No….”...Anyways...I am sure your have a lot of options.” Ophelia’s question was a good one. And something Artemis had been debating. As much as she loved her small little side-jobs and projects. Doing something bigger would be fun. “There’s so many options, it spins my head a little.” Artemis admitted. “But, It’s something I am considering. But Julian...someone I am working on a project with...did suggest I take my work into galleries?” Artemis told Ophelia. “What do you think?” Artemitra sometimes doubted her skills a little. Still being pretty new at it. Sometimes a little encouragement is what she needed. She wasn’t sure if it was studio worthy.

“I do love a good curry.” It was a good winter food, to help warm you up. But in Winter, she definitely preferred Soup and Good Stews. Always made her feel much warmer. It felt like such a good feel good-wintery food. “All this talk about food, is making me more hungry.” she tried to think off something else. They still had plenty of time, before dinner would be ready. It was a good question. The unhealthy things were always the best. “I don’t know...just to make things harder on us all?” Artemitra asked with a laugh. If they indulged too much; they’d put on weight or have health issues, like overweight people seemed to have. It didn’t seem pleasant.

Artemis laughed lightly at what Ophelia said about the first cellphone. “How big was this cellphone?” she asked. She knew now-a-days,some of the smarter phones were big size, but still pocket fitting most of the time. Artemis had a decent phone; even if some of her friends were saying it was so last 2 years ago. But it done the job, of what she needed it for. Artemitra didn’t see the need for an upgrade; not until it was necessary Technology was both temperamental and fascinating. Artemitra was still learning new things about it; even if she was probably more adept in using it than Ophelia. But with Artemis’ line of work...she needed to be.

The Celestial smiled softly, as Ophelia spoke about Spain. “I been to Madrid, once or twice.” Spain called back to her. “I agree, I always loved it there..among so many places.” As Phe asked her that question. The world indeed was her Oyster, as they said. “Mhh Probably Romania, Greece, The Carribean Islands...Always wanted to visit Portugal and Japan.” She knew Japan was probably a bit more, out there for a choice. It was a place, she didn’t have a chance to go to, before. But she heard it was beautiful. “How about you? Any places in particular you’d visit again, if you could?”

Ophelia shrugged a little “I guess I never really had any need to think about it before you know” she smiled softly, when you were always on the run there wasn’t time to study something you loved or perfect a craft, she had worked many small jobs such as a maid, barmaid, waitress and even a blacksmith in her years but none of it was ever constant. “Yeah well I can already name quite a lot that I hated” she commented a little bitterly, none of that work was particularly fun through the years, especially not bartending as a woman. She shrugged her shoulders when Mitra suggested writing “I do love writing but I’m not sure I’m actually good at it, it’s more for me to make sense of my thoughts than anything” she ran a hand over her dress and then bit her lip “Dressmaking however…” it was like a lightbulb went off in her head, she’d made so many dresses in her years and everyone always said how much they loved them, maybe she could make something of that.

Hearing Artemis debate her own future and what she could do with it made Phe smile “The gallery route is probably gonna be hard but then you’re one of the hardest workers I know so” she smiled profusely “I’d put my money on you making something out of it” she believed people could do whatever they wanted to with enough drive and commitment. When she mentioned food and how it was making her hungrier she laughed and pretended to zip her lips to imply she wouldn’t mention it again. She laughed “As if a lifetime of being hunted wasn’t enough, we also have to avoid the common cold” though a part of her did like the idea of having a tiny piece of normality in her life.

When she asked about the size of the cell phone the Wayfinder frowned before lifting both her hands to show the measurement with the distance between them “And the battery was separate and you had to carry it around too, definitely not convenient” but nowadays you could get at least 100x the power and carry it in your pocket. Admittedly, the things were far too easy to break and Ophelia had already been through 3 in the last year alone just from accidentally dropping it and smashing the screen “At least they didn’t break every 5 minutes back then” she grumbled slightly shaking her head, such a pain technology could be but she also understood the fascination.

“I think I mostly stuck to capital cities or big places where it was easy to get lost, small towns were harder to hide in because everyone knew everyone which meant they asked questions I didn’t wanna answer” so it was London, Edinburgh, Paris, Madrid and the likes that she had made the effort to visit over the years. “So I guess I’d personally like to see some of the smaller places, you know, small towns with ethnic culture, coastal towns with quaint little beaches” funnily enough it was also a city that they ended up making their home and while not the capital of America, Evermore was somewhat like the capital of the supernatural world. “Sounds like you need to get saving” she teased noting how far away some of the places Mitra named were.

Ophelia did have quite a good point. With the life the Celestials had led; it was hard to think about that. “Well, now we’re here in Evermore, you have the time to dwell and think about it.”she told her with a soft smile. Artemis herself had a few jobs over the centuries, a scullery maid, assistant at a herbal store, a chef’s assistant, part time librarian. Some she preferred more than others, but Photographer had been a passion of hers; finally finding something she loved and was truly good at. Listening to Phe admit, writing was for her more personal thoughts; that was fair enough. Artemitra glanced towards her dress with a smile. She had seen plenty of dresses and clothes that Ophelia had made; and they were beautiful. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that make beautiful dresses.” Artemis was sure, that could be something that Ophelia could do. “I am sure, you could make a small business from it or something.”

Having Ophelia’s support, meant a lot to the Celestial. It was true, the Gallery route was probably the hardest; but if it worked out, it would be rewarding. “Yeah, I am not even sure..where to start with that one. I’ve been to a few, but that’s different..” It would probably take her a while to even get started, if she went in that direction. But she was sure, she would figure it out. But Artemis was never one to give up, on something; if she set her mind to it. It already took a lot of time, effort, and dedication to where she was at the moment.

Seeing Phe playfully Zip her lips. The Celestial laughed softly. “Mhh, well those are never fun.” Artemis breathed out, as Ophelia mentioned avoiding a common cold. “But hey, we can’t be immune to everything, right?” No one was ever truly, immune to everything. Everything and everyone had a weakness of some kind, in one shape or another. It was the way of life.

Artemis made a slight face at Ophelia’s measurement of the first phone. “Urgh...god...that would have been a nightmare.” Especially, if the battery was to be carried separately. Out of the two, Ophelia seemed to be more, accident prone with technology. Artemis hadn’t known anyone to get a new phone so often, like Ophelia. Artemitra still remembered her first phone, and how confusing it was setting everything up. Once the Celestial had found the App store, that was a dangerous few days; as she spent hours going through all of the different apps out of curiosity. After Finding the Game Candy Crush, it consumed a lot of her time. Those things were much, someone had to pry the phone off of her, and uninstall that app for her own sanity.

It was true, the bigger the place; the more places to hide. “Some of those, quiet beautiful.” Artemitra had once been in Paris. Finding the Eiffel tower; the romantic spot. And the History, in the city; was quiet something. But personally, she had always preferred small places, with rich history and culture; even if it wasn’t the safest when it came to hiding. Too big of a place, too many people could be quiet annoying sometimes; especially if you wanted some peace. “I am sure you will, there’s plenty of those around.” Artemis gave Phe a warm smile.

“I know...I know.” Artemis said with a light laugh. “You did always say. I dreamed big, and sometimes a little too big.” Sometimes, the young Celestial came out with crazy ideas; but some were more realistic than others. But if she wanted to see any of those; she would save up for sure. “In the meantime, a girl can dream.”

When Artemis saw it was time, to add more things to the oven. She propped the hot oven slightly. The scent of the herbs and cooking meat, filled the entire room. “Mhh, smells so good.” She could see the meat sizzling in the heat. Slowly, she began to load in the trays of roast potatoes and vegetables in there. 

“Me neither” she exclaimed with slightly widened eyes, it had never actually occurred to her that something she had done for so long just because she liked having nice dresses to wear could actually become something but maybe she really could make something of it and even better she could do it from here in the castle meaning that it wouldn’t need to impose on the work she was currently doing here or be away from the celestials. “That’s definitely food for thought, I’m going to have to look further into it” no point rushing such a thing considering it had already been three years in Evermore.

“Well maybe visit one but with the intention of studying how it all works, you know, check how they deal with admissions, whether they take on additional artists, whether there are any chances to submit portfolios and the likes” she didn’t expect her to just be able to open her own gallery off the mark, first you had to get your work out there and participate in auctions and exhibitions and generally gain a market “Maybe start one of those social media things so that more people can see your work” she shrugged slightly, she would have no idea where to start with that but they had some tech-savvy celestials in the castle who might be able to help.

“Well I still think we got the short end of the straw, hunted to the ends of the earth and they couldn’t even give us a pass on the flu?” she laughed softly and shook her head slightly, sometimes she felt like their people got the short end of the stick when it came to supernatural powers but then she remembered that they quite literally controlled the most powerful element on the planet and that put everything back into perspective. Now if only there weren’t quite so many celestials afraid to use it.

“I mean at the time it was probably like...the best thing people had ever seen but yeah” she shrugged a little “It’s actually a little crazy how fast tech moves and how things keep getting more powerful but also smaller” she had no idea how they did it and frankly she didn’t think she would ever understand it, never been much of a mathematical brain. Still, she had adjusted to the idea of tech being a part of her life with time. It seemed pointless to keep pushing it away when it was clear that was where the future was going, everyone seemed to have and use one, it was the way most people communicated with their friends and family and despite her confusion over it all, she liked staying on top of those kinds of trends.

“In time” she responded with a slightly nod of her head “I have seen a lot of the world, much more than your average person and I guess in that respect I am lucky, but right now I’m exactly where I need to be” she nodded her head in an affirming gesture, Evermore had become somewhat of a home for her and for someone who never really had a home, she really wanted to be able to stay and to call it that for many more years. Which meant working hard to ensure the peace was kept and whatever strange happenings there were, were stopped. She giggled softly at the way Artemis seemed so excited about seeing the world and visiting these cities “Hey with everything you’ve been through, I think you deserve a dream” she spoke boldly with a nod of her head.

She followed Artemis back over to the oven, leaning against the counter as she watched her pull out the tray and then load in the other elements to her meal, her stomach grumbled loudly just from the smell of the food as it filled the room “Damn it, this is like some kind of cruel torture, who thought it was a good idea to cook a long meal while hungry” she laughed shaking her head considering it was her who picked it.

Artemis didn’t know, why it didn’t cross their minds earlier. “Well, sometimes a random conversation is needed, to think of something brilliant.” she smiled. “Just make sure, you’ll have plenty of fabric.” It’d be a disaster if the same fabric run out, when she was in the middle of making a dress. At Ophelia’s saying, her stomach rumbled slightly “Oooh fooood.” The Celestial tried not to be distracted, by the thought of food. Both she and Ophelia were hungry enough, as it were.

Listening to Ophelia suggest, she visit one. It was definitely a start of a process. “I’ve been to one before...but at the time, it was more for inspiration.” Artemis didn’t even know, how long ago it was. But it had been a while. “But visiting one, with more questions in mind would be useful.” That way, Artemis would learn more about the work behind it. It was going to be a long process, she gathered. Nothing was ever, as simple as snapping fingers. As Ophelia suggested the media. “Well, I know a little abit about websites...but I still can’t get around that Instagram thingy much.” Whilst Artemitra wasn’t the most tech savy person in the castle; she knew enough to get around, with what she done. But some media websites, were still at a loss to her. Facebook, was something she was learning how to use. But Ophelia did give her some good tips, that she would keep in mind.

The Celestial looked slightly amused. “I don’t think, we’ll ever be given a pass on things like the flu. But I suppose, if we want to feel normal, in some respect...dealing with human illnesses, is on the list.” Reminding herself, that for every weakness there was a strength. Visa Versa. 

Artemis still couldn’t wrap her head, around a phone that was that big. Mainly because, she was used to seeing the smart, small phones around in this century. That something bigger, that caused hassle with the battery, didn’t seem so good.

It was true. They lived quiet a long life, to see a lot of the world. “That’s true, not many people are that lucky.” And a lot of Celestial’s weren’t that lucky either...especially the young one’s...whom didn’t experience much of the world, before they got caught. “At least you have good memories, to look back on; before visiting places again.” Artemis smiled at Phe’s bold reassurance. It was nice to hear that support. “Still, I am sure you’ll catch me out with one of my crazy ideas, one day.” Artemis said with a soft laugh. Ophelia did that a few times before. Sometimes, she had to be reminded; it was alright to have dreams, and hopes like everyone else. Even if they seemed silly, and far away.

The sound of Ophelia’s rumbling, didn’t make Artemis feel any less hungry herself. “I believe, it was your request we cook this?” she told A teasingly. “Next time we decide to cook, when hungry...remind ourselves to do something that doesn’t take half a day.” she said with a laugh.

She laughed softly, it seemed the best ideas did seem to come out of conversations about nothing at all, she supposed that was how things were when you lived alongside people, they learned things about you that you might not even notice and a passing comment could become something so much bigger “Damn at this rate I might need an entire room for fabric” she thought about the dresses she had made in the past and the way they had come together, they tended to need a lot of layers and would suited to formal occasions “At least it beats laying around the castle right?” she spoke slightly bashfully because she did feel bad for not having her own work.

“Yeah exactly, now you want to go for one….with a purpose I suppose” she smiled softly “Bring a notepad and take some notes” the best way to learn how to do something was by experience she found but if Artemis was going to invest quite literally everything she had into making something of her photography then it was wise for her to do some of her own research so she was sure that was the avenue she wanted to take and she had a basic idea of what she needed to do. When Artemis mentioned not really knowing about Instagram Ophelia laughed “Yeah me neither, but I heard it’s a good thing for photographers so” she shrugged a little, couldn’t hurt to try right? Phe was pretty sure she would need to know more about the internet even for dressmaking.

Ophelia quirked her brow “Who knew this would be a reason to not want to feel normal” she commented with a soft laugh, couldn’t say she particularly liked being ill but Mitra was right, it was part of the reality they lived and wishing for things to change was completely wasted effort. “Then again, anything that lets us blend in with a crowd is a good thing, at least if we fake our ages we can use the hospital and the likes, most of the supernatural have to go to special clinics that support supernatural clientele.” And it would be very awkward to show up at a hospital and accidentally expose the supernatural secret that was for sure.

“I try and see the bright side because it would be very easy to get lost in all the dark” she admitted as she gazed over at the other brunette, they hadn’t had a lot of luck in some respects but in others it had led to opportunities that a lot of humans didn’t get to have in an entire lifetime, especially getting to see the development of society over the span of many years and experiencing many different aspects of what a lot of people now saw as history. “Yeah, I can complain a lot but I have gotten to see many beautiful things that others can only dream of” she scrunched up her nose cutely when Artemis talked about her dreams “Have the crazy dreams and chase them with everything you have, god knows you deserve that” and she would be the proud leader and friend cheering her on the whole way “I’d love to see the day when we all get that sort of happiness” in whatever way it presented itself.

She couldn’t stop herself from laughing “If we were graded on our ability to not talk about cooking and food, I think we just got an F” she admitted with a soft laugh as she hovered over by the kitchen island “We have some time till the next step, how about we dig out some of my old dresses and accessories, you grab your camera and we have a little makeshift photoshoot” could be beneficial to both of them given their discussions this afternoon.

Artemis laughed at the thought, of an entire room filled with fabric. “Let’s hope you’ll have room, to move around that room.” she teased her friend. If they would be lucky, they might be able to find some fabric in the store room, they had yet to sort out. If there were hidden treasures there. “Look at it this way, you’ll get back into an old hobby/make a job of it, and you’ll have your own craft room for win, right?” Artemitra pointed out with a smile. A always thought Phe had a good eye, for things like that. She’d do well.

“Exactly.” the Celestial agreed, with a nod. “If a notepad would be enough.” she laughed. Knowing herself, she might need a spare, if there was lots of information to gather up. It would be hard work. Artemis knew that. But with her passion for it; it wouldn’t feel like work...not entirely. Might aswell embrace it. “Yeah, I think quite a few photographers use Instagram..lucky I know Ridley. She uses it for her work, I think.” The Celestial mused, as she thought about her Diviner Bestfriend. Maybe setting up her own website would be a good idea, for the future also. But that’d take a bit more skill and extra help, to make it look nice. Come to think of it, she was sure.Ophelia would need something similar for her dress-making, to spread the word. “When the time comes, for taking photos of all your dresses...I am your girl.” Artemis offered with a smile. “Will come handy, for online marketing.”

Phe’s comment, was amusing. But true. “I am sure, we could come up with a few more.” she said honestly. It was true, with them being most like mortals, when it came to illnesses..they had the privilege, of using a normal hospital unlike the rest of the Supernaturals. “I am pretty sure, we can’t fake looking like 87...not physically at least.” Artemis stated randomly, thinking off what would happen...if they still lived here, so many decades on. And their doctors would expect them to look old. By then, she assumed...they’d have to use a supernatural hospital, or something.

There was that optimism. And Optimistic thoughts were needed. Especially after what had happened in the past. Dwelling on the past, wasn’t exactly good, if negative thoughts and feelings followed. “Compared to some of us, you’ve seen the world change, in so many ways.” Whilst, the others that were locked up, only read about it in books. Though she couldn’t complain much either, she’s seen the world change, in her time too before the imprisonment. “It’s strange, what little things we might have witnessed and taken for granted back then, but they made a difference no.” Big or small changes, they’ve seen plenty. Ophelia’s support, made the female smile. “I hope we all will…” they all couldn’t keep in hiding forever. And hopefully the others would get that inspiration to chase their dreams too.

Artemis laughed, nodding her head. “Yeah, utter failure in that department.” If they stayed in the kitchen, they’d wouldn’t be helping their own cause. Just making themselves more hungry. Ophelia’s suggestion made the other Celestial smile. “Mhh, brilliant idea...or I’d be dying of hunger in here.” she said in an over exaggerated way. “You’re gonna have some fabulous new photos your way.” Checking the time on the wall. Artemis grabbed the small timer, setting it for a few more hours; just in case anyone came in-the kitchen. Leaving it on the counter, near the oven. 

The Brunette then made her way out of the kitchen, and towards her bedroom. Walking over to her desk, she picked up her camera. It had been recharged with new batteries. So she had plenty of time power. Putting it around her neck. Artemis then made her way to meet Ophelia, in her own room, for the mini fashion shoot.


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