Cecilia doesn't stay at one place for long, not because of her nomadic patterns. Simply, because she was always needed elsewhere. And by elsewhere, she means across the globe. She had just returned from her one month trip to Berlin to settle the conflict between two individuals. Only two, and yet it caught their attention when they're halfway across the world in Colorado. What a stent in her plans. As much as she takes her job seriously, Celia would be lying if she said she preferred to travel every week rather than staying in one place for at least more than a month. Even she needed entertainment sometimes. Her idea of fun however, is quite abysmal. Not that others would know.

Though she did feel something weird tugging her along, the moment she set her foot in Evermore. Now that was a few weeks ago. Ever since she got back from her trip, she felt the same energy rousing around, successfully illuminating her confusion. A few weeks later, she finally knew what was the reason for all of that; the return of one particular fallen star that she definitely thought was dead after centuries of dead end, Atticus Thornbrook. Didn't mean everything was back to normal, of course, their relationship was pretty much still intense, like on the brink of falling from the strings that was supposed to be untouchable kind of intense. Coming back to Evermore two days ago had been a blessing in disguise. As soon as she got home, the Italian Valkyr dashed straight to her laptop, which she actually almost broke it in half because of the amount of strength she used to open it alone. To do what exactly? Book the flight tickets of course. 

Celia knew she probably should've booked the flight tickets a week ago when she bought the entrance tickets to Disneyland but she was a bit preoccupied by the cartels fighting each other the next day. Usually it wasn't her concern but they were Valkyrs so, someone had to intervene. Unfortunately for them, that someone was her. After successfully booking two flight tickets for their 6-day trip to LA, the brunette rolled over her bed in enthusiasm. Today was finally the day. Right, one problem, her partner doesn't know she was planning for this trip. Another reckless thing done by the Valkyr. No matter, Celia made sure to take care of his schedule for the entire week so that when they got back from the trip, he would still have another two days off to rest. One sleek black colored 24 inch luggage was already placed neatly next to her desk when she woke up earlier. A little over 30 minutes later, she got out from the shower and dried her hair quickly before picking out her clothes from her closet. The Valkyr preferred light mannered clothing, nothing too heavy and pompous. She likes to stay comfortable. But it doesn't mean she's a no when it comes to dressing formally.

 Preferences really doesn't matter for her. Finishing her look a few minutes later with a sheer burgundy button-down blouse tucked in high waist jeans and matched up with her mid-sleeved cardigan jacket, she pulled up her hair into a neat ponytail before grabbing her car keys and exited her apartment. Luggage, checked. Passport, checked. Shades, checked. Yeon, not checked. Rushing over to the parking lot in the basement level, she started her engine and drove off afterwards. Their flight is in 6 more hours so she should have enough time to wait for Yeon to pack things up in 2 hours or so and driving to their airport wouldn't take more than an hour. After parking her car in front of the apartment complex where Yeonseok Lee resides, she passed the security with ease after offering a smile. Of course, they'd recognize her straight away. It wasn't the first time she's been here albeit not visiting after a while, and she was sure Yeon included her name somewhere in that book of his. 

Unfortunately for her, to go up there at the penthouse level, she will need a card since that's the only way the elevator would work. A part of her huffed in annoyance because last time, she didn't need to do this. But then again, she hasn't visited in quite a while so if they upgraded anything she wouldn't exactly know. Leaning forward to the Receptionist's desk, the silver tongued female took off her shades and offered her a grin. "I'm on his list though, aren't I? It's been a while since I met him, and this is my only free time to actually do that. It's supposed to be a surprise trip for him, or else I would've asked him to come down and fetch me. Surely you can give me this one teensy favor for one-time purpose?" Her hazel hues flickered to the Receptionist's green ones and she swore she saw her gulp nervously. A few moments later, she received the card from the blushing staff and pressed the elevator's button, Celia had a smirk present on her lips when she got it, clearly happy that her attempt worked, but of course, Cecilia being classic Cecilia didn't forget to send a wink at the flustered blonde before the door shuts.

 The ride up his floor didn't take long as she fished out her phone and scrolled down the notifications. As soon as the elevator opened, she stepped out and plopped herself on the spot next to Yeon who was sitting on the couch. "Whatcha' doin?"

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Yeon sucked in a breath and looked down for a moment, she wasn’t wrong, one day it would have to end and he honestly wasn’t sure how he was going to handle that, everything he had right now put him at this peak and he knew eventually the only way to go was going to be down “I’m honestly so scared for it to end” he commented and pressed his lips together “Performing has always been something I wanted to do...it’s hard for me to accept that one day I won’t be able to” he murmured the words softly, but at least he could continue to choreograph behind the scenes. “It’s a thankless job huh?” he commented and raised his brows slightly, he was sure that she struggled with the pressure given she was always the type to just do whatever it was she wanted “But if there’s anyone who knows what’s best for our kind, it’s you” he pointed out.

Yeon tilted his head slightly, an untick in newborns meant there was likely someone out there making them all and that definitely made him curious to know why and what they could possibly benefit from it “Do you think someone is trying to build an army?” he questioned with a confused expression “But if they were, surely they would be smarter about it and not leave them out for you to find” the only other thing he could think of is perhaps someone was trying to create a diversion. Yeon nodded solemnly in response to her words, it was a harsh truth to accept “Then we have to start getting ahead of them...making sure those newborns get things off on the right foot” she’d done it for him so surely they could do it for others?

He nodded slightly, the reality of their species was grim but he couldn’t help but feel people should be grateful for their second chance rather than throwing it away like that “Blood really brings out the worst in people huh?” he pressed his lips together and sighed, another harsh reality they had to accept. Yeon rolled his eyes when she called him uncultured and shrugged his shoulders slightly “I think people have bigger problems in their life than what I decide to eat” he commented offhandedly. “He is stupidly hot” the younger valkyr confirmed without a second thought and grinned “And the chill can be surprisingly fun to play with” he teased and chuckled in an amused manner.

Before long he finished his meal and they were setting off towards the park entrance, Yeon chuckled when she asked what he wanted to do first “I feel like we have to start with a roller coaster right?” he grinned slightly, they weren’t exactly hardcore here but would still be a lot of fun to ride “What about the space one, that sounds fun” they headed through the turnstiles and started walking up the road towards the castle.

Ce has always looked after Yeon, that was all she ever wanted to do ever since the day he woke up with a newfound thirst and a whole new life waiting for him outside those hospital walls. She never wanted to see him in such distress ever again. He deserved a better life; a good one. And so, god knows Cecilia Laterza would do anything to make sure he lives that way. If there was anything she could do, she would. "You will always be a performer, Yeon. They never truly die, you know that." Even though he no longer performs on stage actively because of his business and all, the other male does make time for it. He organizes a lot of things related to that field and he tries to show up.

"Believe me, you'll be fine" she reassured. It wasn't easy to reassure a perfectionist like Yeonseok Lee but Ce is a seasoned seductress and a performer with that face. She knows what she's doing. She shrugged when he said her job is basically thankless "In a way, both of them are. A doctor doesn't get compliments easily, and as the ambassador for our kind, people don't even know what they're thinking until it's too late." But that's okay, she signed up for this. "At this point? I do think someone is trying to stir the status quo yes... I can't find them no matter how hard I search for them. And I don't usually come across this type of difficulty."

She has spent millennia dedicated to caring for her kind, and she pulls out the weed before it gets worse. To be helpless like this affects her a lot. "At the end of the day, we are primal beings... we have our instincts. Some just got better in time with control but you cannot expect the same for everyone else." She understood that the hard way.

The female had a knowing grin as she smirked, oh Yeon was down bad. "You are so whipped for this guy..." And she's happy for him. "Rollercoasters are fine if you're not going to throw up your lunch on me. I will seriously not let you live that down for at least the first century." She averted her eyes towards the space ride he suggested and hummed softly in affirmation "Yeah that works. Also, you owe me a rematch with the shooting thingy, I still haven't forgotten that even though it was like 2 years ago."

He made a playful pose when she pointed out that he would always be a performer “You’re right, it’s ingrained in me just as much as my own self” he was proud of the person he had become and how much he had honed his craft. With more time he was sure he could go even further, challenge himself more and that was the beauty of his life, he had all the time in the world to achieve what he wanted to.

“Still, someone has to do it” he responded and nodded his head slightly, even if people didn’t say thank you, it was still necessary for someone to be there to guide them, to make sure they were okay, to protect their way of life and ensure they wouldn’t be targeted for their identity. “What’s the point though…everyone in Evermore is just trying to figure out their life, we aren’t out here doing anything radical” there was always someone who wanted to mess with their peace though he supposed, life was never easy.

“I like to think with the right guidance, any of our kind can live a pretty normal life” or perhaps he had just been lucky and learned to control his bloodlust better than most. Yeon considered him to be a well-functioning valkyr, he didn’t feel like the downsides imposed on him all that much honestly. Yeon looked to the side and chuckled playfully when she pointed out he seemed like he was down bad for this guy “If you met him, you’d understand” he pointed out almost factually, Ce had her preferences but he was certain even she wouldn’t be able deny that Dae was stunning.

“I’m not a throw up kind of guy, besides, the coasters at Disney are tame as hell” he jested as they headed inside, passing the surrounding shops and bakeries with sights set on the futuristic land to the right of the central hub. They blended into the crowd as they headed that way “Are you going to buy Minnie Mouse ears?” he teased playfully “Cause I’m only wearing Mickey ones if you join me” that was the thing you did at places like this right?

Ce could still remember the first time she met Yeon. It wasn't in a pretty state. She didn't get to witness the glory that was Yeonseok Lee but if she was being honest, there wasn't much to see when all she saw was a man rolled inside on a hospital bed as the chaos ensued around them. She remembered how much blood was pooling around on that day, she had always had good control of blood after she had trained herself to get around the blood thirst, which was logical considering she still chose the doctor profession, much like her previous healer life. Still, Yeon was a pitiful human back then.

Cecilia Laterza has lived a long life and yet she has never turned anyone in said life until he came around. He was the first and last for her to turn and to see how far he has come made her proud. "The point never stays still, Yeon. Some day somehow... an individual or two will want to ruin it by jeopardizing someone's day. When that happens... I want to be where I'm supposed to be." She had a lot of work recently, and ever since becoming the leader for their kind, she couldn't think much. The valkyr knew she had to be on top of everything, nothing could get past her because to let that happen meant to let something potentially happen to their faction.

"Not everyone is as lucky as you Yeon... and I'm glad that you turned out well, better than most. Even I wasn't excluded from the blood thirst when I was first turned. You can imagine how hard it was back then since we didn't exactly have blood drives to steal from..." Though gradually, she got better at hiding them and it wasn't hard to charm them. "Rogues are a threat to our existence... they can't be controlled and if they can't be controlled, they need to be put down essentially..." That was the only way left for them to coexist peacefully with everyone else.

"I try my best to make sure they don't end up dead obviously but... I can't create a prison to squeeze them all in." Even if that was possible, it wasn't particularly sustainable. She had a Cheshire grin because Yeon being whipped meant something, Something of a great deal. "A hot guy is a hot guy."

The idea of getting Minnie Mouse ears made her look as if she was disgusted by it but it was just Ce faking it because she's dramatic like that. "Of course. You need to be my Mickey, Yeon. I'm not being Minnie alone." She proceeded to drag him into the crowd and pointed at the merch displayed in the store "Come on let's try it out." She pulled one and put it on him before putting one on herself too. "I fear we might end up buying a lot of things here..." Which is probably not the best idea when both of them were well off seeing as self control would be out the window.

He nodded his head slightly, it was frustrating that they needed to get involved in politics simply because someone here and there decides it’s their right to bother everyone’s peace “How exhausting, I want to be spending my time exploring and with people worth my time…not chasing down selfish idiots with no sense of community” then again, despite being supported well by the valkyr community, he has always questioned quite how necessary their community was considering they were a pretty solitary species.

Yeon nodded slightly “Well I’m kinda…obsessive about little things so it was easy for me to focus on what I wanted to do…getting control over my bloodlust was the very first thing I needed to do” that was his ticket to be able to get his life back and be free to spend his time however he wished. The younger valkyr bit his lip “You say that too easly…” he mumbled softly “You don’t think that we should be trying to save them? A lot of these people probably didn’t choose to be like this..” he pointed out.

He nodded slightly, she was right, if they started exposing their kind and caused trouble with the humans then things were going to get far too complicated and the last thing they needed was to be scrutinized and questioned. “Then…let’s hope it doesn’t come to that…” what a reckless decision these other valkyr were, he thought to himself “Is that why you don’t turn people?” he questioned curiously.

It didn’t take long before she was ushering him inside of the gift store, the aisles were filled with everything you could really want, plushes, cute little keychains, hats and headbands, even some random things you could display in your house. Before long they were over by the hats and he grabbed a pair of the Mickey Ears with a little hat in the middle and placed it on his head “How do I look?” he grinned playfully before picking out some sequin ones for her “You might as well glitter in the sun” he added with a grinned, she was right, he could spend a lot of money here.

She chuckled when he expressed his dislike towards the world’s politics. It was exactly what she felt most of the time too. However, with the title and position she was given, so did the responsibilities and god knows hers lie heavy on her shoulders. “Don’t we know it… trust me Yeon, I want to do the same. I don’t want to be spending the rest of my long life chasing down a prolific person who just so happened to make my weekend all about them.” Besides, given her current occupation at Evermore General, it’s also taking a lot of her time. “I’d rather go back suturing people’s hearts…” 

She was glad he had the affinity to control his bloodlust much better than most. It was one of the things she feared for him when she turned him. At least, that didn’t pose a problem. “You’re not the first to think that and you won’t be the last either” she pointed out when he asked if they should focus more on saving them. “Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as it sounds.” Cecilia didn’t think exterminating or the likes to be her first choice, she would love to play peacemaker with her kind. After all, she sees herself as their senior. 

“I don’t turn people because it shouldn’t be an option. Humans will stay humans. If you die then you should… die.” Unless you diewrongfully then perhaps there’s a loophole somewhere for a second chance. “This ability to give immortality is a powerful tool… when used wrongly it would be detrimental. I don’t want to have to look after my progenies… in case they do something bad. You were a special case.” Yeon was too young and his life was robbed unfairly. “And you turned out to be quite the man.” 

Ce chuckled as she got herself a similar headband from him “You look like you’re the son of Walt Disney himself.” She stared at her reflection nearby and scoffed, “I’d make a great vampire in Twilight.” She took a few more and took turns with the other male trying out plenty of them. “I feel like if we don’t stop you might actually get each and every single one of these cute headbands.” 

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