How whimsical and troublesome can one be? The sound of the poor lad's bones being crushed under the weight of his boots felt almost satisfying for the therian. He has been hunting this valkyr down after he caused a big stir among two rival gangs in Budapest last month. Fortunately, his search ended up leading him back to the one place he has been trying his best not to return to; Evermore. But when Argent comes calling, what the hell could he do about it aside from putting on a thin-lipped smile and abide like the obedient cat he is? He was already known as her pet leopard anyway, his reputation couldn't go any lower than being proclaimed as someone else's pet. But at least it was Argent's. Of all the Ailward Aspects, she was the best option there is, if he was being honest. "Seriously, you need to stop running away from the inevitable, you prick" he sighed heavily and picked him up.

He was about to question him some more but realized the blond male wasn't responding. Seojun shook him a bit and still received no response, "Did you just pass out on me? I didn't even step on you that hard-" he was halfway rambling about how he barely hit him that hard until his gaze fell on the gash he left on the male's torso, "Oh… yeah that's my bad." He did chase him in his snow leopard form earlier and pretty much taunted him until the corner until giving him a small scratch. He wasn't sure if he should just leave him there for the authorities to come chasing because a part of him still wanted to interrogate him to find out who he was working for since he had to settle quite the mess but another part of him didn't want to bother. "I'll just visit you in prison for some questioning later" he huffed and decided to drop him off near the precinct. His clothes were still clean, aside from the blood from the male's wound that got on him earlier. 

A few minutes later after walking down the street, he realized he had something to do; report back. He promised the Aspect of Light that he would come back in 2 days time and he really did. Now he was left with no choice but to report back because like it or not, Argent is still his boss and that's enough rebelling from him. It wasn't hard to find her, he found out she enrolled herself in the local university and getting the information on which unit she stays at wasn't hard. Before long, he found himself standing in front of the dormitory's entrance, his dark hues staring at the window of her room. It was dark since it was already night, and since it was the weekend, he knew Argent would be home. Seojun may not look like it but he cares deeply for her to know her quirks. He couldn't enter using the usual route since it was suspicious for him to pick the lock to her place so he climbed up. As expected, her window wasn't locked and there was no one at home. Yet. 

The therian didn't pry into her privacy aside from climbing into her room and leaning against the chair while waiting for her to come back. He wasn't that bad of course, he left her a simple message saying he's back in Evermore. When the lights were turned on, he had his legs crossed and waved slightly at the person who entered the room, "We can start by hearing how much you missed me."

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She gave him a pointed look and chuckled softly “You’re expensive in general” she commented and grinned, he was definitely the type to prefer nicer things which is why she was a little surprised he’d be willing to live the broke college life with her. Not that they were actually broke but they would need to keep up appearances “Maybe…but still…I feel like I haven’t been doing enough lately…I feel disconnected from the people we’re trying to protect” she bit her lip softly.

She was always this way, she wanted to be her best self always which wasn’t always possible but then she would get frustrated that she’d lost touch or felt too far away from the person she was trying to be “They scare us all sometimes” she mumbled softly, such a strange collection of people who came together, it was chaos more often than it wasn’t “But I love them all anyway” they’d been through literal hell and back together after all.

“Well, I can be here thinking about how to save the humans and you can be here making sure to save me, that seems like a fair balance right?” he didn’t see the world the way she did and she wouldn’t ask him to. She was the one who signed on to be a guardian for light, not him, though it did make her curious what purpose he found in being a guard.

She raised her brows and smiled “Well…I think you’d make a good one, you’re really good at investigating and you always prioritize the truth” she nodded her head softly, even if he had no connection to the suspect or the victim and was entirely detached, she knew for a fact the mystery would bother him enough to push him to solve the problem. She flopped down on her bed and stared at him when he asked if it was against the rules to stay over “Probably…” she commented and giggled “But when has that ever bothered you before” she commented and patted the spot next to her.

When she pointed out that he was expensive in general, he grinned and shrugged as if to say it is what it is “I mean after you’ve lived for a while, things became inexpensive because you’ve saved up or something. Besides, I got my personal guard allowance too” he winked playfully because they had this inside joke where they talk about how much a guard gets paid and each had different tiers depending on how severe the task is, in which guarding an Aspect personally is the most daunting one.

“You need to be easy on yourself Argent, you can’t save everyone after all… it’s only natural.” Seojun knows the Aspect of Light just wants to be the best version of herself but the therian gets discouraged whenever he sees his Aspect sad. Out of all the Ailward siblings, Argent was definitely the easiest to approach and befriend. There were the elder ones who act like big brothers and sisters that also influenced their personalities. The therian noticed it in them.

“A dysfunctional family is still.. a dysfunctional family at the end of the day, you still love them anyway.” Especially when they joined together at a very crucial time. “I swear people are so afraid to approach Erythreus and Malva… one can be a literal Hades and send you to the Underworld and the other will probably turn you into a lab rat for her to test on…” Just the thought of it made him shudder, he’ll stick with his walking lucky charm.

He rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically when she said he’ll just be there to save her “Can’t we both just focus on taking care of you?” The idea of being in the ECPD was interesting because sometimes while he preferred tracking down the people he needed to track for the Ailward Faction, the additional tasks in ECPD always felt like his little rewards if he finished a mission early.

Seojun was quick to lie down next to her when she patted the spot next to her, leaning to the side while his dark hues scanned the female next to him. He brought one hand to play with her hair and say “I really did miss you a lot…” God knows what he truly felt after centuries with her.

Argent chuckled softly “That’s true…we do get our fair share for the work we do” mostly they were free to spend their money on whatever they wished, which was probably the reason the aspect of light had such an extensive wardrobe, her siblings sometimes teased her for having a shopping addiction but Argent made sure every piece was used and highlighted. “I know” she responded when he told her she should go easier on herself “But I wouldn’t be…what I am today if I didn’t feel this way…didn’t feel responsible” she wouldn’t have died and come back to life, she’d have probably died some ordinary death.

She giggled softly and nodded “I like everyone for different reasons but I guess I’m more tolerant of differences than most” Seojun was far more specific about those he would let in and show interest in and he tended to feel more comfortable by himself than around others. She was the opposite of him in many ways but due to her empathetic nature, she could understand his frame of mind “They’re not so bad…just temperamental…in the end they have good hearts you know” she assured him, though she was sure he wouldn’t take in much of it.

She wrinkled her nose playfully when he told her off for trying to save everyone “Focusing on myself only is not in my nature, I’d rather focus on everyone else” she commented softly as she rolled onto her side “So why don’t we talk about you” she added, her voice gentle as she her eyes traced his features “Why have you been avoiding me?” she was expecting he might deny it but it was evident by now, the reason he had been away was to put space between them and he was only back now because she made him.

She quietened when his hand reached to touch her hair, his touch was gentle and it spoke words he wasn’t saying, she bit gently on her bottom lip “I missed you too” she murmured softly, it felt like losing a part of her whenever someone she was close to strayed for too long.

Seojun didn’t know how the others actually spend their money because he too cane from a well off family in the beginning before he met his tragic end. Everything was well but after that, the therian learned that not everything could be achieved with money and actually invested in a lot of things with cultural value. It was surprising to see something philosophical coming from the therian who often goes off the radar just because he likes to enjoy life.

“You’re too tolerant you mean…” The Aspect of Light was too kind and nice for this world, which was ironically quite on brand for her.“I know being the Aspect of Light meant you have to be the best version of humanity… but I worry people will take advantage of said humanity.” He was always so protective over her and have chased people he thought didn’t deserve her.

Seojun gave her a pointed look that said ‘sure’ and crossed his arms “You would say that…” Argent believes in the best in everyone so it wasn’t surprising. He raised his eyebrow in surprise when the redhead said they should talk about him “There is nothing about me to talk about… unless you mean you want to hear me do an extensive elaboration on how gorgeous I am.”

He swallowed hard and tried not to show it when she asked what he was hiding from her “What makes you think I’m avoiding you? What would I even hide from you?” she knows everything. Well… almost everything. “You know how I am… when I finish a particular mission, I tend to go off the rails for a while because I want to enjoy alone.” He pursed his lips and brushed his thumb against her cheek gently “I’m always here for you Argent. You know that, right? I would never abandon you…”

She rolled her eyes playfully and gave him a pointed look when he said she was too tolerant “Being tolerant isn’t a bad thing, we can’t be fighting over everything we don’t understand” of course she had her own morals she adhered to, but she could put up with the more difficult people to be around just fine, she liked the challenge of getting them to come around to her honestly.

“Perhaps people will, but I’m also not blind nor dumb, as some might mistake me for” she might want to see the best in everyone but she saw the bad in them pretty clearly too and she knew when to be wary. She laughed softly when he said there wasn’t much to say about himself other than his good looks “There’s plenty about you to talk about, being a guard isn’t the be all and end all of your personality Seojun” she chided softly, returning his pointed look from before.

“You’ve been traveling a lot, at least give me the highlights of your trips to sell your story” she commented and pressed her lips together, she knew he was avoiding her, no matter how much he denies it, she caught the flicker in his self when he said that. “It’s not exactly a secret, every other personal guard is glued to their aspect, especially with these uncertain times, you wanted to travel and I granted you that, but you don’t even have stories to tell me?” he pursed her lips softly.

When he reached to touch her cheek, she lifted her gaze to meet his, he almost seemed…nervous, she thought for a moment there “I know you’ll be there when I call for you…but…” she didn’t want to have to ask someone to be beside her, she didn’t say the words but the sentiment was clear.

The therian scoffed in response to her reply about being tolerant “I don’t mean to pick a fight with everyone and everything, which by the way I don’t like that you’re implying I do that because I will have you know, I totally do not, Argent Ailward.” He’s not an insufferable person. “I just mean perhaps you need to tone down the being kind thing to certain people, you know? I’m not saying you’re naive but not everyone deserves it and you know that. So why do you bother?” He couldn’t understand her thought process regarding that, Seojun thought it was a complete waste of time.

He narrowed his eyes at her when she said there was so much more to talk about than just his guard status “That’s what you say, but hey my second chance is comprised of being a guard so I’ll take it.” In all honesty, Seojun doesn’t see being a guard as a duty, for him, it is more than just that, but of course he doesn’t show it as much. “I don’t kiss and tell” he chided playfully when she told him to tell her some stories from his travel.

“I know I asked to travel and you granted that, I… won’t lie I probably should not have done that. When I heard about what’s happening, I immediately came back. I’m sorry for leaving” he murmured, but he couldn’t hide his feelings for her so how does he even begin?

Seojun cupped her cheek and stared at her with an uncertain look, it would be so easy to just lean in and… press his lips against hers. Just once. The therian bit his lip and found himself telling her to close her eyes “Close your eyes… please?” And he leaned in to close the gap the moment she did. It’s okay, he said to himself. Just one kiss.

She gave him a knowing look when he argued with her that he didn’t pick a fight with everyone and everything “Perhaps not everyone, but I’m sure if you were trying hard enough you could find a reason to with everyone” he was naturally prickly and that naturally made people defensive around him, when people were like that, it was understandable that tensions could rise quickly. “If I don’t believe in the good of people, then what I am I doing here? Why save a world if there’s no one here worth saving” it was kinda in the title, to see the light in others.

She gave a playful roll of her eyes when he skirted around telling her what he had been up to while travelling, Seojun was a frustrating person but she had gotten used to it with time, though she really wished he could be more open with her. Sometimes it felt like there was a wall between them and she didn’t know how to knock it down “Being a guard is something you choose you know, you aren’t stuck doing this if your heart isn’t in it” she was sure he could do plenty outside of their ranks too.

“Don’t…apologize” she mumbled softly, the last thing she ever wanted was for others to bear the same burdens she had to. Argent dreamed of having the same freedom he was able to reach for, but she knew what she signed up for. Coming to a place like this…was all she was really able to grant to herself.

She sucked in a soft surprised breath when she felt his hand cup hers, her green hues lifting to meet his dark ones for a few seconds, her chest lurched because she could hear the words he wanted to speak without him saying a word, from this close, her aura readings couldn’t miss but it was overwhelming. She naturally did as he asked when he leaned in, returning the gentle kiss he pressed to her lips.

But after a few moments she whisper softly “Seojun…we can’t…” it wasn’t that she didn’t care for him…of course she did, but everything about this was complicated and she was scared what it would mean.

He scoffed when she said that, he didn’t think he was that bad to begin with but Seojun naturally doesn’t like to deal with people he doesn’t need to cross paths with. He is not there to make acquaintances or friends. “I’m not here for pleasure, Argent, you know why I’m at places, and yes perhaps I’d get a drink or two… or more, but a mission is a mission.” The therian has always been duty oriented. He looks like he would rebel but he always gets them done.

He groaned because she was right, of course the Aspect of Light would say that “I should have expected that from you. Alright my fairy daisy.” Seojun immediately shook his head when she talked about how being a guard was a choice and if he didn’t wish to do so, he’s welcomed to exit the services. “I like it. I like being close to you.” It came out weird and out of it but it was exactly what he meant. He likes being by her side.

The kiss was everything he thought of and what he never expected would actually be done any time soon. How? How did he muster up the courage even? The male pressed his lips gently against her lips and sighed intently. It felt nice. The cat in him was yowling when she eventually pulled away “Why…?” He exclaimed. “why can’t we?” Seojun took her hands into his and sighed “Argent… I’ve been harboring feelings since the beginning…”

She gave him a knowing look as he explained himself when it came to his natural barrier “You don’t have to make everyone dislike you while getting things done” sure it was probably easier that way and she could understand the path he had swerved on, but she could never find it in her nature to shut herself away from others like that “You always seem so averse to rules unless they’re ones you want to follow” she commented softly, he was complicated that way.

She couldn’t help but frown a little when he called her a fairy daisy, she knew a lot of people misunderstood her nature but he wasn’t one of them, he just enjoyed teasing her like it was a part of his long list of duties. His next words felt pretty opposite to the way he acted because she swore he had spent the majority of the past year being about as far from her as he could be.

After the kiss, she found her head racing, her heart thumping harshly in her chest, she felt guilt rising as she lifted her gaze slowly and held his expression which was looking back at her like she had just kicked him so hard “You’ve just spent…the past year about as far away from me as humanly possible…you don’t wanna talk about anything” she pressed her lips together “Am I supposed to feel close to you when you feel about as far away as you can be?” she didn’t want to hurt him but this really felt…out of left field for her.

“I can’t just…make myself feel the way you feel…” the aspect of light thrived on closeness and emotion, but whenever she was around him she just felt like she was holding him here when he’d rather be somewhere else.

He was half tempted to roll his eyes when she said he didn’t have to do the things he has always done. “You know me Argent, I don’t always make a good case for myself.” Not that he particularly cared, if he was being honest. “I’ve followed rules my whole entire life, you know that.” He wasn’t opposed to them, he wasn’t the rebel everyone makes him out to be, because if he was, then he wouldn’t be here standing in front of the Aspect of Light when he was being called forth. 

“I just have… selected perceptiveness.” That was one way to describe it. He missed the playful banter they had. He had spent close to three centuries with the Ailward Aspect and he had cherished every moment of it. Seojuk felt like he just got kicked to the face after the kiss. He had been dreaming to do it for such a long time and now when he finally did it, this was her response. Ouch. “Right…” 

He had avoided her for the past year and now he’s doing this, he could see why she felt conflicted and confused. “I’m not asking you to feel the way I feel, Argent. I’m just showing it to you, just like you kept asking me to. Isn’t this what you wanted to see? To finally see me free of the shackles that held me down and do what I should have?” He sounded a bit frustrated because the therian wasn’t sure what else he could have done. 

“I don’t know what you want from me…” he murmured softly and sighed heavily as he took a seat nearby, facing the side like he just got put in a time out. “I avoided you… because my feelings couldn’t be hidden anymore… because it hurts to hide it. Three hundred years, Argent… three. For you it might not feel as long but for us… it’s long…” Especially when he wasn’t an immortal before he joined the guard. 

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