Erythreus sat in his dim lit room, writing in his journal, making his daily entry before heading out into Nephilim territory, where he needed to check up on a certain Nephilim who was battling way to many demons on her own.  Erythreus thought about this girl day in; day out, and hadn't even met her yet. but since he had a job to do in this city, he couldn't help but keep her in mind, being the protector of death for both the real world and the underworld, he would slay her demons and send them back where they belonged, in hopes she could be at peace.

Shrugging into his normal dark clothing, Ery departed the aliward manor and hopped into his black Volvo, taking no time at all to arrive to his destination. Upon stepping out of his car, along with his staff, Ery could pick the girl out from miles away., he sensed death all around her and immediately rushed to her. "Sibohan" he said simply, already knowing her name. "IF you would, I need you to come with me.. and just trust me" he said, almost chuckling... why would a girl like her trust a complete stranger like him; the protector of death. It was an odd request, but he knew what he was doing.

She didn't attract your typical every day demons, these were demons full of hatrid and holding some kind of vendetta against her, but he was here to stop it. He could already feel the presence of death around her, but he'd protect her ... he wouldn't let her die, not on his watch... "How long has this been going on?" he questioned curiously.

He would later explain to Sibohan why he had his staff with him and why it transformed him into something that anyone would be afraid of, but he was going to do his best to assure her that she didn't have to be afraid of him. He was here to help her, but waiting on these demons to rise to the surface wasn't the kind of waiting game he was used to, it was unnerving. "Sorry that you're dealing with so much" he stated, before gazing out to where the park was "We can talk over there, we don't have to go far" he stated, to keep her from feeling uncomfortable.

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Siobhan looked to her turtleneck and then looked outside to the snow “But it’s winter.” she protested as they made there way in the car to the ocean. She climbed out of the car and looked around “Why on earth are we hear Ery?” she asked as she followed behind him seeing the smile he had around her fade she frowned softly and chewed on her bottom lip “should I be worried about you? You don’t seem happy to be here.” she said following close behind him. Once they got to the edge of the cliff she understood where they were and she was about to say something but he caught her off guard with the kiss.

“Hate you?” she asked and then felt him push her off the edge her mind race, did he only get close to her to kill her? She was screaming as she tossed over in the air her body falling quickly if she hit the ground she would be in pain for weeks Her eyes widen the closer and closer to the ground and then right as she was about to hit her wings opened up and she caught herself.

She about cried out and then turned looking up to the cliff edge she flew back up and landed not very smoothly and then she pushed him “What the hell?” She said as she shoved him again “Is this your game? You say you want to protect a girl? Kiss her? Hold her while she sobs after telling you why she is broke? Just to throw her off a cliff?” She shoved him again, “You should know better then anyone how that would feel.” She said as she pushed passed him taking her car keys from him as she walked back to her car “And just so you know No I don’t want your help anymore.” She said as he blue eyes locked with his, the hurt and fear swirling in them as she shook her head and got into the car.

She turned the engine over and just as she did three smoke monsters formed around the car “You got to fucking kidding me.” she cursed out as one of the smoke monsters flipped the car over causing her to go flying around in the car and finally when it stopped she groaned out pushing on the door with what strength she had to pop it off before looking to the Monsters there “Well aren’t you one ugly thing.” She said as she moved out of the car and looking around not seeing Ery she wondered if he had left before they had show up.

When the Ursa looking smoke monster swung at her she blocked it’s hit before flipping backwards seeing the weapons from her trunk on the ground picking up the Bow with the arrow she drew the string back and let go of the fletching sending the arrow flying at the monster as it went into the white eye causing it to fall to the ground. But one kill wasn’t enough as the other two monsters came charging in at the same time. “Shit.” she muttered before ducking between them backing up towards the cliff. “Fuck.” she said as she dropped the bow and jumped off the Cliff once again and her wings opened as she flapped them she turned around watching the Smoke Monsters as they shifted and matched her flying after her

“Shit!” she screamed as she the gripped her each one holding a wing and sunk there teeth into her wings. Black ichor pushed into her system. The let her go and she began to fall towards the ocean away from the cliffs She landed into water unable to find her way up her lungs began to fill with the salt water as the ichor took over her system. “Help?” her mind reached out

"Sure it's winter, but still ... you're to gorgeous to be all covered up like that" he expressed, flashing a wink at her and shaking his head. This woman had him under some sort of spell and it was like he was becoming this different person, not that it was a bad thing, but he was sure his siblings would give him hell for it. Erythreus had been the kind of man to stay in his own state of mind, constantly brooding and gloom and doom. With Bo around, now it was as if the sun was shining down on him, even as the Aspect of Death... he felt life more than he ever had.

He sighed when she asked why on earth they were there, truly it brought back haunting memories for him, and what he was about to do to her, made him no better than the ones who had thrown him over a cliff just like this one, except his intentions were entirely different than theirs. Siobhan had been crippled to her gifts, even using her wings, and even though the way he was going about this, was probably the shittiest thing he'd ever done to a woman, it would help her see that Jack didn't hold any power over her no more.

When she asked if she should be worried, he nodded, without a word. He wished he could have told her what they were doing there instead of flinging her over a cliff as a surprise, but if he had told her beforehand, she wouldn't have even came with him. "I could name ten million places i'd rather be right now... but, you'll thank me after you aren't pissed at me anymore" he stated, hanging his head down, he couldn't look her in the eyes, because he couldn't handle knowing she'd possibly hate him for this.

After he'd kissed her and she questioned his statement of hating him, a lump formed in his throat that he couldn't swallow "I'm sorry" he then said inhaling deeply, sure the fall wouldn't exactly kill her if she didn't decide to use her wings, but if she had hit the ground it would have hurt her badly. His hand covered his mouth as he continued watching the ground.. it came damn close to her, but he smiled as she caught herself, seeing her wings come to life caused a strange kind of happiness to consume him until she flew up to him and pushed him. Stumbling back, he nearly tripped over a large rock behind him, not that he didn't deserve at least that much.

"I said you'd hate me, be angry Bo... but be happy. Jack don't own you nor does he control your gifts, I only wanted to show you that you were the one in control" he explained, still trying to swallow the lump in his throat, one that had grown painful at this point. He knew he had went about this the wrong way, but what other way was there for her? How else could someone reach out to her and show her that she was the one in control of her life. Rolling his sky-blue optics at her, he shook his head.

With each question, she shoved him, and he let her, looking into her bright blue eyes full of tears he felt awful .. it was painful to see her eyes tear up like that. "Let it all out, keep shoving me... if it makes you feel better. It's not a game though Bo... nothing that I have done or said has been a game where you are concerned, don't you understand that I care?" he asked, waiting for a punch in the face, but she continued shoving him. Finally, he grabbed her arms and turned her around, pinning her against the tree behind them that she had shoved him to all the way from the edge of the cliff. "You're right, I know exactly how it feels to have that done to me... but I didn't throw you over it to hurt you! i'm trying to help you ... stop fighting it!" he shouted at her, his vampiric features taking over as veins formed underneath his eyes.

When she snatched her keys from him and said she didn't want his help anymore. He felt the presence of the very same beasts he had slayed of hers just nights ago, smirking... because she didn't understand how much she did need his help. He wouldn't let nothing happen to her, but perhaps he should have let her fight them alone for a minute or two, to make her understand she didn't have to be so headstrong about him, and to realize that he wasn't the enemy. It wasn't until the car had gotten flipped that he'd realized there were a few of them already surrounding her "unbelievable... seriously unbelievable" he muttered before rushing to  her side with his Vampire speed.

HE watched her for a moment, as she addressed the beasts as ugly... although he found it funny, he couldn't laugh, he was afraid for her. She was so haunted, and it made him understand why she said she was broken, but eventually he'd show her that she wasn't really broken, she just had to keep pushing through this, until she owned what was owning her, fear itself. Ery watched however this time, instead of aiding her. She'd taken the first one down with ease, and then as the other two charged at her, he rushed towards them "Bo don't!" he screamed at her as she backed up towards the cliff again, because it was then he realized that these demonic bastards could also fly after her.

ERythreus quickly grabbed his staff, that adorned two snakes, and a bright red crystal in the middle of it, using it to transform himself into his dragon form, once more. Bo would soon think he was a dragon more than he was a man, this being the second time he had done it around her. "Goddamnit!" he yelled as he seen the beasts sink down into her wings "NO!" he yelled again as she fell into the ocean, he had to first take care of the two that had just done that to her. "Come here you ugly bastards!" he called out and took a leap off the cliff, slaying one, then the other before letting himself fall into the ocean behind her, transforming back into his normal state just before doing so.

Erythreus cradled her and scooped her into his arms, pushing them back up to the surface of the frigid waters that ice had settled on. He made his way to small closed in cave with her, holding her in his arms he looked down "Bo wake up!" he called out to her,  resorting to body heat to keep her warm "please don't do this" he said, desperation in his tone as he began a form of CPR on her, feeling out of it as he done so, she was immortal but water had filled her lungs, and her gifts were very conflicted with the demons she had been battling, which caused her body to react just as a humans right now. "BO GODDAMN YOU IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP!" he shouted once more, knowing if she had died, he would be her protector even then, but still he couldn't have that.

A few more moments after the compressions over her sternum, he heard her cough, water gushing from her mouth. He was speechless, and had no idea what to say to her... "please never do that again... ive not feared anything in almost a thousand years, but the thought of losing you..." he stopped himself, to let her breathe, before picking her up into his lap, cradling her to warm her up the best he could. "Ive got to get you out of here... you need my help whether you want it or not, whether you need me or not, you at least need my help... and i can't help but think, that I kind of need you too" he said, falling silent, not knowing what else to say to her right now. He could only hold her close to him, thankful that she was breathing.

Siobhan held her breath for as long as she could but at some point her mouth opened and water poured into her mouth, her wings wouldn’t close as they were both broken and the bite marks upon them allowed the poison the beast released into her system to flood her making her feel like she was thousands of pounds as she tried to kick herself up the surface kept fading from her view, the last thing she remembered seeing was Erythreus swimming towards her before the blackness over took her mind ‘this is it death...I’m okay with this because I will still have him.’ she thought to herself.

Her body was as cold as ice itself and she wasn’t breathing the water flooding her lungs as he pulled her free from the oceans icy temperature. She felt him carry her running as the icy wind only made her colder and she could speak but she could feel, she could feel herself drowning over and over again as her immortality kept her alive just enough to feel pain.

She felt his hands compressing her chest, she heard him pleading with her to wake up ‘I’m trying.’ she said in her mind as her lips were blue and the oxygen  had been cut off causing her to want to give up and give into death but finally as he pressed down few more times her throat finally open and she turned on her side with his help as she coughed up the water taking raspy staggered breaths as she tried to stop her heart from pounding out of her chest feeling him pick her up after her breath evened out “I can’t say that will never happen again my life is a walking time bomb.” She took a few deep breaths forgetting for a moment she was mad at him. Her arms wrapped around him as she shived frozen to the core looking around the cave knowing her car was beyond repair.

She looked to her broken wings as they lay lip on her back the bite marks black and ooze leaking from them. She winced as she reached up to the ichor poison had entered her body but she froze not touching it as a wave of pain flowed through her. “Oh.” she said as she stumbled slightly and leaned more into him “I have no clue what this black stuff is.” She said as her head rolled back and she looked into his eyes her blue orbs having a hard time focusing. “I’m so cold Erythreus.” she said as her hand reached up to touch his face and she blinked missing his face, her hand fell back limp “I can’t feel my hands.” she said and then her eyes drifted closed as she muttered lightly “take me back to bed?” confusion swirled in her head “I don’t need dinner just bed.” she smiled weakly “But I can be your dinner.” she muttered as her head rolled to the side her blonde wet hair frozen to her face.

Siobhan’s body was shutting down due to the cold and the poison in her system, she need help and her mind went to the only persons he knew had a lab “Isaac…Dominic he knows.” she said before the darkness over took her mind once again her body limp in his arms her heart beat faint as she was in his arms.

Erythreus had been through an ordeal with this broken angel, for what? To risk his life, and it blow up in his face. But no matter how shitty it was, he had to focus on her, and the poison that was slowly shutting her down. "Fine.." he nearly growled, as she spoke of two names who'd know what to do for her. "Let's forget my efforts though" he then said, bitterness in his tone, he looked to her broken wings, he wouldn't be able to to carry her properly, so reaching down, he threw her over his shoulder and got her to a safe location, which happened to be Dom's 'lab' .. his very own guard. 

Erythreus had left Siobhan's car at the place they'd been at just before. "Since I can't help you.. and nothing ive done has meant anything, wait for Dom.. or Isaac, or anyone but me" he said, placing her into a place of comfort. Erythreus walked out, slamming the door behind him and sat on a step, it wasn't in him to just leave her there, but the sight of her, made him wished he'd let those monsters of her have their way with her. His mind wasn't right, nothing was with him. He should have known better than to care. Feelings had esculated between him and her, but Ery was done feeling anything anymore. 

Reaching into his pocket, he looked puzzled "what the fu..." he began to ask himself, realizing it was something he had gotten for her. He didn't know how to give it to her, so with that, he left the property all together, made his way to her house and put it in her mailbox. She;d get it soon enough, or she wouldn't ... to care was to be foolish.. and foolish he had been with her. "Stupid stupid stupid" he scolded himself outloud before falling against the railing of her porch, he simply hated himself at this point and time. Letting himself inside of her house, he looked to her mantle above the fireplace, why on earth she felt the need to capture a moment between them and frame it was beyond him, but he had no problem smacking it against the mantle and shattering it also leaving her a note, before letting himself back out. 

"You won't have to wory about my help anymore. Seems you have enough without me. Ill miss you, but im going to end up missing myself, because of you im losing myself more and more. Goodbye Bo" 

Ery felt something new, once more. Tears. But he didn't dare shed them, he had to find an outlet, or he'd become enraged and make everyone in his path regret ever seeing him. 

Siobhan felt her back hit the sofa as she heard him saying things and yet she couldn't speak she was dying there in front of him and all he could focus on was that he couldn't be the one to save her. She heard the doors slamming and flinched as she curled up into a ball weeping as she was dying. She had met Dominic before for he found her in the woods with a broken leg and helped her break it into place. He had been there when Isaac made the cure to stop the ichor from taking over her system. That is why she need him cause she wasn't able to hold on to reality. She felt herself dying and when the door opened again to the wolf seeing the tiny angel on his floor. He crossed the room taking in her broken form as he felt of a pulse, it was faint almost had stopped and her body was ice cold. Dominic had her stripped and warmed by a fire and with his body heat before she woke up in his arms sobbing. he injected her with the anti-toxin and held her all night as she cried still unsure how she got there in his home. After seeing her that way broken in his home he refused to let her leave the next day making her stay and move in with him while he trained her. The longer they were around each other the closer the grew. it began with a drunken kiss and some how grew into this whole complicated mess.

-------- Six months Later ---------

Siobhan stood outside of her old home as she messed with the necklace around her neck, a lot had happened to her since her time away. Dominic had accepted the role as her protector and blessed from the heavens above. They had trained and faught may demons together and all the while a nagging part couldn't get over Ery and why he had left her that night. She looked at the overgrown hedges and sighed as she moved towards the mail box which was stuffed and began to pull things out until reach the bottom there was a tiny box. She eyed it as she made her way inside of the home she had abandon. She was really only there to pick up a few thing and leave but when she walked in the photo smashed and a note on the floor she. She lowered her self tossing the mail on the couch as she dusted away the broke glass nicking her fingers but she didn't care she picked up the photo of him and her and felt the tears fall from her eyes. "why?" she asked the wind.

She took the note reading it and frowned softly as she moved sitting on the couch and sniffled as she looked to the photo of what could have been and wiped the glass from her fingers and tucked the photo in her purse as she held the little box inside of her hand scared to open it. She let out a breath and looked to the ring that sat inside as she pulled it out she looked at it and then the note in the top of the box. "Bo, I promise to never leave you for I am falling in love with you. I never knew death could feel so alive. Together we will find a happy ending. I promise -Deathy Poo" Siobhan was crying at this point there was no way to stop the tears. When she heard foot steps she had the knife from her boot and embedded into his chest as he stood there watching her. she crossed the rom much quicker then she once was as she took hold of the knife and pressed it harder into his chest as she looked into his eyes, they were no longer the bright blue that he knew but a raging purple as she had been able to unlock her gifts slowly. "Why did you leave me to die!" She screamed to him and pushed the knife harder before completely backing away from him pulling the knife free. "What is this shit?" she motioned around the home the knife still in her hands "You leave me a fucking promise ring and then what the moment I am dying just up and leave me?" 

She stared at him and as the anger left her she felt her eyes return to normal blue and she sat on the couch her hands covered with his blood as she looked to them and frowned deeply "Why?" she asked again her voice breaking and tears falling down her cheeks. "Just why Deathy?" 

Erythreus hadn't seen her in six months. Needing space? they had taken plenty of it, he had taken just as much with his siblings in the manor, he didn't go a day without coughing up blood, the Aliwards couldn't be seperated without fatality, but what did he care? Ery shook his head, standing outside her home. He watched after she gathered everything from her mailbox and made his way to her door. He could hear her from outside sobbing. Did he feel bad? No. 

With that he let himself in her already partially opened door "you should really learn to lock up" he said, before watching her rush over to him, he didn't get a word in before she plunged a knife into his chest. He gasped, and could only stand there. Erythreus was to weak to retaliate, but even if he could, he was in shock at the vivid purple glowing in her eyes "you...unlocked... your... gifts" he coughed out, blood falling from his mouth. Any other time a knife would have made him chuckle, but being away from the others for as long as he had, he was probably dying. 

As she removed the knife, that she had sank into his chest, Ery fell to his knees, he wasn't even healing properly, and looking to her covered in his blood, he could tell she had changed. "Because, I risked everything for you...EVERYTHING" he began shouting back, mustering up the rest of his strength to vamp speed to her. Causing them to collide into the fire place, he looked down to the bloody knife in her hands "go on then, finish this" he said "I helped you, I loved you, I risked my entire faction, my siblings... ALL FOR YOU... ALL FOR WHAT?! I rather have that knife pierce my heart than you and your selfishness did" he said, coughing up blood once more. 

"I wanted to give you that ring the moment I realized I had fallen for you, until I realized, you didnt want me.. not how I wanted you.. I left you with the knowledge of knowing you would still live" he grimaced as he looked to the floor, his hand filling with blood as he held his chest. "You didn't even care" he said, his tone growing as weak as his body was. To her question, he chuckled out blood "Put that fucking knife down, I could have died saving you, so call it even .. for you breaking a dead heart" he admitted, trying so damn hard to not let her see tears fall, but his efforts were lost. 

HE couldn't look at her now, and now he was even more pissed at him, ignoring clear signs that he needed to be around his Aliward family. "Why don't you do with that gift what you did with my heart, Bo... trash it?" he expressed, his back turned to her, assuming he'd now get stuck in the back, but to let her finish him rather than shedding tears for her seemed way more pleasant. But, he didn't give her the chance to stab him again. Instead he jerked the knife from her, cutting her palm on accident and threw the knife, sticking it into the wall just above her head "never do that again" he growled, referring to his chest. 

HE then snatched the gift box from her with the ring in it, and placed it on her finger. "I meant it all... thank you for not meaning a goddamn thing you ever said to me" he said, before falling back to his knees, his sight had become more of a shadow now, and his head was spinning. His chest began falling and rising more slowly. "Just finish this.. please" he said faintly, before closing his eyes, he couldn't stand looking at her when she cried. 

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" Siobhan had yelled back to him as he talked about risking everything "I told you to leave the first night you met me." she groaned out as her back hit the mantel racking her brain for a moment "You helped me? You threw me off a cliff and then let me get attacked and was almost killed and what did you do, You left me to die in Dominics cabin!" she screamed back at him. "You Loved me? You left me for dead. you call that love? when you love someone you do what ever you can for them even if it hurts you." she screamed as he held her pinned. "I put my trust in you, you said you would never leave and the moment I am dying in your arms and the moment I tell you someone who knows how to fix me you leave me there dying because it wasn't you who could fix it."

She watched him a burning purple eyes as he held her still "I had met Dominic before he had helped me with a broken leg, I knew you could find him Isaac not so much. That is why I told you to find him, he told me he was an Ailward guard I put two and two together even in my dying state." She said and as she glared into his blue orbs "I did fucking care, and you showed me that you didn't." she said watching him knocked the kniff from her hand cutting her hand. She watched the tears leave his eyes and then stumble away "You are getting sick Dominic said you hadn't been back since you left me that night."

She was covered in his blood and knew he need to feed and get back to his siblings. "Unlike you I will not let you die." She said as her hand had already healed and so she pulled the knife from the wall and shrugged her shirt aside she slit her shoulder open watching him stare at it. She got on her knees next to him and took hold of the back of his neck and pulled it down along the open wound and muttered "Drink so I can get you home." she said as she felt his fangs bite her flesh she knew he could very well drink her dry but she didn't care she would do it to keep him alive.

She swallowed hard groaning feeling his mouth on her shoulder and closed her eyes it brought her back to that first night he stayed in her home and how she let him drink from her, he told her never to do it again and yet here she was accepting  death. her eyes fluttered closed  "Ery." she groaned out and then a whooshing sound srounded them and when she opened her eyes again she looked up to the large Aspect of Realms.

"Ery let the girl go." Ven deep voice filled their ears and nodded towards their leader before looking to him again "you know you almost died being away from us for so long. I couldn't find you not till I found you with the Nephilim." he said as he helped Siobhan to her feet. "you okay?" he asked the little blonde who was covered in blood. "We should get you cleaned up." he said as he let her go to follow one of the other aspects before turning to his brother. "What the hell happened?" Holding him back from following Siobhan.

"Yeah I am find." Siobhan said light headed and looked to Ery as his mouth was covered in her blood but he looked better more alive then he had a few moments ago, or was it hours, she had no clue how long he drank from her all she knew is they went from kneeling to laying on her floors, He had been laying on top of her drinking from her, she was light headed when she moved from the room to get cleaned up and a change of clothes.

When she yelled at him, asking him what he was talking about by risking everything simply because she'd told him to leave her be the very first night he met her, Ery chuckled a dry chuckle at that. "You knowing what I am risked my entire family, but why did you know what I was... BECAUSE I FUCKING SAVED YOU... weeks after that, I LOVED YOU .. you were a priority over my own" he confssed in a loud, bitter tone. Bo clearly had no idea what he had done for her and what he had risked doing to himself  by keeping her alive, and helping her activate her powers.

With her back against the mantle, and her using Dominic's name, Ery slid his hand up, wrapping it around her throat "I left you where you wanted to be you ungrateful bi------" he stopped, he didn't have it in him to call her out of her name. Ery had fallen for Siobohan and didn't want to feel that way anymore. "But if it's any cosellation ... I took several to my bedroom in your absence" he then said, because right now all he wanted was for her to feel just a sliver of the pain she had made him feel. "why did you get attached to me Bo... WHY?!" the grip of his hand around her throat grew tighter.

"I was never your first choice" he added, letting his hand fall back to his side. "I would rather die forever, than to spend one more moment knowing how much I feel for you" he then admitted, but he couldn't deny that looking into those raging purple eyes of her sent him off the deep end, and all he really wanted was to tear her clothes off and make love to her. But, his pride wouldn't let him, nor would the fact that numerous women being in his bed would allow for Bo to fall in the same category as them. Since he saw hee as much more than a release, a one night stand he had yet to make that kind of move on her.

HE laughed out loud,  blood spewing from his mouth "thats why i left you, let you go, set you free" he said weakly  not able to maintain himself now. He needed to be back at the manor but that would only happen over his dead body, walking away from her again, especially after leaving her to die, wouldn't be happening. Eythreus found so much irony in all this shit ... did Bo even know that the very Therian/Guard she yelled for while she was out of it, was his personal guard? It caused him to grind his teeth together, he wanted to snap her neck, followed by Dominics. Ery refrained from even saying anything though. IF  Dominic made her happy, if he took care of her, he owed Dom for it.

Thats how much Ery loved this angel. Was he in love? he didn't know... he was over a thousand years old, and Siobhan was the first woman in those thousand some years to make him feel alive again. Coming back to his senses, Ery's veins trickled underneath his eyes, becoming the monster people feared years ago. Looking into her eyes, which only raged a bright purple, "make me suffer. im sure its nothing you cant confide into your Therian about" he shouted at her, using his vampire speed to rush the both of them to Bo's couch. His body now lying against hers, he looked down to her as she trembled "you said I loved you... NO BO NO...  i fucking love you" he admitted using present tenses, His tears finally left their surface.

What she said next caused a lump to form in his throat. "I left you because I fell in love with you, and i know you will never love me as mjuch, not even enough for me to keep sane, do i matter at all, or my feelings? sure im the goddamn aspect of death but in years .. you're the only one who made me feel very much alive, and with a simple mumble from your lips of a name... I lost my shit .. forgive me for not wanting to share you" he shouted looking down to her, his fingertips tricking up her thighs. "But something about you, wont let me let go... i hate you for this, and i hate myself. Be mature and set me free"  he then said, putting her to a test. At this point, Ery needed assurance.

When Bo said she cared but he didn't .. he leaned forward, kissing her lips passionately, covering them in his own blood. "I dont wanna go on no more a thousand and some odd years has been enough for me" he admitted, running his fingertips through her hair "why cant you let go?" he asked, gasping for his  own breath at this point. He had suddenly fell to the floor rolling off of her, but it wasn't long before Bo had rushed to his aid asking him to feed, asking him to live .. his fangs detracted and sank in deeply into her shoulder, he couldn't stop. Even when she whimpered out 'Ery" to him. "Ven..." he hissed out, his fangs hovering over his bottom lip before turning back to Bo and sinking his fangs into her chest, just above her breast.

"Get out of here brother" he groaned, he wasnt done with Bo, and not even his brother was a voice of reason."Live Erythreus live" he heard the voice of his mother then, looking down to the body he had nearly drained, being Bo herself. For a few moments he was held from  Bo, by his own flesh and blood, but his Vampire speed allowed him to seperate Bo from Ven and he again sank his fangs into her, nearly draining her of her life "you broke my heart, let my break yours" he hissed with his fangs bared "you should die.." he hissed again and sank into her other shoulder, until her heartbeat became faint, he barely heard it now. Bo lied there lifeless... and Ery was snatched up by Ven. "Let her live.. you love her" a faint voice heard through his hissing.


When Ery finally realized he'd almost killed Bo, he sped to her, holding her in his arms, making her drink from his wrist. "Im so sorry im so sorry" he nearly began sobbing "I love you Bo .. i love you so much" he added rocking her back and fourth in his arms gasoing for air until he saw her eyes flutter back open.

Siobhan had known allowing him to feed from her would end like this him trying to kill her over her breaking his heart but she couldn't let him die she hated him for that. She hated for the time he left her to die and now he was trying to kill her himself. As his fangs ripped at her flesh her voice echoed out "Ery please stop." she whimpered "Your hurting me." her hand tighten in this shirt before falling away loosely. She felt every ounce of his hate in those bites as she was an empathy and could feel his emotions and she trembled under his body weight "no." she said faintly as her blue eyes drifted closed.

Ven was desperate to keep him from killing her, he knew that he would only regret it if he went through it, it was bad enough they were going to have to whip her memory and she may not survive that. "Let her go.!" he finally pulled them apart "You are acting wild Ery! what is wrong with you? She is just a girl!" he said and then watched the weight of what he had almost done was over his face as he looked down to the girl as she laid there ripped open and then felt Ery pulling away and on his knees feeding her his blood "Your blood doesn't work on Nephilim Ery." 

Bo's healing had kicked in as she took a sharp breath opening her eyes as she looked up to him her blue eyes filled with hurt as she looked to him "You hate me. good." she said as she felt Ven hands help her to her feet picking her up and looked to Ery "Pull yourself together and you can see her after she is healed up." he looked down to the Nephilim and sighed "You will say your good byes and I will whip her mind." he said as he left the room her in his strong arms as he moved her through the home and placed her in a makeshift nurses room.

It took Bo three days to heal even with her nephilim gifts and she refused to see anyone not even Dominic as she healed from his bite marks. she looked in the mirror at his fang marks stayed on her flesh she looked ot the door as it opened and saw Ery walked in and she moved back to the bed and sat on it pulling her legs to her chest and looked away from him "What are you doing here?" she asked as she kept her gaze away. "Ven isn't wipping my memories since I have my own path I have to follow which will bring my own death." she grimmaced as she looked from him and sighed "I am already claimed Ery." she said as she messed with the blanket.

"Since my birth there has been one person after me, Lucifer. he wants me to his bride." She said as she looked up to him "He has a claim on me and will come collecting one day so trust me when I say you are better off with out me. Move on there is someone better out there for you with a longer life span." she said as she sighed out looking up to him finally. "I am no good for you Ery and you make things complicated." she spoke softly as she stood up "But all be damned if I was going to let you die." she said as she picked up her bag. "Ven is waiting on me to send me home." she said as she took a step towards the door.

He barely heard Bo cry out to him, he didn't even know that what he was doing was hurting her, only that it made him feel good. Erythreus was being selfish with her, and he felt, in his own wicked sick mind that she deserved anything she got right now. But something/someone .. probably her, made him stop. Tears rushing down her cheeks and now his too. "What .. what the fuck am I doing?!" he yelled out, almost as a way of pleading for help, anyones help. When she said no, faintly, and he saw her fading, a mix of emotions consuming him.

Ery groaned at the sight and voice of his own brother, pleading to him almost to let her be, telling him that he was acting wild. With that, Ery sped to his brother, slamming him into the wall, his hand wrapping around his throat. "how's this for wild, noble brother of mine... I fell for her... after more than a thousand years, I felt like I could love someone again, only to learn, she has feelings for my very own goddamn guard, if you want wild, look to her" he yelled, his vampire features consuming his normal ones. "I didn't want this..." he then said .. his hand releasing from hiis brothers neck, and his sky-blue optics traveling over to Bo who lied there nearly lifeless because of him.

His jaw clenched then, when Ven said she was just a girl "SHES NOT JUST ANY GIRL TO ME WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND" he yelled out again, his head throbbing, not knowing what was causing him so much pain and grief. But, from the look on Ven's face, Ery would face an intervention back at the manor, be scolded for days by his siblings and kept in his room until he was back to himself. Feeding her his blood was an irrational, short-sighted move on his part, he knew it wouldn't work, and Ven only confirmed it out loud., "I can't just do nothing, this is my fault!" he said angered by his actions towards Siobhan.

When Bo's eyes opened, he breathed out. IT seemed like he'd been holding his breath waiting on that very moment, but not the words she spoke when she gained her composure. "that's the problem, It's very much the opposite of hating you" he responded to her, trying to refrain from saying the word love. She had very muc ruined his outlook on love and what it was supposed to mean, because that's what he felt for her until he discovered, she was caught between him and his Guard, his friend at that. "I love you Bo, thats what you had no clue of" he whispered, but feared what happened next.

"Say my goodbyes? whipe her memory? you bastard!" Ery yelled at him again and left, "I won't be back Ven, not this time, this time yall need to leave me be, let me die, its my life, its my choice" he expressed, and with the slam of the door behind him, he felt alive in that moment, because there was an ache in his chest, almost unbareable for even him. "Whip her memory?" he questioned himself, tears drowning his eye sockets to think that she'd forget everything they had been through. Ven was one of the more noble ones though, and he wouldn't have stayed and tried to fight him over it. Walking to a tree, where a swing hung, a place her and Ery had spent time together, he took off the necklace he was given a thousand years ago, maybe more, but his mother had given it to him. Ery had told Bo how special this necklace was to him when they first met. But, he hung it from the limb of the tree that held memories of them ... when they knew more about each other than decite.

3 days later

Erythreus hadn't been back to the manor, for one reason. He didn't want to see the sight of Ven, and he felt no pain from being away from them, it had only been three days. Erythreus couldn't leave well enough alone, and with that, he had again found himself at Bo's.. no matter what happened, why did he constantly end up back here? IF anything... he was a fool, a love stricken idiot, love and being in love however, was a different thing. He wasn't in love, all he knew was that he couldn't lose Bo. Everytime he did, he lost himself.

Erythreus sat on the bed beside of her, and placed one of his hands onto her knee. Bo please.. you don't get it do you?" he asked, did she really not know, or did she keep herself in denial because she did know and didn't want to. To what she had said next, Erythreus found a lump forming in his throat "No..." he said in a soft spoken tone "what do you mean Bo, stop talking crazy" he said, not understanding why she felt she had to die, because of the path she'd chosen in life. "Why didn't you let him though? wipe your memory clean of me? it wouldn't have killed you, he wouldn't have had to dug that deep" he then said, questioning her.

"It would all be easier if I was dead, not you... Ive lived for a thousand some years... you howver, have only just began to live... you're not fucking dying" he cursed at her. After everything he still swore he'd keep her from death. "please look at me Bo, I didn't mean to hurt you" he said, and she still refused to look at him. "I fell in love with you is what happened"" he admitted something that made him want to die right there on the spot, because now she held that power over him. "Now, I have to unfall... because you'll never feel as much for me"  he then said, running his hands over his face, breathing in deeply, and looking away from her, scooting to the bottom of her bed, resting his face into his palms after propping his elbows onto his knees. "I can't do this anymore.. where do we go from here?" he asked, still refusing to look over at her.

They both sat there broken, hurt, and lost.

Siobhan eyes looked to his as his hand rested on her knees and she looked to him with her blue sad eyes as he asked her questions, told her she was crazy and then finally asked about why she didn’t just let Ven take Ery from her mind.She looked from him and her brows knit together as she let out a soft breath before she moved closer to him. Her arms wrapped around him as they had that night she woke up crying from her nightmares. She held on to him as she closed her eyes “Why would  I want you erased from my mind Ery? Despite us ripping into each other a part of me loves you.” she said as she ran her fingers into the hair on his neck.

“You are far more important than I am Ery.” she said into his neck as she didn’t dare look into  his eyes.she just held on to him cause she need this she need his embrace before things become complicated again. In this moment with each other it was like they were alone once again and the world had fallen away from a moment. She sighed pressing her face into his neck and kissed it softly as she moved into his lap “How did this all get so messed up why did you not just leave that first night and let me die?” she asked and then pulled back to look into his blue eyes as she cupped his face.

“I know I know, I am far more important then you are.” she used his words against him and then sighed as she leaned up kissing his lips in a light peck before moving out of his lap and she pulled down the neckline of her shirt. “I have something to remember you.” she said softly as she reached up tucking her blonde hair behind her ear as she watched his eyes take in the scarred flesh of her collar bone and next minute she felt his fingers there as he was standing with her now “I will be okay they should be gone in a few days.” she said lightly “My healing factor is so much better than it use to be.” she said closing her eyes at the light stroke of his cold fingers.

Well wasn’t she caught into a twilight love triangle on steroids The vampire who was the death aspect and his bodyguard who was a werewolf, making her hate Sapphire for making watch those movies.”Ery.” she gasped softly as he moved closer her hand came to his shirt twisting her fingers into it “We shouldn’t….” she groaned as she felt his lips graze hers, but the moment didn’t last as the door opened and Siobhan took a step away from the vampire placing space between them as Ven entered the room and looked to his brother.

“Brother when did you arrive?” he asked looking him over, he seemed much better than when they last saw each other. “You are looking better brother you must not go so long without coming home.” he said and looked to Siobhan with a soft smile “Ready to go home?” he asked her and looked to Ery and sighed softly “How about you go with her just to make sure she gets there alright.” he said as he held his staff and opened a portal and looked to Siobhan “I am sure we will meet again.” his eyes held wisdom in them. “Good luck with your journey, Little Bird.”

“Thank you Ven.” she gave him a kiss on his cheek before picking up her bag and looked to Ery wandering if he would follow her through the portal. As she stepped through it she was back in her living room where they had shoved each other and she had stabbed him. “This place is a mess.” she sighed as she lowered to the floor picking up a piece of glass. She had decided to stay in her home and only return to Dominics for training as she need her own space now after what happened what was she to do,. She sighed as she twisted the glass in her fingers absentmindedly before standing to find the broom.

Her sad blue eyes only made his own blue eyes hold a look of being fragile, and broken. For this, he hated her. Erythreus looked at this relationship as a fatal ending, not a fatal attracting, because no matter how badly he wanted her, no matter how much he wanted to just end this shit with him snatching her up and makiing love to her, he knew it would only end in death. Whether it being him dying inside and living on the outside as an animal, like he did before his Aliward family met him, that or actual death. Because he preferred to die or kill her instead of the heartbreak that came with knowing her.

When Erythreus first met Bo, he knew no such name as 'Bo' he knew her as Siobhan, that battled demons alone. It was then when he vowed to protect her. Not when he decided to fall in love with a woman who would simply just never love him back as much. The name Bo came with the time he'd spent with her. Their laughing faces when they'd make a joke blurred in his mind. The serious face Bo made when he said something to piss her off, her smell, her touch... everything came to a collision ... and even though he was dead and immortal.. this was all to much for Erythreus. "I  don't even deserve your memory Bo, not one single moment with you do I deserve to remember" he responded when she asked why on earth she'd erase her memory of him.

"Or maybe, JUST MAYBE .... so you can live your life without regrets. If you erase my memory, I won't remember that despite you having conflicted feelings for others, I chose to only love you" he shouted at her, tears rolling at this point. "I hate you" he then said, speaking out of pure hurt. Because he damn sure didn't mean it.  Quite the opposite actually. Erythreus suddenly stopped shedding tears and roughly grabbed her face, forcing her to look him in the eyes after an absurd comment like that "I'm more important than you? You have to be kidding me Bo, why would you ever say that or value me over top of you?" he asked, looking puzzled and angered at the same time. His forceful nature that had brought her face to his, rather than her burying herself into his neck, caused him to sigh. "Sorry.." he trailed off, trying to say more until she moved into his lap, questioning him.

Ery looked up at her. HE decided to endure this moment, it'd been a moment more than he had been able to cope with since he had held her, and now that she was in his lap, he'd do the same as her. Let the world fall away, and let it be them, here and now, no worries, no demons, no pain, just them. Only, the question she asked him hurt. "Why would you ask me that? it's so clear Bo, so very clear, but if I say it.. I cant fucking un-say it." he said, but kept his tone at a low, soft spoken one, or tried his best to. "I won't even answer that, why wouldn't I leave and just let you die. Sure things would be simple right now if I had., I wouldn't pace the floors every night worried about you. I wouldn't wonder if I will ever have a snowballs chance in hell at you lovin----" he stopped, cutting himself off. "You don't deserve for me to finish that answer.. figure it out, because im done making it easy for you"

Erythreus sighed into her neck, now it was him burying himself into her neck, just like she always did his when there were things left unsaid, but she couldn't keep from saying them. A bad habit he'd picked up from her shortly into their complicated relationship. For a moment, as she cupped his face and agreed, he sighed in relief. Because, if she didn't believe nothing, he needed her to believe that she was important, far more than he. But, Ery wondered, did she even realize she was important at all? He realized she was only using his very words, rather than agreeing with him. As they now stood, and he eyed the scars he left on her just recently, and the scene of it replayed in his mind. "Bo, don't excuse me just because you can heal from it with immortality. Even a dead heart can skip a beat" he then said, feeling the pain in his very own dead heart rise to the surface more and more. It wasn't just her. It was literally everything.

Everything bad had faded then, as her dainty fingers twisted into his shirt, pulling him with a fiery passion. But of course, it was shortly lived. Erythreus gazed from his brother to Bo. "Good timing brother, will you be watching the side show?" his tone full of arrogance, since Ven had ruined what could have been the perfect moment, despite Bo saying 'we shouldn't'. "But hey .. don't worry man, she saw it as a bad idea anyways" he then said, realizing he was nothing but bitter to Bo, even his own brother whom he loved dearly. "I'm sorry... im just not myself. But, yes I look 'better'. Much better than you Venteus" he smirked, teasingly, trying to lighten up some. "I promise that won't happen again" he said to his brother, glaring between him and Bo as he asked if she was ready to go home, but then... being the noble romantic Ven was, told Ery to make sure she got there.

Erythreus fell silent, letting his brother and Bo part ways properly, saying their goodbyes and all. "Little bird" he repeated, shaking his head at his brother. Realizing then, that their only way back was through the portal, so with hesitation, Ery stepped in behind Bo, finding himself in her living room and didn't say a word to her saying it was a mess. "Yeah, my blood on your floor adds pizazz to the place" he said arrogantly. But, Ery walked over to her, taking the glass from her as she absently cut her fingertips. "You're a mess ... this place can be cleaned up... your heart and soul, not so much" he stated, before going and finding the broom himself. Ery began sweeping, falling against the mantle of the fireplace as her plunging the knife into his chest replayed over and over.

However, he put himself back up into a straight standing position "Im fine.." he then said, before she rushed to him. Because despite the fact that they'd never have a good functional, healthy relationship and that it'd probably kill them both, they tended to continue busting their asses in saving one another. Looking to her as he continued to sweep broken glass, he sighed and shook his head. A deafening silence filling the room was more than he could take. "What do you want me to do, Bo? leave you alone?" he asked, not that he'd want her to answer if it meant her saying yes. "I didn't leave you to die as a stranger, I damn sure don't want to let you go now that im in lo--.. now that I love you... but if me disappearing ... forever, means that you'll be okay... ill go... you won't hear from me again."

Dropping the broom, he walked over to her, cupping her face, his palms resting on each side of her flushed cheeks. "You heard me say it right just now, I love you. And with loving you, comes a piece of me that is selfless rather than selfish Bo, i'd let you go to save you from crushing your soul, because the more im near you the more I watch you break... and if I can't fix you... then consider me broken to" he coughed out, due to the lump forming in his throat, making it almost unbareable to keep speaking which led to his silence.


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