She was moping. She knew she was moping and yet she couldn’t stop herself from doing so. The wayfinder had stayed curled up in a ball by the window for most of the day, only leaving when she needed food and then returning to the same spot. It seemed ironic that the weather was raining, the drops decorating the window just adding to the depressive mood she found herself stuck in. She kept telling herself this was for the best but her heart was angry with her right now and it was making sure she felt every single bit of the pain.

The worst part was that she couldn’t even confide in anyone around and so she even though she lived in a castle full of people, she felt more alone than she could put into words. Ophelia sighed softly as she pressed her hand against the glass pain, her breath fogging up the pane as it was still cold outside. At this point in time, she actually didn’t know how to make the world spin again, she had brought this on herself, she knew exactly how it was going to end and yet she had thrown herself into it anyway. Reckless. She was reckless as hell.

And then there was the politics going on in Evermore to worry about, with the newfound alliance renewal with the valkyr and celestials starting to come under attack in Evermore, she was under more and more pressure politically. Heavy is head that wears the crown she supposed. Phe had been doing her best to shield her people from the dangers out there but there was only so long she could do that before it caught up to them all. Something was very wrong and her people would be the first ones to suffer the consequences if she didn’t figure it out soon enough.

Her depressive thought train was interrupted when she heard a light tap at the door and then it pushed open. Ophelia reached up quickly to dab at her eyes as if that could hide the tears she had been shedding before she turned to face the person who entered. She had a look of relief on her face as she recognized the other dark-haired celestial though, one of the only who had lived more years on earth than she had “Hey” she spoke softly doing her best not to show the weakness in her voice, that was the thing about Phe, she always put others before herself and if that meant pretending she was okay when she wouldn’t then that is what she would do.

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To live in fear, was not something that Artemitra ever thought she and her kind would have to do. They were beings that wanted peace. Artemis was certainly one of those, that didn't live for war. But being in a City, where their enemy too lived. Something was bound to happen, one way or another. And Artemitra was not looking forward to it. Not after what they put them through, by keeping them captive for better part of 100 or so years. The Celestial always tried to keep positive; most of the time. And try to live a life, without fear. But every so often, that fear would creep back in; especially during the nights. Tormented by nightmares.

Mitra had been wondering through the hallway of the castle; barely anyone had seen Ophelia about that day. And she couldn't help but feel concerned for her friend and mentor. It wasn't like for their Wayfinder, to be hidden away. Artemitra had spotted her a few times; when she went to get some food. But the sad, distance expression on her face, gave it away. Artemitra could feel something was wrong. For a few moments, Artemis wondered if Ophelia left the castle? No.. Maybe she was in her room?

Finding herself outside of Ophelia's room; she had gently knocked on the door. Before letting herself in. At first, she just poked her head in. Seeing Ophelia sitting by the window.

Despite Ophelia's efforts; Artemitra noticed the tear stained cheeks and glistening eyes. "Aww, Phe." Artemis sighed softly, with a concerned expression. "Everyone's been wondering, where you were hiding." Artemis closed the door behind her. Knowing, Ophelia for quiet a long time. Artemis considered them close friends. And she hated to see Ophelia so down.

"Do you want to talk about something?" She wasn't going to pressure her; but wanted to know she was there. That she she was a support, and would listen if Ophelia wanted to talk about, whatever had her heart aching. Her mind instantly began to to wonder, trying to think of something that would make her friend, feel better. Artemitra's face lit up, when she got an idea. "I think, I know what might help." She said, giving Ophelia one of her warm, reassuring smiles.

The wayfinder knew it was unhealthy to carry so much weight and guilt on her shoulders but honestly, she just didn’t know how to stop, she always came second to someone else’s welfare in her mind, her duty mattered most to her over everything. And perhaps that meant that she chose the happiness of others over her own more often than not, but she’d lived for a full 400 years with freedom and some of her people have had less than 10. Besides, seeing her people happy, that brought her a certain level of happiness too.

Seeing Artemis though, it was much harder for her to pretend she was okay. With the younger celestials she had the benefit of them not knowing her on any true depth but people like William and Niram and Artemis, she had known them for a long time and they knew her on a level that made it hard for her to lie to them. Regardless she wiped at her face in the hopes she could push away some of the pain. The brunette’s tone brought a sad smile to her lips when Artemis came further into the room.

When she asked if she wanted to walk the wayfinder shrugged a little “Honestly, I don’t” she admitted as her raven gaze moved towards the other celestial “Thinking about it just makes it worse” plus she didn’t think explaining what she was truly bothered by was going to do anything good for her, even with someone she trusted as much as she did Artemitra. Ophelia raised her eyebrow a little confused when the other woman said she knew what would help, eyes narrowing a little suspiciously “Your ideas scare me sometimes” she stated but she figured a distraction may actually be what she needed, keeping her mind in this state was just going to get worse after all.

“But it can’t be any worse at staring at my window as though it’s got the answers for me so” she shook her head and attempted her best smile “Hit me with your best shot”.

It didn't entirely surprise Artemis, that Ophelia didn't want to talk. But at the same time; it worried her also. Artemitra didn't want one of her closest friends to be suffering in silence and hurting. But, she wasn't going to force her to talk. "I understand...if you change your mind. I am always, here for you." she reassured her. Offering her a listening ear, if Ophelia ever chose to share what was bothering her. Maybe in her own time. But if the two Celestial's wouldn't talk about issues at heart. Then, Artemis wanted to at least try and help Ophelia feel a little bit better.

Hearing her comment, Artemitra made a slight face. "Very funny Phe." But gave her a warm smile. Maybe Ophelia was right. Artemis, being as Impulsive as she was; probably had her fair share of insane ideas over centuries of being alive. Some, she didn't think where that crazy. But a lot of people would beg to differ. Hearing Ophelia finally agree, to hear her out. Artemis smiled. "When was the last time, you had a little fun?" Artemitra knew that Ophelia was always busy with trying to keep their kind safe. But, she needed to have a little fun once in a while.

Walking over to her, she wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "What you need, is a girl's night." Artemitra told her. "To let your hair loose, and enjoy yourself, have some fun." Artemis gave her shoulder a soft squeeze. It indeed was better than staring out of the window all evening. And Artemis hoped, it would help Ophelia feel better. If only for a little while; so she could forget about whatever was bothering her.

Ophelia was definitely the bottle it up until it kills you, kind, and considering how old she was, there was a lot to hold on to. The Wayfinder was in such a habit of it now that she honestly didn’t know how to be open anymore, but she didn’t necessarily think that was a bad thing. All of the celestials had hard enough lives already without having to worry about the fact that their leader was having troubles. She was supposed to be the example and the guiding light for them and that meant she had to give the impression she was fearless, even when she wasn’t. “I know” she affirmed with a nod, the brunette had always been a constant in Phe’s life and they got along well.

The Wayfinder gave an amused chuckle when Artemis responded to her teasing, she didn’t actually have a problem with her ideas she was just trying to brighten the mood that currently seemed to be setting over the room, Ophelia was pretty good at pushing aside her own feelings when it came to others, she didn’t like other people worrying over her pointlessly. The question she got caused her to look a little dumbfounded “Well there was…” he trailed off and pulled a face, that hadn’t been much fun “A couple of months ago I played that stupid dance game with Otto?” she offered with a questioning look, was she really that boring?

Ophelia pouted a little in defeat and leaned her head against the arm that Artemis put around her shoulder, really she did appreciate someone being here for her, she felt pretty alone lately so to know someone was on her side without even knowing what happened was comforting for her. At the mention of a girls night she raised a suspicious brow “Does it require me having to get dressed?” she questioned with a reluctant look, she was dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants, which was totally unlike her usual style but she had just wanted something comfy to wear while she stayed around the castle “Fine” she agreed as she put her feet on the ground and pushed herself off the window ledge “But alcohol is a must” she added with an affirming nod.

Sitting by her side, Artemitra was a little relieved that Ophelia knew; that someone was there for her. She was sure, other Celestial's that knew Ophelia as well as she did, would offer their shoulder and listening ear. Whenever she would want it. Despite, a lot of the things that the Celestials went through. Artemitra was one; whom always tried to keep upbeat and happy. Despite inside, a lot of the time she was still suffering like everyone else. But being Stubborn, she didn't admit to easily. The only people, that probably knew how she still was mentally suffering, from memories; was Ophelia and her close friend Samson. A Dhampir, she had met in Evermore, not long after they moved here. It hadn't been easy letting him in, but besides Ophelia; He had been someone she knew she could turn to.

Artemis rose a slight eyebrow; the look on Ophelia's face was not amused as she mentioned the dance game. With a slight shake of her head. The Brunette spoke softly. "Oh dear, you do need to loosen up a bit more." Out of their kind, Ophelia was always more concerned about her duties, than anything else. But, it wasn't wrong to sit back and unwind a little every once in a while. Hopefully, Artemis might teach her; how to have fun more often. But today, of all days. It was much more needed than other times.

Rubbing her arm gently, in a friendly soothing gesture. Artemis looked down at her leader and dear friend. Her Chocolate brown eyes scanning her attire. It looked comfortable enough. Artemis wasn't planning on taking her out, if she didn't want to. "Mhh, If you're comfortable enough, this will do." she told her with a smile. "But, it will require some help. I think, I saw an old CD player somewhere around here...whilst I go out to town,to pick up a few things. Maybe you can see if you can find it? I am sure the others, might help if they know where it is." She spoke, offering her a task; to keep her self occupied whilst she'd be out for a while.

Artemitra was sure one of the other Celestial's, had used it a while ago. She just couldn't seem to remember, where she had seen it before. But knowing full well, it was around the castle somewhere. Hearing Ophelia, a slight giggle escaped her lips. A warm smile on her face. "Don't worry, Phe. Alcohol is on my list of things to get." she reassured her. Giving her friend a soft squeeze, before she stood up from the window sill.

The Brunette Celestial, left the Wayfinders room. Walking down towards her own part of their home. Grabbing her purse. Artemitra slipped on her coat, putting up the hood to cover her head, from the rain as it hadn't stopped raining outside. Before she left the Celestial Castle; Artemitra made her way into town. There were a few things that she was planning on getting. With the stores being open, till late. chances are; she'd find what she was looking for.

Ophelia wasn’t exactly the biggest advocate for doing silly things, not because she didn’t enjoy them but because she just didn’t have the time, there was never breathing room when you were the spokesperson for a whole species, the only time she ever had free she had spent sneaking around with Mikael. Now, however, she found herself with more time than she knew what to do with “I don’t think loosening up is in my vocabulary” she admitted with a slightly nervous laugh.

Honestly, she just wasn’t sure she was able to face the world right now without completely getting swallowed by her emotions, which was very unlike her and made her feel jittery, no person had been able to have such an effect on her before, it made her heart hurt. Regardless she was doing her best to keep herself together for the sake of all of them, her people were all she really had now. “A CD player?” Ophelia repeated, she was horribly technophobic but she figured she could try and find it “As long as you don’t expect me to know how it works” he eyes widened a little but she got to her feet ready to rise to the task she was given and she didn’t have the first idea where to start.

“Good because I don’t think sober me is going to survive what you have planned” the brunette laughed the first genuine laugh she’d had all week, there was something about Artemis that always seemed to be able to put a smile on her face, even in the worst times. She watched as she wandered off out of the room like she was on a mission before remembering she now had a mission of her own.

The Wayfinder started her hunt throughout the celestial mansion for the CD player that Artemis spoke of, the problem was she had no idea what it looked like or who might have used it last. She asked a few people but most of them just pointed her to the stereo they had fitted into the lounge but she imagined the one A had mentioned was probably more portable than that considering the stereo was mounted into the wall. She ventured into the storage and didn’t find it there though she did find a bunch of beauty related things like face masks and a nail lamp which she decided she might steal since no one seemed to want them.

With a bunch of things in her arms that were nothing to do with what she was looking for, she made a few trips back to her room to drop off random stuff she found but there was still no sign of the CD player. Eventually, she gave up looking by herself and went to Otto’s room to ask him since she knew he was always playing music and low and behold, there it was on his bedside table. By the time she looked at her watch and set down the CD player in her room an hour had passed and Ophelia realized that Artemis had sent her on a distraction run that forced her to talk to people.

“Sneaky” Ophelia mused to herself as she collapsed back onto her bed and realized they didn’t actually have any CDs to play.

Artemis couldn’t help, the amusement on her features. True, Ophelia didn’t know much about loosening up. But hopefully, that would change. Artemis hoped, the Wayfinder would have some fun. There was a first time for everything. Artemitra had promised, Ophelia that she would figure out a way, to work the CD Player, when she’d be back. Worst comes to worst, they could always ask one of the other Celestial’s for help when it came to working technology.  Artemis hadn’t used the radio much. The only time, that Artemis listened to music. Was via her laptop.

“It’s not like, I am suggesting bungy jumping.” Artemis joked, at Ophelia’s comment about needing to be drunk, to handle whatever she had planned. But it was good to see, Ophelia smile and laugh again. It made Artemis a little better, she was able to put a smile on Ophelia’s face again.


Hopefully, Ophelia’s search for the CD Player, would keep her mind occupied. Even if it was bit sneaky, the other Celestial did need a distraction. And Artemis had given her just that; anything that’d stop her from thinking about, whatever was bothering her mind and heart.

When she had arrived in town, using her car as transport. She had parked outside near one of the smaller stores, in the car park opposite. Artemitra looked through various stores. Not sure, what Ophelia would prefer to drink; The Celestial brought a selection of alcohol; including Vodka, Rum, Bourbon and Wine, Along with a few bottles of Coke to mix with the Rum. Artemis also picked out a few snacks. Packet of Popcorn, A few mini Pizzas, Chocolate, Few tubs of Ice-cream; from Vanilla to Cookie Dough Flavor, as well as other oven nibbles. Things; that Artemis would consider feel-good food. Besides, a proper girl’s night; needed snacks.

After she had paid for the drinks and snacks. She had also brought a few disposable cups and plates. At least, they could get rid of them; rather than have lots to wash up. Artemis held the bags in her hands. She had realized, they were in need of music. Artemis wasn’t sure if the other Celestial’s had Cd’s back at the castle. Making a brief trip to her car. Artemitra set the bags of food and drinks, in the car boot after unlocking her car. Upon closing the car boot and locking her car; she made her way to a few other stores. Trying to find what she was looking for. When Mitra found the music store,she searched through the different music sections. The Celestial searched for some good, upbeat music. Finding a few Cd’s; that would hopefully put Ophelia in a better mood, and a dance mood.

Not all of the music, was something that Artemitra knew. But she made sure, to pick out something that she had heard was good. After she paid for the music. Artemis was humming to herself. A slight skip in her step. Her last stop was the beauty shop. Looking through various products. Artemis brought  a selection of nail varnishes. Some were Gel based. Also buying some nail polish remover. It would come in handy, for later on. Artemis wasn’t much for make up, preferring natural beauty over products. But, she thought Ophelia deserved some pampering. So she brought some eye liner, eye shadow ect.

Artemis was gone, for about almost 2 hours; with her run. With her having brought, everything that they would need; hopefully she didn’t forget anything. Artemitra made her way back to her car. Once the last of her bags, were inside. She got in herself; and drove back towards the Celestial Castle. Having arrived back at the castle; the rain seemed to have died down slightly. It wasn’t bucketing down; like it had been earlier. But it did not stop fully either. When Artemis parked the car, in her usual spot. She got the bags out of the car. Locking it up, and making her way back inside.

The wayfinder was now sitting on the floor of her room surrounded with random things she had managed to collect from the storage room and the CD player, which she was sitting and looking at with a furrowed brow, well she had managed to get a games console working before so how hard could it be to use this older looking thing. She took the power outlet and plugged it into the socket in the wall and then studied the display on the front. It didn’t give her much to go on but she assumed the fact it was doing nothing was due to the lack of a CD.

Time for another goose chase she supposed as she got to her feet and headed out of her room once again, the Wayfinder was grumbling a little but she actually found this much better than just staring outside at the rain, at least with her mind on something else she didn’t need to think about Mikael or the look on his face when she had told him that she was leaving him. Nope, those thoughts were pushed fully out of her mind as she wound the halls of the castle and stopped off at different people’s rooms and asked if they had any CDs.

By the time she was done visiting everyone, she had an armful or random music most of which she had never even heard of. She was going to head back to her room to test out the player and see if she had actually managed to figure out how the damn thing worked but she got sidetracked as she passed the kitchen and spotting a bunch of cookies on the counter. Had someone been baking again? She questioned as she snuck over to the counter and stole one of the treats, no one would miss one right?

It was in that moment she realized that it was okay to just look forward to the little things, she brought the cookie up to her lips and took a bite, it was the perfect consistency and practically melted in her mouth, absolutely delicious, she made a note that she needed to figure out whoever had made them and beg them for the recipe, or to make more. Shaking her head she headed out of the kitchen before she was tempted to eat the whole lot and brought the stack of CDs into her room.

She fumbled with the buttons on the player for a while before she eventually found the one that opened the lid and she placed the ‘Party Hits’ CD that Willow had given her into the slot and the closed the lid. She watched it with apprehension as she tried to gauge whether she needed to do anything to make it work but she quickly pumped a triumphant fist in the air when it started playing some silly upbeat song out loud which told it had worked “Yes” she beamed and then laughed at her own reaction.

By the time she heard the sound of Artemis’ car pulling back into the castle, Ophelia felt a sense of new optimism filling her, reminding her that she still had a purpose and people to care for. And clearly, someone who cared enough about her to go on a 2-hour shopping spree in the name of cheering her up. She smiled softly as she organized all the things she had found still sitting on the floor looking a little childlike.

Artemitra unloaded the bags from her car, upon arriving back at the Celestial Castle. Having a hold of everything, she made her way inside. A fellow Celestial saw her, with the load and offered to help her. Mainly so the bag of alcohol didn’t snap. She didn’t need the bottles smashing and the good drinks going to waste. Thanking, her fellow Celestial friend, for the help. Artemis set the bags on the counter in the kitchen. Unloading a few things; putting the ice-cream in the freezer, so it wouldn’t melt. Aswell, as the bottles of coke, in the fridge. So it’d be nice and cool, to go with the rum.

The cookies, scent was still present in the kitchen. She reached over, grabbing one from the tray. Before she carried the rest of the shopping bags towards Ophelia’s room. Hearing the music blasting, made her smile.

As she opened up, the door to Ophelia’s room. She was still munching on the cookie. “I see you figured out, how to make it work.” she looked quite proud of her. And Ophelia, had even went to ask for some music. Seeing her organising stuff around her, Artemis slightly shook her head. “Been on a raid, in the storage room?” she teased, before she finished off eating the delicious cookie. It surprised her, that Ophelia had found plenty more things, to keep her occupied. But it also made her smile; At least Ophelia would put some of the things to good use. No one else, was really in need of most of this.

“I brought booze, different snacks, more pampering stuff and some extra music.” Artemis said, setting the bags down. On the table that was located in Ophelia’s room. “Did you try the cookies yet Phe?” Artemis asked, with a smile. Artemitra had baked them up, earlier that day. When it was raining heavily. It was an old recipe; that she had learned from her years of travelling. Artemis, didn’t fancy herself the best cook. But she did enjoy to make a few treats, every now and again. Especially, on days like this. It always seemed to lift up everyone’s spirits. Someone else, must have taken it out of the oven for her; when she was gone.

The upbeat music, was making her sway to the beat. The Celestial unloaded the different alcohol bottles. Setting them on the table. Along with the disposable cups and plates. “Most of the snacks, do need to be heated up. As, I got mini pizzas, and such. And can’t go without popcorn.” she said with a smile; glad to see that the wayfinder was looking much happier, than when she found her.

Ophelia was halfway through looking through the assortment of CDs she had managed to collect on her round trip around the castle when she heard Artemis come in and she looked up at her with a bright smile “I am not going to tell you how many times I pressed the wrong button in the process” she teased with a laugh, not that she thought about it the combination of actions was semi-intuitive. When Mitra asked her about the other things she had collected the brunette Wayfinder shrugged a little “Well it was my first stop on the CD player hunt and it turns out we have some interesting things in storage” she laughed, she actually hadn’t dared to venture in there before.

She lifted up a little notebook she had found which looked aged and vintage but the pages still looked pretty solid for writing on “I think I’m going to start writing a journal again, just something to get it all out in the open you know” cause there was a lot she had to keep to herself and locking it away like that proved harder and harder. Seeing the other woman set down the bags of things she had bought she widened her eyes a little and pushed up to her feet to go and investigate all the things she had brought with her “I borrowed some CDs but I think most of them are rock music” she admitted with a laugh “I can’t be sure though, but the bands look like they could be rock bands” she held up one with a collection of mean looking men on it and pointed at it “See” admittedly she had no actual clue.

“Oh, those were yours?” Ophelia asked with widened eyes, way to to get herself busted for stealing one instantly “I may have snuck one back to my room with me” she admitted with shifty eyes, technically if she didn’t want them eaten then it would have been wise to hide them so in her defense it did look like an invitation “You have got to show me how to make those” she spoke adamantly as she crossed her arms “The last time I made cookies I had to force people to eat them” she laughed hanging her head in shame a little, she’d never gotten into cooking really but she wanted to be good at it, it was a very useful skill.

Ophelia helped Artemis to take things out of the bag, organizing them into categories as she did so, thankfully she had gone to get some CDs too and these seemed to be artists more in line with what the Wayfinder might listen to, though this CD with party hits wasn’t as awful as she was expecting it to be, at least the beat was good. A seemed to agree from the way she was swaying as she set out the things she’d bought “I don’t think I’ve actually had popcorn before” Ophelia commented as she tried to remember a time she’d had it before “We should have free reign on the kitchen though, I think everyone is cooped up in their room” probably been feeling the solemn mood going on here lately.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see junk food” Ophelia admitted with a shake of her head as she threw her arm around the other female and pulled her against her side in a sort of hug “I really appreciate you doing this for me” she admitted with a soft nod, she was very lucky to have friends at a time like this, she had to admit.

Artemis couldn’t help but look amused, at the thought of Ophelia fiddling around with the CD player. She knew, Ophelia wasn’t the biggest on technology, so admittedly it was must have been quite amusing judging by Ophelia’s own teasing about the situation. Giggling softly. “Well, you’ve done it on your own. And I am quite proud of you figuring it out.” she said honestly, with a warm smile. It was good to see, that Ophelia had actually done something; when she was out in the city on her little shopping spree. And feeling bit better. Artemitra hadn’t been in the storage unit of the Celestial home, much to be honest. So she wasn’t entirely sure what was in there.

“Mhh, I might have to have a little poke in there myself.” Artemis said with a smile. Seeing the notebook the Wayfinder found; she nodded her head. “That sounds like a good idea.  I think, it’ll be good for you to do so.” Artemitra encouraged her. If Ophelia didn’t want to talk about it, in person. Maybe writing it out into the pretty old looking book; that was now her new journal would help her cope with whatever was going on. Mitra narrowed her eyes at the CD’s, that Ophelia had found from other people. Raising an eyebrow at the cover...before giggling. “I think, that one looks more like a Heavy Metal band.” The title of the band seemed familiar, and Artemis was sure, she had see that particular that particular section, rather than in the Rock. “Oh well, I am sure we’ll find something among there...we might like.” Artemis offered with an optimistic smile.

Hearing her question about the cookies; Artemis giggled softly. “Don’t worry, I am not busting you.” she said shaking her head softly. “But yes, I made them earlier when it was raining heavily...I must have just forgotten to take them out of the oven before I left.” At her request, the memory of Ophelia’s last attempt at baking cookies, came into mind. The memory making Artemis giggle. “Oh gosh, I remember that...well, it was a good first try Phe. I’ll give you that.” Even if they hadn’t come out as Ophelia had been expecting them too, no one really said a bad word against it, not wanting to upset her of course. “I can teach you a few things, if you’d like.” Artemis offered. “I am not exactly a master chef...but I do know a few things.” Smiling warmly at her.

It was good, to have Ophelia by her side. And for the two Celestial’s to enjoy simple things like this. The upbeat music, was getting her into the mood. It wasn’t often, that anyone saw Artemis dancing around. Unless, she had a few drinks in her, or she really really got into a song; then she was on the dance floor. “Who, let you borrow this Cd? The beat’s pretty good.” she said with a smile, as she finished pulling out the different bottles of Alcohol from one of the shopping bags. Artemis let out a slight gasp, looking at her friend. “You never tried popcorn before? Well….time to change that then.” Artemis smiled softly. Nodding her head. At least, the Kitchen was free for them to use and tinker about, whilst they’d heat up the junk food.

“If you’re happy to see junk food, there’s also large tubs of ice-cream in the freezer.” Feeling Ophelia’s arm wrap around her. Artemitra smiled, her own arms wrapping Ophelia. In a warm hug, giving her a soft squeeze. “Of course Phe, you know you’re one of my closest friends. That’s what friends are for, right?” Artemis said, with a bright smile. She couldn’t think of a time, where the two hadn’t been there for each other. And hopefully, nothing would change that any time soon.

Ophelia laughed and gave a mock roll of her eyes “Even I’m not hopeless enough to not eventually figure it out, unless it was actually broken in which case I likely would have had no idea what to do” the Wayfinder laughed again and shrugged, she was never going to be a mechanic or a technician that was for sure. “Otto had it in the end, which I probably should have known” she commented with a shake of her head, he was always playing his music, loved the stuff, it was a strange day for her if she didn’t hear sound pouring from his room, of all different kinds.

“You should, though I already took most of the things worth keeping” she commented gesturing to the nail lamp, strange-looking face masks and other bits of clutter that the Wayfinder had decided looked decently interesting “What we really need to do is clear that place out, it’s starting to look like a bomb hit it” she commented and shook her head, that was a project for another day though and one she would likely never get around to anyway. “Oh…maybe that’s it?” she commented half questioning, she couldn’t say she kept up with modern music, though she did enjoy listening to it on occasion, anything with a good beat and lyrics was okay for her “They do look a little like they might kill you” she joked as she set it back down on the floor.

Ophelia let out a relieved phew when Artemis said she wasn’t busted “They were in the kitchen and just smelt too good to resist” the raven-haired Wayfinder laughed gently, she did love sweets from time to time, one of the small indulgences that she did partake in, along with the odd glass of wine here and there. Her eyes did widen a little when she said she left them in the oven though “Hopefully with the timer on” she scolded, Ophelia was definitely the mama bear of the castle, even with the celestials who were older than her. “I’ll take all the help I can get, I am absolutely hopeless at baking, I feel like I must be doing the measuring wrong or something” she furrowed her brow, she thought she followed the instructions right but the cookies had just gone rock solid.

Artemis was dancing to the music which in turn made Ophelia want to dance, the Wayfinder actually really liked dancing and she was pretty good at it, albeit not typically to this sort of music but she knew how to feel a beat “I think this one was Willow’s” she commented with raised brows, it was going to be interesting to try and get these back to their respective owners, she reminded herself not to let them get mixed up with the ones A had bought. Seeing the alcohol she sneakily grabbed one of the bottles of wine and then one of the microwave popcorn bags “Don’t mind if I do” she spoke as she headed towards the door “Anything you wanna bring for round one?” she asked with raised brows.

The comment about ice cream made Ophelia’s eyes light up for a moment “I do believe you just said the magic words” the Wayfinder laughed softly as the two of them hugged and then she stepped out into the hallway, maybe a distraction was all she really needed right now, to be reminded there were still good things in life and that the world still spun. It did make her feel a little guilty that she hadn’t told the other female about what was happening though, but that was Ophelia’s way, burying herself under the weight of the world. She kept going until they reached the kitchen and she set the glass down before grabbing a couple of plastic tumblers from the cupboard, probably best not to risk glass if they were going to drink. “You’d better do the microwave part, I’ll end up burning it” she teased with a shake of her head.


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