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Liam didn't like being told no. He wasn't good at denying something once it battled past the prelude of nonchalance that he wore as armor to make him truly care about something. Reporting to a supervisor made him more than a little uncomfortable at times and even resentful. It was not easy to be told to wait when he wanted to run. Sometimes, he felt like no one listened and that the cases he brought before the guards were ignored, but thankfully, he had little regard for the rules and being told no didn't necessarily mean that he would leave a lead alone. It had been five weeks ago that he'd brought a case of illegal smugglers to the team, but with so much on their plates defending the city and breaking up fights, it had fallen between the cracks. Somehow, he hadn't been able to let it go, despite being warned that going in without backup was dangerous. He'd been patient this time; well, as patient as Liam Arbor ever got and done two full weeks of recon and location scouting.
There was a gala for the new casino opening on the river banks and while it had been nearly impossible to score a real ticket, coming up with a contraband item hadn't been that difficult. It was a large party, with a few bouncers for security, but nothing he couldn't handle. At least, that was what the young man told himself, as he buckled his gun to his leg beneath his tuxedo and straightened his bow-tie in the mirror.
Spiffy. He was almost impressed.
Not comfortable, of course, but if he showed up in anything less, he wouldn't make it past security.
There was something connected in all of the this and he was going to find out what that was - or, more likely, get in a lot of trouble while trying.
Soft, classical music poured out of the open french doors as he approached. It was fifteen minutes past seven o'clock and the party guests were already mingling with delicate glasses of champagne in their hands.
He took one, too seem polite, but he would not be drinking.
Focusing on a job required his full mental capacity.
To his left there were large, round tables decked in red table clothes where dealers started games of blackjack. He frowned. It made him uncomfortable to see people recklessly throw their money at chance. It had ruined more than one person in his family. Still, in order to come back with a report that actually meant anything, he had to catch the croupiers in the act. That meant blending in and even particpating in the games.
He took a deep breath, waited for a chair to empty, and placed himself at a table with a good vantage point. Around him were several stern faced men with cigars, old women in floral, and to his right, a young woman with red hair like his sister's favorite mermaid and a dress that resembled like poured wine.
I wonder if she's cursed not to speak. Liam wondered, as the games began.
Her general aura certainly made him speechless.
As they woke she could see the confusion on his face as he was looking at her. She knew that he was trying to remember what happened last night, and who she was at that last night. For herself she could remember all of last night well. Back to when and where it started then where it ended. Meeting Liam, the blonde stranger who was at her poker table who took her by surprise. Someone who seemed so mysterious. Yet she was sure it was the same that she too was mysterious. Both trying to hide from one and another who they were. They had met at an illegal underground poker night then she caught him using a device to set off the fire alearm before sneaking off to another room to download something off a computer. Still Kaelyn was unsure if he was a con artist like herself. She wasn;t so sure from what she’d seen. With how she had to help him to pick the lock. Picking locks was childs play. Something she’d been doing from a young age. That and pick pocketing.
At the same time she was the one who invited and welcomed him into her home. A foolish and rookie mistake letting a stranger into one's home. Especially a home like hers. The Diviner was one who didn’t like to have prying eyes in her home. It wasn’t an open house for anyone to come and go as they please unlike other ambassdors. She had her own rules and boundaries yet she had borken it herself. Would it be one that she regrets? Time will tell. Kaelyn was the first to make a move of getting up. Thinking coffee will help to sober them. Luckily she didn't have much of a hangover , only a slight headache and that was it. It was more tiredness from whatever time they ended up falling asleep last night or early hours of the morning. “You know this is just coffee right? Not an invitation for you to fall madely in love with me after one night?” She spoke sounding a little bit blunt but she wanted to get it out in the open. Shaking off the awarkwaness of the one night stand they had. Still she was unsure if he remembered anything of last night or name at least. She didn’t mean to sound heartless but it's the way she’s always been since she last opened her heart foolishly to a man who was like the devil himself.
She grabbed a robe that was nearly still not knowing where she left the dress from last night. God knows how she managed to get it off, probably it was ripped off to make things quickly. The Diviner tended to keep a robe nearly just in case her cousin Wyatt stopped by, which he tended to do quite often to check up on her. Making her regret giving him a key but it wouldn’t stop him getting in. She went off downstairs to make the coffee, soon returning back to see that Liam was still there and not making a move to leave. “Here you go black coffee” Hanging his strong cup of coffee whilst for herself she had milk in it. “So how much do you remember from last night?” She wondered curiously.
Liam took the steaming mug of coffee into his hand with barely a wince. He had thick callouses on his hands from the long hours of training with the guards and a hot mug was nothing to complain about after coming into weapons training fresh from law school. His hands had once been accustomed to the occasional paper cut, but now held the marks of a man who regularly carried a gun in a holster, climbed trees on short notice, and started fires to escape critical situations. If he'd looked forwards a year ago, he wouldn't have recognized the person who stood in front of him today. Not everything had changed, though. His emotional connections to others remained few and far between. In college, he'd never looked down on a one night excursion, but growing older had taught him that it often meant more annoyance than satisfaction in the long run. He took a sip of the scalding liquid and smiled slowly. She appeared to be as surprised as he was - perhaps, even guarded. There was likeness, but he would not be the first to admit that.
He scouted the floor for his shirt, but had no luck in finding it...until he again looked across the room. His attractive complication leaned against the wall holding his one and only dress shirt. His wardrobe was once composed of much better, classier versions of such clothing; but there was little need given his change of occupation. Their clothes were so scattered about the room that he was having trouble collecting everything else. It was making a quick goodbye a lot more awkward than he'd like to admit.
Liam buttoned his shirt, one by one. Involuntarily, he snuck glances at the only girl who'd ever managed to break his streak of concentration so thoroughly. He was distractable, yes. Truant, even; but when it came to women...he'd sworn them off. The blonde smiled wryly and crossed the room. "Trust me, darling." He drawled. "I don't fall in love."
There was a flicker of doubt in his eyes after he said it. He remembered Titania.
He just as quickly pushed her as far out of his mind as he could. Cursed, dead, gone. Never again to be mentioned.
What did he remember?
Images flashed through the young man's mind of dark hallways, good wine, red dresses, and...
He flushed and looked away. "Not much."
Liam swallowed and met her eyes. They were mischievous and offered him a challenge.
He knew now. He was in trouble. Those weren't the kind of eyes you looked at just once. "...and you?"
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