Name: Laine Galardi
Species: Initia 
Age: 21
Family: None 
Element Control: Air
Faceclaim: Troian Bellisario

Laine was born into the supernatural world, her parents wanted to keep her safe from all of the things and creatures that caused cause harm to her. She was born on a beautiful summers evening; her parents were strict and strong Christians who had set rules to Laine. She was never allowed to do anything apart from studying and following her parent’s rules. She was never given the freedom that other grs her age had, to do what they wanted to do and for in the future to date and see who they choose. This was one of the reasons when she had reached the age of 18 as an adult she had left and escaped from her family home, late during the early hours of the morning. That night she ran away to anywhere that she wanted to go to.

After leaving her family behind, she found herself traveling to cities all across America, stopping in many different cities, towns and villages, travelling to many states. She had met someone during a bonfire night, who had told her to a city where it was safe and it was different, there being many different species of supernatural creatures. She agreed to go with her new friend; she was excited to experience new surroundings and experiences. Having able to live feely not having to worry about anything, no rules to follow and not having her parents tell her what she should and should not d. She was free.

 Months of travelling Laine and her friend had made their way to Evermore city; the pair had wondered the streets and had found themselves jobs and importantly a place to stay. Although soon after arriving in Evermore city, she had found strange things happening to her and had discovered a tribal tattoo on her back. She kept what was happening to her a secret, although she soon had found that she was to do things that were unexplainable. She was able to control and manipulate air, she had found her element being able to make the wind pick up and die down as she pleased. Soon her friend Fredric was like her and initia, he had told her what she was and had helped her to control her element and to know all of the tribe secrets.

Laine was finally happy being able to be free; she no longer spoke to her parents by the looks of it they had never bothered to go looking for her. They didn’t care that she was gone, she could move on having nothing stopping her and keeping her behind. She was her own person being able to go to college to study beauty therapy and designer something that from a young age she had taken an interest to although never being to full fill her ambitions. She still lived with her friend Fredric and is thankful to him for all he had done and helping her to move on with her own life. 

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