Sleeping soundly was a rarity for Leo ever since her death. Night terrors haunted her every time she closed her eyes, strengthening her craving for revenge. This night was no different, only that she was not resting in her own home. Tonight, she stayed in a hotel suite where her closest friend, Cornelia Bradford, happened to be bunking. Even though she had been held captive for three years, the Venetian Niveis couldn't help but feel some sort of guilt for what had happened to her. Seeing her best friend barely remember her face broken her heart, so for the sake of the love she had for the angel child, she rarely left her side. She couldn't bear to lose anyone else, not at this point of time, at least.

One thing that was rather pleasant about the suite home was that there was more than one room for others to stay in whenever they wanted to. This allowed Leo to have space of her own, and granted her some sort of seclusion when the night terrors of her torture woke her up screaming. She knew that falling asleep would be impossible at this point, so the dark-haired creature decided that she'd make her way to the kitchen and make herself a cup of tea--that was what Alex would do for her on those nights where she had trouble falling asleep, before everything had gone to hell.

Slippinga black silk full-length robe over her black lip-dress, the Niveis woman made her way out of the room, and silently made her way towards the kitchen. She'd expected to be alone with her thoughts, so seeing the figure of a familiar man sitting at a table, a mug set in front of him. "Jonathan," she greeted, her tone relaying her surprise at seeing him. "I didn't know you were here--having trouble sleeping as well?" She moved past him, her olive green hues catching a look at the contents of his mug: it was obviously coffee, and the amount of liquid in the cup hinting that it hadn't been touched. "I can't imagine how caffeine would help with insomnia,"  she teased lightly, her signature smirk toying at her lips as she reached the kettle. "Aren't you British? I'd have figured you'd have opted for some tea." She paused in her footsteps, her brow furrowing slightly before gesturing with an airy wave towards the kettle. "I'm about to make myself a cup, would you like some?"

After turning on the kettle, she'd turn around, leaning back against the counter as she secured the cord of her robe around her waist as she waited for the water to boil. She then would fold her arms an raise an eyebrow, taking in the appearance and demeanour of the Nephilim man. Leo didn't exactly know him that well--only that he was Cornelia's elder brother. However, even a blind man could have read his expression. He seemed burdened--an obvious reason for him to be here so late at night. "You look like you've got something weighing on your mind," she observed aloud, tilting her head to a side. Her gaze softened, making her seem somewhat more approachable. "A penny for your thoughts?"

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The healing process for grief, regret, self-hate, heartache they are not linear and they differ for everyone. That is what makes them hard to get over; one minute you are fine. You can go to work, make friends, support them in times of crisis and even date, yet in the very next minute, you are drowning in your remorse and blinded by the pain in your heart. Jonathan was waning back and forth between okay and not, teetering with sobriety and holding himself together. He was doing much better than at the start of this descent into sadness but despite all the people who helped him he still blamed himself for what happened to his siblings and it would not matter who told him it was not his fault. He would always see it that; he would always blame himself. 

I blinked a few times as I shook my head and took a deep breath. I hear the words and gentle voice but my brain could not fully process what was said in its current state. I stopped what I was doing and rubbed my face, it had been a while since I had slept and nowadays my body just seemed to run on muscle memory. Except my muscle memory had no concept of time and often found myself doing the right thing at the wrong. For example, making coffee at this ungodly hour when I should be trying to sleep. I finally stopped and stared down at the cup and just huffed as I closed my eyes. I focused on the owner of the voice I had heard and was met with a familiar face though we had not had the pleasure of really talking with everything happening. "Not all of us Brits like tea... Just do not mention that to us. It may start a civil war." I jested to at last break my silence before I sighed and found something to cover the fresh cup of coffee with hoping someone would drink it later knowing it was just a waste to toss it. 

"I am okay thank you." He spoke again to inquiry about a cuppa after another long moment of silence. Spinning to face her he leaned back against the wall behind him and shook his head. "I have always got something weighing on my mind but what Bradford sibling does not, especially as of late?" His question was rhetorical really as he looked away and studied the floor as he thought. He rubbed the bottom half of his face before crossing his arms over his chest he never really considered telling her anything on his mind and that was nothing against her. She could be one of his own sisters and he still would not share because he felt as though it was his burden to bear, his grief to work through and more than anything his regret to live with. "Well, you witnessed me mindlessly make a cup of coffee when it really should have been tea. Which says more than I would like it to; how are you managing?" 

A low chuckle parted her lips at his quip about tea, the Niveis woman shaking her head slightly in amusement as silent footsteps carried her towards the kettle, reaching for a nearby mug as she readied the drink. "Suit yourself, though you look like you need it," she slurred simply as she turned around, leaning back against the counter, arms folded under her bust as she listened patiently to what he had to say. His obviously-rhetorical question brought a sad smile to her lips, a small part of Leona feeling a pang of guilt over what had befallen the Bradford siblings. "Fair enough," Leo uttered simply, at a loss to say anything else. She pushed the feeling of guilt away, choosing instead to focus on getting the Nephilim man to speak what was on his mind. 

The sound of the water reaching a boil made her turn, her attention still on Jonathan as he continued to speak, the Venetian quickly making her drink. From what she'd heard about him from Cornelia, she knew that Jonathan probably wouldn't vent out his frustrations then and there, but she knew quite well how guilt and burdens could weigh on a person. She then moved towards the table, mug in hand, taking a seat across from the man, the same sad smirk toying at her lips as he questioned her. "Managing with what, exactly?" she couldn't help but ask. She doubted Jonathan knew the extent of how much his sister meant to her, or what exactly had happened to her that changed her from a Phoenix to a Niveis, nor was she inclined to go through the events all over against. Another soft laugh sounded form her, this one caused by the uncertainty of what to say next. "I'm still surviving, somewhat," she settled on saying, bringing her cup of tea to her lips to take a long sip. "Learning to live with what's happened and what I am now hasn't been the easiest of journeys, but such is life, I guess."

Her eyes flickered towards the hallway, which lead to the room where Cornelia was sleeping. "I'm definitely still worried about that one," she admitted, lowering her cup after a moment. "She barely remembers a thing about me, other that the fact that once upon a time, I was a psychotic fire bird." She raised a gentle eyebrow, her lips pursed  as she tilted her head to a side as observant eyes scanned the angel child's features. "And how are you dealing with everything that happened?" 

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