Siobhan woke up that morning with Dominic’s arm wrapped around her as he snored lightly, she looked at him wondering how long it had been that he had truly slept deeply without issue. The night before had been something they both needed, to air out their issues and fears for each other, agreeing to be open and honest about things they were doing. They couldn’t keep trying to keep the other safe only to cause more issues.

Siobhan went to move out of the bed and felt Dominic’s grip tighten, turning her gaze back to his seeing his hazel eyes open she leaned closer kissing his cheek “I am just going to make coffee.” She said softly reassuring him that she wasn’t running off like she had been the last few weeks. When his grip loosened she moved out of the bed making her way to the small kitchen area.

As she turned on the pot of coffee she looked around for something to make for them, settling on pancakes as they would be the easiest. She rolled her shoulder as her body was still stiff from the beating she had received a few nights before groaning as she rubbed her shoulder while flipping the pancakes. She looked at her cell phone as it sat in front of her. She reached over, typing in the number of someones she hadn’t seen since before Lucifer kidnapped her. Someone she was close to.

As the phone rang in her ear she sighed hearing the click of the voicemail.”Hey Rissa, it’s Sio.” She said flipping the pancake, “It's been a while and boy do I have a lot to tell you.” She chuckled softly “I am back in town for a night or two, maybe if you have time you can stop by? I would like to catch up with you. I miss you. Hope to see you soon.” She said and then hung up.

When breakfast was ready she called out “Alright big guy come and eat.” she said and poured two mugs of coffee sitting on the counter as she sipped hers waiting for him. She looked at her phone as it began to go off picking it up and sighing softly. As Dominic settled in to eat she looked to him “Looks like Gigi called out and they need me to come in early or they will fire me.” She slid off the counter finishing the last of the coffee “Take your time look around, I should be back in a few hours.” She disappeared into the bedroom changing picking up her bag as she walked back to the kitchen and kissed his cheek “We will come up with a plan later tonight.”

With that, she was out the door and on her way towards The Angel Club.

When Siobhan arrived she walked in the back door, setting down her bag as she looked around the empty room. She raised a brow wondering where the other girls could have been. Before she had a moment to change two of the Therian bouncers were there next to her wrapping their hands around her upper arm and yanking her through the doorway into the empty club down the back hall to the door of the basement, Siobhan's heart sank but she didn’t resist.

She was placed in a chair and her wrist bound to it as she gave it a good testing yank grimacing as she couldn’t pull her arms free with one yank. The man who hired her, the owner of the club Derek stood in front of her. “You know Parker, though I doubt that is your real name you had so much promise for the club.” He said as she walked closer yanking her head back. “Pretty little thing that didn’t even dip into the drugs that were offered for free, the customers wanted to pay good money to have you in their laps and yet it was all a waste because you came here looking to start trouble for me and mine.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Derek.” She tried to pull her face away as he tightened his grip on her face. “I am just trying to make money like every other girl in here.” She gasped out her eyes widening as a blade dug itself into her shoulder whimpering out as he twisted it and yanked it free.

“Too bad you got yourself caught with...What was his name again Gigi.” He turned and behind Derek stood Gigi the girl who had taken Dominic to the private room last night.

“His name is Dominic, he... He said that he wanted to know what was going on around here last night, and then I followed her and saw her climbing out into his truck when she left early last night.” She said as she clung to a young girl that had a death grip on to her. Siobhan began to understand that Gigi had sold her out to save what she could assume was her sister.

“Ah yes, Dominic.” Derek said as his gaze looked back to Siobhan and smirked darkly “So because Gigi was a good little narc we will be able to move operations.” He said waving his hand as the therian moved to usher Gigi out.

“I’m sorry.” she whimpered picking her sister up and running.

Siobhan wanted to tell her it was okay that she understood but the moment she opened her mouth she was met with a sharp slap across the face. She growled looking back to Derek as he slid the back of the blade along her face slowly “You know Parker, or whatever your name is I am going to enjoy torturing you and then when I am done with you, selling you to the highest bidder.” he trailed the blade along her neck and then around the pearl necklace that hung around her neck, before breaking the chain and tossing it aside. “Get her into the van with the rest of them.” he said as he pulled back “We need to be gone before her boy toy notices.” He nodded to his men.

“You will not get away with this,” Siobhan said as she glared at him using her Nephilim ability to start to cause him pain, watching Derek crumble to the floor screaming in pain gave her a wave of pleasure. "I'm gonna bring you down. Because I catch bad men." She pushed harder into his mind but it was short-lived as the Therian beside her punched her knocking her out.

When Siobhan woke up she had no idea where she was,  she was chained in a dark room groaning as she sat up her eyes scanned the room yanking on the chain. She groaned as she stood up and her eyes adjusted to the dark when she saw the children in front of her whimpering cold and scared she yanked on the chain harder. Before Nina was beside her, the only girl she had seen out of the few dozens they had.

“Stop fighting it.” Nina said with her heavy accent as she took hold of Siobhan's arm to make her stop pulling on the chain “They will hear you if you keep it up.”

“I have to get free, get you all free.” Siobhan said as she looked at the girl “We are all Nephilims, we can take a few therian’s down.” She said as she looked at the girl.

“We may be all Nephilim but none of us really know how to use whatever powers we are to have, we were taken from our families at a young ages.” She said as she lowered sitting next to her.

Siobhan sighed out heavily returning to the ground below her as she sat next to her. “Well, that needs to change.” She said as she gave one last yank and the chain broke in half. “I came into this world knowing nothing at all not even how to fly and thanks to a few people in my life I was able to figure it out.” She said as she looked at Nina. “I will help you all, even if it is the last thing I do.”

“What is your name?” Nina asked as she looked at her in the dark.

“Siobhan,” Siobhan replied as she ripped the cuff off of her wrist and tossed it aside. “How many are there here?” she asked.

“All together there is 27 of us.” She said softly “But most are 9 or younger.” she said as she nodded to the huddled masses “Only Myself and two other girls and one boy are older, and we tend to keep the younger ones safe the best we can.”

“Do either you are the older ones know how to use your pain infliction gift?” She asked as she leaned her head back against the wall.

“No,” She said as she looked around the room.

“Well, then we should get to work,” Siobhan said standing up.

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Dominic pushed open the metal door and stalked across the parking lot to head back to his truck. His adrenaline was running so hard through his body, he had to fight back the urge to shift. When his world went into chaos, turning into his wolf form was one of the less destructive means of dealing, but he couldn't today. All the vengeful emotions he was feeling was going to be unleashed on the people who had her and those children.

He pulled open the door and slid into the driver's seat. The flames were soon consuming the club and he took a moment to enjoy watching the place burn. Unspeakable things were done there. There was no reason for it to exist anymore. Not to mention it was an efficient way to get rid of all the evidence of them being there in the first place. At Clarissa's inquiry of knowing where the second club was, he turned the engine over and put the truck in drive, screeching the tires on his way out.

His eyes flickered to the rearview mirror. The building was completely in flames at this point and he put his foot farther down on the gas pedal, watching as the fire trucks passed them in a hurry. He recklessly swerved through the few cars on the road, but was completely driving through muscle memory. Dom's mind was too far gone in all the painful and creative ways he was coming up with in order to cause as much suffering as possible to as many people as he could get his hands on at the second club.

Clarissa's words of warning broke him from his thoughts. He turned his head towards the nephilim with an annoyed glare, but then took a deep breath, bringing his eyes back on the road. Of course, she was right. If he couldn't keep his emotions under control, people might get hurt or worse. Sometimes the path of destruction was literally just that and nothing more. "I know," he replied shortly and gripped the steering wheel tightly.

They arrived at the bar a few minutes later and it seemed there were some straggling patrons left over by the amount of cars still in the lot. He wasn’t sure how long they would have before word got back that the Angels Den and everyone that was meant to be inside was now burning to ash. Dominic checked the handgun he had picked up off one the generous guards and saw the magazine only had a few rounds left before stepping out of the truck and pushing the clip back in.

Like earlier, the pair moved around towards the back where he saw two of the bouncers taking a smoke break. As much as he wanted to shoot them both, staying as quiet as possible was going to be their best chance at making sure everyone stayed alive. Different ideas came to mind on how to get the guards attention away, but in the end he pulled his knife out and gave a nod towards Clarissa’s hip where he knew the assassin had her blades as well. The two stepped from behind the cover of a parked car; Dominic giving a short whistle. The men turned their attention towards them with no idea what was coming their way. The knives soared through the air, end over end, until they sank into their targets. Clarissa’s weapon was embedded in one of their heads while his landed in the other’s chest. Dom placed a boot on the dead man’s chest and pulled his knife out as he put his back against the building. He signaled to the angel and the two entered the club.

As they cautiously stepped into the hallway, he wasn't surprised to see the layout looked fairly similar. His hand reached on the knob of the dancer's room and it opened slowly. Dominic raised the two weapons in his hands to prepare for whoever might be on the other side, but wasn't prepared for who was actually there. Seeing Siobhan alive gave him a sense of distress though he noticed the bruising she donned immediately. The heavy weight that was on his chest seemed to lift slightly, but there was still the task of getting them and the children out. He was just about to ask where they were being held until the several different scents hit him of the adrenaline and fear in the room. Eyes scanning about, the therian suddenly realized they were hiding among the racks of costuming and clothing. They were going to have to move them all out fast. As much as he wanted to murder anyone that ever had to do with taking these kids, their safety was more important. 

Siobhan crossed the room towards them, but noticed the change in her expression as it went from relief to fear in an instant. Before he could even see what she was looking at, her wings expanded and the sound of a gunshot echoed loudly in the room. Dominic watched her stumble backwards before reaching out as she fell. He carefully lowered her to the ground and saw the blood seeping through her shirt where the bullet had hit her in the chest. "No..." he gasped out as the angel's hand came to his face. The world suddenly fell away as she passed a memory through him. It was something he didn't recognize and he knew it must've been at a time he'd lost to having his mind wiped. The scene played out like a movie and he could feel all the emotions Siobhan had tied to it; even the smell of the field around them. He didn't want it to end, but then the screaming began and Dom was brought back to the chaotic scene around him. watching as Siobhan fell unconscious with a whispered request.

His eyes looked up to Clarissa who had seemed to be holding the shooter paralyzed with her abilities. Another young woman had moved next to them and was applying pressure to Siobhan's wound shakily with a shirt that was quickly becoming drenched in red. The screaming, he realized, was coming from the children in the room who watched the violent scene unfold. Dominic stood and dropped both the gun and knife from his hands. He stalked over to where the gunman was writhing on his knees from Rissa's control and grabbed the nearest clothing rack, breaking the bar off. With all the force he could muster, Dom swung it across the man's face, knocking him out cold. He tumbled onto the floor and Dominic swung again and again with the bar before he was on top of him and using his fists instead. The rage in him took over then. Everything else faded out as he continued beating the man until he made sure there wasn't a single breath that escaped his lips.

Someone was calling out his name over and over, but he didn't pay attention. It wasn't until the sudden sharp pain in his brain did he stop and turn around to see Clarissa standing behind him. She was blocking the view of the children and urging him up. His eyes fell on Siobhan who was still unconscious which finally got him to stand. He looked to his bloody hands before down into Rissa's gaze. Dominic nodded shortly and went over to pick the dying nephilim off the floor. "Let's go." 

The drive to the other club took longer than she had expected, and part of her was extremely grateful for that - she had to compose her own self in order for this part of the mission to be successful; yes Dominic understood, albeit begrudgingly when she told him to calm down but whether he could put that into practice was something else entirely. The bottle of rum which was taken didn’t last long at all between the two, although Rissa was sure that she was the one which ended up drinking most of it; mainly due to the fact that she could see that Dominic was too far gone with his own thoughts to even be able to process the movement of his muscles to bring the bottle up to his lips. Not only did she drink to prepare, but she was also drinking to try and ignore the foreboding and rather uncomfortable silence in which they sat in; silence made her uncomfortable, especially when this silence was triggered by an overwhelming emotion - even to this day, and despite making many relations in Evermore City, emotions were still not the young Nephilim’s forte. In all honesty, all she wanted to do was jump right out of this truck and make her own way to the sister club just to avoid the emotion in the air which suffocated her.

The moment the sister club came into view and Dominic parked the truck up, Clarissa let out a rather prolonged exhale and allowed the empty alcohol bottle to drop to her feet. Her lips vibrated against each other as another battle was soon to happen; and it started a lot quicker than expected. Dominic had left the truck quickly, not giving her the time to analyse the situation. “Here we go” She muttered to herself softly and followed suit after Dominic through the carpark; noting as he nodded to her hip - he was observant, not many would know or even remember where she kept her trusty dagger. Clarissa simply nodded back as he whistled to get the men’s attention and before she could really process her muscle movements, they were both flying towards the bouncers, with knives ready to plunge into fragile flesh. Her eyes clenched shut briefly, the splatter of blood tainted her face as her knife found the bouncer’s skull - with the back of her hand, she attempted to wipe away any of the fresh bloods residue before stalking closer to the back door of the club. It was like the silence followed her around like a bad smell, the moment that Dom broke the door knob she knew the silence was toxic; her gut doing somersaults once more, warning her that something was wrong. She found that a lot of this mission seemed too easy, even after she saw Siobhan appear in front of them; her lavender specked gaze looked between the two.

Clarissa witnessed the various of different looks which were exchanged between Siobhan and Dominic; she cleared her throat a little, once again feeling a tad awkward with the heavy emotion in the air before glancing round to see the younger individuals hiding behind clothing racks and other objects in order to protect themselves. The sound of a gun firing off dragged Clarissa out of her stare as well as the sight of seeing Siobhan release her wings in order to protect them; her gaze widened as seeping red tainted the younger blonde’s shirt as well as pool upon the floor as Dominic lowered her down. Rissa staggered backwards only momentarily, her gaze remained on Dominic and Siobhan for a long moment as she realised Sio was showing him some form of memory; in that moment, she could feel the shock filter through her bloodstream, an emptiness poisoning her. Normally there would be anger on her side of things, being the over emotional nephilim that she was, but it had been a long while since she last saw someone she cared for get hurt; therefore, Rissa felt like she was sinking into herself - almost freezing up and zombie like. Yet, despite being frozen, and without really being consciously aware - her lavender gaze flared up as she paralysed the monster in front her.

If it wasn’t for the screams which bellowed from the young lungs that surrounded her, Rissa would have probably remained in that state; but just as she moved to shield the innocent eyes, Dominic had left the memory in which Sio had imposed on him. She forwarded her brows at the violence in which he expressed against the man, which only triggered more panic in the girls behind her; shadowing Sio’s previous movement, and much to Clarissa’s delight, she extended her own wings to shield the girls from seeing how the cruel man met his violent end. She watched silently at the beating before watching the therian lose control, sinking into darkness of pain and grief. “Dominic.” Clarissa hissed to no avail. “Dominic for crying out loud, he is dead. Dominic!” A growl rumbled within the depth of her belly as he seemed to be blatantly ignoring her; now that she had finished the mind control on the shooter, she moved her attention to Dom and slithered into his mind. “Leave him.” She muttered and released him from her control.  

Clarissa allowed Dominic and the other girl who was attending to Siobhan leave first before ushering the children out of their hiding places; her wings still extended to prevent any of them from looking behind them at the battered dead body. Once she got the children outside, her eyebrow quirked upwards; oh she was not Mother material. “I’ll see you back at your cabin” She nodded to Dom and took one final look at the unconscious Nephilim in his arms before finding a big enough vehicle to fit all the kids in. Rissa wished she could offer them some comforting words, but being the woman she was, those words never came and instead, once they were in the car, they didn’t speak a word; the only sound being soft whimpers and some whispering on their part. Not knowing where else to take them, she took them straight to the station and asked for Cornelia; she would know what to do. Rissa explained the situation as best as she could, but in reality, it was best if the force spoke to either Dom or Sio; once she knew the kids were safe, she took off once more to the cabin.

The air which lingered around the cabin was thick and heavy, so much so that Clarissa remained in the stolen car for longer than needed; anything emotional often made her run away, but she couldn’t today - she knew Siobhan would be there for her if the roles were reversed. Rissa took a deep breath in before exiting the car and heading towards the front door. With her hand on the door knob, she turned it slowly and entered the cabin silently; her gaze roaming around the building before finding the light softly filter through the bottom of the door at the end of the hall. With a shake of her head, she turned in the opposite direction to the kitchen where she helped herself to the endless bottles of alcohol that Dom was sure to hold.

Nina kept her hands pressed to Siobhan chest and her back to the seen as she blinked away the tears that stung her eyes. She watched as Dominic returned covered in more blood at that point and moved with him as he picked her up. “We have to get her to a doctor she is still breathing.” She said as she moved out and looked to the dark-haired Nephilim as she took the children, if they were with Siobhan she new that they would be okay. She moved with the man to the car and climbed into the back seat keeping pressure on the wound as the man started to drive quickly. The sudden appearance of an elderly woman in the passenger seat caused a scream to leave  Nina lip.

“Shush child.” Billie Mae looked back and then to Dom. “I know.” She said as she looked from Dom “Just get there as quick as you can.” She said and took hold of Siobhan hand and sudden Siobhan and Billie Mae were gone.

“Who was that where is she taking Siobhan!” Nina demanded answers as she looked down th her blood-soaked hands and up to Dominic reflection in the review mirror.


Billie Mae landed in Dom cabin landing Sio on the kitchen table knowing she didn’t have much time left if something wasn’t done quickly. Billie looked around and moved to the the backdoor pulling it open causing a scream from Hannah which made Sophia drop the basket of laundry she was holding. “Sophia quickly your daughter doesn’t have much time I need you to get the bullet out of her.” Billie said as she widen the door seeing Siobhan laying there blood covering her chest.

“Siobhan!” Sophia dropped everything and moved into the kitchen. “What the hell has that damn wolf gotten her into?” Sophia said as she pulled down the shirt slightly to look at the wound and back up to the Diviner.

“That wolf is not the problem who do you think saved her? Who has been saving her since she left you behind? I swear I would never meet someone with a bigger head then Dominic but then you came along and bam it is always someone else fault because you think you are some holier then though woman all because what? Because you are human? You’re the same human who caused your daughter to have so much distrust in her own self that she hurts herself when she isn’t perfect to your standers.” She pointed to the fresh wounds inside of Siobhan hands. “Now remove the bullet so I can fix your daughter before I do something I regret.” Billie Mae said. “So willing to help another human such as Hannah but Siobhan.” She scoffed “You never deserved to be this Angel Child mother.” Tensions were high for Billie Mae as she had lost her own son, saving Dominic life. Then Siobhan came into her life due to Dominic and it was like she was the daughter she never had. She could only save one more person from the brink of death and she only had one life left to save she knew it would be Siobhan’s.

Sophia stared at the diviner dumbfounded in that moment and then looked to Siobhan. Sophia was a surgeon first for humans and then after Siobhan was left on their doorstep she turned her practice to animals, so she could remove the bullet no problem. She reached down taking her pulse feeling it beat softly there as if she was just sleeping. “Right let me get my bag.” She turned and returned to the other room grabbing the bag she had brought for when Hannah goes into labor. “When Dominic gets here tell him to get his ass in this room.” She said as she moved back and then pulled out the scalpel, scissors, bullet remover tweezers, and gloves. “What ever you have planned Witch woman you better do it quickly because once I pull this bullet out and by some magic it doesn’t nick her heart then you are going to have to heal her and quick because she will bleed out worst then she is now. The bullet is keeping her blocked up partly.”

“Woman this isn’t my first-time healing someone.” Billie Mae said back as her hand took hold of Siobhan wrist to feel her heart beat to make sure nothing happened to her.

Sophia nodded and then slide on the gloves before cutting away blood-soaked shirt and bra, tossing them to the ground of the cabin, then she moved covering her with a sheet taking a deeb breath before she sliced the bullet hole to make it slightly wider as she parted the flesh and took hold of the bullet remover tweezers sliding them in till she felt the end of the bullet and opened them slowly watching Billie closely to make sure she didn’t hit her heart and cause damage before grasping the end of the bullet and pulling it free. “Now.”

Billie looked to Siobhan wound and placed her other hand over her heart and began to speak “Potestatem sanandi te iubeo cura Siobhan Xapham Leslie ab omnibus morbus eripuit” over and over again until the wound healed up and Siobhan breath went from shallow to deep breaths. Before she pulled her hands back and moved to sit on the chair. That was there as she looked to Siobhan not wanting to move her gaze from her, but also feeling so drained.

Siobhan was lost in darkness clinging to the good memories she had. Of the times she spent with Rissa breaking down her walls even when the Dark-haired angel didn’t know it, then drifting to Dominic and then finally the moments she had with Billie, Wait that was Billie Mae voice she was hearing over and over again and as the Darkness faded and so did the pain slowly she groaned and opened her eyes to look over to Billie Mae as she sat next to her “Hey.” She said in a husky voice to the diviner “I dreamed of you.”

“I know child.” Billie Mae said taking her hand kissing it as she stood up “Let’s get you into the bed so you can rest, gonna be a while before you should be moving on your own.” Billie said as both her and Sophia hostied her up and moved her to the room laying her on the bed after helping her change into one of Dominic shirts and Billie Mae covered her up. “Rest child everything is going to be okay.” She kissed her head and then moved out of the room back to the kitchen where she found the drinks knowing the other two who would show up would need it once they got there. Pouring glasses Billie lowered herself to the chair across from the pregnant woman and groaned slightly as she did “You know you only got about two weeks left.” That caused Hannah to begin crying and Billie Mae sighed “Don’t be scared child.” She said as she closed her eyes for a moment. “Child birth is a part of life.”

Sophia joined them at the table and looked to Billie Mae “Thank you.” She said softly sitting down next to her.

“Just do the right thing.” Billie Mae looked to Sophia. “For them all.” She said as she looked up to the door as it opened an in walked Dominic “She is in the room if you want to see her.” Billie said, pouring the drinks just as Rissa walked into the home shortly after him.

Dominic hastily took the lead as they left from the dressing room and through the hallway, carefully holding the unconscious angel in his arms. The group had moved outside without being noticed, save for the one dancer who had a baffled look on her face as she watched them leaving through the back door. The frightened nephilim children huddled around each other as the girl who had been helping Siobhan opened his truck. They carefully got her into the backseat and she climbed in to keep the pressure on her wound. Dominic turned towards Clarissa, but couldn't say anything. Instead, he just gave her a short nod in her response to meet back at his place before hurrying to the driver's seat.

He sped out of the parking lot and onto the highway with squealing tires. Again, his muddied mind was on autopilot as darkened thoughts took over. The idea of losing her in the backseat of his truck kept replaying as he glanced in the rearview mirror every few seconds to the two. He had to keep internally yelling at himself to stop as he felt his whole body wash over in anxiety. His bloodied hands gripped the wheel tighter to ground himself and stay focused. Losing it now wasn't going to help anyone.

The sudden appearance of Billie Mae in the passenger seat from thin air caused him to swerve the truck partially into the next lane and the girl in the back to scream. He quickly corrected himself and let out a shaky breath while the driver next to him laid in on his horn. The diviner took hold of Siobhan's hand as he quickly caught her other before she could port again. Dominic looked desperately into the older woman's eyes. "Billie..." He couldn't get anything else out.

She looked at him with a soft, reassuring smile. "I know. Just get there as quick as you can." With that, the woman disappeared in a wisp of white smoke with Siobhan. He stared blankly ahead on the road, leaving the girl's question of who the diviner was hang in the silent air between them.


Dominic pulled the truck up the dirt road to his house twenty or so minutes later. It was strange to see it looking as normal and quiet as ever when he knew what could possibly be happening behind the door. He hurried up the few stairs and inside, looking around the cabin. His eyes landed on Billie Mae who directed him to the bedroom with a short tilt of her chin.

His hand went around the doorknob and he quietly opened the door. Siobhan was wrapped in the blankets on his bed, seemingly asleep. A shaky breath left his lips as a sense of relief went through him and the weight of the worst outcome lifted. Grabbing the wooden chair he kept by the fireplace, Dom put it next to her bedside and took his hand in hers. He gently brushed his thumb against her much smaller fingers before kissing it. For all the trauma she had been through, Siobhan looked peaceful as she slept. Her scent was different, however, and he imagined it had to do with whatever magic Billie Mae had used to keep her alive. "You gotta stop doing this to me, Nani."

"You know she can't help it," came the familiar Cajun accent from behind him as she smiled softly.

He smirked and slightly turned his head with a sigh before looking back over to the unconscious angel. There was a silence between the two as he tried to find the right words, but couldn't. He was never good with words and imagined he never would be. How could he possibly express how grateful he was to her for everything she had always done and continuously did for him? "Thank you, Billie."

She placed a hand on his shoulder lightly. "Any time, son." The psychic turned around and started back out of the room. "But you're a pain in my ass."

Dominic chuckled and turned to look back at her as she exited the room and saw Clarissa standing at the doorway hesitantly, shaking the bottle of rum as an invitation to come in. "You should know Billie Mae would've forced you in here with magic at some point had you not come on your own. Though, I wouldn't mind seeing the two of you go at it." He took the bottle from her and drank from it before handing it back with a smirk. "My money is on the diviner." His eyes drifted back over to Sio. "Those kids safe?"


The moment that Clarissa entered the cabin, her assumptions regarding the heaviness of the emotion filled air was confirmed; it suffocated Rissa ever so slightly despite the whispers from the next room which indicated that Siobhan would live due to some voodoo magic as she called it. That alone made Rissa crave alcohol as she couldn’t help but allow her mind to go to a dark place where one day magic may not be able to save her blonde friend; at the Christmas ball, she was saved due to Nephilim powers, and tonight she was saved by this mysterious woman’s magic - was it only a matter of time now? She hissed under her breath to rid herself from such thoughts but she did make the mental note to speak with Siobhan about her reckless shenanigans; even if her motives on this occasion were to save herself and Dominic. Lavender speckled eyes roamed the room and the different faces which were now appearing and it was safe to say, she didn’t know a soul besides the recovering Angel and the distraught Therian. It amused her that Siobhan had such a mysterious life outside of the Faction, it was a life that no one would ever peg to be hers.

The pads of her fingers ran across the series of different bottles in an attempt to find the strongest and oldest bottle which would have more of an impact on her immortal being; but as she went, she could only see stacks of rum so really, her attempts were feeble and she simply grabbed the closest one to her. Without even searching for a glass, she untwisted the lid and took a well deserved swig from it which lasted a few seconds before she withdrew her head to succumb to the aftertaste which lingered on her taste buds; a shiver ran down the length of her spine just as she caught Dominic resurfacing from the room which Siobhan rested in. Naturally, Clarissa waved the bottle of rum in his direction, beckoning him over before rolling her eyes as he automatically took the alcohol from her. She snorted in response at how the woman would have forced her in at some point; she leaned up against the counter and happily accepted the bottle back. “She could have tried, no one can make me do something I don’t want to do.” She threw Dominic a wink before returning the bottle to her lips before exhaling in amusement, at the shared image of her taking the witch on. “It would all depend on who got into whose head first.” Clarissa wiggled her brows. “But for once, I won’t blow my own trumpet, those Diviners are nasty pieces of work - she’d have me in a heartbeat.”

Rissa once again fidgeted and moved to prop herself upon the counter, her legs crossing under her as she did so; she rested the bottle in her lap. “The kiddos are safe, they were with Cornelia and the rest of her crew. When I left they were taking identities of them before, I guess, running a missing persons before releasing them to their legal guardians.” Her muscular shoulders gave off a shrug, offering him the bottle again although there was enough alcohol for them to sink a ship. “Nothing better than a little bit of traumatisation as a kid.” Clarissa snorted, she knew that feeling all too well before noticing how Dom looked over her shoulder to check in on Siobhan; her brow quirking almost suggestively at him. “Sooooo” She smirked, her head tilted as she looked him over with a cheeky glint in her eye, she wanted to take the opportunity to ask him whilst they were alone before the somewhat intimidating Diviner returned, and because she wanted to see him squirm without the comfort blanket of alcohol. “You and the baby neph, eh? Whats going on there, Pupperino?”

Nina in the back seat of the truck grew quiet as none of her questions were being answered as it was. She watched as the wolf drove as if he was on a mission to get to Siobhan, She watched his hands tighten and loosen on the steering wheel. The way he had barely been able to get out the older womans name. It wasn’t just as if he was about to lose someone he cared for, but as if he was about to lose the woman he loved, did he even know? The look on his face the anxiety there as if he was logicing in his head how he would save her even if this Billie person couldn’t.

When the truck pulled up to the cabin she was out of the truck with Dominic but she was sure at that point he had forgotten that she was even there. Not that Nina minded fully she just wanted to make sure the Angel who had saved them all was okay. So she followed him up the stairs into the home and watched as he bound into the room that Billie Mae directed him too.

Nina watched the interactions around them as he moved through the doorway and seeing Siobhan on the other side alive and breathing, caused her let out a breath of relief. She then watched the large man who was still covered in blood pick up her hand and kiss it. He was so gentle with her for his large size. Her eyes focused back on Billie Mae who had focused on her after speaking with the man. She looked away she felt like Billie gaze was telling her to leave whatever she was thinking along. Her gaze went back to the door as the dark haired woman walked in and seem to know just what to do picking up a bottle and move into the bedroom.


Siobhan laid in the bed asleep, she was lost in the darkness of her mind for a long moment until she felt the warmth of a large hand around her fingers, the soft kiss pressed to her fingers and a faint smile graced her lips as she finally felt safe knowing he was there right there with her. ‘You gotta stop doing this to me, Nani.’ she heard his words she wanted to yell out to him that she would stop. She wanted to let him know how scared she truly was, she tried to open her eyes but her body refused to do so.

Siobhan pushed herself as hard as she could to open her eyes but all that came was a soft squeeze from her hand to his as if to let him know she understood if she could, before she settled back into the darkness but this time it was not a cold harsh darkness but rather a darkness that was soothing and healing. Her fingers didn’t want to let his hand go it was almost as if it anchored her there reminding herself she had things to live for.


Sophia watched the exchange between Clarissa and Dominic for a moment moving closer to them as she asked about their relationship. Sophia brought herself to lean against the doorway and spoke bluntly “He loves her.” Her eyes moved to Dominic as his head snapped around to her. Then her gaze moved to the Dark haired Nephilim that had asked the question. Sophia pushed her body off the wall and moved closer to Dominic placing her hand on his shoulder and squeezing it “Thank you.” she said softly to him looking at her sleeping daughter for a moment. She cleared her throat blinking back tears.

“Now keep her out of trouble or I will kill you myself.” She said simply before leaving the room looking to Clarissa and gave her arm a soft squeeze “Come eat when you all are hungry, also Dominic clean yourself up you are covered in blood.” With that she walked out the door closing it behind her to leave them to talk with one another, away from the others.

Dominic gave a short chuckle at Clarissa for her defiance. The dark haired angel was as hard headed as he was in every situation. Still, he would've loved to see Billie Mae giving her an earful of a rant in her Billie Mae fashion. He nodded in agreement and took a drink from the bottle at her comment of diviners being pieces of work. "If that ain't the damn truth." As much as he felt uneasy around diviners and nephilim for their clear upperhand in their supernatural abilities, Dom also knew that if it weren't for Clarissa and Billie, things could've turned out a lot differently. A lot worse. 

He leaned forward on his knees and sighed when she confirmed the children they'd gotten out were in better hands now. He couldn't imagine what they'd gone through and it brought a fresh wave of anger through him. If he could make those assholes die again, he would. Over and over again. To him it wasn't over. There were still more of those scumbags out in the world that had gotten away and he planned on finding every last one of them and making them pay too. Painfully.

His clouded thoughts were interrupted when Clarissa had inquired about the relationship Siobhan and he shared. A light smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth and he shook his head. Before he had the chance to respond, Sophia was quick to chime in and answer for him while she moved closer to the pair. He rolled his eyes shortly and looked over to the sleeping angel letting the smirk dissolve into a frown. It took him by surprise when he felt her hand come to his shoulder and squeeze it in a show of thanks. The two didn't exactly get along most of the time and he knew it was because she didn't approve of their relationship. When Siobhan had been sleeping in most days after being out all night, her mother had given him plenty of lectures about why it couldn't work, and sometimes he'd even agree with some of her points internally. It had caused doubt and hurt in him that he could never express. He'd just kept his mouth closed and accepted whatever she felt the need to say to him out of respect for her daughter. 

When Sophia walked away finally, leaving the threat hanging in the air, Dominic turned his head to watch her leave. "Pleasant woman, that one. Can't tell you the joy it's been having her staying here." His hazel eyes flickered back up to Clarissa momentarily before falling back on the unconscious angel. "Honestly, I don't know," he replied in response to her original question after a moment. "I haven't been monogamous with anyone in years. I told myself I never wanted to or could after.. Well, after everything went to shit. I was fine with it or at least I told myself I was. Drinking, casual hookups, and forgotten names were enough. Then..." he sighed and leaned back in the chair, raking a hand in his hair. "She literally came stumbling along in my woods. Everything changed. She's not the type of woman I'd ever even glance twice at. Young and vulnerable. I wouldn't want to ruin her. But you on the other hand," he glanced back at his old partner and chuckled. "You, I would've made a challenge and had things turned out differently the night we met, who knows, and I guess that's my point. She makes me want to stop. To be still. No one has ever done that before. She makes me better. I'm just afraid I don't make her better." He quickly grabbed the bottle from in between Clarissa's legs and took a very long sip, scrunching his face as the liquid went through him. "Even though I can't remember much of our time together before I lost parts of my memories, I can still feel the emotions I have attached to her. I just want her to be happy."

It was hard for him to talk to anyone about how he was feeling and he realized the woman next to him was probably one of the very few he could when the rare occasion presented itself. Dom could feel the anxiousness rising in him from it all and cleared his throat. "Anyway, I know after Sio left here when the diviner's hex was taking control over me, she wandered her way into her own faction. I'm glad it was to you. You've made her stronger for it."

The Nephilim knew all too well how pesky and how nasty the Instar Diviner creatures could be; however, if she truly gave her opinions on the species much thought - she gathered she only got her said opinion due to personal reasons to one particular Diviner rather than the species as a whole. The moment that small little thought entered her mind, she internally dismissed it; she didn't need or want to think of that Diviner and what he did to her - one day, she would get her revenge on him especially now that she knew he had moved to Evermore, but that day was not today. Clarissa shook her head and waited patiently to hear the response that she had been dying to hear all evening, ever since she saw him leaving Siobhan’s door; in fact, she couldn’t help but lean forward so that her elbows rested upon her knees as his lips parted to speak - however, a wave of disappointment washed over her as it was a woman’s voice that responded. The Nephilim rolled her eyes as she forced a sweet smile upon her lips, her head nodding somewhat to indicate that she was listening - yet, she waited until the Mother turned her back to return to whatever she was doing before Clarissa flipped her off.

“Does she speak for everyone? Jesus Christ” Rissa mumbled and shook her head, a look of annoying fluttered across her striking features before she turned back to Dominic; a snort rumbled at the back of her throat at his comment. “I’m surprised you haven’t thrown her out already” And she truly was - she had only known the woman for a short while and she was ready to be rid of her; Clarissa was sure, that if the Mother disapproved of Dominic, she was sure as hell to disapprove of Rissa. The wanted Angel child in more ways than one - an angel with a constant death wish, and promise lingering over her head. The thought alone made Rissa shrug, the Mother was the least of her worries, and besides, she was more interest in Dominic’s reply to her question. For once, Clarissa remained silent for a long while, or at least, didn’t bother interrupting him until he gave her his full answer - of course, she gave reactions with a series of different, rather animated facial expressions, but nevertheless, her tongue remained still. “For someone who doesn’t know what is going on, your sure sound like you have a good idea” Rissa teased, and wriggled her brow; despite coming off as very cold individual who refused to acknowledge the emotion of romantic love, it did warm her inside that two people who she had grown close to over the last year were expressing such emotion. “She does have habit of bringing out the best in people, and you know what? I hate her for that” Her words were laced with a teasing tone as she glanced over her shoulder at the resting baby Nephilim, and she wondered if Sio could hear what they were speaking about.

Yet, there was a section of his reply that she wanted to address and if it weren’t for him taking the bottle from her, she would have thrown that instead; but alas, she grabbed an apple that was in the fruit bowl beside her and threw it at him. “Please never allow such a thought of you and I to cross your mind, ever again, thank you” Her lips curled at one end and a chuckle dripped from the tip of her tongue and despite her playful tone; they both knew she would kill him if he ever hurt Siobhan like that. She appreciated him opening up to her, she knew they were alike in a lot of things, and talking about feelings was certainly one of them; Clarissa nodded just the once. “I’ve made her stronger because one day, I may not survive the constant target on my back and if I am to go, I need to know she can handle herself; and tonight has proved she can” Slender digits gave off grabby hands, demanding he returned the bottle back to her.

Siobhan hand squeezed Dominic's for a brief moment as she was lost in the darkness while her body was fully healing and her brain was trying to comfort her. Her dreams turned to a surreal world, in her sleep Siobhan shifted rolling away from the wolf and dark angel the moonlight of the window across from them falling along her log still formed only slight twitches and grunts that left her.

Lost in the dark recesses of her mind as the people around talked, though she tired to focus on the conversation around them, her ears picked up her mother's voice. ‘Mom’ she wanted to call out and tried to open her eyes but they wouldn’t budge. As soon as the voice came it was gone. Did her mother tell Dominic that he was in love with her. That sent her mind in a dark swirl. She looked around in the darkness, flinching slightly until her eyes landed on the outline of Dominic.

‘Dominic?’ she said as she tried to close the space that was between them, but every step she took the space seem to grow she felt tears come to her eyes and she whimpered softly ‘Dominic! Please!’ She fell to the ground and hung her head hugging herself ‘I’m sorry I know I messed up.’ she rubbed her eyes as the tears came over. When she looked up again there was Clarissa staring at her, she didn’t say a word but look at her shaking her head and hanging her head in disappointment.

‘Rissa.’ she moved to standing up again ‘Rissa are you okay?’ She reached out and then in a cloud rissa was gone. Her hand was caught by her mothers.  ‘Mom what is going on?’ she asked and then her mother's hand shoved inside of her chest and it felt like she was squeezing her heart to stop. ‘Mother stop… please.’ she whimpered softly. As she lowered to the ground her hands holding her mother's arm.

‘You have always been such a disappointment Siobhan. Ever since your father brought you to me all I wanted to do was drowned you. You have brought nothing but hurt and pain in this world. Why don’t you just die already, how many hints do you have to be given until you see that you are not wanted by anything or anyone in this world.’ Sophia face shifted from the vision of her mother to Lucifer, then Jack, and everyone in her life that had harmed her and then finally returned back to her mother. ‘GIVE UP SIOBHAN.’

Siobhan was full on sobbing not only in the dream, but there on the bed in front of Clarissa and Dom. “No.” she mutter out from her lips. As she curled up tighter on the bed, in the dark dream she was caught in she looked up to the version of her mother and then spoke softly ‘I can’t give up, I don’t want to leave them behind. What if they still need me?’ She blinked back tears and raised to her feet taking hold of her mothers arm yanking it from her chest taking a deep breath.  ‘You don’t control me anymore, I am my own person.’ She said and closed her eyes tight, taking a steady breath ‘I will defeat the dark demons that plague me, I will not give up.’ when she opened her eyes everything around her was bright.

Siobhan turned around as she was standing in the middle of the field outside of Dominic house, She moved to the center to it and sat down looking up to the sun that beam down over her. She looked beside her and saw Billie Mae ‘Ms. Billie Mae.’ She said as she smiled to her.

‘Angel child.’ Billie Mae said to her moving around her and took her hands sitting across from her. ‘Hang on to this strength, you are going to need it. You have them, lean on them, and if they give you any trouble I will whack them all up side the head.’ the elderly woman chuckled to her which cause Siobhan to smile. ‘I know when you wake up your mind will go to darkness that you seem to hold with in you. You will make it through. I believe in you, beside I am going to need you.’ she said taking hold of her hands and offered a soft kiss to them.  ‘Keep them in line also, you are good for them, you are good for him.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ Siobhan said as she smiled softly, Billie was gone in that moment and she let her hands fall to her lap. Then warmth returned to her as she felt like arms had wrapped around her and a voice whispered in her ear ‘you are safe, sleep Nani.’ Siobhan laid in the field among the daisy and basket in the warmth.

Dominic ducked as the fruit went flying passed his head, chuckling. "Yea, keep lying to yourself," he teased handing the bottle over to Clarissa again. His gaze fell onto Siobhan's sleeping figure as Clarissa mentioned her being stronger now. It was true that he was thankful for her new found strength, but it also made him worried that she might find herself in situations that were way over her head which seemed to be the going trend. He selfishly hoped that after what had transpired that night, she would slow down in the reckless behavior that wouldn't keep him constantly worried. 

The therian sighed and looked back over to the nephilim beside him who was currently tipping the bottle back against her lips. "Speaking of," he began, catching her gaze with a serious expression. "If you ever find yourself with your back against the wall because of the friends you've made over the years, your ass better make a phone call." Dom watched the expression change on her face and he knew the I can handle it myself argument was coming, so he stood and snatched the bottle from her, taking her smaller hands in his larger one. Human contact with emotion behind it wasn't easy for either of them and he knew it would hit a nerve. "I'm serious, Rissa. None of this one woman army crap. Sometimes it's good to have friends next to you when everything goes to shit." Dominic let her go before she found something to chop his hand off and gave her the bottle back. If tonight wasn't a prime example of that, he didn't know what was. "Besides, you think I can keep an eye on this one all by myself?" he joked just as he heard Siobhan begin to stir in her sleep. 

The strain in her expression made it seem as though she was having some sort of nightmare. Her hands were knotted into the blankets and her hair was tousled over her face. Dominic sat back down in the wooden chair by the bed and gently pulled the covers from her grasp, tucking her in. He moved the hair away from Sio's face and it seemed as though she might have been crying in her sleep as there were light tear tracks on her skin. Sighing, he stood up and kissed her cheek gently. "You are safe. Sleep, Nani." 

After a few silent moments of waiting to see if she was okay, the therian turned around and nodded towards the kitchen. "I need another drink. Shall we? I'm sure that bottle is almost dry." He made his way back through the living room where he saw Hannah had fallen asleep on the couch with a book she had been reading which was currently propped open on her very pregnant stomach. It looked as though the young nephilim girl that had ridden with him in the truck was speaking with Sophia at the kitchen table which he wasn't sure was the best idea ever. His eyes finally fell on Billie Mae who was looking through the bay window, to the darkness of the forest.

Dominic opened one of the kitchen cabinets and pulled out two more bottles of rum. He handed Clarissa one of them with an empty glass and clinked his bottle with hers before walking over to the diviner. "You have that look."

"And what look would that be, boy?" she replied, never breaking her gaze from the window.

He unscrewed the cap and tossed it on the recliner. "The I know something you don't look. The one where you won't tell me what you see happening."

Billie turned her head to look at him before reaching out to rest her hand on his shoulder for a moment. "Just look after her."

"Right..." This was one of the times she wasn't going to divulge any information and it would be useless trying to get it out of her. Dominic sighed and drank some of the rum, following her gaze out into the darkened wood. 

The many sounds that were escaping Siobhan during her well needed slumber caused Clarissa to briefly look over her shoulder at the much small Nephilim; in fact, the small thrashing of her body, the murmurs which rolled from the tip of her tongue took Rissa back to the days where she suffered from awful, haunting night terrors. She could remember the fear that she felt every time a face of one of her victims came to her - they would inflict the same pain upon her that she did on them; Clarissa never told anyone of the terrors she faced every time she closed her eyes to sleep, in fact, she often found herself trying to avoid it by drinking alcohol and working out. However, if she did fall victim to the subconscious world, she would wake with multiple of bruises and cuts upon her flesh; she even took herself to therapy outside of Evermore in an attempt to get some form of help, and it was safe to say that her therapy sessions did not last long. Clarissa Bradford ended up getting kicked out of her sessions due to the brutality of her tongue and violent tendencies. Therefore, to see someone like Siobhan be so haunted was very upsetting to watch - Rissa truly couldn't help but wonder what ghosts were terrorising someone who was the walking embodiment of an Angel child. Clarissa exhaled for a moment and eagerly accepted the near empty bottle and took it to her lips as she turned her attention back to Dominic.

Clarissa noted the grave concern which found Dominic’s features as he too, looked at the not so peaceful state of Siobhan but before she could process seeing him worried, he had taken her bottle away from her which triggered an flabbergasted sigh. Yet it was the action of him taking her hands into her own which surprised her; she knew that neither of them were favourable to comforting touches. Her expression changed a few times in only a few moments, not just by touch but the words which had departed his tongue; his words were challenging for her - friendships, relationships were something that never came easy to her and if she were to be honest, forming these in Evermore had been rather uncomfortable and certainly not easy. Clarissa truly didn’t know what do with such support; unless it was her twin, and even then he knew when to back down. She did appreciate his words, and she knew that both herself, and Dominic worked well as pair, but she couldn’t risk another getting hurt over her past actions; therefore, she eventually allowed their eyes to meet before she vocalised her response. “A one woman army is needed in my case, I won't allow another person to get hurt for my own actions and choices” She argued. However, even if she did stick to her guns, she knew that the moment either Siobhan or Dominic believed something was wrong with her, they'd chase it up; nevermind the dangers.

There was a sense of relief once Dominic had stopped grilling her over her need to fight battles on her own and how the bottle found its home in her palm again; yet this time, she didn't drink. Clarissa watched how Dominic tended to Sio, and she couldn't stop the slight curl her lips formed at one corner; she could never see herself in that position, where one cared that deeply for her, but it was always nice to see - even if externally she would pretend to gag at the affection. Once the tender moment had finished, she followed Dom into the kitchen, her mind asking if she was truly needed now that Sio was home and surrounded by those that would keep her safe; nevertheless, she took the bottle. Clarissa glanced at the others who had occupied the kitchen and stood awkwardly for a moment as Dom spoke to the Diviner before deciding to be nosey; carefully and silently, Rissa wandered over to the sleeping pregnant woman to glance at the book she was reading. Slowly, Clarissa lifted the front cover to see the title before nodding - she had never heard of it, before popping the book back down on the overindulging stomach; thankfully not disturbing her. The Nephilim stood upright again and drank the rum, in attempt to not look like a lost soul she wandered the cabin again; examining the many different objects the therian had collected over the years.

WeuWeu was a dog that tended to stay in one spot not moving much from the floor but the commotion in the house along with the scent of  Siobhan blood he could tell something was wrong. He moved from his place tucked away to the door of the bedroom. Pressing his nose to the door for a moment choosing to sit down in front of it and wait. As Dominic and Clarissa left the room the tibetan mastiff moved its way through the doorway and rested his face on the edge of the bed, whining at Siobhan until he climbed up on the bed. Laying next to her, placing his head on her stomach in a protective manner.

Nina began to feel more and more out of place in the cabin as she shifted from foot to foot. She chewed on her lower lip finally seeing Dominic and Clarissa as they entered the kitchen. She sighed though not being able to bring herself to interrupt what was going on. But concern for the kids she spent so much of her time trying to keep safe began to build. She moved into the living area where everyone seem to be now. “If it’s not too much trouble can someone take me to the children? I want to make sure they get home as best as I can.” She spoke softly as he gaze moved down to the floor.

Sophia moved into the living area and looked between them all. “Do I even want to know what really happened tonight?” She asked looking between them all. “Is she going to be safe?” Sophia sked the room but her eyes rested heavily on Billie Mae “You seem to be the one who has all the answers.” Sophia wasn’t one to cry so she blinked away the tears that welled in her eyes. “Is my daughter going to safe? When my time living here comes to an end. That girl is stubborn she will not come with me. I need to know. She is all that is left of my family.”


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