Siobhan woke up that morning with Dominic’s arm wrapped around her as he snored lightly, she looked at him wondering how long it had been that he had truly slept deeply without issue. The night before had been something they both needed, to air out their issues and fears for each other, agreeing to be open and honest about things they were doing. They couldn’t keep trying to keep the other safe only to cause more issues.

Siobhan went to move out of the bed and felt Dominic’s grip tighten, turning her gaze back to his seeing his hazel eyes open she leaned closer kissing his cheek “I am just going to make coffee.” She said softly reassuring him that she wasn’t running off like she had been the last few weeks. When his grip loosened she moved out of the bed making her way to the small kitchen area.

As she turned on the pot of coffee she looked around for something to make for them, settling on pancakes as they would be the easiest. She rolled her shoulder as her body was still stiff from the beating she had received a few nights before groaning as she rubbed her shoulder while flipping the pancakes. She looked at her cell phone as it sat in front of her. She reached over, typing in the number of someones she hadn’t seen since before Lucifer kidnapped her. Someone she was close to.

As the phone rang in her ear she sighed hearing the click of the voicemail.”Hey Rissa, it’s Sio.” She said flipping the pancake, “It's been a while and boy do I have a lot to tell you.” She chuckled softly “I am back in town for a night or two, maybe if you have time you can stop by? I would like to catch up with you. I miss you. Hope to see you soon.” She said and then hung up.

When breakfast was ready she called out “Alright big guy come and eat.” she said and poured two mugs of coffee sitting on the counter as she sipped hers waiting for him. She looked at her phone as it began to go off picking it up and sighing softly. As Dominic settled in to eat she looked to him “Looks like Gigi called out and they need me to come in early or they will fire me.” She slid off the counter finishing the last of the coffee “Take your time look around, I should be back in a few hours.” She disappeared into the bedroom changing picking up her bag as she walked back to the kitchen and kissed his cheek “We will come up with a plan later tonight.”

With that, she was out the door and on her way towards The Angel Club.

When Siobhan arrived she walked in the back door, setting down her bag as she looked around the empty room. She raised a brow wondering where the other girls could have been. Before she had a moment to change two of the Therian bouncers were there next to her wrapping their hands around her upper arm and yanking her through the doorway into the empty club down the back hall to the door of the basement, Siobhan's heart sank but she didn’t resist.

She was placed in a chair and her wrist bound to it as she gave it a good testing yank grimacing as she couldn’t pull her arms free with one yank. The man who hired her, the owner of the club Derek stood in front of her. “You know Parker, though I doubt that is your real name you had so much promise for the club.” He said as she walked closer yanking her head back. “Pretty little thing that didn’t even dip into the drugs that were offered for free, the customers wanted to pay good money to have you in their laps and yet it was all a waste because you came here looking to start trouble for me and mine.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Derek.” She tried to pull her face away as he tightened his grip on her face. “I am just trying to make money like every other girl in here.” She gasped out her eyes widening as a blade dug itself into her shoulder whimpering out as he twisted it and yanked it free.

“Too bad you got yourself caught with...What was his name again Gigi.” He turned and behind Derek stood Gigi the girl who had taken Dominic to the private room last night.

“His name is Dominic, he... He said that he wanted to know what was going on around here last night, and then I followed her and saw her climbing out into his truck when she left early last night.” She said as she clung to a young girl that had a death grip on to her. Siobhan began to understand that Gigi had sold her out to save what she could assume was her sister.

“Ah yes, Dominic.” Derek said as his gaze looked back to Siobhan and smirked darkly “So because Gigi was a good little narc we will be able to move operations.” He said waving his hand as the therian moved to usher Gigi out.

“I’m sorry.” she whimpered picking her sister up and running.

Siobhan wanted to tell her it was okay that she understood but the moment she opened her mouth she was met with a sharp slap across the face. She growled looking back to Derek as he slid the back of the blade along her face slowly “You know Parker, or whatever your name is I am going to enjoy torturing you and then when I am done with you, selling you to the highest bidder.” he trailed the blade along her neck and then around the pearl necklace that hung around her neck, before breaking the chain and tossing it aside. “Get her into the van with the rest of them.” he said as he pulled back “We need to be gone before her boy toy notices.” He nodded to his men.

“You will not get away with this,” Siobhan said as she glared at him using her Nephilim ability to start to cause him pain, watching Derek crumble to the floor screaming in pain gave her a wave of pleasure. "I'm gonna bring you down. Because I catch bad men." She pushed harder into his mind but it was short-lived as the Therian beside her punched her knocking her out.

When Siobhan woke up she had no idea where she was,  she was chained in a dark room groaning as she sat up her eyes scanned the room yanking on the chain. She groaned as she stood up and her eyes adjusted to the dark when she saw the children in front of her whimpering cold and scared she yanked on the chain harder. Before Nina was beside her, the only girl she had seen out of the few dozens they had.

“Stop fighting it.” Nina said with her heavy accent as she took hold of Siobhan's arm to make her stop pulling on the chain “They will hear you if you keep it up.”

“I have to get free, get you all free.” Siobhan said as she looked at the girl “We are all Nephilims, we can take a few therian’s down.” She said as she looked at the girl.

“We may be all Nephilim but none of us really know how to use whatever powers we are to have, we were taken from our families at a young ages.” She said as she lowered sitting next to her.

Siobhan sighed out heavily returning to the ground below her as she sat next to her. “Well, that needs to change.” She said as she gave one last yank and the chain broke in half. “I came into this world knowing nothing at all not even how to fly and thanks to a few people in my life I was able to figure it out.” She said as she looked at Nina. “I will help you all, even if it is the last thing I do.”

“What is your name?” Nina asked as she looked at her in the dark.

“Siobhan,” Siobhan replied as she ripped the cuff off of her wrist and tossed it aside. “How many are there here?” she asked.

“All together there is 27 of us.” She said softly “But most are 9 or younger.” she said as she nodded to the huddled masses “Only Myself and two other girls and one boy are older, and we tend to keep the younger ones safe the best we can.”

“Do either you are the older ones know how to use your pain infliction gift?” She asked as she leaned her head back against the wall.

“No,” She said as she looked around the room.

“Well, then we should get to work,” Siobhan said standing up.

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Dominic had started to become so lost in thought that the world had completely slipped away. When he heard Sophia's voice in the deafening silence of the cabin, it somewhat startled him back to the reality of where he was. Though Siobhan's mother was asking many questions that needed to be answered, he couldn't find the words to speak. He was tired. Emotionally, mentally, and physically. So much had happened in the last year and he wondered when he would ever have a moment of peace and stillness. 

His eyes met Sophia's and he sighed at the older woman. Was he really about to tell her the things her daughter had been doing over the last few weeks? That she had gone on this crazy mission that brought her into a dark world full of drugs, stripping, kidnapping, and worse? Dominic cleared his throat and parted his lips to speak, but he felt a light hand on his shoulder that paused his troubling words. Billie Mae caught his gaze and then looked to Sophia pointedly. "Come with me."

Soon the three were standing on the small porch of his house as the quiet night of the woods engulfed them. The sky was starless and it made everything seem that much darker. Dominic leaned forward on his arms looking out over the wooden railing and into the darkened trees as the two women stood slightly behind him and Billie's soothing Cajun accent broke the silence. "What happened tonight is in the past, so the details of it don't need to be repeated any longer. Those that are responsible for Siobhan's current condition have been dealt with accordingly."

"Not all of them..." Dominic grumbled quietly, not breaking his gaze from the blackness. 

"I don't have all the answers," Billie continued through his interruption. "I can't see the definite future, but your daughter is strong and she certainly has people to look out for her now."

Dominic stood up and took the few steps down to the ground to put some space between him and her words. The bottle he had still tightly gripped in his hand found its way to his lips where he took a gulp and tried to push away the sarcastic response he wanted to give that made him doubt what she said was true. He didn't feel much like a protector.  

Billie's eyes followed Dominic down the stairs, but turned her attention back to Sophia. "And yes, you're daughter has her stubborn moments, but just because she doesn't want to leave with you, it doesn't mean it's the wrong choice she is making either."

Dominic tilted his head slightly over his shoulder at this knowing that the two strong headed women could easily get into a heated argument with their like personalities. He had thought maybe Siobhan would end up going with her mother after everything. The two had been reunited and it looked like a possible mending of their relationship could begin. Hell, he still didn't know if that was something she would need when she would finally wake up. He didn't want Siobhan to leave, but he also wanted whatever was best for her, even if it meant they had to be apart. 

The psychic fell silent and so did Sophia which was odd for both to be doing. Dom turned around and he could see the wheels in Sophia's head turning. She had been constantly putting it in his psyche how her daughter would be leaving with her whenever Siobhan wasn't around in the little passive aggressive hints she'd drop, but maybe she was beginning to believe it wouldn't be as simple as she intended. 

"Right..." He didn't want to hear any more. Dominic ascended the stairs again and pushed open the door to the cabin, making a slight whistle sound at Clarissa to get her attention from one of the hand made dream catchers his mother had made many years ago. He nodded for the nephilim to follow him away from everyone and leaned up against the bookcase that held comics, rock and roll records, and family heirlooms which were passed on through generations. "Why don't you take this girl back to the station. I'll keep you posted on Sio's condition," he began lowly, his hazel hues flicking to the open bedroom door where he saw the giant mastiff laying with Siobhan. "Let me know if your sister finds anything out about these assholes who were doing this. There's still more of them out there and I won't stop till it's finished." 

A prolonged sigh escaped her as she took a good look around the therian’s cabin; it seemed as if it had been a long time she was last within these four walls - and that last time was a very dramatic time. The memory caused a slight smile to appear at her lips as she came to the spot where she was close to killing the Dhampir where he stood for betraying both herself and Dominic; who would have thought that quite a small city could attract such drama. It was a true beacon to issues, tonight added to the list and she was sure as hell that what they had gone through this evening would not be the last time; and as much as she wished to be wrong, she knew it would not be the last time that one of the three would find themselves close to death. Rissa hoped that out of the three, it would be her - not that she wanted to die, but she guessed this was the curse of becoming friends with others, and consequently having feelings for them; she know knew she was not as selfish as she thought she always was - she knew she would die for them.

Clarissa finished off the bottle of rum as she watched Dominic leave with the two women to have a discussion outside; and not for a minute did she wish to know what the conversation was about - she had enough of her own family problems to be involved in another’s. The bottle was soon placed down upon the nearest countertop as the series of dream catchers and wind chimes caught her eye, the soft sound the chimes dancing within the small breeze which filtered through the window was soothing. Naturally, her arm reached her and she softly allowed the pads of her fingers to brush over the dreamcatcher, the soft feather caressing her skin caused a brief smile to find the corner of her lips; she may just ask if she could steal one, although she assumed if she did have a dreamcatcher, it would be so drowned in her nightmares, it would fail to work.

The sound of the male’s whistle stole her attention as she glanced over her shoulder to see him beckoning her to come over; with care, she dropped the dream catcher to allow it to dangle once more before she came to stand before the therian. The nephilim nodded, glad to have her reason for escaping - she wasn’t sure just how much she could take of the mood which lingered in the cabin. “Don’t give her too much grief for taking the bullet when she wakes up” She smiled and placed a hand upon Dominic’s shoulder before moving past him towards the door. “You, with me” She addressed the other girl who was watching Siobhan and the mastiff and left the cabin - not knowing if and when she could bring herself to visit Siobhan again.


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