Mirae's life hadn't been typical; but it also hadn't been the tragic life that most others she'd met around the city seemed to live. Mirae's one traumatic experience though, would cling to her for the rest of her life. The night her brother was struck by a sword, and having his choices taken away from him, causing her to strike at Coldren, and being punished in return, was something she'd never forget.  As a child and on up, Mirae loved to talk and could almost convince anyone of anything if she tried hard enough.As the young girl aged she tried to find her place in the world around them, she was generally intimidating to the other kids because of her loudspoken and unfiltered nature. It often got her into trouble with others but also made her popular and attracted her friends she relied on. Through her studies she worked hard, she wanted to learn everything there was to know, so she tended to push herself to the limit. 

Standing in front of a tall stand-up mirror in the bathroom of her motel room, Mirae sighed. She wasn't dissatisfied by what she saw when she looked into the mirror, but the Niveis still felt like she was finding her place in the city; a place to belong. Working in her own shop, was the one thing Mirae felt was all hers and something no one could take away from her, so it was safe to say it was the one place she found solace within. And now, figuring out whether or not this newly found passion for dancing, was something she'd take to a professional level or not, was the one thing she'd felt lost on. Mirae knew she enjoyed dancing, and she even enjoyed the splot light a little. What she loved most about it so far, were the people she had met. Especially Yeon. Then of course, her Firefly Ha-joon, but she needed to figure out if dancing would be something she could truly sink herself into, the way she'd gave her time and effort for being a healer and running an herb shop. 

After slipping into the attire she had laid out for herself, a pair of leggings, and a sports bra; with white sneakers, Mirae left the motel, flagging a cab down from the side walk. After requesting a ride to the mountain tops, the Niveis laid her head against the glass window, enjoying the scenery and using what little time the driver took to get her to her destination, to reflect on her life. Feeling as though she needed a release, Mirae's plans were to go meet up with one of the others in her faction, for a day of hand to hand combat / sparring practice. Mirae didnt have the luxury of saying that Anivia had ever trained her, but she had second best, she guessed, since she had called upon Rhydian Snow to work with her, who had been trained by Anivia herself. 

Mirae had only worked with him once now, but that one time had shown her just how skilled he was. She simply loved the edge he had to him. But, Mirae felt so downgraded compared to some of those in her faction; they were all naturally gifted when it came to fighting, but ever since she had moved to the city, Mirae hadn't done anything to keep her skills up. Today she'd planned on training until she couldn't stand any longer. The cab finally pulled over at the mountain tops, where most Niveis resided. When she got out, after paying for the ride, Mirae found her way to where Rhydian was supposed to be. Giving a loud knock on the door, she stood back, and began pacing as she waited. Mirae was also excited just to be around one of her own. She felt as though she definitely needed to reach out to more of her kind. 

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Rhydian opened his eyes slowly coming out of his meditative trans as the knocking of the door brought his senses back into to the here. And now he looked up towards the ceiling as he sat up rubbing his looking towards the open window * its open * he rose to his feet walking over to the hangers looking between a red grandfathers t-shirt and a black vest reaching for the jacket he put it on looking at the icey blue phoenix on his left wrist turning quickly to his desk looking at his phone flashing with a reminder Mirae Spar.

His mind ran back to the first session he had with her how unprepared but willing to learn *Baby steps Rhydian shes come to learn * he kept repeating to his self as he walked over . to the window looking out as the picked up the tape and began to bind his hands as the cool breeze . of the wind hit his face as his mind went back to the training he had with Anivia as her words . rang through his head *keep your distance, do not raise the situation, only use enough force to allow your escape and to leave lethal power as your last resort *he placed his tape back on the table as he began walking towards the stairs and began walking down

Mirae heard his voice ring out to her, letting her to know to come on in. With her nerves a wreck, she let herself in, following the voice, which led her to the bottom of the stairs. Mirae glanced in every direction, scanning the place as she waited for Rhydian to make an appearance. She hadn't trained in a long time now, and while she knew her skills were flawless, they were also rusty and in desperate need of brushing up. Sighing, she had began pacing until she heard foot steps. Mirae offered a warming smile as Rhydian made his way down the steps. It'd been such a long time since she'd even been around another Niveis, that she felt a reunion with them was overdue, but just being around one of them for now, sufficed. 

Approaching him, Mirae gave Rhydian a gentle hug, quickly withdrawing her arms, as she always kept in mind around other guys, Ha-joon was the only male she liked hugging. But, Niveis had lived as a tribe, all of them had

 been close to one another at some point, and practically like family. So she didn't think a hug was out of line. Clearing her throat, Mirae pressed her lips into a thin line "It's been a while Rhydian. How have you been?" she questioned, making small talk as she waited for him to lead her to the area he'd be sparring with her in. "You have a lovely place here, is this where you live?" she then asked curiously. She knew most factions tended to all reside in the same manor with one another, but Mirae had branched out, she wanted to live with her brother, even if he'd never be home. 

Her herbal shop had given her enough in a few years time, to get a decent enough place for the two of them. It was small, but it was cozy for just her and Dae. Shaking her head, she decided to push all thoughts aside for now. Mirae knew best, that you couldn't train when you had a head full of things clouding your judgement on the other persons every move. It typically caused you to get your ass kicked. "Thank you for taking me up on this on such short notice. I haven't practiced in a while, and I feel like i'm pretty out of shape, regarding my fighting skills."  she admitted, chuckling softly, and fell silent as she waited for him to show her the way. 

Rhydian leant the wall of the steps again as he looked towards her " At least you remembered one thing to scan all the possible escape or ambush points as he pushed off the wall as he made his way towards the training room being taken off guard suddenly by Mirae's hugs held his arms away forgetting some Nivels liked to give hugs " ill show yo the back door, so if I'm not here you can come and train he relaxed a little when Mirae let go as he pushed the door open revealing a punching bag, ring and training dummies .

Rhydian walked to the centre of the room suddenly taking a right towards a table and another door " there's the door its always open, so you can come in any time " he placed his cell on the table " the main rule two rules " he walked back to the centre of the room " one be aware of your surrounding every dark hallway . every window and door and rule two do no not escalate the situation offensive stance, or hand gestures could make it worse, but some times there is no choice

"show me your Defensive stance bearing in mind I am left-handed" he lowered his foot to the ground drawing a line across the path as he folded his arms behind his back as he began to walk around Mirae keeping his focus solely on her " do not believe your opponent will keep to straight ahead they will use everything they can defeat you they will even fight dirty as some have no honour at all "

he took a deep breath "Breath calm your mind " Rhydian returned to the centre of the room behind the line " now move to an offensive stance and attack me " he bent his legs to a ready stance still not revealing his arms as his face turned stern in concentration waiting for her to strike .

Mirae grinned when he acknowledged that she'd scanned her surroundings "Glad you noticed Rhyd" she stated, calling him a nickname she hadn't called him in years. The Nievis chuckled and twirled a long strand of her jet black hair around her finger as she noticed how off guard she had taken him, when she hugged him. After withdrawing her arms, and stepping back a few spaces, Mirae nodded when he said he'd show her the back door, giving her free reign over the place during the times he wouldn't be there. "That's great, thanks Rhydian. I will definitely use that invite" she stated, before taking a peek inside the training room. The dummies, punching bags, and very large floor made her light up, utter happiness radiated from Mirae as she viewed the space she'd be using quite often now. 

Brushing up on her skills was needed at this point, but she knew she'd find herself here during the days that she just wanted to let go of all the anger too. Or the days where she wanted to reflect on things. "You've got a good set up here" she stated, and walked further inside before placing her bag down, and pulling a pair of fingerless gloves out, to protect her knuckles from any damage during hand to hand combat. Watching him step to the center of the floor, Mirae gave a wicked smirk, but she listened to the rules intently. Rules like that were a must, so she was impressed, the moment he began speaking them out loud. "Got it." she stated, before stepping to the middle with him, breathing in and out a few times. 

When he finally asked Mirae to show him her defensive stance, Mirae blushed slightly, but did as she was directed before getting into the same stance she would, if she were being attacked. She knew foot orientation, and body positioning was everything; and she knew she was very rusty on hers. With that, Mirae got into a low stance,  low stances were very powerful and could assist delivery of power through the body to either the arms or the legs, knowing she'd be at a disadvantage to change positions rapidly, like she could if she'd taken a higher stance. Either way though, she went with a low defense stance, doing what felt best to her. 

Bringing her right elbow in to her side, and her left held more outward, with her dainty fists balled up, and her feet aligned just right,  Mirae looked to Rhydian, "This is my stance, though as you know, us supernaturals lean on our abilities a lot more than we should, so it's been a long time since ive used a mundane fighting stance" she chuckled and shook her head, but held her stance regardless. Mirae watched him intently, biting her lower lip as he began to circle her, feeling the intimidation that came along with someone circling her. As he then told her to breathe, and keep her mind relaxed, she did just that, and began taking smooth calming breaths of air. 

Mirae was unaware that she'd get to actually do the hand to hand combat today, but when he told her to step to a defense stance, and attack him, Mirae moved along the floor to where Rhydian was, focused and well alert as she made her first strike against him, by sending an uppercut straight towards him, followed by a few straight punches. She definitely was rusty, but she made sure none of her jabs connected with him directly, and kept in mind that this was only training for the real deal. 

Rhydian allowed the uppercut to make contact as he moved his hand towards her left jab deflecting it off his palm as several other connected with his body as he hooked his right leg around her front leg " I didn't know we were in a boxing ring " Rhydian smirked as he pointed towards his foot hooked around hers " remember the mundane techniques are what have been used for thousands of years " he gently  let Mirae  go making sure she didn't fall the mundane techniques   are the things  that will keep you alive while we are  at our  weakest"..

Rhydian walked towards  the  two  punching mitts  as he slid them on pulling the velcro  tight " your defensive   position is beautiful, but you  need to be able to adjust  to any environment  yes there is  an off chance its a   one-off, but what if  you were being watched many people can cope with a technique easily, so we need to   adapt, so they  don't know the real you "  Rhydian took  a few steps as he positioned himself in a grounded  position  as .  he began to shadow punch varying between hi and low attacks as but  as you said we have our advantages  so  we can add ice or snow to attacks " Rhydians mind  went off track a little as he thought back  to how he trained Roman and his  protection .

" some times  keeping a secret is the key between life and death I learnt that the last 2 days before I became who you see today, but  none knew I was a phoenix until the day  it was fight or die for myself " his voice turned a little  sharp  as he felt the  betrayal every time he  thought  about Roman   he stood back in the ring I like  to jabs   left-right every position I put the pads up    " Begin.

As Rhydian continued deflecting each of her jabs, except for the few Mirae connected to his jaw, she huffed, but refused to give up. When she realized his leg had now hooked hers, she was sure she'd hit her ass. He could have certainly taken her out like that. Mirae smirked though, as he kept a hand behind her back, to keep her from falling, "Nice save. Although I deserve to land on my ass for not paying attention" she chuckled, and inhaled deeply.

Mirae gave a playful eye roll. "I'm rusty, and I guess I didn't want to hurt you" she winked, because she knew he could really take her out if he wanted to, and show her how this is really done. "You're taking it easy on me. Don't." she then protested, waving a hand at him to drive her point home. Mirae tilted her head in awe of his techniques, and how smart he was on this specific topic as he slid some punching mits on, and tightly fastened them. "So, you're saying I should be able to adapt to any enviroment with the use of mundane techniques?" she asked, realizing how much she actually needed to work on.

"Being what we are makes it easy to defend ourselves. But, Ive never harmed anyone with my supernatural abilities, Ive just never relied on mundane techniques, so I have a lot to learn I guess" she said, frowning some, until he said her defense stance was beautiful.

"Thank you" she nodded in appreciation. Mirae grinned as he said they could always add ice and snow to their attacks She listened, and nodded to let him know she understood. "So you had no one who knew you were a Phoenix until you died and became what you are now?" she questioned, frowning and feeling sympathetic towards him.

"It's gonna be okay, Rhy" she expressed, seeing the pain behind his sharp features. He was a hell of a teacher, but everyone had weaknesses, and his seemed to be the moment he was betrayed by whomever Roman was. "Roman is the villain in your story, mine is Coldren. Sadly neither of us can make them pay, all we can do is move on and do better this go around" she then began giving left-right jabs each time he held a hand up, following his direction, hoping not to land a jab in his jaw again.

The Niveis smirked as she used the ability of ice to freeze his feet in place, causing his shoes, to freeze to the floor underneath him. "So, what would you do now? If I were someone trying to hurt you.. another Niveis for instance?" she asked, trying to learn all the possible ways to defend herself from whomever and whatever would be tossed her way. Rhydian had been someone Mirae had endured a past with, the one source of comfort she'd had when Coldren sent her into isolation away from her brother to work an apothocary as punishment. So, to now be trained by him, caused a little tension to loom around them.

Rhydian smirked as his  marking on his left wrist began  to glow as he used to  hand to use the ice at his  feet melted away as he pointed gis fist up a shield of ice rose  in front of him  as he  used his  right to form a slight blizzard  letting it engulf him  before  lowering the protection he began moving with the blizzard  using his senses  he lowered  his arm quickly  taking her yo the ground  as he waved away  the ice and snow a sigh of frustration escaped his lips. 

"  if you planned to go kept me there Mirae you would of your attacks are as weak as your ice " Rhydian snapped as he paced the room watching Mirae hating the fact he had to be cruel to be kind.  No wonder your brother died if his attacks were  as weak as yours no wonder he died  and you were to weak to  defend him save him you watched him die and you failed " Rhydians face remained  emotionless as  he  smirks   as his mind  hopes Mirae could focus on the fight while upset  "do you want to hit me again " he smirked as  as he moved to a defensive pose   as he  beckoned  her to try 

Mirae knew he had been holding back. And, a big part of her feared the moment that he stopped taking it so easy on her. Like now for instance. Mirae stared up at him from the ground, partially amused, partially pissed. Rhydian was a great trainer, and this was the reason she came to him. She knew he'd train her properly, and not take it easy on her just because she's a female. 

Mirae glared a hole through him, and if looks could kill in that moment, he would have been a dead man. "Ouch, way to wound a girls pride Rhydian" she stated, and pushed herself back up, ready for more. It was when Rhydian began to mouth out the words about Daehyun that a fire lit within Mirae. She knew he did this to push her a little harder, so she would actually use her skills. But, he had no idea what he just did. 

Mirae's eyes had fluttered closed. Daehyun lying in the snow with a sword in his chest began to play in a loop in her head, and her dainty hands had began flexing into fists. She had even began heaving a little, breathing more heavily than normal before stepping forward with a mixture between low kicks, and high strikes, letting each of her movements connect to him.. she didn't even care where, as long as she connected. 

"You have no idea how much" she said in response to him asking if she wanted to hit him again. She could see the wicked smirk displayed on his features, which made Mirae continue to swing at him. "You really kno how to bring it out of a girl huh?" she asked, and took a deep breath. Mirae saw now that she had her work cut out for her today... But, that's exactly why she had came to him. That reminder however, of what had happened to Daehyun, had caught Mirae off guard, causing her to become actually angry.. which probably made her moves angry, which meant she still needed to work on her training she guessed. "You've became slow old man." she added, swiftly turning to try and take his legs out from under him. 

Rhydian winced as he felt the blows to his body as he took a deep breath as he held her as he felt her leg around his "close to taking some one's legs out do not. aim for the muscle it is best for the back of the leg " he moves her foot placing her toes at the crease of his knees as he winced feeling the hits as he offered his hand " you have the power Mirae you showed it I could see it and feel it " he chuckled as he fell to the floor

" who do you see when you fight what do you fight for do you fight for revenge " he got up as he began to circle Mirae " or do you see the murderer that took the one you love evey where " Rhydian . picked up a blindfold as he stood at the far side of the circle when you fight you need to be able to see when you cannot and judge the actions you need to be able to see the one target the one in front of you "he soon put his blindfold on " your senses also help and some times better than sight all together remember you fight with the hatred and power but you need that focus to control it " Rhydian stood still as he let the room turn quiet as he beckoned with his hands

Mirae knew the deal when it came to Rhydian. She'd been with him in more ways than just sparring. He had been a dominate person, in most aspects of his life, so it was no surprise that he was just as dominate when it came to warming her back up to all the fighting styles she felt rusty on. Her toes now lined up with the crease of his knee, and she took his exact adbice, going right for the muscle in his leg. She shook her head, and hit him again. "At least we both still know who has the power here. That's good, after all these years" she smirked, with a narrowed gaze and reach out to him as he offered a hand to her. 

Mirae was still breathing pretty heavily when he began circling her, with a series of questions that made her feel breathless. Damn. He was good at what he did, she had to admit that. "I see .." she swallowed harshly, and tried again "I see Coldren" she frowned, but in the next instance, her abilities overwhelemed her, as they normally did when her emotions got the better of her. But, she knew that's why they were here. Rhydian was trying to teach her how to get a grip of that. "It's happening again" she warned him just before shaping water in the floor, into frigid cold spikes, but she had thankfully refrained from causing them to lunge at him. 

Mirae's eyes widened then, when he blind folded himself. But, he was good enough and he knew that, so he had no need to fear that blind fold, plus it was a good lesson. His words were always powerful, and Mirae hung onto them. "So, I need to learn how to fight without being able to directly see my target?" she asked, confused at first, wanting him to clarify. When he began to beckon her over, Mirae followed, and decided to start throwing powerful blows his way. Perhaps he'd show her exactly what he meant, when he started blocking her hits. Doing that with a blind fold on, seemed pretty damn hard. But, she supposed it was all about anticipation. 

"How are you so good at all of this?!" she asked, frustrated as he done exactly what she looked for him to do, which ended up being him blocking every one of her hits, even blind folded. "Teach me" she added, but she was relentless, and refused to give up until she learned. 

Rhydian . took Miraes hand as he. was helped up " Growing up on the streets you had to fight to survive foods shelter or just plain to be alive the next morning "Rhydian walked over to the water bottle as he took the other passing it over to Mirae " Take 5 minutes. " Rhydian sat down on the ground with his back against the wall.

"Roman taught me " he was caught off guard as Miraes abilities kicked in " Mirae stop breath" he rose to his feet quickly as his wrist turned light blue as he shook his wrist to evapourate the spikes " Coldren would not want this he isn't gone Mirae. he is with you if you feel it or not he is the one protecting you he is stopping you going after the ones that murdered him Mikaere taught me that even though they're not here they guide us help us Coldren will help you control your ability imagine every time you use your knowledge they are with you telling you when enough is enough or build on it.

" mist fighters rely on sight to fight, but it is your other senses that help you as well " Rhydian raised his hand deflecting the one of the blow as he stepped aside avoiding the other blows " man fighters have many different styles 90 per cent grunt while striking or making noise while planning there strikes. My people smell of there environment " Rhydian took off his blindfold as he . took her free gently spinning her " and you smell you can judge there distance by where they have been before like you for instance if I never knew you I could tell you work in some sort of herb or flower shop " he smiled as he walked back to the edge of the circle " close your eyes tell me what you hear smell taste " Rhydian Began to circle . making the occasional noise on the ground " when Roman found me I was a brawler when I finished I was a fighter that's how I became good at this

As he took her hand, Mirae gave a sneaky grin, and contemplated pulling him back down, but she refrained and listened intently, watching his every move because she knew he liked teaching a lesson when someone wasn't paying attention. But, so far it had helped her, so she couldn't complain. "Well, I suppose growing up in our tribe was pretty much the same as growing up on the streets. I remember what it was like.." she grimaced a little as she gave him a look before gazing out into the distance, wishing that just for a second, she could have one second of her mothrs time. She'd never really gotten any proper time with her, and before she knew it, Daehyun was telling her she had sacrificed herself to keep her and Dae safe.

Mirae inhaled deeply, when he told her to breathe. She stared him down as if she were staring a target down, ready to pounce like an animal. But, he evaproted her spikes as quick as she had formed them. His words sank in enough to allow the younger Niveis to breathe. "Coldren ruined mine and Daehyun's lives. But you're right.. the people I love, and lost, will always be with me, if not here, in my heart. I just hate him so much" she admitted. Sure he was their leader at one point in time, but who hadn't grown to hate the vindictive bastard. The day he was laid to rest for good, the whole tribe celebrated. She could remember it like it was yesterday. Her and Dae didn't get the same satisfaction as everyone else though. She guessed they each knew, they'd never get that time back with one another that they'd lost, due to Coldren's punishment.

As he avoided her next set of blows, she huffed out in frustration, but continued listening. She'd never really relyed n her other senses to help her in a situation like this, so she imagined it would be a difficult style to adjust to, but she was willing to learn all the same. "So you're saying smell can actually help me defend myself?" she asked, a puzzled look on her face but she was truly curious. When he took off his blind fold, she grinned at him "That was pretty impressive though, i'll admit" she nodded in admiration, and giggled softly as he spun her.

Mirae finally got what he meant, when he gave her an example of how she smelled like  her herbal shop. Mirae then closed her eyes. That was definitely a challenge which made her look up to him even more. Because he had flawlessly avoided each strike she sent towards him while being blind folded. She focused enough to know he was circling her. And, while she couldn't pin point exactly where he was, she could sense how close he was. Her sense were more on fire right now than they'd ever been, and she kind of enjoyed it "I hear you pacing around me. I taste ... well, I don't know yet.. and I smell your arrogance" she smirked playfully. "Besides your cologne, which smells pretty damn good" she laughed, and bit her lower lip before openin her eyes again. "I think I know what you're saying though. My senses were pretty alert when I allowed myself to focus with my eyes shut. But, it was scary, i'll admit." she stated, and gazed into his eyes for a moment.

"So what do you do when someone much bigger than you, someone much more powerful.. maybe even a supernatural approaches you. How do you defend yourself from something that overpowers you?" she asked, but showed no fear. Mirae knew there'd be a moment in her life, where she would have to rely on Rhydian's advice, so she didn't mind throwing questions his way. As she waited, she decided to sit back down by the wall where they once were, and gestured for him to join her. They hadn't really taken all but a five minute break ever since they had started. After downing the bottle of water he reach her earlier, Mirae smiled at him "Thank you for doing this Rhy. With past history aside, you've really helped me" she expressed, and sighed as she let her head rest against the wall behind her, before closing her eyes. "Soo, tell me. Who's the lucky woman these days?" she asked teasingly. She couldn't help but wonder. He was a past flame after all. How could she not wonder about his love life.


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