It had been a few months since Elle had last seen and spoken to Baptiste. One could say that a reunion with her ex, had been rather intense. She had certainly felt, like she was on a bit of an emotional roller coaster. A one, that seemed to spiral downwards;especially when he came out to her about being gay. Which was a bit of a shocking revelation for Elle. One moment, it seemed like things would be fine. The next, he was opening up about being Gay. The Therian wasn’t proud of her reaction; she hadn’t handled it well to say the least. But it had felt; like their relationship in the past, had been some sort of an experiment. Maybe it was her overly emotional self; but she had doubts as to what she was to Baptiste.

It’s not like she could swallow her feelings up for him either; although she had wished the ground could have swallowed her up, with how she had felt that evening. All Elle had remembered, was storming out of his place in tears. Having ignored the shouts and yells from the Valkyr; as she fled. She needed time to herself. To get to grips with everything. That night; she was a little out of it and broken. That Elle had almost walked into oncoming traffic. Getting herself almost killed, wasn’t on her list. But a mysterious stranger; had luckily pulled her out of the way.

Since then. Elle had avoided the Valkyr Territory; unless she was there to see her elder half brother Phoenix. But mainly, she had just cut off any contact with Bap. Ignoring any messages, calls ect. The young red-head just didn’t have the courage to face him...let alone talk to him. Clearly, she just needed time for herself. To try and heal. But getting over him entirely, would take her a while. In that time; Elle had tried to focus on her career; and spending time with her friends. It was helping her forget. At least, temporary.

With the holidays passed; Elle felt in slightly better spirits. She had always loved Christmas. And was hoping for a bit of a better year, in 2020. As emotionally; she hadn’t been all there; the last few months since her return to Evermore.

Over the last few weeks; it had been snowing quite a bit. But she couldn’t complain. Snow, always helped things feel a bit more festive. Winter without Snow, just didn’t feel complete. At least not in her mind.

That afternoon; Elle was heading to the shops for some groceries. She was always a careful driver; especially in weather like this. But guess, today she might not be so lucky. There was ice, hidden under the snow. Dangerous for drivers of any kind. As she was driving through the streets of Evermore. Her wheels suddenly got out of control, against the ice. Skidding and swerving. Elle’s car drove straight into a lamp-post. Before another car accidentally slammed into her side, which caused her car to flip. Everything had happened too quick. That Elle didn’t have time to process it all so quickly. As the window shattered around her, from car flipping over. Her eyes closed tightly. But she felt the glass cut across her face. The impact knocking her unconscious. 

With on-lookers near the shops alerting the medics and police; help soon came to the scene. It had taken multiple people, to get Elle out of her flipped over car; some others were checking on the other person; in their car. After loading Elle into the ambulance; two paramedics were by her side; checking her for injuries. It appeared that she had a broken leg, fractured right wrist, and what would be a bad concussion. So far; they weren’t sure if she’d have internal bleeding. They began to clean the cuts across her face, as well as checking for any other head injuries; as she seemed to be bleeding slightly. By the time, arrived with her at the hospital. Elle was slowly waking up; her head pounding. Muscles feeling sore.

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The last time Baptiste had seen Elle, things were pretty terrible between them. The Valkyr had always said, he never wanted to leave things on a bad note, with anyone he loved, and that's exactly what had happened to him and Elle. Baptiste and Elle hadn't had the worse relationship though, and the moment he told her he loved her, he had meant that. The Valkyr unfortunately came to terms with the fact that he didn't love her the way she loved him however, and that even with her, something was still missing in his life. That was until he met Jason Hills. Jason was someone Baptiste instantly fell head over hills for, and that had been during the time Elle was absent from his life, but with Jason, everything that didn't make sense with Elle, seemed to make so much more sense.

Baptiste could remember their last fight like it had only happened yesterday, and each time he relived it, he saw her walk out broken. He couldn't close his eyes without seeing that, and so it was safe to say, Baptiste had been avoiding sleep. During the time Elle has been ignoring him though, Bap has decided to get in touch with his inner feelings, and his relationship with Elias. Elias was someone that entered Baptiste's life when Jason left the city, or more so, got taken away from the city. Elias and Bap clicked almost the same way he and Jason did, which made Baptiste realize he was gay.It hurt and wounded Bap's pride more than anyone could have imagined, especially as a priest. This wasn't how his father had raised him, and to think he was letting his father down, hurt even more. And he had to face it, Elle had been hurt by this revelation too.

The Valkyr was busy making his rounds in the hospital, and had just left a family's room, grieving over their 10 year old son, who had cancer and wouldn't survive another week. After saying a prayer for them, Baptiste had taken the cross off his neck, and gave it to the little boy, telling him it would be there for him when he needed it most. He imagined how scared the boy would be when he began losing his battle to cancer, and if a necklace could help him, then Baptiste didn't mind losing it, he'd buy another eventually.

The Valkyr was on his way to the chapel of the hospital when paramedics rushed past him with an all to familiar presence.  He had to be wrong though, right? Surely that wasn't Elle on a stretcher. All at once, Baptiste felt his world spinning out from underneath him. Because no mater how they had left things, it's not like he didn't still love her. A part of him always would. With his entire body tensed up, Baptiste ran after the paramedics, shoving his way through a crowd of nurses who stood by the door to keep people out. "Sir you can't be in here". Bap could feel his blood pressure rising, and with a sinister glare, he remained in Elle's room "Like hell I can't" he nearly growled, and turned his attention back on Elle who was seemingly just starting to wake up.

Baptiste took a seat by her bed, and the doctor waved off the nurses, telling them Baptiste worked here anyways. "Elle, what happened?" he asked, his voice cracking as he felt his emotions taking over. Reaching for her hand, the Valkyr held onto her, hoping she'd pull through this. Supernatural or not, he wasn't even sure what all was wrong with her, and he could smell her blood so strong that it effected him in ways it shouldn't.  A small voice in the Valkyr's head had been telling him to lose control lately, and he prayed silently that it wouldn't be here, or today. Not Elle. He didn't know what was happening to him, but it was something he couldn't fight, nor control any longer. He  just wanted to be here for her without anything messing it up.

Her mind was spinning. What exactly happened? Elle wasn’t too sure. Last she remembered, was driving along the icy road and her wheels losing control. The rest of the car accident was almost erased from her memory, due to her concussion. As soon as her eyes opened; she was met with the bright lights of the hospital emergency room. Her vision bit on the fuzzy side. The young woman blinked a few times, in effort it would clear up slightly. The clean, sterile smell of the hospital was something that always made her stomach twist. Elle wasn’t fond of that hospital smell.

As she tried to make out her surroundings, a too familiar scent caught her nose. A Valkyr. Not just any Valkyr. Her ex. “Bap?” Elle asked-sounding a bit confused. How was he here? It’s not like he was in her emergency contacts, not anymore. Feeling him take her hand. Elle wanted to snatch her hand back. But his touch felt comforting.

Focusing her blurry vision towards the Valkyr that was sitting by her side. She squinted her eyes slightly. Something about him seemed different. She half thought,it was the concussion playing with her. “Wow...I must really have a bad concussion, cause I am seeing you with blue hair?” Then suddenly her vision became doubled. Making her groan in exasperation. As if one of him wasn't enough. Now he had a twin, due to her messy vision.

Him wanting to know, what happened was a good question. What exactly happened? Elle reached up to rub her temple with her free hand, but groaned as the movement caused her to ache more. Gritting her teeth together, to stop herself from growing. “Mother fuck…” she cursed under her breathe. If she didn’t stop herself, her language would be more colorful. Her hand rubbing at her eyes, to try and clear her vision.

“I just remember being in the car. I think I hit some black ice.” Elle finally told Baptiste, whilst the doctors and nurse were checking up on her.

“Her car was found flipped over. Another car on the scene.” One of the nurses told Baptiste, since it was clear that Elle didn’t remember much of the car accident. Looking at him. “She has a fractured wrist, broken leg, what appears to be a concussion and possibly some minor internal bleeding. But we won’t know more, until we run a few scans.” The nurse had no idea if he was a relative or not. But he knew Elle, so she thought it best to give him an update.

The vibes between her and Baptiste had been tense ever since he'd broken things off with her for the sake of not only Elias, but his own sexuality. It's not like he had cheated on Elle, and in some ways, the Valkyr would always love her, it's just that he couldn't be selfish and keep her tied down to someone incapable of returning the same kind of love. Baptiste and Elle had quite the story, and like Elias, the twins from his past had swept in, and scared the person he loved away. Bap could feel the hesitancy of her holding his hand, almost as if she didn't want to, but he figured since he was the only one by her side right now, that she'd taken his hand to feel the slightest bit of comfort. 

He couldn't help but crack a faint smile when she questioned his choice of hair color. "Not just the concussion love, I needed a change, thus, blue hair" he gave a playful wink before running his thumb across her scratched up knuckles, frowning at the sight of someone as strong as her, laid up in a hospital bed, battered by something as simple as a car crash. 

Bap's eyes widened at the few choice words she used when she cursed, but he understood. As he listened to her explain what she could remember, the Valkyr frowned "I'm so sorry" he said in the form of a whisper. He could tell she was in immense pain, so he had tried using a soft tone, as well as touch. "You are usually so aware of your surroundings though Elle. Hitting black ice sounds so unlike you. Was something distracting you?" he was then silenced by the sound of a nurse's voice. To hear her car was completely flipped, made his stomach twist into knots. 

"She's lucky to be alive" Baptiste fought the tears threatning to pour down his cheeks and nodded at the nurse when she said they wouldn't know more until after some tests were run. "Do what you need to, but i'm not leaving her. If she asks me to, I will, but don't bother asking me too yourself" he warned as calmly as he could. There was no way he'd leave her in this shape. He knew Elle had the advantage of being a supernatural who could heal more quickly than a human could, but supernatural or not, she was still in bad shape, and he wasn't sure to what extent her supernatural status would save her. It all brought him back to the day he'd brought his ex lover Jason back from the dead. Would he do that again for someone he loved? Absolutely, but he didn't want to ever have to do that again. It felt wrong as a priest and a man who taught others about the word of God. So now all he could do is pray that she wasn't in any danger of dying. 

When the nurses finally cleared out to get Elle's tests ready, Baptiste gazed down to her battered up form, and continued fighting back tears. "Id ask how you've been.. but.." he swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and proceeded. "we left things at such a bad place Elle. And, with you laying here like this now, .. I don't want to leave anything unsaid. I'll wait until you're ready, but you must know we have a lot to talk about" Baptiste released her hand, but remained at her bedside even as the nurses come and go, performing one test after another on her. "Do you need anything? Need me to call anyone?" he asked curiously, hoping there was something he could do to help. While the nurses prepped her for her tests, Baptiste ran down to the gift shop and bought a stuffed bear. It was a small gesture, but he wanted to do whatever he could right now to help her. Even if she told him to leave, if that helped her, then he'd do so without hesitation. 

In all honesty, The Therian wasn’t sure how to be around her ex. Things felt so tense and awkward. If she could keep herself in her own bubble, to avoid him. She would. But it was something, she couldn’t do forever. So she wasn’t sure how Baptiste expected her to react around him. But having someone around was better, than no one at all. For now, his company would somehow do.

As he admitted to needing a change. “Ah. I wouldn’t have guessed you’d go for blue.” Strangely, the blue hair suited him. She did her best to avoid eye-contact, when he winked at her. Knowing too full, he’d still have some sort of an effect on her.  Elle could only hope that her healing abilities would kick in sooner; to aid in her recovery process.

Hearing his comment. Elle closed her eyes tightly. Trying not to snap at him. But her voice sounded irritable. “I don’t exactly have x-ray vision Bap. It was hidden under snow. Not my fault, I didn’t see it, even though I was going slow!” Heck, she didn’t even know how she lost control of her car so quickly. Almost like something had caused the accident to happen. But it felt more like bad luck, than anything else. Dropping his hand; Elle brought up her hand to rub her temple.The splitting head-ache was making her temple throb. If she tried to figure it out, she’d probably end up giving herself an even bigger head-ache than she already was sporting. “Before you ask me, I don’t know how I lost control of the car. It just happened. Like I had no control over it.” Elle breathed out. Almost suspecting the next question that would come, from him.

Considering everything, she and Baptiste have been through. It still felt somewhat strange having him by the hospital bed-side. Worrying over her. It made her somewhat regret her snappy comment, a few moments ago. But given the circumstances; she wasn’t sure how else she would react to similar questions. “Don’t start an argument with the doctors.” Elle huffed, hearing Bap’s warning. It was the last thing she needed to hear. Baptiste and the Doctors, having a go back and forth; if he could stay or should go.

Glancing back towards the Valkyr. Elle bit the inside of her cheek slightly. “That would be a bad question to ask.” Most likely, would have been met with a slap. Elle sighed heavily. Knowing he had a good point. “I am not sure how you expected things to go. If anything, it’s awkward being around you.” It might not be something he wanted to hear. But she couldn’t exactly pretend, like nothing happened and act normal around him. What was even ‘normal’ around him anymore? Yeah, she knew he still probably had a lot to get off of his chest. “I had a feeling, that was coming.” Although, at the moment. She wasn’t entirely too sure talking about the situation with her in pain was a good idea. “Just give me, a bit before my healing starts to kick in, before you hit me with the heavy stuff.”

As he asked if she needed anything. “Some water would be good.” Elle felt thirsty. Needing some fluids, in her system. At the thought of calling someone, Elle shook her head. “No...I’ll...I’ll sort something out later.” Elle didn’t exactly what Baptiste calling up her elder brother, as she was sure Nik would most likely try and murder Bap over the phone. Elle would deal with her brother on her own, when she could.

After the nurses entered the hospital room again; setting her up for the scans. It wasn’t long before, she got wheeled away to one of the scan rooms. The Doctors wanted to check for any signs of internal bleeding. The bed under the scanning dome was rather uncomfortable. Not to mention the lights inside weren't doing her much good, thanks to her concussion. Elle closed her eyes, to try and keep the lights away from her; as much as possible. After about 45 minutes, the nurses took her back to her hospital room after all the tests had been run. Giving her some additional pain medication.

The Valkyr could almost tell that it was just having his company that mattered to her right now. He felt sad, to think she was going through anything at all. Despite their relationship not working out, Bap still wanted her to be happy. He smiled faintly when she said she wouldn't have thought he'd go for blue, shaking his head amused slightly. "It's different. I guess I didn't even care what color it was, I just wanted different.. and Elle..." he trailed off with a tone of sadness. "I'm truly sorry for how things went for us. I never want you to think I didn't care, or that I didn't at some point love you. And I probably always will love you, just not in the way I should have,and im sorry for that. I did a lot of soul searching, so imagine my surprise when I found out who I really was.. that men were my type after all this time of not feeling right, or feeling like myself, Never could have imagined it was for that reason, and my father would be turning in his grave to find out that the little boy who followed him around, witnessing to people about God's love, turned out to be gay." Baptiste frowned and shook his head.

He knew winking at her, had gotten to her because she'd averted her gaze. Baptiste had gotten to know Elle intimately, and personally, and he was pretty comfortable around her. So winking at her, hadn't seemed like an issue until now,and he knew he would have to change the way he acted with her. The last thing he wanted to do was drag her along anemotional ride, while she tried to heal from a broken heart that he was responsible for. It was when Elle became irritable with him, that he really felt concerned. She was really convinced that the wreck had happened completely out of her control, as if an invisible force had gotten it's hands on the steering wheel and purposely caused an accident, landing her in the hospital. But why Elle? She was an amazing person.. who, or what on earth would wanna harm her? Those questions swirled around in Bap's mind long enough to cause his entire mood to change. "Whatever caused this Elle.. I will figure it out. I promise" He cared too much about the Therian to let this rest. He had a new life now, and a new partner, but he never intended to completely cross Elle out. She would always be special, and he'd always probably love her.

Baptiste frowned slightly when she told himnot to fight with the doctors. IT sucked to see her in pain, and he didn't want to be anywhere but right here. If that meant fighting with every doctor and nurse in this hospital, then so be it. "I'll try my best to keep my composure" he stated, and gave her a look because she knew how he was. Baptiste sighed, she was right.. he guessed things just wasn't effecting him the same way they were her, and that wasn't even fair. But that wasn't saying he didn't care about her as much as she did him. Baptiste felt horrible for weeks after telling her he had to leave her. And sometimes, he still felt like complete shit. With his head hung low, the Valkyr lifted his gaze just enough to meet her eyes as she asked him to give her a bit before he started with the heavy stuff. "That's fair Elle, whatever you need" he stated as he got up to get her some water.

Baptiste returned with water, and reclaimed his seat by her bed, nodding as she said she'd sort something out later. "Well, until then.. i'm here. I just hate that you feel awkward being near me right now..." he said in a sad tone of voice. To know they had went from the best of friends, and even lovers, to the awkwardness, was just heart breaking. Baptiste watched Elle get rolled away to get x-ray's and other tests done,and sat there with just his thoughts to accompany him while he waited 45 minutes. He had paced a little too, but stayed in her room nonetheless. When Elle was brought back in, she seemed to be a little loopy from more pain medication, which was kind of cute, considering the huge smile on her face right now.Baptiste knew she wasn't smiling because she was happy, so it had to be from the pain meds, which only caused him to chuckle. Folding his arms, the Valkyr walked to her bedside and crouched enough to be the same height as her bed. "I'm sorry for what happened to you Elle, but I hope you know.. I'm really happy you're still around. I know it may not seem like it, but .. if something were to happen to you.. I don't think I could handle it" he stated, and placed his palm on her shoulder gently.
"What all kinds of test are we waiting on now?" he asked, and he was hopeful that there was nothing badly wrong with her. Waiting like this simply put him on edge.

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