Donovan returning to Evermore was something of a surprise even to himself. He made plans to return to south africa in the wake of his parents and brothers death to tend to the family business now that he was all that was left of the Hendrix family. He felt so utterly alone in the halls of the home he grew up in. Once filled with a full family,  was now unexpectedly dwindled down to just him. He held a title that really had no meaning since there were many Dukes and Duchess. He had cousins he wasn’t close to. His word was not here anymore. His heart belongs in Evermore. It was the only place he wanted to settle himself in. So he put things in order to make sure the staff that was part of the Hendrix family was either coming with him or settled for the next six months.

Selling off the estate would bring in even more future income, but part of him couldn’t bring himself to sell it. So he resided in the fact it could be a summer or get away home for himself. Leaving a groundskeeper to make sure the place was taken care of in his absence. After all was said Donvon and the people he was keeping on staff moved back to Evermore. This time instead of an apartment above his club that was still in full swing under the wonderful management he put in place before leaving, he purchased a small scale mansion. After placing his bags down he looked out to the night sky. He didn’t want to unpack, he wanted to see her.

The one person he left behind that would forever live in his mind. He looked at his phone, he was sure he could call her and talk to her like they had many times since he left. Finding a friendship along the way. She was the only one he felt understood him with the loss he had faced. The pain that echoed in his chest. He picked up his guitar case, bound his way out of his new home among the staff and movers who were unpacking things and moving them around. “I will be back.” He called to one of the house keepers that were trying to stop him. 

He slid into the car making his way to the ailward manor. He moved around where he knew Argents room was and picked up a few pebbles and started to toss them at the window. When he was sure he got her attention he pulled out his guitar and started to strum away the song he had written with her.

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She shrugged her shoulders slightly “I actually liked his brother…a lot” she admitted and pressed her lips together “But I could have done worse, he was kind enough and never expected much of me” she just kinda existed at that time and eventually she had become pretty tired with that existence. She grinned slightly when he said the world needed her to heal them “Well that sounds like a lot of pressure” she jested but shrugged “I just do what I can…much like many other people” it was a collaborative effort.

She paused for a moment in response to his compliment and smiled softly “Guys can be plenty beautiful themselves you know” she murmured softly, she had always seen the world that way, perhaps because she had always seen people’s auras which often made her attribute them to beauty. Sometimes the aspect found herself becoming numb to things that she felt she probably shouldn’t, but she definitely appreciated his effort to comfort her “I know, I’m lucky that way” she always found new, good people in her life and some of them stayed around for a while, others didn’t, it was the natural flow.

She laughed softly “I think we can all be guilty at being better advocates for others than we are for ourselves” it as easy to give advice but it was much harder to take it. Once they reached the ice cream shop she was practically buzzing, she enjoyed the little things in life and getting to have a treat like this was definitely a highlight she would enjoy.”Oh I have no idea…I’m usually a cookie dough girl but that seems pretty boring given all the options…” she started up at the menu and frowned a little in thought “Ooooh there’s a rainbow one” she pointed out excitedly “I’ll try it…” she was easily swayed she supposed as she went up to the counter and placed her order for the “rainbow rush” flavor.

✧ Say Anything ✧
Seeing her shrug her shoulders and talk about a past love he felt a sorrow in his own soul because it seemed like she never got to experience the love she wanted. “I’m sorry that you didn’t get a chance to be closer with his brother. I would say though it was your husband's loss to not realize the gem he had, and the true promise you have in your soul.” Giving a nod of his head he smiled as he reached over to give a gentle squeeze, “I would say that as long as most of us try to help the world things would get better.” After he was a realist he knew not everyone would want to help others beyond themselves and what benefits them.

“Is that your way of saying I shine like a Diamond?” He chuckled to her soft murmurs. He was a man of many things, confidence shined brightly with him. Even in his darkest of moments he leaned on that confidence. Though he would admit he would like to see the world through her eyes one time. She always viewed the best in people, she was one of a kind. “It's because we don’t care to give ourselves breaks like we do others. If we treated ourselves like we did our friends, we would probably all be happier.” He laughed weakly knowing he himself was a victim to his own dark thoughts and overthinking.

As he looked over the list he followed her behind her to counter after she ordered her rainbow rush, “I will take a Golden Moon,” He said which was a caramel swirl with heath candies mixed in. They had their ice cream in hand in no time and he moved over to one of the little tables that sat outside the little ice cream shop. Taking in a breath of fresh air he smiled towards the world around them. It was a good day. Taking a big scoop in and shoving it into his, giving himself a brain freeze for a moment. Making a face before it faded. “I will admit, I am not sure what I can do in Evermore to help the Dhampir community lately.”

He had taken the reins once again and found himself questioning what he could do to prove he could be a good leader. “I feel like a potluck is too little, but buying them all cars is way too much.” He laughed slightly as he took another spoonful. “I just want to bring the community back together, but I may not be the best Dhampir to do so. I spent my years after I completed my training traveling, never staying still so I don’t know if I understand community.” He admitted his fears to her, he knew out of everyone he knew she wouldn’t judge his fears.

She gave him a thankful look, her eyes softening a little but she nodded “It was a long time ago…days were very different then” it wasn’t her choice and neither were it his, but they were stuck with one another. She made the best of it where she could because it was the hand she was dealt back then, but it certainly wasn’t what she would have chosen for herself. “Well…you say that but it seems like the same cycles still repeat” she mumbled softly, every time she felt like the world took one step forward, it took another back in some other way, it was hard to watch honestly.

She bit her lip and then smiled when he asked if he shined like a diamond to her “You’re going to be one hell of a star you know, I can feel it already” she mumbled softly, his songs were so meaningful and introspective, he was sure given the right audience he could really speak to people. She nodded slightly “We’re all our own harshest critics” she surmised and nodded slightly, it was true, everyone had this tendency to expect more from themselves than they did from others “Perfectionism is our own achilles heel…” what a pain, she didn’t know how to turn that part of herself off that was for sure.

Before long the two of them had their ice creams handed to them by the nice clerk, who she tipped generously before following Donovan out to the patio, sitting across from him and inspecting where to begin with this large concoction of candy and ice cream, eventually she just decided to take a bite from the top, closing her eyes and savoring the taste. She giggled noticing Donovan making a face “too eager” she jested softly.

She raised her brow when he admitted he was struggling to help figure out what to do for his community “Well you could never go wrong with some free drinks” she teased softly and smiled “But definitely not buying them all cars, you don’t want to be trying to buy anyone’s loyalty” she nodded her head softly “Maybe…see if you could invest in the things that matter to them most, training facilities are your bread and butter right?” she ate some more of her ice cream between them talking “Once you go with that…you can hopefully encourage a little more sparring…a sense of community can be built that way” she smiled and nodded “Your heart is already in the right place, which tells me you’re already the right person for the role” she nodded firmly.

✧ Say Anything ✧
Don had come to accept that life had a way of bringing people together when needed. Argent was one of those people, someone who had borne the brunt of his anger but had also shown him it was more than okay to drive and be valuable. She understood how cruel life could be, yet she never let it turn her cynical.

"That’s because people don’t really learn from the past. By the time a generation has learned its lessons, the new generation doesn’t listen, and the cycle spins like a wheel over and over again," he said, tracing a circle in the air with his finger.

Many would say he was cocky and that their praise wouldn’t affect him. But her praise was different. He felt a rush of heat to his face, and if he hadn't had such a deep, rich complexion, he would have been blushing like a tomato. “That means more to me than you know,” he said softly, a feeling of shyness washing over him. “What would it be like not to have the urge for perfectionism that plagues our minds and bodies?” He wondered if there was a spell that could remove that trait and what the consequences would be.

His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden brain freeze, causing his face to scrunch up in pain. “Can’t… help… it,” he managed to say, pressing his thumb to the roof of his mouth to warm his brain. After a moment, he removed his thumb. “I guess learning to savor things should be the lesson. Ice cream teaches a life lesson: move too quickly, and you can end up hurting yourself; wait too long, and you miss your chance to savor. Ice cream is the MVP of finding balance in life.” His mind began to craft lyrics for a song inspired by this thought.

Donovan rolled his eyes at her suggestion of free drinks but listened. If anyone understood being a leader when it felt strange, it was Argent. “Training facilities are a dhampir need,” he assured her, finally taking another lick of his ice cream. “Maybe offering some different benefits at the dojo could be the way to go. Like a spa area, a mental health center, or a pool.” His mind raced with ideas to make the dojo more of a home. “Do you think it would be a bad idea to build some kind of housing near the dojo?” Part of him longed to spar, having gone a while without letting himself loose in the fighting areas. 

“I want to make my family proud from beyond. I want my people to feel safe and happy. Chaos reigns far too much in this world. Being able to offer a haven means so much to me.” He let his gaze linger on her for a moment. “I would also like to make you proud, Argy,” he said gently.

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