Beep. Beep. Beep.

 The annoying sound of the alarm clock placed on her bedside table has been ringing for the past 5 minutes and the girl in question is still surprisingly not awake yet. With one hand holding another pillow that was currently covering her face and the soft snores emitting from her, it was clear that she was not looking forward to waking up at all. A few minutes later, another sound came crashing again, this time from her phone and she was confident it wasn’t coming from her alarm app. Luna grumbled to herself and flailed her hand around, trying to search for the tiny thing as she removed the pillow away from her face. She squinted her eyes and tried to read the message written on the screen. That was moments before the phone slipped out of her hold and fell on her face. “Good fucking morning to you too” she hissed and swiped the green button to take the call that’s been bothering her for the past minute. “You better be up, Luna… it’s 11 30 am and you’re supposed to be at the university in 10 minutes.”

 Right. University. That statement alone was more than enough to get her up as she rubbed her eyes to check the time displayed on the screen, cursing silently to herself as she pushed the covers off her roughly, making a quick dash to the bathroom. As if things weren’t bad enough, she slipped and bumped her hip against the sink, causing the kitsune to yelp in pain, rubbing the sore spot as she tried to stand up properly to brush her teeth and wash her face. A series of unfortunate events kept occurring every 5 minutes for Luna. As she struggled to make herself presentable for the past couple of minutes, she had slipped over the carpet, hit her shin against the table, and brushed her hair too harshly. “This is why you shouldn’t pull an all nighter for no goddamn reason, Lunafaye” she cursed and dragged her bag with her. 

Her platinum blond hair looked freshly dyed in gray a few days ago, it was not too messy because she managed to comb it decently but with the kind of hurry she’s in, she may as well go for the messy hairdo. Her bad day started well, and only got worse as she tried to make her way to the university, thankfully she didn’t have to commute because the place she was currently staying temporarily at was a few kilometers away from the said institution. It didn’t mean she didn’t come across obstacles in her path though. By the time the hour struck 12, she was still struggling to cross the road due to the bustling streets. The kitsune ended up taking a turnover and took the other road, which costs her an extra 10 minutes. 

With her eyes glued on her phone, typing a message saying how sorry she was for oversleeping, she had bumped against someone. Hard. How hard was it? She toppled over and Luna was pretty sure the bicycle and the person riding felt the momentum. Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to lose, so she retrieved her phone that was tossed to the side when she collided with the bicycle rider and apologized, saying she needs to be on her way. Her scraped knee was the least of her problems right now, especially when she’s like 40 minutes late already. The university wasn’t easy to navigate either, she was only able to get to the administration office because she asked around 4 times. By the time Luna arrived, she looked as if she just came out of a marathon, with her jeans slightly showing her scraped knee and her tired appearance. “I’m sorry I’m late…” she mumbled softly.

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Deciding to enroll in Evermore University hadn’t been a quick or easy decision for Argent, as someone who had always lived her life in a secluded part of the world where the only company she kept were her family and guards, she never really expected to be living the city life and having to adapt to such a different place. She had spent months deliberating whether she wanted to integrate into the world like that, it wasn’t even something that even crossed her sibling’s minds she was sure but she was always learning and was slowly letting herself get more involved in the modern world.

So she had applied and to her excitement, she had been accepted. At first, she had debated commuting to the university from the manor here but that seemed excessive considering it was the other side of the city and student accommodation was cheap, besides people always told her that the college experience was only legitimate if you stayed on campus. So here she was, with a bunch of her things, making her way on the subway over to the place. She’d visited the place before of course but this would be where she found out who her roommate was and also where on campus she would be staying, along with getting all the forms she needed to fill out and essentially start a new chapter in her life.

She had been one of the earliest to make it to the admissions office where she had headed inside and been through all her paperwork with the clerk before being given her welcome pack and handed a map of the dorms where she would be staying. She had looked around for a while, feeling a little overwhelmed because there were so many people here and they all seemed to know one another. She supposed a lot of people had come from Evermore High School or had decided to attend the same college as friends. Still Argent had chatted with a few girls in the line before saying her goodbyes and following the map across campus.

It had taken her longer than she expected to finally find the apartment she would be staying in, she headed inside to find everything shut off. She supposed she was the first to arrive and her roommate would be along soon enough. She headed in and turned on the power before dragging in her suitcase and looking around, well bonus was being first here she had the chance to explore before anyone else. It didn’t take her long to explore the place and determine there were two bedrooms, a shared living space, and bathroom, along with a little kitchen area for cooking. It was small but humble. She picked out one of the rooms which she felt had the best lighting and brought her things in, getting to work on unpacking them and arranging everything in a way she would know where everything is.

Of course she would be late today. She wasn't even surprised that she overslept again. It was only by a stroke of luck that she managed to look decent today, which wasn't much of a fair statement because she bumped against someone riding the bicycle and now she was sure she had a few bruises on her body, including the small cut on her lower left cheek that would've been overlooked if the administration officer didn't point it out earlier. Like anyone else, she was chastised and thrown the uneasy looks by the people around her because they saw her dishevelled state, what with her jeans dirty from the collision against the ground too. Even her hair looked unkempt now that she thought about it. Luna zoned out but tried her best not to show it as she was handed the usual student guidebook and given the keys to her dorm room. Ah right, as a student, she practically needed to live there, besides it was all included in the first payment that went around anyway. 

With a slight bow, the blonde quickly said thank you and took her leave. It felt so stuffy inside the office she could almost swear she was halfway about to faint. Staring down at the welcome pack in her grasp, Luna sighed loudly and started to limp her way out while being extra careful this time, eyes wandering over the details printed out neatly in the handbook. Everything was listed there, including another map, and directions she needed to get to her side of place. She didn't bring anything with her earlier, mostly because she totally forgot that she needed to bring them with her but considering the late schedule, she had to get the keys and spare herself the lecture from the officer and get her stuff later. Though she did remember to enlist her friend's help, telling her next door neighbor to meet her at the entrance so she would be able to give her the suitcase and one box of her things. She didn't come here with a lot since she was basically running away from her grandfather's watchful eyes. 

By the time she arrived at the dorm's entrance, she could see it was bustling with a lot of people. Don't get her wrong, it wasn't as if she did not like people, but they could be so loud and it just doesn't bode well with Luna. That's when she saw the brunette with her suitcase  standing at the left side of the building. "Spare me your lectures, you can nag at me later when I buy you a meal. I need to waste my energy on unpacking so… bye bye" she exclaimed playfully and waved her goodbye before heading upstairs to find her unit. The door wasn't locked so she figured her roommate probably arrived already and she wasn't wrong, there were a pair of shoes inside. Luna didn't even bother saying much, she went peeking around to see which of the rooms were occupied and the first door she turned had a girl arranging her room. "You shouldn't leave the doors unlocked next time, someone could come in. I don't want to have to deal with a dead roommate and clean the entire place because someone wanted to be creative with a freshman's death on my first day." Without saying anything else, she made her way to the other room, while also making it clear to her unacquainted roommate that she is not decent enough to even greet her. 

Argent had to admit she was pretty nervous to be doing this, her brothers had been shocked when she told them she wanted to move into the university dorms rather than stay at the manor but she had eventually talked them around, she wanted a normal experience that she could look back on. One day she wanted to be able to have a career and actually touch the world in a way which might be remembered, she knew it was a little selfish but she had lived her life for so long as a slave to the world, she wanted to finally have some control over it herself. She was going through her things and trying to figure out what would go where, she wanted to make sure her room was comfortable but didn’t want to be too imposing on her roommate.

Maybe she had this idea of what having a roommate would be like, she had read many books and every time they ended up being close friends and remaining so for years after they graduated, probably a rose tinted outlook but that was Argent to a tee, she lived on looking on the bright side. She had heard shuffling in the hallway and headed out of her room to peak at who it was, only for a petite, stern-looking girl to enter the room. Argent opened her mouth to greet them only for her to scold her for leaving the door in and then likening leaving the door open to causing some kind of murder scene. She pressed her lips together a little confused “Surely if they wanted to kill me then the door would hardly be an obstacle” she joked, trying to shake off the general feeling of coldness she was getting off the other girl as she headed for the other room.

She snuck a bit closer and peered into the room, it was about the same size as hers but was nearer to the back of the dorm meaning it would get less noise from the foot traffic below when people went past “So I guess this means we’re roommates” she spoke brightly, not stepping into the room and holding the door frame with one hand “I’m Argent” she introduced herself, telling herself the girl probably just had a lot to deal with, she did frown for a moment as she looked in the room though “Did you not bring any of your stuff?” she questioned, how strange to show up without clothes on move-in day.

Studying abroad has always been on her list ever since she was a kid. Even before her emancipation, Luna wanted to explore the world, or rather she wanted to take a few steps away from her family and breathe. Despite being doted and loved by the patriarch of the family, she never felt safe. There was always something that bugs her and now that she was finally away from home, things felt slightly better. Of course it wasn't a reason for the kitsune to slack off, she will always need to look behind her shoulders every day, that wasn't going to change so long as her grandfather is still alive but at least her fears are no longer haunting her. For once, the female was thankful for her GED that managed to get her into Evermore University where she was going to study more on real estate management. She was a homebody and an extreme introvert, she doesn't talk to people unless needed, that's why she will never thrive in customer service or whatsoever. Hell, she was even surprised she interned well at the real estate firm back in Argentina. 

When there is will, there's a way, she reminded herself. If she needed to get things done, she had to play by the rules. A few times, at least. That also included having a roommate, which was quite the feasible option for Luna. She was hoping her roommate wouldn't be nosy enough because she wasn't going to be the ideal person they wanted to find. When she saw the redhead in the other room unpacking her things, she tried to tell herself to be nice or at least decent. It was the first day and she should at least be less mean than usual. Easier said than done, of course. At least she greeted her, right? "It's the first day, you can find the hallway filled with people. Orientation week is the perfect time to push students and create potential news-worthy murder headline. So if they wanna kill you, they'll have to be smart. Doesn't help when you're giving them a window of chance though, with the unlocked doors and whatnot."

 Luna noticed that she followed her to her room, to which she sat on her bed and stared at her blankly, in her defense she had a cold outlook which wasn't all her but it works better on people. "Hi" she exclaimed bluntly when she said they were roommates, she looks peppy and cheerful which the kitsune was sure would make her popular with everyone else. The opposite of her. When she suddenly introduced herself, Luan cleared her throat and thought the respectful thing would be to return the greeting, "Lunafaye. But you can call me Luna. Nobody really calls me by my full name." One, it's mouthful. Two, it irks her. The only times she was called that was when her mother and grandfather were scolding her. So maybe she did recall feeling like a petulant child whenever someone calls her that. "It's right there in the living room, one suitcase and one box. I travel light." She pointed towards the suitcase hidden behind the cabinet by the entrance door. "Are you… from here?" Make an effort to get to know your roommate so she doesn't end up being a serial killer, right?

The aspect of light had always been lucky enough to get along with most people she met, her brothers called her likable and people tended to gravitate towards her. She was pretty sure it was because of the natural mood-lifting aura she had been given when she had been reborn but she also liked to think it was because she was a good person who others could relate to. That was the person she tried to be anyway. But you couldn’t win everyone, no matter how much you wanted to and she immediately got the feeling from the younger female that it was going to be difficult.

Argent did her best to keep a straight face as she walked by, if she wasn’t actually responding to her, the aspect would believe she was acting as though she didn’t even exist. Honestly, it was a little shocking to be around someone so unbothered by her first day starting university, surely there must be some excitement in her for getting to make new friends and experience new things. “People can be awful but even I don’t think they’d be going around killing people on the first day” she pulled a face because she was wondering what kind of punchline there was to this girl’s joke because this was a university, not a gang. “If you want the door locked for privacy then that’s fine though” she mumbled softly, she had only just got here, locking the door wasn’t the first thing on her mind.

She fidgeted a little on the spot when the other girl greeted her so coldly, pressing her lips together and trying to push aside any feelings of disappointment she had. She kept telling herself in her head that she had to give her a chance and not just judge her based on the first few things they said to one another and yet that seemed to be exactly what she found herself doing “ it” she responded nodding her head slightly, she thought the name Lunafaye sounded nice, kinda old-timey like hers. She deadpanned when the other girl said all she had with her was the little suitcase and a small box “There is no way you have even a week’s worth of clothes in there” she responded in surprise before realizing it might be a little rude to suggest that she overwears her clothes and pressed her lips together looking over at her own things and wondering if she ha brought too much.

She pressed her lips together when she asked if she was from here “Not always no, my family moved here a couple of years ago, though it wasn’t for school reasons” honestly they had all been telling her they thought it was a bad idea for her to go to university but she had insisted she wanted to go and Argent usually got her way when she pouted. “So what are you studying?” she asked, attempting to make nice with the other girl.

Luna was generally hard to get along with. She has given people a lot of silent treatments. The only people she only ever seemed to talk was to the teachers or perhaps, if they were lucky, her partners when they're doing group projects or pairwork assignments. She is cold and reserved, doesn't speak much unless needed to. Has a resting bitch face that really said she didn't have time to waste on people who are not worth her time because it takes a lot of effort to do that. The first two words she thought of when she saw Argent was pretty and preppy. The third word? Hot. A part of her was relieved to find out that she was blessed with a good roommate at least. It doesn't take a genius to know that the red haired lady is obviously nice and kind. Honestly speaking, Luna felt slightly guilty for talking like that to her when she didn't even do anything wrong. Sure she didn't close the door properly but that was just the kitsune being paranoid. 

She has a lot to worry when she left without a word a few months ago. And technically? Argentina isn't even halfway across the world for her grandfather to come here and have a word with her. And if there was anything she knew about that family, it's that loyalty runs deep even if you're not blood related. No te olvides de tu familia. (You don't forget family.) "You sure about that? Orientation can be a killer, quite literally. Who knows if they were using that as a distraction? From where I came from, not a day goes by without some crime occurring. Even petty theft." Which was why she was grateful she was able to move to Buenos Aires from Rosario. But when you're surrounded by cartel members, it's hard not to remember your roots. "I'm sorry for being a bitch… I kinda went off on you earlier, didn't I?" She never said she didn't know how to apologise. But was she good at it? Not particularly. "It's just that I can be a little… paranoid." Emphasis on little. 

Luna didn't find it rude or offensive at all when Argent blurted out on the fact that she couldn't possibly even last a week with the amount of clothes she brought. "I'm not a fashionista like you, cariña. I can survive perfectly fine." The things she brought is really just that, but her clothes weren't just that small suitcase of course. Though she had to admit it was funny seeing her reaction. At least she wasn't being a fake around her. Luna appreciates genuinity. "Relax, I have a few more clothes to pick up from my neighbor's. I just didn't want to bring it all today because it's too much of a hassle. Though I wasn't kidding when I said I don't have a lot of clothes like you do, I travel light." She nodded in understanding when Argent told her she moved here a few years ago, she wasn't that bad when it comes to talking. The kitsune said she was more to being selective to whom she actually spends her time with, much less talk to. Argent is going to be her roommate so she might as well get to know her. "Estate management. You?"

Well as far as first impressions go, this wasn’t exactly what she hoped for with her university roommate but she was still determined to try and figure things out, they were going to be sharing the place for at least a year so even if they personalities didn’t mesh they should at least try and get along right? Luna seemed blunt and sharp with her tongue which wasn’t something the redhead was used to. She wondered if she just didn’t have good experiences with other people or whether she was just naturally reclusive. She was pretty, though, taller than Argent but only when she wasn’t wearing heels. Her style seemed to be casual but still not lazy, she struck her as the tough girl type. Not to mention she was attractive and she was sure that stare could intimidate just about anyone.

She laughed, shifting on the spot a little when she apologized for being a little blunt and the redhead shrugged “Kinda” she responded but then smiled “I’ll make sure to lock the door” she compromised, nodding her head slightly, she was sure the two of them were going to learn more about one another’s as time went on. Sharing a home with a stranger wasn’t something new for Argent but sharing it with one single person, that was. She was sure they would step on each other’s toes sometimes and no doubt have pet peeves. “The place is bigger than I was expecting, I’d kinda read horror stories about college students living in closets” she was attempting to ease the tension a little but she wasn’t really sure how to approach conversation with someone who didn’t seem to want to talk.

She raised her brows when she explained that she didn’t have much interest in fashion “If you’re sure” she commented, shifting on the spot and picking at the sleeve of her jacket, honestly this place felt really foreign to her right now and she knew it was going to take her a while to feel like it was anything resembling home. “So do you travel a lot?” she asked curiously, if she didn’t have much maybe it was because she was moving from place to place. Argent had always wanted to be able to travel but it wasn’t really something which was an option for an aspect considering she couldn’t be away from her siblings for long. She leaned against the doorway as she listened to Luna answer her question “That sounds hard…” she commented thoughtfully, there was a lot to manage she was sure “So what got you into it?” she questioned wondering what passion would spur a choice like that “Fashion design” she responded when she asked asked what her path was “Guess I’m transparent huh?” she commented with a chuckle considering Luna had already called her a fashionista.

At least, she can attempt to sound friendlier than usual which is exactly what she was trying to do right now. It wasn't easy but it was a start. Argent seemed to fit the box when she thought about it, popular it girl that everyone likes and is naturally nice. She didn't seem like a party girl either so maybe that's good enough for her. If there was one thing the kitsune hated, it was unnecessary noise. It irks her when parties are being held nearby. "Please do" she mumbled softly in response to the redhead's promise to lock the door, she just wished nothing bad would happen but the paranoia really set in. Who knows what could happen, right? She raised her eyebrows questioningly when she heard her say that, "Staying in closets? Really? From what blog did you get that absurd story from?" She was probably talking about students living in studios but that wasn't really the case for those who live in the campus. Out of campus, that's more open to discussion. 

"The university wants to keep their reputation, providing a somewhat comfortable environment and accommodation for in campus students are the least they could do, trust me… it's not the living arrangements you should be worried about." More to the people but she wasn't going to say that on their first meeting. Argent probably thought she was crazy enough as it is already. "You sure this is your first time enrolling? Because you seem like you know how things work around here but also not." It would confuse people but to her, it was pretty interesting to see how her mood shifted between the two. Argent clearly knew what to do, while also stumbling over the same steps. It was cute. "Depends on your definition of travel. I'm not from here originally to begin with, came to North America about… 4 months ago? But I've never really gone around that much." Evermore was pretty much her first destination after moving out of Argentina. And she has been staying there ever since.

 "It's interesting and gets my mind going" she shrugged casually and stretched her arms slightly, how did she actually got into it? It made Luna ponder for a while because she couldn't remember how that interest set in. "My family had a side business in the same field… and I interned at a firm that managed it some time ago. It just grew on me, I guess." And her ex was pretty much in the same field too. Ironically. "I stayed with my grandfather a lot, he would have all sorts of reports on his work desk and I memorised things as a child. Besides… with the current economy, it's fun to see how it turns out." It wasn't hard to see that she was indeed, a fashionista so yes, fashion design wasn't far off. "You look the part" she pointed out wryly, "Probably the type who can make a trash bag look good…" Of course Luna eyed her from the top to bottom earlier. "Can you? Make a trash bag look good? Or it doesn't work like that?"

She nodded slightly but she couldn’t but wonder what it was about the door that bothered Luna so much, still, she didn’t know her well enough to pry and she was sure she had her reasons, maybe someone had broken into her home before and it made her more comfortable to know people couldn’t just barge in. She nodded slightly “Yeah, the university made the rooms look big in the pictures but then the kids show up and it was….so small they could barely move” she responded nodding slightly, though as long as the place was big enough to fit her, her clothes and a laptop she supposed she would be just fine, she was used to going from here to there after all “Doesn’t seem hardly fair considering tuition fees only go up every year” she commented in a somewhat disgruntled tone. She did blush a little from the way Luna asked where she read that “Guilty of too much Googling” she admitted looking down at the ground for a moment.

She nodded a few times, Luna was right, she was just worrying herself over nothing because of course the university would want to make sure they got many students coming through their doors, as competitive as they made places seem, there was still a case of supply and demand going on and students had choices too. “So what should I be worried about?” Argent was guilty of being a serial worrier, if there was something she could over research of mull over time and time again, she would find it and do it. It was her way of preparing herself for the worst with the hope that what she actually faces would be better than that. “No...I just...plan a lot, I don’t like walking into things I’m not sure about” she answered honestly, she was sure she seemed knowledgeable about a lot of things she had no actual experience in.

Argent nodded slightly, she could hear that Luna wasn’t from her accent, it sounded like English wasn’t her first language and she rolled her rs which made her believe she must be from a Spanish speaking country “So why Evermore?” she asked curiously wondering if there was something special about this city which brought her here, Argent couldn’t say that Evermore university would have been her first choice for study if it wasn’t for the fact it was the only one near enough to her family. “So are you planning to take over the family business or making your own?” seemed weird not to just work her way up through the company if it was the former but what did Argent know about running a business?

She laughed and did a little curtsey in response to her saying she looked the part “Gotta stand out if you wanna make it in this field” she spoke softly and then bit her lip when Luna made a joke about a trash bag only to then ask her seriously if that could be a thing “Well I suppose if you tailored it here and there and put something to break up the color, why not” she grinned slightly “I like a challenge” she added already thinking about ways she could use it to make clothing. She laughed softly “Though you probably didn’t mean it...seriously”.

"Universities have a way of making things look more grand than it actually is. That happens… a lot." Marketing 101, she was guessing. Luna didn't expect much when she enrolled herself here, she just wanted to be away from her family and start a new chapter in her book, straying away from all possible drama and focus on her own life. Which was probably easier said than done but she'll try. She couldn't help but let out a light-hearted chuckle upon hearing the disgruntled tone from the redhead, "Capitalism at its finest. Even institutions do that. Money can really… make the worst out of someone." She did find it cute that her roommate was acting shy and coy at the same time, she seemed eager to explore everything whereas Luna couldn't care less. But she wasn't one to spoil the mood. 

"Careful, you never know what the internet would feed you. Some of those are more lies than truth itself" she teased, but she was also guilty of believing things easily from Google so she couldn't fault her alone. When asked what she should be worrying about, she pondered for a moment, what was there to worry about actually? She wasn't sure. "Don't look at me for guidance because I'm just as new as you in this. Freshman year, remember? Fresh meat to the other vultures… but I guess don't worry too much over things you can't control. There's nothing you can do about it anyway, you might as well make the best memories of your life while you still can." She was tempted to insert the whole you only live once code but realized how cringeworthy that was and refrained herself from doing so. 

"So you're  a planner… a meticulous one at that? Traits of a perfectionist" she could get behind that. Argent looks organised and Luna was nowhere near that. "I'm afraid you're stuck with me though, I am nowhere near half as organised as a normal freshman student would be. Fully expect me to turn in my assignment 5 minutes before the actual deadline" or she would rather sleep for 2 days and do hers when there was less than 10 hours left to be submitted. That does sound like her. "Truth be told, Evermore wasn't my initial pick. I had no idea this place even existed in the map. A close friend of my grandfather… he's from around these parts and said if I wanted to start a new chapter in my life without the forceful reins of my family, I could come here and he'll help me. He's nowhere to be found though…" So much for helping her. At the end of the day, Luna helped herself. 

"I just wanted to be away from Argentina. Anywhere was fine at the moment." The part regarding family business made her wince slightly, if she wasn't so done with everything that went on and the current circumstance she was under, she probably would've taken over it. "Nope. I'm fully independent from my family. Just… wanted to make things on my own. What about you?" She raised her eyebrows questioningly as she shifted in her seat, "Any family ties?" Who knows? She could be working to take over a fashion company. "So if they ask you to make a newspaper look appealing, you'll find a way… huh that's interesting" she obviously didn't know much about fashion, Luna was the type who just wore anything she sees or deems decent for the day. "So do I pass or do I not?" She was asking for her opinion on how she dressed.

She nodded slightly, Luna was right, everything in the world was like that nowadays, everyone played up things to make them seem better than they were, it was what sold you to choose one place over another or whether to purchase the thing you randomly stumbled upon online “ least it’s cozy” she commented with a half smile “And we don’t have to share with like ten people” the little dorm room was just for the two of them which meant they just needed to figure out who used the bathroom when and try not to step on one another too much. How hard could be that right? She looked up at Luna and then back to the room, she did seem like the kind of person who liked her alone time so Argent was going to need to dial back her need for companionship a little.

“I think we’re all a little guilty of getting carried away when we’re worried about something” you would try and do some research and then end up finding things which were very unlikely to happen or weren’t even relevant “Like when you have a tiny chest pain and you do a bunch of googling until you convince yourself you might be dying” she laughed softly, it was natural to worry over things until you experienced them yourself. She raised her brows when Luna responded that she had no idea what they had to worry about “I thought my biggest worry would be passing my classes…” she grumbled slightly under her breath “Seems like a lot of university isn’t actually about classes though” there was the whole living situation and people seemed to constantly have parties and sneaking around.

“Guilty” she responded when Luna called her out for being a perfectionist “It’s a whole mess because eventually you realize that perfection is actually impossible to achieve” she sighed, didn’t stop her trying though, nothing ever felt completely right to her so she would always be working on it until the last minute. That was a struggle when it came to things like assignments because she was probably going to do them early and then end up changing them constantly until they had to be turned in. It seemed like they were opposites when it came to all that “No offense but it doesn’t really impact me when you turn your assignments in” she chuckled under her breath “Feel free to slack as much as you see fit” Argent definitely couldn’t relate though, she was the type to want to make a start on the day she got it.

“Well at least it’s a fresh start...sounds like you wanted that” she spoke softly and offered a half-smile “And Evermore might mean nothing to you now but before long I’m sure it will feel like your’s the one you chose after all...even if you didn’t intend to” her choice had more been a needs must to her location but she was happy with the course here and was excited to get started. She nodded, Argent kinda wished at times she could have that level of independence but she was lucky to even be able to attend university at all “More family than most people can stand” she responded and chuckled softly “I have 7’s...crowded” she wasn’t going to go into the heavy details, for all purposes they were her family “Honestly my main reason for wanting to study is just to...find some sense of individuality” for so long she felt like she was part of the collective and not her own person.

Argent laughed when she asked if she passed “It doesn’t work like isn’t one way to dress, it’s….expressing your individual style” she smiled softly “I’d say you do that well...I get...confident vibes...maybe a little mischievous and playful when you wanna be” she raised her brows wondering if she got it right.

She was glad they didn't have to share with more people because Luna was the type to keep to herself and do her own stuff, so having more people in the same space was just… stuffy for the kitsune. She imagined things might change for her now that she will have to learn to live with another person for at least another year before she change roommate, Argent that is. "Thank god… I don't like a crowd." Too many people to care for. "Two is more than enough, don't you think?" The first thing she thought of the moment she landed her eyes on the redhead was that she seems to be the exact opposite of her. Personality wise… hell even their styling clashed with one another. It was definitely going to be interesting how they managed things together. Like it or not, she had to cooperate with her. It's like the essential rule of having a roommate; being considerate. 

She raised her eyebrows and stared at her in amusement when she mentioned something about googling things even though it was just a small chest pain, "You sound like you've experienced that. Have you? I mean… did you google that when you have random chest pains?" Her lips were curved as if she was so close to laughing on the spot. Dying was probably the last thing Luna ever thought of, there were so many things she had to go over in her head that dying wasn't even close to her long and never ending list of worries. "I know we have to maintain a certain criteria on academia but I doubt they'll hold you back from graduating… unless you haven't settled any outstanding fees which by the way is a pain. Money makes everyone go… dizzy" That was one way to phrase it. Speaking of which, Luna should probably start searching for some part time jobs to make do. 

Argent also looked like someone who would finish her assignments and hand them in a few days before the actual deadline. Which was further confirmed by her previous allegations on being a perfectionist. "It is impossible but it doesn't seem to stop people from getting their bag on it. It's amusing to see them chase for it." Luna is a hard worker. Though she might not look like one and despite all her habits on procrastinating to the very end, she does know how to finish what was asked of her. Living independently on her own taught her that she had nobody to rely on. Not even her lecturer. "I've been here for a bit while but I can see the appeal. It feels free… like you can be whoever you want here. As long as the rules are not broken, I'm guessing because the authority looked… tight" and by tight she meant she could smell the supernatural roaming around. She wondered how many lived there. 

Luna swore she almost choked on her own saliva when Argent said she had 7 siblings, "7…? That's… excessive" How does one even handle seven siblings? "Are they tolerable? Or a pain in the ass?" She had a brother. And a half sister that she was distant to her entire life so she knew both sides. But 7? That's a lot. "I hope you find it… I've spent a while being individualistic" she chuckled, now that she thought about it, emancipation was the best decision she ever made. She was mature and definitely ahead of her peers when she first chose that option. It wasn't for the sake of being a rebellious teen, that's for sure. "Many have said I'm quite mischievous and playful when I want to be" she smirked, "Are there… any house rules we wanna put? I'm sure we have different variations on privacy and whatnot." Though her hands never stopped her unpacking, it didn't mean she really wanted to stop conversing. She had to get to know her after all. "Do you want to decorate the interior or is it already to your liking?"

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