Beep. Beep. Beep.

 The annoying sound of the alarm clock placed on her bedside table has been ringing for the past 5 minutes and the girl in question is still surprisingly not awake yet. With one hand holding another pillow that was currently covering her face and the soft snores emitting from her, it was clear that she was not looking forward to waking up at all. A few minutes later, another sound came crashing again, this time from her phone and she was confident it wasn’t coming from her alarm app. Luna grumbled to herself and flailed her hand around, trying to search for the tiny thing as she removed the pillow away from her face. She squinted her eyes and tried to read the message written on the screen. That was moments before the phone slipped out of her hold and fell on her face. “Good fucking morning to you too” she hissed and swiped the green button to take the call that’s been bothering her for the past minute. “You better be up, Luna… it’s 11 30 am and you’re supposed to be at the university in 10 minutes.”

 Right. University. That statement alone was more than enough to get her up as she rubbed her eyes to check the time displayed on the screen, cursing silently to herself as she pushed the covers off her roughly, making a quick dash to the bathroom. As if things weren’t bad enough, she slipped and bumped her hip against the sink, causing the kitsune to yelp in pain, rubbing the sore spot as she tried to stand up properly to brush her teeth and wash her face. A series of unfortunate events kept occurring every 5 minutes for Luna. As she struggled to make herself presentable for the past couple of minutes, she had slipped over the carpet, hit her shin against the table, and brushed her hair too harshly. “This is why you shouldn’t pull an all nighter for no goddamn reason, Lunafaye” she cursed and dragged her bag with her. 

Her platinum blond hair looked freshly dyed in gray a few days ago, it was not too messy because she managed to comb it decently but with the kind of hurry she’s in, she may as well go for the messy hairdo. Her bad day started well, and only got worse as she tried to make her way to the university, thankfully she didn’t have to commute because the place she was currently staying temporarily at was a few kilometers away from the said institution. It didn’t mean she didn’t come across obstacles in her path though. By the time the hour struck 12, she was still struggling to cross the road due to the bustling streets. The kitsune ended up taking a turnover and took the other road, which costs her an extra 10 minutes. 

With her eyes glued on her phone, typing a message saying how sorry she was for oversleeping, she had bumped against someone. Hard. How hard was it? She toppled over and Luna was pretty sure the bicycle and the person riding felt the momentum. Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to lose, so she retrieved her phone that was tossed to the side when she collided with the bicycle rider and apologized, saying she needs to be on her way. Her scraped knee was the least of her problems right now, especially when she’s like 40 minutes late already. The university wasn’t easy to navigate either, she was only able to get to the administration office because she asked around 4 times. By the time Luna arrived, she looked as if she just came out of a marathon, with her jeans slightly showing her scraped knee and her tired appearance. “I’m sorry I’m late…” she mumbled softly.

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Argent simply gave her a pointed look when she said she didn’t think she amounted to all that much, her expression stating that she wouldn’t stand for anyone putting themselves down like that, self-confidence was important. “Well…we’re going to be spending plenty of time together so the sooner you get used to me the better” she jested in a playful tone, raising her brows “One taste of seeing everyone being so jealous of your style and you’ll be begging me to pick the next one for you too” she grinned playfully, her tone making it obvious she was being a little overdramatic for affect.

Argent tilted her head slightly when Luna said she didn’t think there would be many bars near where the students were “Don’t most people go to college to go out and party? I mean you have seen movies about fraternities right?” she laughed and ran a hand through her hair “Most everyone has a fake id” but she found mostly they didn’t even check, especially not the girls who always had their makeup done to make them look older.

“You can say that again, I swear I pulled muscles I forgot I had carrying all the boxes up the stairs” she grumbled softly, she might be an immortal aspect but she didn’t have super strength or anything like that, life was fairly manual for her. Argent grabbed her coat from the rack, slipping it over her shoulders as the two of them headed out of their little unit “Well…the accommodation is nicer than I expected” she pointed out as they headed down the stairs and out the building, walking the streets around campus, she looked around, seeing all the other students making their back and forths to their cars.

Luna had no idea what she signed up for the moment she stepped into the room honestly but it was clear to her that the redhead standing before her right now is that type of enigma you can’t just simply brush off. It does make her charismatic she supposed. She quirked her eyebrow in question when she said that she would come back begging for more after people witnessed her transformation “Well now you got me piqued… I suddenly want to see your so called dress up of the century. Is it that skilful to the point people would see me in a different light?”

Back in Argentina, people drank all the time so it wasn’t a foreign sight to the therian. However, they didn’t exactly have much of a law back where she came from, seeing as her family literally controls everything. The only rule there wad to follow *their* rules. It was quite straightforward. And boring. People were extremely predictable there was nothing interesting anymore. “Yeah but they’re movies” she exclaimed bluntly, was it supposed to paint a picture to her like that? She thought those were dramas; fiction. “We know movies tend to exaggerate… no?”

Since she didn’t have a lot of things with her, she didn’t have a hard time unpacking and bringing her things upstairs. Guess having nothing comes with a perk. “With your tiny body I’m not surprised. And please don’t tell me you’re stronger than you look because I swear…” That would be so cliche and yet so on point. She stared at the students going back and forth, realizing that this is her reality now. Luna was going to start anew here. She looked down to what she was wearing and looked back at Argent “Do you really think I dress badly?”

Argent grinned and arched her brow playfully “Oh so now you’re interested huh?” she smiled softly, she was sure with some subtle changes to Luna’s style, people wouldn’t be able to take their eyes off her “You’d be surprised how much small changes will change how others see you, people can be a little fickle…” though Argent believed that was mostly from the confidence gained from knowing you looked good, people were drawn to confidence.

Argent shrugged slightly “Well obviously they’re exaggerations” he commented in a soft voice and pressed her lips together “But still…it’s our first chance to go and explore the world right, getting to have fun without being watched over our shoulders” Argent didn’t really fit that category but she could hardly be revealing her real self right now. “Anyway…fraternities are very real and very crazy” she wasn’t looking for that level of crazy so she would steer clear of it.

Argent laughed “No I’m weak as hell, that’s why I have 4 brothers, so I can beg them to help me with my problems” Argent might be an immortal but she wasn’t gifted in strength anymore, not since she because an Ailward, she missed being a nephilim for that reason, but she had accepted she was different now a long time ago. Argent glanced over her shoulder when Luna asked her if she dressed badly “Not badly at all, you just dress safely” she nodded slightly “Which is fine, but when you have a body like yours, safe seems like such a shame” she pouted her lips playfully.

Before long they'd made it off campus to a row of shops and cafes, she made the effort to mentally note each one as they passed, thinking how she'd like to return to some of them later "It should be around here somewhere.."

She narrowed her eyes at Argent who was having a fun time teasing her “I said maybe…” Okay, fine, she’s a bit interested in the whole offer but what the female doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Besides, it’s hard for Luna to ever admit her faults easily. The kitsune has a big ego to herself. As someone who has checked people out countless times, she could stand by what Argent said. “You’re right. People are fickle. One would easily say if we start wearing something to appeal to their eyes, it’s nice. But the moment we start to dress for ourselves, people call us tacky.” She was a victim to that essentially.

“Are you looking to join one…?” Argent seemed very preppy and nice, the type of social butterfly you see in every party, making everyone love her. Which is the exact opposite of herself, Luna can be seen at parties yes, but never at the center, and for a good reason. “I feel like I’d join just to see how crazy it can get…” Not that she’s sure people would even begin to accept her unless she changed a few things.

The kitsune chuckled when Argent said she had brothers to help her around “My twin brother is weak. I’m usually the stronger one out of the two.” Speaking of brothers, god knows how much she missed hers. “Safe…? That’s an interesting way to put it.” She wasn’t wearing anything revealing to start with, she didn’t know if she has ever really worn a skirt in the recent years but compared to her teenhood days, Luna did notice she has grown into a woman much faster than she would like. “You’re making me even more curious to see how you’d dress me if you had the chance.”

It wasn’t easy to dress for her though. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed… but uh… I have a rather large… chest. It’s hard to find tops that makes it look normal so I always wore something oversized.” It wasn’t necessarily for the comfort but also because it draws attention.

Argent giggled and smiled in response “I’ll take the maybe, that’s definitely a good start and she was sure she could convince her in time” she tilted her head slightly “Don’t worry, I’m really patient, I have no doubt we’re gonna see plenty of one another” Argent wasn’t the type to hole herself in her bed and not talk to anyone so her and Luna would likely talk plenty. “True, but if you dress for yourself and don’t give a damn what anyone says, before long people just kind admire you from it, they can only bring you down if you let them” and Argent refused to let anyone dull her shine.

Argent thought about the idea of joining a sorority “I don’t think so, they draw in the kinds of people I don’t have much stomach for, I’ve spent way too much of my life dealing with fake people” she offered a small smile “And honestly…I really did come here more for the studying than the whole…party thing” but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t have fun along the way. “I’m sure it gets crazy…I mean I heard there’s orgies and everything” she spoke in a hushed voice and then laughed softly.

“I mean…I can sometimes be the stronger one because I swear they all whine more than necessary” she joked and shook her head playfully “You’re a twin? That must be interesting…” being so closely intertwined with someone must make life feel slightly different to everyone elses. “Safe isn’t bad, but it’s…you know…safe” she commented and nodded, sometimes she felt like wearing something safe too, that was normal, it helped you to blend into the background.

She nodded slightly “That’s probably why you wear the baggy shirts right, makes it easier just to not show them at all, not to mention it avoids any…unwanted attention” men liked to cat call people on the streets if they showed too much skin for example “You can dress modestly without having to wear something too big though…though if you want my opinion, you have something great, why hide it” she smiled playfully.

When she first came here, Luna honestly thought she would be the type to hole herself up in the room because other than focusing on her studies, but Argent seems like the type to drag her out and ask if she could accompany her for once. Knowing the kitsune, she is very likely to say yes to it. "I guess for myself, I don't see the significance or importance of... dressing up." But she was sure it could change over time.

"Not everyone in sororities are fake you know" she chuckled, though she could understand why she thought so because the stereotypes have been prevalent in every part of the world to think of the worse of them. "But then again who knows? They might be exactly the way the media portray them." But that was the fun part of it. Obviously, there would be a lot of drama too. "I'd join for the sake of drama and digging into all the controversies they have they would like to keep quiet otherwise." Luna was a magnet for trouble and most of the time, the kitsune is the one who finds it. Luna swore she choked on air when the Aspect of Light suddenly started to talk about the probability or orgies occurring "Okay, maybe I'd like to get into one just to bear witness to that."

Most people who met her never thought she had a twin, which was mostly owed to the fact that Luna never actually disclosed her personal life to anyone else who she deems not important enough in her life. "I don't look like a twin huh? My brother looks so different... and he behaves even more. I do miss the cheeky brat though..." Siblings are your blood at the end of the day, no matter how much she forsake her family, her twin brother would always be her brother. Upon hearing the redhead's comment about her physique, she raised her eyebrow in amusement and chuckled "I have something great you say? That's... new coming from a girl. I'd expect a guy to say that since they like big bust but... I guess it does make sense."

Growing up, she was always insecure of her body, wondering if she was attracting too much unnecessary attention. "Another question I always get that really annoys me to the point I feel like I just want to bite them is when they ask if it's real" Even when she was barely 16, they'd ask if she had surgery done or not. "People can be so annoying..." She walked towards a small stall nearby and pointed to it "They have milkshakes... should we get one?"

Argent raised her brows wondering why Luna would be defending sororities of all things, she didn’t strike her as the kind of person who longed to be fitting into these big groups, if anything that was much more likely to be Argent who wanted that out of the two of them. “Well…the movies might be over dramatized but teenagers are teenagers you know, immaturity is inevitable” especially for the people coming into college straight after high school, she’d already gotten a similar impression from some of her classmates too during orientation.

“Somehow I don’t think you’re going to get into their ranks with intentions like that, they’re big on trust and sistership and all that” she shook her head, too much work for her and maybe a version of her who was young and new to the world would want that, but much older and much wiser her knew better than to fall for cliques. She laughed when Luna commented about wanting to witness their parties “I thought that would get your attention for some reason…”

Argent thought about it for a moment and then pursed her lips “I guess most people don’t seem like they’d be a twin when they’re alone…guessing you two aren’t the type who does literally everything together” which was probably better in her opinion because she could imagine how twins could get really tired of having to share literally everything. “It is?” she asked and tilted her head “I thought girls gave one another compliments all the time” or maybe that was just her.

Argent rolled her eyes playfully “Well it’s none of their business whether it’s real or not in the first place” she shook her head slightly, what decisions someone made about their own beauty was a personal choice and people should hold back their judgement “Besides, fake ones don’t look as good as yours” she complimented with a playful smile. She perked up at the mention of milkshakes investigating the flavors available on the board and hopping excitedly when she spotted strawberry “Yes…we absolutely should” she commented excitedly.

She could remember back when she was a teenager, god knows the kitsune has done plenty of stupid things. “I remember being one of those teens who did shit for the sake of it… to see what type of consequences it would bring her.” Given that she came from a cartel family, it wasn’t a surprise that she had that rebellious streak to her either. “Oh yeah I heard they’re all big on bonding and all, probably wouldn’t be good for me since I’m a hit of a loner in that part.” Or some would say it nicely and call her an introvert.

She shrugged casually when she said that because yes it would get her attention because Luna makes it known what she likes and what she doesn’t like. Luna smiled to herself and nodded because her twin brother is a different case “He’s a little shit though… always a know-it-all and acts like he knows what’s best for literally everyone. But he’s my little shit of a twin brother…” which meant only she would be able to judge him and tease him for whatever he did wrong. Everyone else could go away.

There was no way people complimented her if they didn’t do it to gain something in return. “Let’s just say that back then people only ever approach me if they want something. And that never translates well, you know?” Her family always made sure they do it too. She lived a rather secluded life. She didn’t expect Argent to give her a compliment so when she did, she gave her a sly grin and winked back “I know it looks good but it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t bitch about it behind my back.” But the Aspect of Light looked very genuine.

She ordered them both two English milkshakes and got them soon enough and brought them back to the redhead as they decided to walk back to their dorm. “So… little miss fashion designer, do you aspire to dress any prominent celebrity?”

She laughed softly and shrugged “Well…isn’t that the time to be experimenting, try everything and see what adventures it takes you on” if she had been raised in this modern time she was sure she would have been the same way, Argent was the kind of person who wanted to experience everything, if she saw something which intrigued her, she had to try it for herself and she would probably always be that way.

“I’m not a loner, but I also don’t really…fit in groups like that” perhaps because she didn’t really forge closeness with specific people, rather preferring to float amongst everyone who was around, perhaps because of what she was and how she could be influenced by emotions, she tended to find herself drawn to the happiest person in the room. She giggled at the way Luna talked about her twin, she could relate to having brothers herself and so the description felt pretty apt to her “Family, can’t live with or without them right” she teased softly and smiled.

Argent pulled a face in response to her saying that people tended to only even approach her if they wanted something from her “Well…I’d be exhausted too if everyone around me always acted that way” she mumbled softly, it disappointed her how people could be so self serving. “They’re only bitching because they wish they had it themselves” she teased softly and smiled.

Argent excitedly took her milkshake, taking a sip before doing a little happy dance because it tasted so good, as they walked along she hummed softly “Well that would be a lot of fun, I’d love to start by putting together some runway outfits and who knows, one day I might be able to dress celebrities…” she smiled softly “I love just…going crazy with my imagination” it liked to run wild “What’s your end goal?” she asked curiously.

“Ironically yeah that’s what people would often say. You’re young and stupid, it’s the time to try things and make mistakes and all that… but I don’t really get to have that type of uh… privilege.” Privilege is one way to put it. “My life was never this leisure the way I am right now. IfnI didn’t come here… I probably wouldn’t be able to do plenty of things.” It wasn’t to say that her family would for sure restrict her because they also believed she was an adult who could think for herself, but there would be eyes everywhere and it gets on her nerves.

“It’s fine, not everyone needs a group. Some of us can fend on our own just fine.” She wanted a pack obviously but she has been a lone kitsune for quite some time. While being alone is nice sometimes, the kitsune yearns for a sense of belonging with her pack, should she find one. “People often like to make life as what it is; a transaction. You give this, I give you that. It could be pretty simple but then again, we are humans… not a bunch of emotionless freaks… that’s not the way to do life.” Even for Luna who doesn’t really involve herself in a lot, she thinks people should be better.

She couldn’t help but chuckle when Argent said the rest were just jealous of her “I mean… like you said, I do have a nice rack.” It definitely gets people’s attention very easily. She didn’t think she was going to get along with her roommate at first, perhaps she wouldn’t be bitching about her sure, but Luna came to see Argent as this innocent happy-go-lucky type of girl that she probably wouldn’t want to offend because then she would feel extremely guilty.

When asked about what’s her end goal, the brunette pursed her lips slightly as she tried to rack her head “My end goal… huh… now that you said it, I didn’t really think much of it… I like to dance a lot… I want to be known for my talent and skills… not for my physical appearance alone. I want people to look at me and think more…” She has had people second guess her so many times. “I want to be a reporter one day… it would be nice.”

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