It was midday, and Aleksei decided to embark upon one of his exploration of Evermore City. How often this happened depended on his mood. There were days where he was content to sit upon the front porch of the cabin within the short grass prairie, watching the world drift by. He might paint, or converse with others of his kind who like him found themselves cast from the veil. Other times he felt as if he was going to go crazy just sitting there without a purpose. There were times he almost envied those who had decided to take the empath route because within his mind their purpose didn't come to a halt. They could still go about helping grieving souls upon earth. A shepherd, on the other hand,,,,,well..where were the voidlings to defeat or the lost soul to save? He knew it wasn't as simple as that. He knew that the empath felt just as lost. It might be that he wished he had chosen to be an empath so everyday he woke up to find them still trapped upon the earth he didn't have the face the realization that another soul he could have potentially saved was lost to the voidlings, or themselves. He knew there were still shepherds within the void as they all hadn't been cast out, and they will continue on as they always have while they search for answers to what happened.

Strange as this might be, it wasn't always the lack of purpose that fueled his wondering. Alek found himself torn with being curious about the world. There were times he wondered how fair he would be able to roam. Could he leave Evermore city? Go to California? New York City? How much had both changed since he been dead. He hadn't been dead as long as the others, but it was long enough that a great deal could change. He wondered if he would find Deidre. It was a foolish notion, he knew. They weren't suppose to have contact with anyone before their death, and he wasn't going to speak with her. He just wanted to see her, wanted to see what she had become. No doubt something wonderful. Yet, no matter how determined he was to leave he always ended right back at the short grass prairie.That was his home now. Not the prairie itself, but the other aurazin who dwell there. They were his home---his family. He had been among them longer than he had been alive. Not that much longer. He thought. What was it only nine more years?

He let out a snort upon finishing that thought, and gained dirty looks from the two individuals walking past him. It took him a few seconds to realize they thought he was snorting to something they had said, and he was debating whether or not he should inform them that wasn't the case when he saw it sitting upon the table at the cafe across the street--the biggest orange cat he had ever laid his eyes upon, and he just had to say hello. Making a beeline for the cat, who greeted him with a few meows, rubbing against Alek's hands as he petted him. When Alek had been alive he had a orange cat named General Mustard that he and his brother found in a dumpster walking home from school. They had that cat until one of their mother's boyfriend decided to...there wasn't much of the cat left when everything was said and done. He pushed the thought from his mind, instead turning his focus to the orange cat before him. "You are a friendly guy, aren't you?" The cat meowed in response.

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Al awoke as he shot up gasping heavily as he clenched his chest as his eyes looked down his chest realising it was just a flashback to when he was human  as he took some deep breathes  he took a look around the apartment  he had called home since he arrived in Evermore , quickly lowering his legs to the floor he got  up walking to the kitchen sink grabbing the glass  on the counter   pouring himself a cool glass of water  as he raised the glass to his lips taking a large gulp  he looked over to the white board at all the thought he had why  he was back on earth and why the Aurazins were in Evermore  let alone in this realm , taking a few minutes he  scanned the board  deciding  he wanted to hear a outsiders   point of  thought and only one  he knew would understand was Venetus Ailward. Reaching for the dial Al turned on the radio to the station  that he normally listened to  as he placed the glass down  and began to dance a little to the beat  picking up  items as he moved around the room  sitting on the  window ledge taking a deep breath as he looked out onto the street watching people and their aura they showed ,  it was his job to help them but he want use to  being tired  if he overdid it as he looked at the clock he realised he was running  late  he got to his feet  grabbing the  nearest clothing he had before making his way out of the door  with a loud slam as it closed .

Al hurried down the stairs  as he  avoided the black cat that always lay on the third step. As he left the staircase the apartment door   opened to his left as a  happy familiar  face of Kim holding out a coffee and a bagel as she giggled” you forgot you had dance class  again?” he just stared at her   Kims Aura made him feel happy  it was the first he felt  when he moved in  and she had been a lifesaver to him  so many times as he had forgotten  keys, to eat even to get  changed  out of his pjs really he considered her his  older sister  as he took the items he smiled” thank you “ as he made his way out of the apartment building he heard kim yell” at least you  look like you got dressed with the light on today “ 

Stopping outside the door,  he looked around as  the 9 am work hussle began. Al quickly  joined the cool breeze against his skin  as he weaved  between the gaps just like a waltz making his way towards the park .  Since he came to Evermore he volunteered  in a dance class  and today it started in the park  but straight after he would seek out Venetus Ailward Lucien said his home wasn't far from it   as he left  the hordes of pedestrians he saw a  homeless man  he could see  from his aura  he was a good man  done everything he could do to provide for his family but fell on  hard times  stopping  he knelt down in front of him  handing him the bagel and coffee”  here looks like you need it” he smiled as he saw  the smile on the man  his energy    changing to  much happier  aura m as he got to his feet  he grabbed his head phones from his pocket  placing them in his ears as he began to walk  again  as he placed his hand inside his pocket  looking for his phone to start playing some music 

AL was never good at Hip  hop dancing  but he would try  when he listened to music   it never bothered him but  he enjoyed making people laugh even if it was at his own expense  as he made his way in he stopped at the nearest coffee kiosk ordering another drink as he scanned the people with his eyes taking in there aura  and emotion .

"I would love to sit and pet you all day" He told the orange cat as he petted it. "But I have things to do" The cat meowing in protest, causing Alek to let out a mock gasp "How dare you..." Before he could finish his statement the cat meowed again, turning to face Alek, who flung his hands into the air in defeat. "Fine. You're right. I have nothing better to do" The sound of laughter cued him in to the fact that others were actively listening to his conversation with the orange cat. "But just because you have a point. Doesn't mean you have to be so vocal about it" The cat meowed louder this time. "I'm not deaf. You don't have to scream" He reached out to pet the cat one last time before pushing himself from the ground, and it was at that exact moment he noticed Al making his way towards the coffee kiosk not too far from where he currently stood with a large orange cat purring like a jet engine weaving between his legs.

Right away, he picked Al up for another of his kind. The only thing was he didn't recognize him from the cabin. Alek like to think that he knew everyone that were currently staying there even if he didn't know them personally. He was well aware that there was a good chance that he might have missed one or more along the way. It wasn't like he took the time to personally introduce himself to everyone staying at the cabin, and that made it very possible for error. There was only one way to know for certain, reaching down to pet the cat one last time before making his way towards that kiosk to take the spot right behind Al, or would have if two giggling nineteen year olds hadn't beat him to it. They bent their heads together, whispering between each fit of giggles. It didn't take Alek long to pick up the phase "No, you do it" being repeated over and over.

Finally one of the young woman reached a hand out to tap Al upon the shoulder, but at the last moment she chicken out and turned fleeing from the line with her friend following after her screaming "But, he might be willing to wear a chicken suit" And with that both girls collapsed into a heap of laughter. Alek raised a brow. That certainly wasn't what he was expecting. He didn't sense any ill intent from the females. They hadn't want him to wear the chicken suit as a way to mock him or anything of that sort. They had merely thought if anyone would be willing to do something as silly as dancing in a chicken suit it would be him.

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