Bap and Elias's last reunion had ended pretty awkwardly. And, while the Valkyr felt pissed off, bitter, and as if Elias might be trying to betray him, considering the fake wife and all. Lately it's all Bap had been thinking .. or more so, obsessing about. He had prayed to the heavens above that Elias hadn't met someone else, or that Baptiste hadn't been some kind of experiment. What better way to clear the air than a proper date?

Baptiste spent the last two days preparing a romantic evening for him and the man he knew that he truly loved with all his heart. From decorating the barn, to buying champagne and Elias's favorite food's, he had done it all. Baptiste was nervous beyond expression, but that didn't stop him from getting a quick shower, and sliding into one of his best suits.

On Bap's bed laid two things. One: a boquet of black roses with red trimming, and two: a CD he had made for Elias consisting of all the songs they had played on their first night together before Baptiste pushed Elias away. While it was simple, it was meaningful, and sometimes, simple things could be the most meaningful things in the world.

After gathering everything, Baptiste headed back to the ranch, put everything in order, and called Elias. The Valkyr was even more nervous now, as he started the music, poured two glasses of champagne, and placed rose petals around the area, along with plugging in all the stringed lights he had hung. He was pretty proud of his master piece. Elias being the southern male that he was, meant Baptiste had even thought carefully about the song he wanted playing when Elias walked in, and he had decided on (Somebody's Got Me)

Baptiste spent the rest of his time after calling Elias, preparing the table he had set up underneath one of the larger tree's at the ranch, and nervously began waiting at the end of a rose petal walk way.. Perhaps he'd went overboard, but Baptiste didn't slack when it came to romantic gestures. He was a firm believer in 'go big or go home'. The longer it took, the more he felt his nerves catching up to him, and before long, he began drinking the champagne, which there was no shortage of for the night. Baptiste had splurged plenty to make sure this day and night went perfectly. And for later, he had a projector to shine on the wall, which would play a home made video of Baptiste himself expressing his love for Elias.

But, first things first, and that was actually waiting for Elias to show up. After they eat, he planned to go horse back riding with Elias, and couldn't wait to show his Celestial the pair of chaps he'd brought to change into just for that occasion.

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The incident at the hospital had rattled things between Baptiste and Elias pretty badly. To be frank, Baptiste had thought about giving up that very day. He was sure Elias had met someone and moved on to them when he and Bap had been pulled apart by the infamous twins who sought to destroy Bap's life. Tonight would be the night he and Elias either reconciled, or broke things off for good this time. Because it just hurt too damn bad to sit and wonder when he'd lose the love of his life .. again. He couldn't. He just couldn't. 

Baptiste had certainly went overboard on the decorations, but he didn't leave anything to chance. He had always been an old school romantic, and didn't spare any detail when it came to having 'the perfect date.' plus, he and Elias were way over due for a night to themselves. He already knew Elias like the back of his hand, and he just knew Elias would show up in a panic. He couldn't help but chuckle when his Celestial showed up just as he'd anticipated he would. Full of panic and worry. 

The way Elias pulled him into a kiss however, seemed to stop time, and simply made Bap's head spin. The things this man done to Baptiste with just a simple touch. With his arms still wrapped around the Celestial, he grinned slyly "No no, i'm fine. I just wanted to show you a little something" he grinned coyly, as if his words had double meaning. And of course they did, but he'd show him that later. 

Baptiste made a gesture with his hand as to say don't worry. "I didn't give you any warning because you're sexy when you've been working all day" he smirked, and cupped the Celestial's cheek as he complimented him to say he looked stunning "only for you" he grinned before stealing another kiss. Baptiste stepped back, pulling a small grey box from his coat pocket, kneeling on one knee, and allowing his gaze to lock on his man. "Look. I know things haven't been the best for us, for a while now. I know I put you through hell when I pushed you away, and I don't deserve you.'re here, and I never want to lose you again Elias" he proceeded to open the box, and grabbed Elias's hand. He knew Elias would likely have a heart attack before he could even get the ring out of it's box. 

"I want to give you this, and it's not a proposal.. not just yet, but a promise" he added, to hopefully calm his partner down in case he started freaking out. "A promise to stick by you this time, and love you the way I couldn't before. I'm not saying I didn't love you endlessly and unconditionally, but .. I was afraid, and I did the only thing I knew I could do to save your life, but I don't wanna run no more, and if that means fighting, then I want you by my side for that too." After carefully sliding the ring out of the box, Baptiste slid it onto Elias's ring finger. "Don't hurt me" he added, and continued to hold his hand while remaining on his knees in front of him, using his free hand to grip at the Celestial's side a little. 

After playfully nipping at the flesh on his stomach, he lowered his shirt, and gazed back up to him. "I wanted this night to be perfect, I may have went overboard" he admitted guiltily. "I just wanna give you everything I was deprived of giving you before. I thought long and hard about things, and even though I still don't get what went on at the hospital, I can't imagine not being with you forever" Baptiste was usually so reserved about his feelings and expressing himself, so when he did let his emotions show, it seemed like they all came spilling out at once.  

Baptiste narrowed his gaze slightly, unable to refrain from grinning as Elias said that this was more than just a little something. At first the Valkyr had hesitated to even go through with this whole romantic evening, in thinking he''d just get his heart broken when Elias finally explained who his 'wife' was. But, at the same time, Baptiste knew they both needed this night to be together and what better way to do it than going overboard with romantic gestures? The Valkyr, at least for as long as he could remember, had been huge on being an old school romantic, and firmly believed in treating his partner like gold. Baptiste had looked up through his lashes, smirking at the reaction on Elias's face as he kneeled on one knee. He didn't expect anything less than what he was seeing right now, and in a way, it tugged at the Valkyr's heartstrings. 

It was when Elias pulled him up, and seemingly poured years worth of feelings into that next kiss. Speechless and breathless, Baptiste could do nothing more than hold him, allowing his hands to explore his partner for a moment to show his love since he knew Elias was big on the whole 'actions speak louder than words' thing. Between each gentle kiss, and every soft spoken, heartfelt word, Baptiste just smiled and simply allowed Elias to continue. It felt good to know Elias still loved him after all the things Bap had put him through "I'm so sorry for ever pushing you away" he began, but soon silenced himself when Elias started explaining the very thing Bap had been waiting on since the incident at the hospital. 

Baptiste nearly choked up on the next thing Elias said, but he could certainly see this Celestial being the man he spent forever with, and marriage didn't sound too terrifying, at least not with Elias. "One thing at a time. First, how about we get through this date tonight" he grinned teasingly, before leaving a gentle kiss along his neck "I think that sounds like a dream come true. Marrying you would be the last missing puzzle piece, but .. you know that I come with some pretty heavy baggage.." he was sure Elias would know he was talking about the psychotic twins from his past. 

Bap quirked a brow when Elias asked if he'd finally allow him to explain the hospital incident. "Gladly, the stage is all yours" he made a gesture with his hands and folded his arms across his torso, for a moment, bracing himself for this to hurt. But, as Elias went on with explaining, Baptiste felt a little bad for having jumped to conclusions and storming out the way he had at the hospital. "So, you told them you were here husband just to gain access to her room?" he asked to clarify that's what he was saying. "I'm sorry for doubting you Eli" he added and for a moment, he hung his head low. Baptiste was quick to bring his head back up however, unable to refrain from laughing a little when Elias said he was very very much so gay and in love with him "I know.. or at least I should have known and I'm sorry for acting so.. jealous, and possessive. But, you are mine. I lost you once, I can't do it again" he stated in a serious tone before grabbing Elias's belt loops and tugging him closer to steal another kiss. 

In between the kiss, Baptiste realized Elias had been right, and that he had indeed rushed out here as if he thought Bap was hurt. With a nod, and a sad smile, the Valkyr sighed, finally accepting this for what it was, deciding he had to cast away the trust issues, which was easier said than done, but Elias deserved to be trusted. "You're right, and I'm sorry I worried you.. but you did look good rushing in here the way you did" he smirked slyly and held his hand out as he changed the - SONG - again, "Dance with me?" he asked, taking a proper gentlemen's stance as he waited for Elias's response / reaction. "I'm just happy you could give me another chance to love you. I never stopped Elias, and if time showed me anything, it's that I can't stand this world without you by my side" Baptiste had been through hell and back, and had made plenty of bad choices since he'd lost Elias, but .. they were here now, and that meant a lot. It was better than what they'd gotten with one another in a long time now. 

The Valkyr's flesh was consumed by goosebumps when Elias moved in closer to him. Bap's gaze lowered until their eyes were leveled on one another, while his lips spread with a charming smile. He was never not happy when Elias was near him, in fact, it was the happiest moments of his life. Elias and Bap had been through so much .. things that couples normally wouldn't go through in 30 years of time together, and through the good and bad, even if they had parted ways because of Bap pushing him away, they somehow always found their way back to each other. "I don't mean to say it so much, I just have a lot to be sorry for, Champ. Pushing you away... that's been the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life.." Baptiste had been pretty miserable without his star, and now that he had him back, he didn't ever want to think of a life without him again. 

Baptiste's smile brightened drastically when Elias began slow dancing with him, the soft hum of his voice as soothing as an angelic melody. Baptiste had never felt this way about anyone other than Jason, but even with Jason, things wasn't this deep or special. It touched Baptiste to hear Elias say he would help him carry his baggage.. that the load was easier to handle when it was more than one person handling it. He was right, and damn did he have a way with words when he wanted to. "You don't know what that means to me Eli, what you mean to me..." he expressed in the form of a whisper, his eyes never leaving Elias's. The Valkyr grinned at Elias's comment about his ranch hands.. "they're sexy though, callus's and all"  Baptiste winked playfully before picking one of Eli's hands up and kissing each of his finger tips as they continued swaying around the room. "Holding you, and you holding me.. that's something I felt so robbed of before now.. I hate myself for ever pushing you away, for ever assuming you couldn't or shouldn't fight my battles. I know my battles are your battles too, and vise versa.. I know that now"

Baptiste was drowning in his own emotions right now, and if it hadn't been for the fact that Elias was holding him, he would have probably lost it. Baptiste knew this dreaded topic would someday surface, and that him and Elias would have to talk about it.. but he hated that it had to be now, and it definitely took a clear toll on the Valkyr when he gripped Elias rougher than he intended too as anger rushed through his entire being. The Valkyr's veins bulged under his eyes, and streaked down his face. It was the twins who had this effect on him, where Baptiste couldn't control his primal instincts, the predator within. Hunger and rage swallowed him whole but Elias had a knack for keeping him from falling over the edge. "They're back.. they've come back to finish what they started years ago Elias. They either want me dead, or want me as their hostage again.. and I couldn't have them hurt you too.. only on3e of us deserve to die.. and that's not you.. " Baptiste knew Elias wouldn't like that statement very much, but all of this just reminded Baptiste of the fact that they'd ran Elle out of his life too. 

Baptiste did however ;love the sounds of having Elias's undevided atention after this, so he gave in to the topic at hand, and restrained himself from the urges he felt with the way Elias wrapped tighter around him. "Fine.. but after this.. you're all mine" he returned a flirty wink before sighing to himself about the twins. "They won't stop until they get what they want Elias. I can't lose you.. not again" the Valkyr hung his head low enough to rest his chin on the Celestial's shoulder and watched as the tears from his eyes dripped onto the back of Elias's shirt. "I just don't wanna fight anymore.. I'm so tired, so exhuasted Champ"  Baptiste felt defeated, and he knew in this moment, he sounded it too. He at times, just wanted to throw his hands up and surrender, he felt that was the only way to protect those that he loved. "I don't want you getting hurt Elias. I won't stop you from fighting by my side this time, but I would never forgive myself if you got hurt.. or worse.. I couldn't live through that.." 

After finishing what he had to say, Baptiste leaned his face against Elias's neck and left a trail of slow, warm kisses along his flesh, waiting to see or hear how he reacted to all of that, knowing the temper his Celestial had. 

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