Name: Alexander Montgomery
Age: 32 years old
Face-claim: Ben Barnes
Member of The Organization
Head of Intelligence Department
Family: None

Personality Traits:

Good: Outgoing, Highly Intelligent, Confident

Bad: Bitter, Overly Sarcastic, Brash

Alexander grew up in a normal household, his father worked as a neurosurgeon and his mother worked as a wedding planner, being an only child Alexander thought life was pretty good. Each day at school for Alexander was a breeze, he excelled in many parts of the academic requirements making his teachers look at him with wonderments. When Alexander got to high school all the advanced placement classes couldn't beat him with all the things they tried to through at him. His parents were thrilled with their very own golden child, thinking his future was going to be better than their own that young Alexander could probably cure cancer. Unfortunately, that would be the case for their son, around Alexander' senior he began dabbling in around tech stuff and shadowed his best friends older brother who was a hacker. Alexander was amazed at the things someone could access with a little digging here and there, soon enough Alexander turned his bedroom wall of trophies and ribbons into an at home hacking station, his mother worried at her sons new found love and his father was convinced it was just hobby, but for Alexander it was much more.

When Alexander graduated High School it was with honors and colleges lined up with offers and scholarships left and right for the boy genius. For his mother's sake he listened to what these people had to offer him, he could be a doctor like his father, a lawyer, an engineer, anything he wanted but Alexander just didn't feel his heart leap at the career paths being handed to him on a silver platter. After a couple months of the summer, Alexander was messing around with some local businesses in the are chatting it up with friends when someone sent him an unknown message asking for help getting into some low government files. Alexander accepted knowing very well it would be a breeze for him to do, but when he got the information and began his magic the nineteen-year-old uncovered some mind-blowing information. Videos, images, and files on people began popping up on his screen, the government labeling them as a danger to this or that state. Playing and watching these videos till the next morning Alexander saw people his age turning into animals or lifting an object weighing over a ton, turning things into ice or setting things on fire with no machine or lighter fluid.

Alexander was in his early twenties when he moved out of his parents when his father had enough of Alexander throwing his life away and choosing to not go to college, though if they only knew what he knew about this world they are living in. Living in the city of New York was good to Alexander, he had more people offering him paid jobs to do that helped him get by and pay rent. Alexander was a world-class hacker, people knew him and what he was cable of getting into. New York was his playground now plus it was where he met his first love... Lola. Alexander and Lola had that whirlwind romance when Alexander wasn't hacking he spent all his time with Lola, he was madly in love.

Three years with Lola the Montgomery male was ready to settle down and start a life with Lola, while the love of his life was working so was Alexander but when it was time to go get her he was going to be on one knee. Alexander was doing a job when he got an unknown message just like when he was a kid, he always tried to avoid anything with the government knowing the punishment of doing such things, but all these years knowing there was a chance that supernatural things and fairytales were Alexander had to click reply.
Alexander was in the process of finishing the job and copying files to send back to this anonymous benefactor when he saw a familiar face, Lola, Alexander felt the air being sucked out of his lungs, his heart clenching in his chest and hot tears burning down his face.

Alexander stopped the process and began hacking further into this file that contained everything so accurately on the woman he loved. The videos of her body turning into a fox-like animal made him numb, clicking on the next video Alexander lost all will in him seeing the woman he wanted to marry bite another. He kept digging and digging on Lola finding the list of people she turned into people like her, there was a rusty taste in his mouth when he realized he was biting his fist and drew his own blood. He heard his phone ring and looked to see the number of missed calls from the devil herself, Alexander threw his phone out the window from his 28th-floor apartment and sent the information to the unknown benefactor with a simple P.S. message.

Alexander Montgomery became closed off and bitter towards the world, he moved from New York to Denver Colorado, he went back to New York once more for his longtime friends wedding, it was a beautiful service and the after party helped Alexander forget just a little, until the reminder of why he resented going stood just a few feet away. Alexander went to the happy couple and said his goodbyes and best wishes and turned to leave, Alexander left in a hurry until he was greeted by two rather large men. Lola turned Alexander and bared her claws. That same burn in his chest from the day he found out what she was came creeping back in.

" you know what I am and you told those sick hunters where to find me and several other packs?!." Alexander just stared at her unsure what to say or do, all he could think of was how could this woman who he loved so much, be this... creature. It was then a flash Alexander took a blow to his face and was now laying there on the ground with a ringing in his ears, blow after blow came to various parts of his body until it stopped and with blurred vision, Lola was gone. Alexander left New York after being discharged from the hospital, put on a plane and taken home by his newlywed friend. When got back to Denver a blonde was waiting on his doorstep by the Name of Sariah Holloway offering him a position and explaining to him the cause of what it was about. It hit home for him and nodded, he wanted help the human race and protect the supernatural because of Lola.

Alexander moved to Evermore and got settled nicely, he began his work quickly, updating the Intel's systems and tech to a more a vast set of programs, making the department of Intel more susceptible to gain access to everywhere with no evidence of anything being touched. Alexander was in his element, people looked to him as a leader, and he did it well. People adored him and he slowly returned the care that he bottled up, and he made more changes to help the people that welcomed him with open arms and then he became head of the intel department, it was a surprise to him but he took it with honor and made sure he protected his people and all who lived in it, and to his surprise he was back to his normal self as the happy go lucky Alexander that he was a kid. Evermore became his forever home, and he did his job with pride and a goal to protect.

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