Name: Amoura Laveau
Age: Looks 28 Actual 294
Species: Celestial
Constellation: Fornax
Face Claim: Tessa Thompson

What does it feel like to be a lonely star?

Around the early 1700's specifically 1725, the constellation better known as Fornax appeared different. Sitting high above the city of New Orleans something happened on that warm night. Usually within that constellation there are but a few bright stars that can be seen while others stay faint in the background of the dark sky. One star in particular rather emerged from that dark sky and fell straight down into the depths of the bayou waters in New Orleans. Her fall caused the body of water to spray up into the air before coming back down.

That star's name was Amoura Laveau. Her landing on this Earth wasn't quite pleasant. The woman was drenched in murky water and moss when she had made her way up to the surface. The dress she had was soaked and felt heavy on her body. Amoura looked around feeling disoriented and confused about what just happened. She was unsure of who she was or what she was. From the distance she heard a voice calling out to her. At first the voice was muffled and unclear. The celestial couldn't make out what the person was saying. She didn't dare take another step neither to find out. Instead, Amoura stayed right where she was.

An older woman finally made herself know to the celestial. Amoura found herself staring at the aged woman. She wasn't sure if she should run away or keep her guard up just in case. The woman introduced herself as Viola Devereaux. She lived around the area and noticed the big splash of water along with light that caused her to wake up. Amoura was still unsure about this but she figured she had no choice but to trust this lady. It was a hard decision to make at the moment but Viola was her only hope to understanding this world she crashed upon.

It took a few years but over time Amoura began to realize who she was. With the help from Viola of course. Soon she was able to put two and two together about herself. The celestial may look human on the outside but on the inside there was burning power residing in her. She would often times see herself glow at night but then it would fade away. Amoura however felt rather distant and disconnected from this life she was living in. Now knowing her true identity made it even more difficult to comprehend.

What scared her the most was the ever changing era the world was going through. It seemed like she had just arrived on this planet but time was moving rapidly around her. The people, food, technology, clothes, transportation, just about everything was evolving and Amoura was having a hard time adjusting. Viola however did not live long enough to help aid the celestial like she needed to be. Instead she was left with nothing but books that began to deuterate and more confusion than clarification.

Alas the woman had to find some way to adjust and get comfortable in this forever changing world. Being compassionate which was one of her prize traits led her to volunteer work whether it be helping out the interesting animals or people in need. Amoura provided the ones who needed it the most just out of impulse and wanting to help out. It was something she could not resist doing. Sometimes her compassion got her into situations that actually put her life on the line but Amoura did not put herself first. Therefore, her life was always at risk because she did not think about consequences or the outcomes of her actions.

Although she was doing all that she wanted in order to fit in. Nothing quite felt complete. She still felt out of her element. Amoura wanted to leave New Orleans and search for other celestials like herself. She was still very iffy about her kind and their history. The little bit of information that Viola left her helped but not so much. She still felt like that little star that was kept in the dark. The urge to travel came sooner than expected. She was packed up what little clothes she was able to acquire and adjust to over the years that have passed. Her journey started on a bus ride that took her cross country. She found herself in a lanky motel outside of North Carolina. She decided to get a drink at a local bar not to far from where she was staying. The aura in the area was strange but had a strong vibe to it.

It was there that Amoura ran into a few celestials who were roaming and traveling just like her. She was surprised to have even found anyone like herself. She thought for so long that her falling from the sky was some sort of punishment or mistake. The two celestial women educated Amoura deeply about the history of their kind and what has been happening over the decades. They mentioned how dangerous it was to be traveling alone knowing there were people out there seeking to hold such power that a celestial contained. The women encouraged Amoura to go to Sky Isle. It was a safe place for Celestials like herself to reside in. A deal made by the Ailward-Aspects and a wayfinder named Ophelia. She was much like the previous wayfinder Emilia.

Hearing this was all news to Amoura. Living with Viola for so many years and trying to figure out who and what she was took up most of her time. She did not get a chance to extend her knowledge about her kind to know that being a celestial brought unwanted danger and targets on her back because of the power she possessed. Amoura asked the women to give her directions to Isle of Sky so she could reside there. It wasn't long until she was met with friendly faces. Stars just like herself all enjoying themselves in this place they now call home. Amoura stayed on the Isle of Sky for a few years. She felt like this is where she truly belonged and nothing would change that. For a minute she resented going back to Earth. Her home was here and here is where she wanted to stay.

Unfortunately when the event that dealt with Raven took place, all hell broke loose. Amoura was on her way to see a fellow Celestial when she was grabbed by an Ailward. He yanked her so hard that it felt like he almost broke her arm. She struggled against the aspect's grip that just kept getting tighter. Everything began to fall to pieces, shattering like glass before her very eyes. The place she called "Home" now turned hellbent into rage and fury. Before she knew it, her body was met with the cold concrete of a prison cell along with a few other celestials. They were held captive for what seemed like centuries. The outcries that were echoing off the cold walls of the prison cell haunted Amoura. She wanted to find a way to escape and fast.

The fantasy of living without fear was now tarnished. Amoura could no longer trust like she used to. Her defensive walls began to rebuild as she fought her way through this terror. Her faith in ever seeing another day in life was diminishing quickly. The celestial almost gave up and was ready for any kind of painful end to her life that the ailward's had in store for her. That was until she and a few others who managed to survive the horror were rescued by the wayfinder Ophelia. Along with her were Diviners who managed to put an end to the chaos and save the brittle stars. Amoura was not to sure about Ophelia but the aura that radiated off the woman was stronger than any other. She felt a sense of peace being so close to such a celestial like that.

With the nightmare of Isle of Sky behind her, Amoura and the others who were left had to find their way back to living life. She did not stick with them as she thought being around to many of her kind would cause another horror such as that with the Ailward Aspects. Instead she decided that traveling alone would be best. She could watch her own back at all times and be more cautious of her surroundings. Searching for another place to call home was difficult. Nothing felt like the right fit for Amoura. That was until she found Evermore CO. Something about this place welcomed her automatically. She wasn't sure if she would stay here long but ended up doing so.

Now being surrounded in a city filled with other supernatural beings only made her more wary. She did not feel to safe but she did not feel like she had to look over her shoulder to much as well. And with that, Amoura wasn't to sure of her talents but it came to mind when she picked up a paint brush and began to paint her dreams and nightmares. Some folks took a liking to it and purchased some of her pieces before. She owns a small art studio in the city that garners a lot of customers. Keeping a low profile wasn't something she wanted to do but being able to feel free was. She still keeps her eye out for anything or anyone who may seem like they are interested in more than just her art.

Positive: Loyal, Compassionate, Determined
Negative: Defensive, Trust Issues, Skeptical

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