Name: Ethan "Lupus" Rodwell
Age: 24
Species: Shifter
Shifter Animal: Wolf
Family: Natalia, Angel and Jace
Face Claim: Taylor Lautner 

Ethan was born into a family who were never really around that much, and had very little to do with him or his siblings. His mother always loved to travel and live the life of exploring while his father was always away at work. So he never really got to spend much time with his parents, however he was always there to look out for his siblings Natalia, Angel and Jace, who are extremely close to him. Growing up for Ethan wasn't really that difficult he always had money and he didn't find it hard to stay out of trouble in school or to make friends. He only got into trouble once when someone picked on his youngest sister Angel, he was always very protective over his siblings.

As Ethan reached his teenage years he would likely be found out with his friends, but still always kept his siblings close to him as they used to tag along but he grew more hateful of his parents. He became more independent and when he reached 17, he couldn't take it anymore and mad the choice to leave home and find a place of his own. Although soon enough his siblings decided to join him.

Ethan didn't find it that hard to get to Evermore City since he and his siblings worked together to get to their new home, although he didn't realize how much he wished his parents cared more for him and his siblings and joined them. Ethan also didn't realize how lonely it was for it to be only him and his siblings and not knowing the many different people who lived here. However Ethan pulled himself together and found a place quickly for him and his siblings to stay.

Ethan lived with his siblings for nearly 2 years when his life began to change forever, was it going to be for the good or for the worse? That he is still unsure off because it was not long after that he noticed his brother and eldest sister were going through the same changes.

Ethan one day while working out found a sun tattoo on his arm, which of course he didn't remember getting any tattoos, However the tattoo did sting for a while, so he thought he maybe did it out of a dare since he and his brother were never done making dares up for each other. Soon the stinging disappeared and he didn't mind having this new tattoo, although when he began to have sleepless nights and feeling restless that was when he began to worry.

One night when he did finally manage to get to sleep he woke up in the middle of the woods, he looked around unsure of what happened to him he soon spotted people were now beginning to look at him. Which of course made him scared. Ethan learned to hide his true feelings for years not having his parents around, but this time he just couldn't hide them. This was when he began to discover what everything he was going through in those last few weeks meant. He had been tapped to become a shifter which he was worried about.

The shifter clan performed a ritual on him which allowed him to sink into his element, to become the animal which had chosen him; it was a wolf, a majestic silver wolf. After this happened he ran back home and hid only to find his youngest sister Angel standing there scared of him.

Ethan now lives alone in Evermore City after meeting Grayson again after the ritual, Grayson helped him learn about the changes happening to him, he thinks of Grayson as his best friend and he still keeps in close contact with his siblings who live around. Ethan is now working on becoming a doctor although he still thinks about the job he used to want until he became a shifter.

Devoted - Open Minded - Patient

Doesn't Trust Easily - Hot Tempered (Sometimes) - Manipulative

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