Name: Giselle Stark
Age: 29
Species: Human
Face Claim: Shelley Hennig
Supernatural Standing: Member of the Privy Council
Organization/City Standing: Deputy Mayor of Evermore City

Giselle Stark was born into a high-class home in New York, New York in 1988. Her father was a vice president of a big name trading company. Giselle's mother tended to their home because her father traveled often, detached from her child trying to be the picture house wife. Giselle was always an emotional child since she was born, growing up she always wanted to please people: her teachers, friends, family, and more importantly her father. As a child Giselle's father traveled and was succesful making the child want to please him with her own success as soon as he walked in the front door. Her whole childhood was filled with critiscism, making Giselle live with ever present anxiety, and loneliness.

While Giselle grew up, just like any child, had an imaginary friend that she would talk to as well as play with. Though it was concerning to the help that worked for Giselle's family, they would tell her mother and father when he was home how their daughter had very vivid descriptive conversations with herself when she was supposed to be sleeping. But if they knew Giselle heard a voice speak back to her they would for sure think she was mentally unstable, but it was the truth, late at night Giselle would stay up and talk her imaginary friend named Wayland who was not imagined but real. The man would come to grounds of the Stark home in the cover of night watching the family, he learned how the husband left and the wife went home, and the poor young child was left to her own vices. The strange man spent his time building a relationship with Giselle til he could use the child and inact his revenge.

Giselle was asleep when she had a horrifying vision of her mother being murdered by a stranger, waking up with a small scream, Giselle looked to her french doors to her small balcony seeing them open. Standing up out of bed she shut them, turning around she saw a figure sitting at her desk, Wayland stood and went to Giselle jumped in fright at the sight of the fangs that were exposed with the sinister grin that the man wore. " I need you to go back to sleep, to not come out of bed til morning my child... " Giselle nodded her head and climbed back into bed gripping her covers tight. The young girl waitied a few moments before leaping from her bed and ran down the hall to her mother in hopes that her dream didn't become a reality and tried to warn her about it. Giselle stopped at the grand doors that lead to her parents chambers, her mother laid limp in the doorway of her closet was dead. While Giselle knew it happen and tried to explain that it was murder, it was declared accidental and her father silenced her.

Within six months, her father remarried a blonde Yankee from Illinois whose father was a promising client. Giselle's stepmother treated her coldly while making a pet of her. Giselle suspected that the marriage and her mother's murder were all planned and carried out by her stepmother. Giselle tried to tell her father, but her father raged at her for suggesting ill of his new wife. One night when Giselle left the safety of her room, she heard a conversation of her father and stepmother talking about her mother's killer, revealing the truth of what had happened. It was all a ploy to make it seem Giselle was mentally unwell and used the excuse of her imaginary friend to kill her own mother. Giselle's father new Wayland was trying to seek revenge on him for a business deal that went south, and now with the police investigating him it was time to pin it on Giselle. She tried to hide in her closest relatives' house, but they drove her away as they still blamed her parents for their bankrupcy. Giselle then rushed to the town's marshal, but her father was already one step ahead of her when he discovered her missing. He told them that his daughter had gone mad, and had her put in a mental asylum two counties away.

While in the asylum, Giselle indured the worst, locked in a dark room, sedated, starved, strapped to a bed for days on end. She also endured electroshock therapy which rendered her with nearly reaching amnesia, but it also restored her naturally cheerful and humorous self. A man who worked at the asylum befriended Giselle and treated her like a daughter, when he read her file and the claims she made about what happened, he believed her. He also frequently visited her with food, and treats hidden in his briefcase, and shielded her from other horrifying treatments as best as he was able. Nursing Giselle back to a healthy state, when she was able to remember things he told Giselle his name was Samuel, and the two became close. Samuel told Giselle how she reminded him of his daughter who he lost to a car crash years ago, and in time Giselle felt genuinely conmfortable with him, putting her trust in him.

After a few months of trying to get a legitament file going for Giselle to hopefully get her discharged and put into a home for girls, her father decided to pay a visist to his child after years of writing her off. They had no time to plan an escape, so Samuel had no choice but to sedate her and strap her to her bed faking a scene that she was actually unwell. When trying to create the scene, Giselle laid restrained to the bed, her father walked in and questioned the doctor. Samuel lied and claimed she was better but still lashed out violently, her father walked around the bed When her father looked at her, Giselle kept looking at the door trying her best to seem vacant, but it wasn't enough, her father shut the door while samuel began undoing the restraints. Giselle sat up and began undoing her restraints on her ankles, Samuel fought off her father who brough a knife, Samuel did his best to dodge the strikes and to distract Giselle's father so she could run, sacrificing himself in the process. Giselle ran into the hall and tried to walk along the wall as fast as she could without bringing attention to herself, when she an exit and no nurses looking Giselle ran to the door and into the bright sun setting off the emergency alarm.

Giselle ran through the streets until she came to a bus stop with a small gas station, walking in she kept her head down, not speaking to elderly woman at the counter who tried to speak to her. Grabbing a tourist shirt and sweat pants, Giselle went to the food section and grabbed candy bars before going to the bathroom and locking herself in while she ate the chocolate quickly changing and sneaking out making a run for the door and back out on the streets, staying hidden in the small forest that lined the roads Giselle tried her best to follow the road signs to the bus station. Giselle stopped when she saw that the forest ended and a small town was coming into view, she panicked and began to cry softly until someone grabbed her and turned her around, Samuel sighed and hugged a crying Giselle.

Samuel took her to his car Parked off to the side and got her in, he drove on the off roads til the duo were on the road out of state, Samuel told Giselle all about his life, about a place he was taking her in Colorado. When Giselle understood what this place, Evermore was about, and accepted to go to this place to start again Samuel then broke the news of what species he was. " I am a Lycan, or what kids these days would call a werewolf..." Giselle looked at the man in fright but she would think of this man as a father, one she was never blessed with and for some reason it did not matter what was just told to her.

Giselle lived the remainder of her teenage years in Evermore, Colorado graduating high school, and enrolled in college studying Law for a bit before she decided on getting her Bachelor of Arts degree while studying Political science. Over the summer Giselle interned with the city council, working on the mayors campaign before she decided to run for Deputy Mayor, people loved how sweet and understanding Giselle was, she used her natural compassion she had to really listen to what the people wanted, needed. This brought attention to her and a woman named Sariah Holloway approached Giselle appearing as a concerned citizen but with someone who was apart of something greater.

With an invite to the Headquarters, Giselle met with Sariah and a few others, were everything was explained about Evermore from a different point of view it was shocking and Giselle listened with her jaw dropped. She learned how the mayor and deputy mayor was offered a place on the Privy Council with many other people who brought different spots in the community to it, how they help ambassadors of multiple factions of the supernatural in keeping the peace with the multiple conflicts between them. The offer was optional of course but Giselle wanted to help this cause, and she took it with no hesitation, she wanted to help the city and what it stood for. 

Time flew by and Giselle did her job beautifully, the people loved her, her efforts were noticed by the greats changes to the community and community programs that were beneficial to the city as one. Her actions were successful and working side by side with the mayor made the city thrive, making the humans lives improve and as well as the supernatural lives as well. But with success came downfalls, it wouldn't be life it didn't happen, when the massacre happened Giselle felt the anxiety she beat a long time ago come creeping back. Flashbacks of her mother effected her as well as the sound of electric shocks making her become on edge, but when the people of Evermore came up to her with questions. Something in Giselle turned on and she became stronger and fought to help them in anyway she could, and work with the organisation closely to find solutions all over. Giselle kept her head straight and in her work to better the community of Evermore and her free time was spent in therapy from the nightmares she still had, or in kick boxing trying to find a way to let out her emotions instead of letting them eat away at her. 

Positive: Brave, Compassionate, Intelligent

Negative: Self-Critical, Fatalistic, Emotional

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