Jamie-Lee Simmons
FaceClaim: Danielle Campbell
Species: Pure Nephilim
Age: 20
Status: In the community
Family: None

When she was born on 13th June, Jamie and her brother were brother were placed on the door step of an orphanage, where they spent the first 15 years of their live. Until she found out what she was. Her brother though was lucky...he didn't have the genes.

As she grew up Jamie resented the fact that she was an orphan...not knowing who her parents were and how they died. And so she would confide in her brother often and she spoke to him about running away. They made a plan, they'd heard that there was people like them at a place called Evermore City and so they would leave their foster parents at midnight.

The two siblings left the house and never looked back, they took their fathers car and began the journey to Evermore City. They arrived on may 13th and re-connected with their mother. They couldn't be any happier... although in one night that all changed.

Jamie woke up on the morning 14th of May to hear her brothers screams. She rushed downstairs to see what the commotion was, when she got to the room she gasped to see her brother lying on the floor. His body shredded to pieces.

She wants to know who destroyed her only family, she wants to know why and she wont stop until she has answers. Know 20, she is live in Evermore city, where her enemy's and people who she could form alliances with strives.

Personality Traits

She is not one to wear her heart on her sleeve. But cares very much about others' opinions and craves love and appreciation as much as anyone - however one would never know it from Jamie's reserved and seemingly detached demeanor. Casual, superficial relationships do not interest her at all. She is cautious and serious about love and really desires deep, genuine, lasting relationships. Jamie has a fierce personality, always willing to put someone in their place if they get in her way.


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