Name: Madeleine Clémence LeBlanc
Age: 21 (looks) 40 (actual)
Species: Turned Vampire
Rank: Fledgling
Faceclaim: Perrie Edwards

Observant || Caring || Adventurous
Reserved || Picky || Impulsive

Madeleine felt like her past life used to be the best. She was human to start her life and for the first 21 years, she stayed that way. Her parents and her little brother and sister were the best she could have asked for. At 14 and 12, neither of the two siblings were planned, but her family accepted them and loved them as if they were. And the man she was seeing, Carter always keeping her on her toes. She lived the best life, living in Kayserburg, France. She was always told that the language she spoke was the language of love, Carter always told her it was beautiful. He spoke English, only visiting the city for the fantastic wine trails it held. They fell in love over teaching each other their languages, and coffee in the morning to their early lessons. Her parents saying she was crazy in the silly teasing way they did. She was young and in love and that's all that mattered to her. She had everything she could ever have wanted, and more.

Carter never told her the truth of who he was, why would he? It wasn't allowed. But she noticed things were different, he would get angrier on certain days and he was much stronger than she could figure. Though he tried to hide it, she wasn't oblivious. She chose to ignore that though, allowing herself to move away from her family and into a home with him, not too far from her parents home. They would visit every weekend with her little siblings, and Carter and her had plans to be married and have kids later on in the future. "Carter, when will we start our own family?" she used to say to him, the strong accent of her voice always made him smile. "Soon my love, in time. I want to marry you first." A true gentleman in her eyes.

Then a couple weeks before her 22nd birthday, a tragedy happened. Her entire family lost in a car crash on the way to see her. She could remember that day so vividly, mainly because she could remember the lights of the police car outside the window that day. And she knew, she knew something was wrong the second the red and blue flashed across her eyes. She couldn't move. Carter had to answer the day, but he was still learning French, so the fluent speaking police officers couldn't communicate with him. "Madeleine" His voice was such a soft whisper, bringing her back to the present and nodded slowly as she walked over to where they were. Listening to the police officers explained that a car crash, they were hit head-on. Crushing the car almost instantly by the truck that was speeding down the wrong side of the road, someone knew to France, must have been.

Madeleine was never the same after that. Her heart broken into a million pieces it would have seemed. Carter didn't know what to do about it. She didn't have the same light in her that she always did, she became more reserved, scared to get close to anyone else because they could all die and leave her. That's when Carter took her away from her home, with her agreement of course. She needed a fresh start, a new country seemed the best place for her so they headed back to the U.S where Carter was from. Evermore City, Colorado was new to her, and it was a safe place for her and Carter, without her even knowing it.

Just before her 22nd birthday though, her entire life had faded to dark. Carter told her he wanted to be with her forever but she couldn't be with him forever if she was human. "Human?" she questioned, was there anything else? That's when she felt the kiss of death she called it. A kiss on her neck which she thought was a romantic gesture but turned out to literally be the death of her. She could remember the smile on her face being ripped away the second his teeth punctured her skin, and the venom entering her system took control of her body for hours, the hours seemed like days.

And just like that, at 21 years of age. She was now a turned vampire. Carter hoping that they could be together forever, but Madeleine didn't thank him for turning her, in fact, she was furious with the man when she woke up and a new hunger was building inside of her. Thirst for blood. Carter explained she would need to feed as soon as possible, at first didn't want to hurt someone, not the way he had hurt her so she said she was going to a hospital blood bank and that's when Carter stopped her. She had much to learn.

Carter taught her everything she needed to know, still as much in love with the young girl as he was when she was human. But Madeleine was disgusted with what he did, she had never wanted to hurt people and he sentenced her to a life of hurting people for their blood. She needed to hurt them to survive and for that, the young girl left him after being trained and learning everything she needed.

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