Miles Evans

Faction: Ailward Guard | Rank: In the community

Species: Nephilim | Age: 32 - Looks:28 | Faceclaim: Chris Hemsworth

When little Miles Evans was born, right at Thanksgiving, it was to a very loving and grateful family. His parents, Amelie and Jason, were high school sweethearts and both had families that loved them dearly. As such, Miles had a strong sense of community around him from the time that he was small, which helped when his dad had to go off for work. Amelie often commented to her family about how similar young Miles was to his father, claiming that he inherited not only his father’s messy blonde hair but also his adventurous and brave spirit. Jason Evans had a rather dangerous job, working as a detective in the city, and so he thought it important that his family be able to defend themselves. That sort of training isn’t really an issue for a family of Nephilim, and so Miles was taught from a young age how to defend himself, taking a particular interest in MMA and marksmanship. Amelie was there to ensure that he never lost that kind spirit along the way, teaching the young Nephilim to always use his abilities for good.

Miles was 3 when his little sister Jennifer was born. The young boy took immediately to being a big brother and bragged about his baby sister to anyone who would listen. Jennifer was a constant presence at Miles’s side and, though Miles was 3 years older, he never seemed to mind her tagging along with him, even as he grew older and had friends who didn’t want a little girl tagging along. Miles was always good in school, but it seemed like he was in trouble a fair amount despite his good grades, his strong sense of right and wrong leading him to get into a number of fights. If he saw someone getting bullied he’d step in, and he never cared about the consequences of that. His parents were proud that he was standing up for others, but they also knew that he couldn’t just keep getting into fights, or else his grades would start to suffer. Thankfully as he got older he got into fewer fights, using his fists less and his words more in order to protect people.

By the time Miles was 15 he was truly coming into his own. Among the top of his class and on the soccer team, his life was good. Then, one night, his father was killed on the job. Some local gangster who he’d help to bust had gotten out of jail and attacked him. Jason managed to take him down, but not before taking a fatal wound himself. For the first time in his life, Miles wasn’t sure what to do. He wanted revenge but there was no one to get revenge on. While he didn’t grow violent, his grades began to suffer as he just couldn’t focus on classes, after all what are some grades in the face of loss such as that? In the end, it was his family needing him that got him back on track. He saw the impact his father’s death had on not only him, but his mother and his sister as well, and he knew he had to get it together for their sake at least. He refocused his efforts in school, taking on several math and science electives, and he made sure he was able to be there for Jennifer and his mother.

Miles graduated early and went straight into his chemical engineering degree. It was while studying there that Miles truly began to see the injustice of the world. He was told far too many stories of others his age being attacked. Stories of people being targeted just because of who they are or what they look like. He knew he had to do something else to help people when one of his good friends at college was attacked. Miles was told about the murder the next day and a week later he had changed his major over to forensic science. He’d come to realize that he couldn’t defend people purely by trying to fight their battles, he had to try and catch the people behind it so they wouldn’t hurt anyone else while he wasn’t around.

Through college Miles remained close with his family, visiting his mother and sister regularly and staying up to date on their lives. Jennifer planned on going into healthcare and he was proud of his sister, their mother also quite proud of the people they had become. It was on one of these trips home that Miles introduced them to Brooke. She was a girl in the same classes he was and the two had grown close while working on a project. Immediately they knew something was different. Miles had been in relationships before, but he’d never seemed serious about any of them until now. Brooke was a kind girl, with a similar sense of justice as Miles and the young woman immediately hit it off with Miles’s family, quickly becoming a part of the family. She didn’t have much family to speak of, so the love and closeness among the Evans was appealing to Brooke. Miles waited until they graduated to propose to her.

While planning their wedding Miles got a good job at the same district that his father had worked in previously, Brooke taking a job in the district over. It was there that her family found her and the truth came out. Her family was small, but strict, most of them caught up in illegal activity. Brooke had gone to college in a different state to try and get out of that life, but those people will never let one of their own betray them without retribution. She found out quickly that her cousin had found her and raced home to Miles, hoping to protect them both and get them away from her new family. Unfortunately, they had beaten her home. When Miles got back home he found his fiancee tied to a chair, with a few strangers around her. With the situation as bad as it was, Miles knew he had little chance of fighting them off without Brooke getting hurt as well. He tried to reason with them, but that night ended in tragedy. Miles ended up in the hospital for a week, recovering from his wounds. His family buried Brooke.

After that Miles wasn’t sure what to do. He hadn’t been able to protect his father and now he couldn’t even protect his fiancee. After recovering Miles started spending time at a local bar, trying to drown at least some of his grief away while the police attempted to track down the people who had done this. It was during one of these benders that Miles was approached by someone. He said his name was Aureus Ailward, and he told Miles about the mission the Ailwards spearheaded. Miles was curious of course, he found that he liked the information Aureus had given him, but he had something else he had to take care of first, and it wasn’t too long before news reached him of the people who had murdered his fiancee. Miles immediately left to confront them, getting there just a short time after the police. It was only the presence of some of his father’s old friends that kept him from attacking the ones who had so brutally killed Brooke when the police dragged them from the house, the older Nephilim restraining Miles while they were carried away. Miles was at every trial, including the ones where he didn’t have to testify, and nothing had ever pleased him so much as hearing the guilty verdict that would make sure those scum never harmed anyone else again. However Miles knew that he couldn’t just hang around that sleepy little town anymore. He loved his family, but the memories there were just too much for him. Thankfully his family understood.

From there, Miles followed Aureus’s directions and arrived at the Isle of Skye. He was fairly certain that the barrier would let him in and, sure enough, he stepped through with no problem. He spent several years with the Guard and found worth in his new task, travelling on missions, even going with them to Evermore. He was there when the comet hit, granting him his wings and freezing him forever at 28. He was also with the Ailwards when they made a base in Evermore and he felt the same pain as everyone else as their home, the Isle of Skye, was destroyed. Needing to somehow be useful after that Miles took a part time job with his experience as a forensic scientist, ensuring that he could be there to help as many people as he could.

| Strong sense of justice | Brave | Loyal |

|Brash | Overconfident | Aggressive

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