Age of Appearance: 27 | Date of Birth: 12th May, 1999 | Actual Age: 18

Located: Evermore City, Colorado | Status: Immortal 

Family: None | Species: Celestial

Distinguishing Marks: Mark of the Lyra Constellation

Faceclaim: Lana Condor


In the beginning there was blinding light, so bright that the girl couldn’t keep her eyes open as she moved through the air, she didn’t know what was happening, only that the air around her was hot too hot. And then suddenly with a crash the light and the heat faded away into one blur into the darkness.

Miyaza found herself in the bottom of a crater when she first awoke, her entire body hurt all over and she couldn’t remember anything about herself, no matter how much she tried to remember anything her mind came out blank.

Passing citizens had spotted the disturbance in the sky and followed it to where Miyaza lay confused and dazed, she was taken to the city hospital where she was treated for the wounds she had received. When the doctors had asked for her name she had been unable to give them one, she didn’t know who she was, where she was from or what was happening to her. Writing “Jane Doe” on her medical cards they had left to allow the girl to recover.

Miyaza didn’t sleep well that evening, instead she watched the stars from out of the hospital window, they flashed one by one and it was beautiful and soothing to her, almost as though they were singing her a lullaby. Watching them allowed her to doze in and out and then suddenly her name returned to her in two spoken words “Miyaza Ryou” it was all she would ever remember of her past, instead she had to focus on her future and where she would go from here.

As she was presumed a minor Miyaza was taken in under a foster family for the first year of her life, they were kind and patient with her, they allowed her to grow into her own person through their guidance and she was grateful for that. She attended school and there was little different in her life to that of any other, aside from the radiant and somewhat unnatural glow to her skin.

During her two school years Miyaza took many different classes and did her best to learn the most she could about the world, she loved to read about different cultures in the world and one day dreamed of travelling across the seas and seeing all the places for herself. She also adored sports and dancing and was generally pretty athletic signing herself up to different classes that allowed her to show off her skills. At one point she even joined a dance group which performed at many different small venues across the city.

Generally the years she spent in high school were happy ones despite her not having many friends, she kept a few close friends whom she treasured and cared for. She remained in good standings with her foster parents and did her best to make them proud of the grades she managed to obtain.

Miyaza’s happy normal life however lasted no longer than 2 years before she would find herself the target of a kidnapping. She was walking through the park on the way home when she was grabbed from behind, without even knowing what she was doing she had surged celestial energy in the direction of her attacker but she was untrained and weak and it took little energy for her to be overpowered.

Miyaza feared for her life, she didn’t know why she was taken nor whether she would survive the ordeal she found herself in. Her captors however were not brutal with her, ensuring that she had full meals and was not injured they took her on a journey across the world from her home in Korea to a place she could not name.

The next years of her life were spent in a cell, at first she was unable to communicate with the others in the cells besides hers, she had studied the basics of English during school but she knew very little past that point. She however made friends in a fellow captor Anastasia whom was patient and kind to Miyaza, piece by piece they managed to break the language barrier between them.

Anastasia told Miyaza of how she was a supernatural being, a star with abilities beyond the imagination of humans. At first Miyaza didn’t believe the words she was hearing but then the memory of her capture returned to her and she remembered how some sort of energy had come from her hand, it had almost blown her captor off of his feet and that was enough for Miyaza to believe what she was hearing.

Miyaza spent the next 16 years of her life alongside her fellow Celestials and during that time she learned of everything about their kind, how they were hunted down by greedy people who wished to change the course of time and how they had abilities to protect and care for people. She wished that she could practice the magic her fellow stars spoke of but the cages they were being held in prevented their use of celestial energy, without it, the stars were simply immortal humans.

As the years passed Miyaza began to lose hope of ever being rescued, she heard the others speak of a Wayfinder, a special kind of star usually tasked with leading their people but Miyaza had never met this woman and all she knew was what the others could tell her about them, it was hard to keep her faith when all she had was stories but she did her best to cling to idea of one day escaping and being able to experience the world once again.

Eventually Ophelia made good on her commitments to the colony and came back from them, it had been difficult as the barrier around the Isle kept out all of those that the Ailward didn’t want to enter. The Celestials managed to escape the castle and as Miyaza finally stepped out into the light under the stars she felt the Celestial energy the others had been talking about surround her causing a beautiful flash of light.

Her happiness for her freedom however was short lived as the island was not looking good, it was almost as if there was a self contained earthquake across the island itself, it terrified Miyaza but part of her also felt relief that the place she had spent the most part of her life captive in would cease to exist. Along with the other Celestials she made her way into the boat as it sailed away from the island as it began to disintegrate into the sea.

Ophelia told the Celestials of her plan to take the colony to Evermore, Miyaza was both scared and intrigued by the idea but she knew that she wouldn’t leave her fellow stars, they were all she knew and she knew that she wouldn’t survive in the world they had described alone. She agreed to go with them to America to face their fate against the people whom had held her captive.

During their year of travels Ophelia taught Miyaza how to shoot a bow and wield a gun, to her surprise Miyaza was naturally a very good aimer and able to hit her targets with ease, with practice she became skilled with the weapons, having them helped her to feel safer, she liked to be able to defend herself against those who intended her harm, especially when those people were everywhere.


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