Name: Sebastian “Bash” McKinnon
Age: 26
Species: Human
Supernatural Status: Member Of The Organization
Organization Status: Head Of Recruitment and Public Relations
Face Claim: Dylan O'Brien

Sebastian McKinnon was born to a middle class family in LA in the summer of 1992. The youngest of three siblings, Sebastian was doted on from the moment that he was able to make a cheeky smile, the baby of the family and a playful and friendly child who loved the company of others. Sebastian was especially close with his elder sister by 4 years Emily growing up, the young boy asking her to read him stories and play pretend with him.

Throughout his childhood, Bash as he was nicknamed by his family and close friends, was a kind and thoughtful child who would often bring someone a flower in order to put a smile on their face or pull a funny face in order to see the joy in other people’s eyes. Bash was chatty and generally dorky, he loved superheroes and music and steered clear from the likes of sports. In school Bash was generally seen as the class clown, the one who made the whole class laugh when the teacher turned their back and would often get sent out of class for his antics.

Despite his jokey and lighthearted nature, Bash also got decent enough grades at school, he did especially well at subjects which interested him such as music and drama and fell somewhat when it came to the academics such as maths and science. He was also decent at writing and averaged a B in English. Bash was generally well liked at school and surrounded himself with like minded people, he was far from a jock or student body president when it came to popularity, but he was a member of the drama club where he had played the lead in a few of the school productions.

Moving into his teens and Bash bonded closely with a group of boys of similar age to him, the four were practically inseparable and one day they all decided they would start a band together. Despite having a decent voice himself, Bash didn’t feel confident enough in his vocal ability to take the place of lead singer and so he took up guitar lessons. As a member of Dark Twilight Bash played lead guitar and provided backup vocals for the music. The band was close and friendly and they quickly became popular at school, especially with the females. A few months down the line and they had written and recorded their own songs and burned them to disk. His weekends consisted of handing out flyers and CDs to people around the city and performing at small bars and restaurants that would allow them the space.

Bash enjoyed the outlet that the music and songwriting  gave him, a way to express every emotion that he had out loud, except the words didn’t have to come from him if he didn’t want them to. Music only brought Bash and Emily all the closer as Emily dreamed of one day being a big popstar the way that you saw up on all the huge concert stages. Emily was talented, far more talented than Bash ever thought that he was and he couldn’t wait to see his sister shine, her name up in lights.

Dark Twilight had been a stage in Bash’s life, it had seen him grow up into a young man, but by the time Bash had reached 17, he knew that one day, school was going to end and he would have to decide where that put his plans for the rest of his life. When Bash’s parents told him of their plans to move closer to the City center in order to give Emily a better shot of getting a record deal and a shot at her dreams, he had to make the difficult decision to stay and follow the band through to the end of their story or make the move with his sister.

It took Bash several days to make the decision but in the end he met with his bandmates, friends he would cherish for the rest of his life and told them that it was time for him to move on and to figure out where his future went from there. The move came shortly after the announcement of the band’s break up. Bash remained close friends with each of them even after he moved to the other side of the city and started attending a new school.

To his luck however, Bash got to see Emily begin to shine. She had been spotted by a local talent scout a few weeks before and things moved at a quick pace. Before he knew it, it was two years later and his sister’s name was on nearly everyone’s lips. Sold out albums, traveling from city to city, arena tours and a life of luxury followed his sister. Bash was incredibly proud of what Emily had managed to achieve and how humble she had remained despite being thrown into a world so different from the one they were raised.

Swept up in everything Bash had tried his best to focus on school and getting the best results he could however it quickly became evident that people wanted to be friends with him for little more reason than to get close to his sister, he quickly became secluded from most of the other people at school, he wasn’t much for fake friends and niceties. Bash however did find a close friend in another student named Ray Tirony, a generally secluded emo kid who couldn’t care less who Bash was related to, the two would spend their lunch together most days and talk about their favorite bands or video games.

In his final year of high school Bash had been brave enough to ask the girl he had crushed on for over a year, Claire Foy to prom. They had a great night together which quickly blossomed into a summer romance between the two. Bash graduated high school with ease and decided to take a gap year while he figured out what he wanted to do next, being the brother of a superstar did have it’s perks in that he had the freedom to travel the world on his sister’s private jet without having to worry about the costs. Bash brought Claire with him and together they spent the perfect summer following Emily’s tour and seeing the world together.

Bash never regretted his choice to give up his music career for Emily, he was proud to see everything she had done with her life. He was content, he had a beautiful girlfriend, his parents were supportive and understanding, he couldn’t imagine life getting any better than it was then.

Things between Claire and Bash however started to rift when she returned home to attend her placement at harvard university. Bash had decided to continue on the tour with Emily, taking up a place as a recruitment manager for Emily’s staff and generally assisting with management of her tour. Bash took to managing people and recruitment well, he enjoyed interviewing people and was generally good at picking trustworthy people, he was also a good judge of character and ensured only the right people were around his sister.

One night after a jam packed tour night, Bash found himself unable to sleep and so he dug out some of the old music from his days back in the band, strumming away to the words as he remembered his time playing guitar with his friends. In a flash of inspiration he started to play a melody he had never played before, enjoying the sound he had noted down the chords on a piece of paper before piecing together some lyrics to the melody. It took several weeks to become fully fledged but after some time Bash had himself a full song.

Proud of what he had written, Bash had given the song to Emily as a birthday present, giving her permission to play it at her concerts or even put it on an album if she wanted to. He hadn’t however expected her to insist that he record the song alongside her. Weeks later and the song was playing on the radio, television and his and his sister’s face were on every tabloid that he could see in the stores. Emily’s Hot Brother written in large print everywhere he looked.

Bash wasn’t a fan of the new found attention that came with recording the song, no matter how proud he was of the song and how it had turned out. He had however agreed to perform the song with Emily on a few select nights of her tour. Performing live gave Bash a rush he hadn’t expected as he looked on to thousands of fans screaming at the top of their lungs. Bash couldn’t stop the wide smile that had plastered itself on his lips as he left the stage feeling like he was walking on air.

Of course his happiness would have to balanced with heartache as that night he received the call from Claire to finally end their slowly dwindling long distance romance. Bash had been sad to see the relationship end but he agreed that what they had wasn’t working out the way they had both hoped and the two decided to stay friends. It was hard to be friends with the girl he had once seen as the only person in the world he would ever love but with time and more distance things got easier.

While the attention on Bash died down months after the song was released, people still recognized him in the street and asked for photos and autographs on occasion. The press published the odd story about him and his break up had made it into the tabloids. Bash didn’t know how his sister managed to handle all of the pressure of public attention, the little he had on him was more than enough for him to stomach.

Things were generally good for the next few months for Bash, he and Emily continued travelling together, he built up a team he trusted with his sister’s safety and performances, he took on more and more responsibilities with his sister’s management working directly with her representative.

One fateful night however he would wake in the middle of the night to the worst news he could imagine. Bash had barely been able to breathe as they had said the words to him down the phone, unable to accept the reality he was being told. His sister, the woman he had followed around the world and given half his life for had been in a car accident and was currently in the ICU. Bash had gotten into his car and sped through the city to the hospital calling his parents on the way over to tell them what had happened.

Bash had rushed through the emergency room and been taken to the ICU where he stayed in the waiting room while Emily went through over 4 hours of surgery. The look in the doctor’s eyes as he came out of the room said all that he had needed to know as his eyes pooled with tears and his body collapsed from under him, unable to comprehend the news about to be delivered. Bash had sat at his sister’s side holding her hand all night as he awaited his parent’s arrival. The family said their teary goodbyes to their beloved Emily before she passed in the late hours of the morning.

The next few days were the hardest of his entire life. Bash didn’t even know how to get out of bed in the morning, he couldn’t understand how such a beautiful light had just been taken from him. His heart hurt at the very thought of what had happened and he didn’t know where or who to turn to. Bash received thousands of messages from Emily’s fans telling him how special she was to them, he was happy that she had brought so much joy to so many people but every time he went to write a message back he didn’t know how to put his feelings into words.

For the first time in years, Bash took his guitar out and took pen to paper, once he started, the words started flowing and so did the tears. All the heartache and anger, all the joy and beauty tied together in one beautiful and emotional song. The song was only ever performed once, an acoustic session at the official memorial for his sister. He had boldly performed it, singing every word with his whole heart and soul. By the time he had finished there were tears in the eyes of nearly everyone in the crowd, echoed by ones of his own. Emily had been everything to him and she had meant everything to a lot of other people too.

Moving on wasn’t an easy feat for Bash. He didn’t know where his place in the world was anymore. Disappearing off the radar he had left LA without a word, searching for a new place to start over and figure out where Sebastian McKinnon’s place was now in the world. He ended up moving to Nevada where he stayed for a few years taking up a job in HR and recruitment for a local media outlet. The work wasn’t especially interesting for Bash and was more of a distraction than a bold career move but the people were kind and he enjoyed being able to get away from the spotlight that followed him around in LA.

Bash had discovered about the supernatural after uncovering a story about a war between the therianthrope and vampire factions in Nevada. At first he had doubted the truth behind the story dismissing it as crazy words of a mad man but once he had read the words he started to notice the differences in people around him, the way that a vampire was cold to the touch or how they moved at a somewhat unnatural pace. Once the thread was grasped, his curiosity continued to tug on it until everything began to unravel.

One night when walking through the city Bash had the strange sensation he was being followed. Shaking it off as paranoia he had kept walking until a man had appeared in front of him out of nowhere. Panicked Bash had tried to turn and run only to find another shadow behind him. He remembered little from that night aside from looking up at the full moon convinced it would be the last thing he saw before he died. But he hadn’t died and the vampires had been chased off by a fox, snarling and darting through the alleyways with grace and poise.

Bash had gone to the hospital and gotten his neck patched up however he had lied about how he received it. He wanted answers about what had happened that night and he knew tracking down that fox was the only way he was going to do so. Weeks later and another story landed on his boss's desk about the vampires and therians, this time it was the therianthropes who had taken a large loss and fled the city.

Bash had tracked their location to Evermore City, also known as the Eternal City and made his own plans for his future there. Now highly experienced in recruitment and interviewing, Bash offered his services to the recruitment team of the human organization in Evermore, tasked with protecting those who couldn’t protect themselves from the supernatural. Bash quickly worked with the intelligence team in the organization to track down potential recruits in the know of the supernatural for the organization and working on identifying the fox who had saved his life back in Nevada.

While his past was by no means forgotten, Bash looked forward to a fresh start in Evermore City. Over the years, he got recognized less and less until people stopped approaching him all together. His sister’s name however would forever be memorialized in a statue in her favorite park in LA which he would visit every year on the anniversary of her death. He was determined to continue to live his life and ensure her name went on in her charities which he assisted in chairing. He was determined to live his life to the fullest in Emily’s name and to ensure as many people as possible got to live their lives the same way.

Positive: Organized - Friendly - Understanding

Negative: Short-Tempered - Cautious - Distrusting

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