Serena Hamilton
Age: 20
Species: Vampire
Relation: Single (married to work)
Occupation: Doctor at the local hospital
Face Claim: Lauren German

Serena Hamilton had come to Evermore city a few months ago, she had heard of the high levels of deaths in the small town and decided that she would try to make a change. The young doctor was moving down from Bell air, but her family was originally from Italy, she had decided that she needed some time off from her snotty family to not become like them, greedy and superior . She also moved due to her work, in Bell air it wasn't suited for a young woman such as herself to work as a medic or work at all if it wasn't as a model or actress. Anyhow she now lived in Evermore city and she absolutely loved it there. She had found her call, helping people really made her happy and she was figuring on how to help the supernatural inhabitants more.

Serena was turned the night she was moving to Evermore city, she had just started unpacking and getting her horses installed in the new mansion her parents had purchased for her, when a man moved rapidly, too fast for a human, against her. She guessed he was starving since he aimed directly for her throat, but didn't kill her she blacked out from the blood loss . When she woke up the mysterious man was gone. She could proudly say that she'd never killed anyone and had worked hard on her control so she could continue her work as a Dr. even though it was very tempting for her.

After overcoming her instincts to kill, her only problem now was the time limit her parents had set, that she had until the day she turned 21 to get married to an acceptable man or they would find one and she had to quit her nonsense work . She tried not to overthink it but her 21 birthday was closing up on her, ticking like a bomb. In town she was known as the polite DR. People would describe her as kind, generous, smart but also shy and hard to get to know.

Positive Traits: Intelligent, Generous, Kind
Negative Traits: Introvert, Busy-Body, Closed off

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