Name: Zandra Smoke
Age: 26
Species: Human
Supernatural Standing: Knows about the supernatural
Face Claim: Candice Patton

Born in the middle of hurricane weather, in Slidell, Louisiana 1994; a baby girl entered the world along with clear blue skies, birds were singing there song as if It was for the newborn. The little family just lost their house, and most of their belongings but everything changed when Katie Smoke held the newest member of the family. Allen Smoke Jr came in to see his wife and his new baby girl, tears coming into his eyes the closer he walked, and a ray of sunshine warmed his face as his smile became bright, hugging Katie. They never thought of a name while the newborn was in the womb, thinking it would be more special to name her face to face. The night came upon them, so did the rain as Katie thought of the name Zandra. Zandra was her mother’s mother’s name, since her mother was a very strong, understanding and wise woman that stood up for her rights. All those traits were everything Katie hopes for her little girl to have. The next morning Katie talked to Allen about the name, and the both of them agreed, Zandra Hollyn Smoke.

The years went by very fast, and it felt like it was only yesterday when little Zandra begin to walk and talk for the first time. At the age of five years old, she began school and met so many new friends, enemies and boys. During elementary, Zandra noticed most students didn’t know what life was all about, and she told herself to not be in love until she got out of school all together. She had a good idea what life was all about from a very young age, and never once complained, or let anyone bring her down. She wanted to be a good student with great grades, and be the daughter her parents wanted her to be. Years went by, and at the age of 11, she discovered her favorite hobby, which brought her to her future job, and ideas for her whole life. Writing was her key to unlock a new world, and explore the endless possibilities. Zandra sometimes turned in her stories by accident to her teachers, but got great feedback that she’s got talent for words. Zandra didn’t think that her writing could be something she could do for money, and for the rest of her life.

By the time high school came around, she was one of the a list students who was on the road of success. Her classmates knew what they wanted to be, and do for the rest of their life, but it was like a million dollar question for Zandra. She kept writing her stories, and post them on the internet, using her middle and last name for her work. A boy named Levi, who was editor of the school newspaper, found out by students and teachers that Zandra has a gift of writing, and decided to ask her to join. He was always looking for gifted people, who can grab people's attention not just by the title, but by the words of the article, and the effect it will have on people. As they met up in a local cafe, she was on her laptop, opening a blog to write anything she wanted, when Levi walked up and spoke to her. Zandra didn’t know if she wanted to join the paper, but the more she thought about it, the word yes escaped her lips. After joining the school newspaper, she became the talk of the school and became a star within weeks. Things weren’t always cheerful for Zandra at school. There were days when she was threatened, and bullied by a group of girls, with the leader telling Zandra that she stole her limelight, and that she should quit. That only gave Zandra additional energy to write more than ever, and people found her stories online, to be more overwhelming for her to be a normal person.

Zandra had never considered dating during High school, and she made a silent promise to herself, not to date until the end of college. She knew there were boys who had crushes on her, but she never said yes to anyone until prom. She went to her junior prom alone, but had decided to accept a date to her senior prom. She knew all of her hard work paid off, when she graduated with a 4.0 average, and was ready for college life. However she was still stuck on the same question as she was during her freshman year: ‘What did she want to do with her life?’. She skipped summer and autumn semesters, deciding to sign up for either the spring or winter semester, to give her time to think about what she wanted to do. She decided to visit her parents and ask for advice, but her father told her, “Nothing that is law enforcement or putting you in danger”. That advice wasn’t easy for Zandra to hear, because it put her right back to square one. Being back at square one, she got herself a job at a local gas station, at the age of 21. Although she didn’t like her job, it gave her time to think about her future. Zandra listened to the news regularly, and she noticed that not everything they said was true, and was poorly written. Zandra worked at the gas station for five months before she had it, she told herself that she will lead her life as a journalist, or a reporter; something that will make her feel like she is exposing the truth.

Through the ages of 21 to 24, she went to college in her state, Zandra was once again at the top of her class, and she was looking for a job out of Louisiana. After a few days of searching, someone came to her and asked if she was looking for a job in reporting, or journalism. It was as if the woman was either following her, reading her mind, or asking around. Zandra and the woman talked about a city in Colorado name Evermore, and how there was so much stuff going on within the city. It would be a great place to look for a job, and to help her with ideas for her stories. Zandra thought it was a dream for someone to know the impossible, or the species that some people think are not real. She was happy when the woman handed her a map to the location of the city. Zandra didn’t have enough money for her to move to a new state, so she got a different job at a local newspaper, joining their team for training; and getting to know how to write for the paper. It was hard going from writing stories, to the school newspaper, to blogging and now working for an actual newspaper company; which was more intricate than her school newspaper position. When her 25th birthday came around, her parents surprised her with a car, and she earned all the money she needed for her to move to Evermore. It was hard for her to leave everything behind, but she knew if she didn’t leave she’d probably be stuck in the same place her whole life.

The nights were long and hard from Louisiana to Colorado, having thoughts of going back home, but she kept her head up. Zandra finally made it to the city of Evermore by following the map given to her by the woman. Rolling down her car window, the air felt nice through her raven black hair, and she looked around with her brown hues to take in the city and it’s beauty. Feeling hungry, Zandra decided to stop at a restaurant in the city. Seeing a new face was no shock to anyone, when a friendly face came up to her asking if she was doing ok. Zandra asked her questions about the city, and the girl was more than happy to provide her with answers. After her third day in the city, she got her apartment, and everything else. Now it was on her to find a job, and meet new people, and possibly find someone to be her first boyfriend. Can the impossible move to the city and became her possible daily life? This story will be continued.

Pros: Idealistic, Understanding, Selfless

Cons: Excitable, Forgetful, Secretive

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