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No, they definitely weren't in Kansas anymore. Actually, not very far at all from there. A week or so had passed since his kind had fallen from the veil and void to the Earth with no understanding of why or how. Being locked out from communication to their home was making Lucien more disheartened by the day. What had caused their expulsion? The theories and whispers ran rampant throughout the Ailward mansion where the Aspects and Guards were kind enough to let them stay in Evermore, Colorado as Malva worked her magic to make the final touches on their home which would reside in the prairies not far from here.
Lucien had been scouring endless amounts of books and other texts with Malva, hounding Venetus if anything else had changed with a shift in the realms, and even bothering the Aspect of Death to see if the souls of those who had passed were caught in the void without any help, but Erythreus, along with his other siblings, always said the same; there were no real answers. The only sure thing was they all believed it couldn't be a coincidence that their arrival had lined up with the curious happenings around Evermore. He could tell the Ailwards were on edge, but he was gracious to them all for their hospitality.
The aurazin's worried eyes finally peeled away from the large bay window he had been staring out of absentmindedly as the front doors of the manor closed. Another one of his kind had been welcomed inside and Lucien couldn't help but wonder how many of them were still lost in the world. Frightened. No way to reach out for help or easy way to make their journey to the Ailwards. There were quite a few of them at the manor now and there was some comfort in that. At least they had each other.
Lucien's gaze moved over the enormous living room where the others gathered for a touch base and to prepare for their move from the manor to their own place together. They all had so many questions he couldn't answer, but he had to remain strong. Being a leader was not something he ever wanted in this way, but someone needed to ensure their safety and he had been the top ranking sentry. If it had to be him, Lucien would gladly do it for them. Whatever it took, he'd get the Aurazin home no matter what that home may look like now.
"So," he began, rubbing his hands together and then clasping them behind his back tightly, trying to force a small smile that would be pointless among the company in front of him now. Trying to fake an emotion was not exactly the easiest thing to do around Aurazin. "How's everyone doing? Honestly." A simple question. Possibly a stupid question, but Luke knew that if there was one way to make his kind feel better, it would be to lay out all the emotions they could to ease some of the weight off their shoulders.
Maddison was lost in the art, that hung on the wall of the living room, in the Ailward Manor. Taking in the colors and the finesse of each piece. Maddie had always appreciated art; even in her mortal days. When she was younger, she’d wonder if certain art was trying to tell a story. And maybe in their own ways, they were. After all, artists had unique ways of expressing themselves. Art was one such form. The longer she was looking at the different paintings;the longer she found it to be a distraction from what was going around her and the rest of the Aurazin.
It felt strange, being back on earth. Having the ability to be among the living on a bigger level than just for missions. Maddison had made her peace with being dead and her new purpose, when she had been in the veils. So being thrown back, with others like her. It was taking some getting used to. Especially the need to sleep, and eat again. Human necessities; which none of the Aurazin had for years; some even decades or centuries. Without the Aspects, they would have been truly lost. Maddison had stumbled upon Evermore, Lucian and the Aspects; after she and her mentor had been lost and unable to reach the Veil, after the expulsion. She had felt confused and lost. Trying to reach for her new home, with no luck. She knew something had been wrong then. But no clue, as to just how complicated things were. No one really knew what was going on.
When she first arrived at the manor; the first person she had been looking for was her baby brother Hudson. But he was nowhere to be seen. That had made Maddie panicked. Was her brother okay? Where was he? Was he still lost somewhere? About a gazillion thoughts kept running through her mind. Anytime, a new Aurazin found their way to Evermore, Maddison secretly kept hoping it was her brother. As the week dragged on, since the fall from the veil, she was slowly growing more concerned. Even if she tried not to let it show; she was certain the elder Aurazin could see right through her. She was never too good, at covering up her true emotions. Even when she was human. Now, with all the Empaths in the room; no one was safe at keeping their emotions to themselves.
The sound of Lucien’s voice, snapped her back to reality. Shifting, to turn towards her leader. Seemingly, even the elder male was struggling at keeping his true emotions to himself. “Shouldn’t one of us, be asking you that very same question?” Maddison questioned, giving him a sympathetic smile. From what she knew and heard; Lucien had a wife. That was stuck in the veil; she could imagine it was much harder for Lucien than for the rest of them, being down here. A slight sigh escaped her. Sitting down on one of the cushioned chairs, for more comfort. “Honestly, I am still not sure what to make of everything.I had just gotten used to being dead...and my new purpose, in the after-life. And now...this.” If she tried to make sense of it, it made her head spin.
She had been rather calm compared to most of her kind about this shift. She knew the leaders of her group were looking for a way back to the veil, they were tiring themselves trying to be the best they could be. Ommin was not a help in this section as in the veil she was very distant from her Aurazin kind and how they ran things. She followed her ordered and helped her humans in need. That was that for her. Seeing how worried her family was, how stressed they had been making themselves. She decided to do the opposite and bring them some peace... In the form of cooking! The Ailward manor had a beautifully large kitchen where she was free to do as she pleased, long as there was enough to share.
Ommin's nose had been stuffed into the fridge all week. Cooking and making sure her kind was taking care of their human form bodies. She had most of the counters in the Aliward manor kitchen covered with different food products she had cooked. Most hearty good food and a couple not so good for them treats she had learned how to make. She had been dead for almost 500 years and missed food more then anything. Her taste buds craving different things she had never had a chance to try in her previous life. She had fresh cookies, lasagna and something she didn't have a name for yet. A weird mix of jello and cucumber salad that she could not get enough of. She had offered it to many others but alas - they only went for the cookies and lasagna. She heard Lucien speak from the main area as she scramble toward the kitchen door. Holding cookies in a little bowl she opened the door, almost tripping over the air, letting the door close very gently behind her.
She watched Lucien and Maddison speak. Knowing sugar was bad for them she just could not help herself with these cookies. Never in her time had she tried such warm glorious balls of happiness. She walked up to Maddison and set a cookie on her lap and leaned to kiss her forehead "We are all confused darling. Even me, best we can do is help where we can" she walked to Lucien and forcefully put a cookie into his hand without a word, patting the top of his hand. Settling herself down onto one of the chairs she responded to Lucien "Good, I am good..." A ping in her chest pulled as she lied. Smiling brightly she knew she could not lie to the others about how she felt. Lost, afraid, worried....But for now she wanted to be a brave face. "What matters is we have each other..." She whispered to herself barely audible to the others in the room.
Damarco's emotions were all over the place, and the more Aurazin that joined the room, the worse it got for him. He was doing well to maintain, and decided to indulge in the sweets that Ommin had brought in to them all. Damarco had been lacking restraint with a lot of different things lately, sweets being the very main thing he needed more control over. He knew the others were really feeling it today just like he was, he could feel everyone's emotions, or thats how it felt any time he surrounded himself with his kind. Lucien held a straight-laced expression and remained strong for them all, but Damarco's concerns were right where Maddie's were. He was happy to hear someone ask Lucien how he was, because that mattered as much as the rest of them mattered.
"I'm dealing as best as I can I guess. How are you Lucien?" he asked in return, before shoveling a few of the cookies down his throat as if he feigned the very thing that was toxic to them. Sugar. He certainly needed some restrictions and boundaries, but one thing at a time. First, Marco needed to deal with the fact that the Ailwards had mentioned the strange occurrences in the city, and how the Aurazin seemed to be cast from their home around the time that these strange things began happening. Damarco was willing to help where ever and however he could, and he had been staying close to Lucein, and if not Lucien, then the Aspects. Marco had been disturbed by nightmares of the voidlings in the void, for some reason, that didn't even start until he'd been cast out of the void, and he really wanted to understand why he felt so afraid of them again.
"Ive also been reading a lot of books, whatever I can really. Ive been staying close to ECPD, in hopes of getting a job there since I was an expert EOD in my past life, but Ive managed to sustain some newspaper articles" Damarco put the articles on the table in the middle of where they all sat, articles that spoke of the strange occurrences in Evermore, in hopes that they'd be of some use, and even if they couldn't help the Aurazin's, it would keep them up to speed with what's been going on everywhere else in this city. "I'm more than happy to help people with whatever I can, I figure I'm doing good enough to remind everyone to eat, sleep, blend." he said simply, while he himself needed a little more practice when it came to blending in. Damarco was very very curious and like a child, he tended to touch everything he saw, and now that he had a little sugar in his system, he was a bit amped up, and trailing his finger tips across one of the antique sword cases hung on the wall in front of him, his eyes attached to it as if it were gold. "I love this!" he shrieked, remembering one just like it that hung in his parents house. He would often dwell on how unappreciative he felt towards his father, and found himself distracted now, his attempt to hang the sword back up, was futile, as it dropped to the floor, thankfully not slicing a foot off as it happened. One of the Ailward Guards stepped to Damarco, and scooped the sword off the floor. "Kindly keep your hands off things that can sever a limb" the man's voice was deep, and he was built like a bear, and Damarco sized him up before rejoining the others in their meeting just as a new member arrived, expressing his concerns with the feelings he'd been overwhelmed by and the need to relive his past life. "Sorry" he spoke simply about the ruckus he caused with the Guard a minute ago. Clearing his throat Damarco sat beside Joonbaek "I think we would all benefit from focusing on what we can do here on earth. There has to be a reason we were cast out, and there's plenty of people we can be helping while we try to figure out what's going on. I think we will survive this if we stick together above all"
Settling down in the eternal city hasn't been easy, not for them and certainly not for her. She hasn't been alive for half the millennium and it didn't help that she hasn't been able to come back to Earth after she relinquished her position as an Empath almost 80 years ago. Ever since then, she's been working as a Shepherd which was why she understood the growing tension in the room. Despite not having been an Empath for a while, old habits die hard and she's served as one for 500 years, it wasn't as easy to forget their elevated concerns in the room. If anything, Astraea felt stuffy. She didn't know what to make of the situation, they were left in the dark as to what was happening. Nobody knew why they were cast out, not even the Ailwards could provide them with the answer to ease their worries. Everyone was frustrated and worried, but the aggravation was not necessary. It was only setting the Aurazin off.
Every face in the room was familiar to her, both Shepherds and Empaths. Unlike some of the others, Astraea was focused on adapting to the modern century after losing out on it for so long instead of filling her head with what seemed to be the question in hand now. She had a feeling that they were going to stay for a while, and if they were going to survive, they needed to adapt. She noticed the young faces in the room, the same couldn't be said for those who haven't been around for some time. She was sitting next to Damarco and Joonbaek at the table, staring at each and every person in the room. She heard the sass from Kaia and Joonbaek, the soft answers from Maddison and Ommin. All she could do was offer an apologetic gaze towards Lucien. "Can it, guys. Nobody likes this anymore than you do" she muttered softly and pressed both her hands over the table, "We're not used to this, it's not exactly something we had prepared ourselves for, Luke… everyone's just confused" and that means they were more prone to lashing out.
"What did Venetus say? Or any of the Ailward Aspects? Do they know what might be causing this anomaly?" The last thing she wanted to do was pressure him but like the others, she too, wanted answers or anything close to something. They were vulnerable in this world. "We can't go back to our previous lives but Joonbaek is also right, some of us here haven't died longer than a decade, people still remember them. It's a risky move to be here without any veiling, they can't be expected to wipe their memories either, not when we have no alternative to go back to the veil." She had nothing to worry when it comes to reuniting with her previous life, though the same couldn't be said for some of them. "We need to start planning, waiting for the Ailwards to help us, that's not going to last for long. They have other pressing matters just as well." She grimaced upon hearing Damarco saying he’s fine with reminding people to sleep, eat, and drink, “Right… I forget we have to do that too.” She hasn’t done any of that in a long time.
Arabella finally found her way to Evermore, three days ago she had simply fallen out of the veil as if she had tripped on some majestic item and landed back into the physical mortal realm. At first she was stunned as she had appeared back in Michigan yet in entirely different city, confused and alone yet understanding that she was in fact in her old body again she had traveled back to her home Bear Lake to tell her parents the good news, but along the way she realized it was wrong for her to suddenly come back into their lives, she had died after all but she wanted to see them so went anyway but shrouded in thick jacket and face covered with shades and a face mask.
From far away she spotted them and realized that they had some divorced sometime in her death, in her time as an Aurazin she learned humans had a knack for blaming each other for event's far out of their control and letting it get between them, it seems she was her parents. Despite divorced she quickly realized that her parents moved on making new families of their own, as an Aurazin she was suppose to help humanity find peace in their grief and her plan to go back to them would be an upset of that very mission, she couldn't do that to them as an Aurazin but more so as their daughter.
With her hopes to reunite with her family destroyed it lead her to go to Evermore after precuring her old cello from the grave site born from her old home, she was now among the other Aurazins that seem to be stuck on the earthen realm the same as her, she hadn’t been on Earth since her death and she always thought she would be so happy to be able to see real sunlight, touch real items and flesh but now that she was touching the wall and seeing the other Aurazins in the flesh and as how they wished to be perceived it was completely foreign to her, the ten years she spent training in the veil had been far longer passage of time than she had ever thought it to be.
For the longest time she liked to think of herself as some human among humans for trying to help them through their troubles like a nurse helps a patient or a teacher helps a student but the reality was now set in after being back in her body that looked no older than the day she died compared to her parents aged faces made it clear she just wasn't human at all anymore. As an Aurazin she could feel everyone's emotional state and she knew well that they would be able to feel her's making it hard for her to spite out the words asking if they were okay because she knew everyone wasn't. To make up for her own lack of words she keenly listened to the others, she hadn't thought much of it at first but now that she knew her old life was gone she simply wished to return back to the veil that had started to just became her new one, she looked to Lucien for answers but he nor the others had any slightest idea on why they couldn't return.
Knowing she was stuck on Earth with no home and couldn't return to the one she had just started getting use to was concept most hard to swallow, and the auras of everyone mixing in the room to an almost palpable level didn't make it easier to take. The others making it clear that they could not return to their old lives for those it was even an option to was clear, and for better or worst some of them had already made a name for themselves in Evermore unlike her made it that much harder to find a silver lining in a grey situation Damarco reminded them they needed to eat and sleep and drink which was something that Arabella was surprised she had forgotten only making her feel worst but that brought an entire situation entirely.
"Were stuck here...no information on how we got here and no information on how we get back and we seem to be unable to on are own. Damarco right we need to eat, sleep and drink, but with this many of us and the possibility of more coming food will eventually run out and we will need money to get more, we need jobs. "
Hudson was one of the last of the Aurazins to find their way back to the others and to Evermore City. With how he was on the other side of the world when they were locked out the veil. Luckily him and his emptah trainer who he was with were able to figure and find out that the others were in a city called Evermore. Since then he’d been trying to figure out a way to get himself with everyone else. All proving to be more difficult than he had first thought. With how it's not so easily to go from England all the way to Evermore. Meaning Hudson had to be more clever around it all. Managing to get a job for a few weeks in a local bar to earn enough money and find someone to get him a fake passport and a plane ticket. Trying to learn to live as a human again, confused by all that was happening. Not knowing what had happened to their home and why they couldn’t get back. All he knew was that he had to get to his people, not stopping till he was able to reach them. He still hasn't been able to get in touch with his sister either. Hoping she was safe and with all the others, he knew that she would be. Probably worrying more about him than herself, since he knows how much his sister worries for him.
Luckily he managed to safely escape England travelling all the way to America. Missing his old country, his old home. He had taken a flight to Los Angeles, it was too the last place he had lived before he died. With a few hours to kill between his next connecting flight to Colorado. He couldn’t help himself to check out his old city. Trying his best not to go back to his old firehouse place where he spent years working at. Hudson knew that it was one of their golden rules not to go back to their old family or friends, with how it’s one of the things they have to sacrifice after they die. Missing being there back and part of his team and all of the crazy and dangerous incidents they have to tackle on a daily basis. Smiling seeing his old fire truck going down the busy streets of Los Angeles bringing him back as a kid watching and hearing all the lights. Now he’s able to move past it all looking forward to his second chance at life, something he knew he wasn’t going to lose. Heading back to the airport after seeing a few more of the old sites. Getting a connecting flight to Colorado, luckily for him the flight didn’t take too long, only a few hours. Arriving in Denver Colorado. Using the rest of his money getting a few buses to Evermore City the final mark of his journey.
Following the directions his Empath Trainer had given him he had to find his way to Ailward Manor place where the others were all hiding out and be. Luckily for him it wasn’t too hard to find with it being a massive mansion, kind of hard not to see. Walking right up and past the gates to the doors, opening and inviting himself in. With how he knew the doors were open for people like him who were coming back. Soon as he arrived he was greeted by someone who he found out to be a guard member and was told where the others were and that they were all waiting and gathered. Seeing through the doors of the large living room seeing he was right and they were all there. Spotting straight away Lucien, their leader who was in front of them all. A wide grin appeared on his lips seeing his sister sitting there. “Maddie!” The Aurazin’s In practically ran to her all excitedly with how it’s been what felt forever since seeing and being with people he knew. Hudson was all ready to be tackled and hugged by his older sister and expected to be given a beating too at the same time for not getting in touch with her. “I’m here, sorry I’m late” He chimed in looking at Lucien and all the others seeing people were all looking more serious knowing he’d interrupted a meeting. “It’s just my luck I managed to get stuck in England” Laughing shaking his head sheepishly soon sitting down on the sofa edge where his sister was. Ready to be caught up on everything he’s missed and hoping to get a few answers in all the madness.
His mind fluttered images like a movie, the memories assailing him as he sat, pensive on the couch of the Ailward Mansion. His gaze had been resting unseeing on the ornate artefacts. Being preoccupied with the details of how they came to be here and what they could do to get back, Daniel had all but forgotten the implication of being back fully in this place.
It felt weird.
Even after his death when Lucien had helped him, he had come back to help others but he had rarely thought about this place as him or as home. Now however it had never felt more familiar and more alien than ever. A painful contradiction. While they had been seeking answers from Ven, Dan had chanced upon a table with breakdancing music and videos and a hard pang had hit his chest. Perhaps Nostalgia wasn't quite the right thing to call it, more like a sense of lack- or a part of him he had not forgotten but failed to recognise.
He had been one of the earliest to come into the Ailward Manor and work alongside Lucien and others to get as much information as possible and though everyone had been putting up a brave face and trying to attempt to understand by logic just what had been happening, the pain and confusion were rather evident. And not even the promise of sugar was diminishing that.
As Lucien began asking everyone how they were doing, Dan did appreciate his leader for attempting to comfort and bring solidarity amongst them even if nothing could be figured out of what exactly would happen next. He remained for most part a silent spectator, preferring others to air out their concerns in open. Some were alert though not anxious, others fearful, some calm but it was in all a rather sober atmosphere until a small ruckus drew his attention towards the man who had entered. A small smile flickered as he recognised him to the lost guy he had met in the hallways wandering around and although his peepy mood wasn't exactly appropriate, it was much needed.
As Lucien's eyes fell on him, Daniel straightened himself "I am honestly fine for the most part. We at least have some sugar." Though the grin wasn't the widest, it wasn't fake either "Of course I am worried about our situation especially since no one can yet figure out how or why this happened and why now of all time. But we have each other so that's something" His gaze moved across the room, seeing the members who had sort of become his family for a long while "I'm just concerned about you. Wouldn't want you dead on your feet when we do figure out what to do next and...I am sure we will. It will take time and effort but hey, we all go this far, didn't we?"
He knew he was leaning towards the more optimistic angle rather than being a realistic but Daniel figured sometimes optimism was needed to push forth a reality in manifesting itself.
It was hard to stand in front of his group of peers and listen to all of their concerns without being able to really give them the answers they were looking for. Lucien looked from person to person as they spoke their turn and though he was listening to them intently, he also couldn't help but read each of their auras at the same time, watching as the intricate colors waved around them. It was always so unique and immediately telling of how they were handling their own emotions despite not necessarily delving into all the levels of things they might be feeling.
Clearing his throat, he stood a bit straighter and decided on the truth. Not that he would ever choose to lie if it were remotely possible to do so with a group of Aurazin who were pretty keen on deciphering the truth from a person, but because the truth was what they deserved even if it wasn't the best of news. "I understand everyone is confused, believe me I am too," Luke began with a slight sigh. "The Ailwards are still helping as best they can. They have an expansive breadth of resources at our disposable and I don't intend to stop looking if there are still more books and other assets to go through. The computer and I seem to finally be getting on as well."
Luke cleared his throat, placing his very tempting cookie that Miss Ommin had given him down on the table for later. "The Ailwards think there may be some link to the strange anomalies happening around Evermore. They can't exactly pinpoint what is going on yet, but I've offered to help them figure out what it could be as it in turn may lead to more answers for us. I'd like it if perhaps some of you would also be willing to volunteer in small ways with any help they may need. It seems the more hands on this the better. These anomalies seem to be the work of some kind of magic, but they are unclear of the hows and whos of it all."
"In the meantime," he paused for a moment to ensure everyone understood that what he was about to say was very important. "We must stick to one of our utmost imperative rules of not engaging with anyone from our previous lives that may recognize us. For many of us that is easy enough, but I know for some of you, this will prove much harder." This was always the problem with having newly appointed Aurazin coming to Earth before their training was complete and not having the proper time spent away from their lives before death. The urge to want to pick up where they left off would cause for catastrophe if their family and friends were to see them alive once more. However, Lucien had a strong feeling that some of them would inevitably go researching their families again, even if they were far away from Evermore.
"As for me, I'll be fine." Fine. The most often used word for people who actually wouldn't be fine at all. "We do have each other." If there wasn't a more perfect time to be interrupted, it was now when Hudson came barging in. Luke smirked at seeing the man, happy he'd made it from across the ocean in one piece. Turning back to his kind, he looked to each of them again. "Life on Earth is strange for me. There is no doubt about that, but I'm kind of counting on those that have passed within the last fifty years to help us.. older Aurazin, transition into this new world. Seeing as I don't know how long we'll be here, I don't want to take too much advantage of the Ailwards any longer. As you guys know, we can move into the lodge that was refurbished for us not far from here today which has a bedroom for everyone. We'll get the proper IDs and documents required for those of you that would like to go out and get jobs. Those of you that don't feel quite ready to walk among the people of Evermore are not required to work." Lucien's voice softened a bit. "I know our.. purpose seems somewhat lost now that we have free will, but I also know that we can't help but be pulled to people in distress. I wouldn't say that means we can't do our job as Aurazin still. Help those in need if you feel you can. Just because we can't get back to the veil and void doesn't mean we stop being Aurazin. Those places don't define us. We are who we are still and I'm confident we can continue doing good things for others."
After her own comment on the situation two more Aurazins arrived as one was related to an already present one and the other coming from deeper inside the house, Lucian seemed to be watching..listening to their concerns up until this point before finally speaking again. He didn’t butter up the fact he was almost just as confused as they were but gave hope that the Ailward guards resources were at their disposal to dig up any information they could on how to figure out how to get back to the veil and in the meantime he would use those resources for research.
To be frank Arabella didn’t really have any idea who or what this Ailward guard was, she heard its name but didn’t truly know what they were about but it seemed they were rather important if they had such expansive network of resources and information, enough to the point Lucien wanted to try and help and asked if any of us could help it would be appreciated.He paused once more before warning them that going to see their families was not something to take lightly, something Arabella had already come to terms with making her sad but knew it was for the best.
The Aurazin who had came in meeting with his supposed sister ask Lucien how he was, he explained that he was okay but being on earth for what seemed to be a longer time than she had was strange to him and he was just trying to ease back into the current world, one he hoped people like her and maybe some others whose deaths weren’t so far could do.
In the meantime however he made it clear that those who didn’t want to work and immerse themselves in today’s society didn’t have to but that they didn’t stop having to be Aurazins just because of their new predicament. “Not being able to see my family..to hear their voices, and see their smiles..it’s hard. I went to go see them..from a distance, I know what’s at stake, and I know they need to keep moving forward without me. I have no lingering ties to Evermore so I’m a free agent and will do everything I can to help. Both my fellow Aurazins and the populace of Evermore”
The slight hint of a snicker escaped Damarco's lips when Astraea spoke up, telling others to can it. Some of the Aurazins were more freaked out and panicked than others, and then you had some who were keeping a really level head, and only focusing on what they could do right now, like Astraea, whom Marco really admired for her strength in all of this. He knew no matter how much of a brave face she wore, she likely fought the same battles as all of them deep down.
So far, Damarco had seemingly clung onto the words that Astraea and Arabella both spoke. "They are both right. Astraea is right when saying we need to start planning, and Arabella, as she said we all probably need jobs, or some form of income to make sure we can take care of ourselves with human necessities, and I imagine those necessities is going to include an electric bill and a water bill, and for a guy like me, wifi" he loved his music, and had no problem pitching in where he could to make sure this place could be ran like a functional home, as functional as a human would need a home to be, since they were meant to act as normal as human beings. It was only as Lucien spoke of getting them legal documentation so those who wanted to and were ready to, could go get jobs that Damarco breathed a little easier.
Just as Damarco allowed himself to slip off into a sea of thoughts, another Aurazin joined them, and the emotions got even more unreal, and a little harder to deal with. It was a set of siblings that had been seperated when they'd all be cast out, and Damarco could sense each of their emotions as the male yelled out the word 'Maddie' and ran to her with arms wide open. Marco smiled, because it wasn't sad emotions he felt, it was just an overwhelming feeling of happiness, and he was glad that they had found one another, and that each of them were safe. "Glad you made it, Hudson" Damarco gave him a nod followed by a friendly smile. Marcos attention lastly went to Daniel, who seemed fairly optimistic. He knew a lot of them could use some optimism even if in the back of all their minds lied the painful reality of what this situation really was.
Damarco had been haunted by the strain he felt of just simply wanting to go hug his parents. He was sure a lot of the Aurazins had been tempted by such things, and it hurt deep down that he'd chosen not to go through with it, allowing his parents to continue living out the rest of their lives happily. The devestation they could put on their families by turning up at the door after dying, was just too much. "Daniel is right. We've made it this far.. we're without a doubt going to find answers someday, and maybe not anytime soon.. but we're all here together and safe, for now we should take that as a win and focus on starting our lives here, and making things as normal as we can. I'm not saying it will be easy, but it's possible" Damarco had always been positive, and rarely ever did he radiate sadness onto others, or make others feel doomed about a bad situation. It was just like Damarco to be happy and perky even in a situation like this one, while late at night in his dark room, he'd often rock back and fourth with his knees curled up to his chest, sobbing like a baby, repeating the word 'why' over and over again. Marco bottled things up, and dealt with it in privacy, at least as much as he could. Right now everyone's emotions were colliding and tangling up together, so there wasn't much any of them could do, to hide their true feelings.
"Lucien, I would be happy to help the Ailwards with whatever they need help with. I think right now, that's probably the most important job any of us could take on, because if we don't help them, they can't help us" he just felt it was selfish not to help them more than anything. Marco averted his gaze to the others "Is there anyone in need of anything? If there's anything I can do, please tell me. Working together is going to be a big step in making this work" And lastly but certainly not least, Damarco looked back over to Lucien with a humble smile adorning his features "And you don't hesitate to call on us.. for anything, especially myself, I'm right here and would like to think I'm doing all that I can to make this doable" he didn't wanna speak for everyone else, and he was almost sure the others would be just a call away too, but Damarco felt it was important to make it known that Lucien could count on him. They all could.
Damarco was rather excited about the new cabin that had been refurbished for them to live in, feeling much more at ease to know that they could give the Ailwards their personal space back at least. "I'm available to help move things into the new place" he finished off, followed by giving a simple nod of his head to Lucien, appreciating how strong he was being for them and all the words of encouragement and wisdom he'd spoken today. To hear him say that the veil and void didn't define them as Aurazins, that they could still do their jobs here on earth, made Marco feel a hundred times better than he did coming into this meeting.
All the emotions in the room, were getting heightened. Maddison could feel all sorts of different waves of emotion all around her. At times, it made her flinch; her face looking somewhat uncomfortable. She always had trouble, suppressing all the heightened emotions; being a fairly new Empath. Still in training really. Rubbing her temple. Her own worries about her baby brother, didn’t help her own emotions, combined with those of her fellow Aurazins. When Ommin walked over to her, Maddison gave the other female a soft smile. “These cookies smell lush.” Maddison always tried to resist sugary treats, now that she was an Aurazin. But a lot of people, mainly her brother always somehow managed to tempt her into eating things like cookies and cakes. She was well aware when Ommin spoke; knowing it was a lie. She wasn’t fine. Maddison could see she was just putting on a brave face for everyone. “Yeah, there’s so many emotions in this room, it’s making my head spin.” Maddison admitted to Ommin.
For a few moments, she had debated about the cookie on her lap. Before taking a bite. Giving into the warm treat left on her lap. The sudden sound of a sword clattering against the living room floor made her jump. Glancing over her shoulder over at the young Aurazin Damarco, whom seemed to have caused the noise. “Are you alright?” she questioned. He didn’t seem to be harmed, luckily. But being older, she had a tendency to check up on the younger Aurazins. And in the room, there were young faces around, teenagers or barely young adults. It was sad to see, so many young lives taken. But they all found a new purpose, after their death. But now, their purpose was looking slightly shaky with no access to the veil or the void.
Maddison had a question on the tip of her tongue. But the sudden new arrival, caused her to perk up. When she saw her brother walk into the room. “Hudson!” she yelled out, in relief. The worry and concern she felt from earlier, seemed to melt away. As she jumped up from her seat. Her arms wrapped around her brother. Hugging him tightly. She sighed in relief, muttering few thank-you’s, to no one in particular. She was just glad to see that her brother found his way to Evermore, safe and sound. “Why didn’t you call, or text? Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been? I was half scared to death...that something happened to you.” The elder sibling breathed out, half forgetting that they didn’t have access to a phone, since being cast out from the veil. She looked Hudson over, just to make sure he didn’t have any injuries on him. He was luckily in one piece. Hugging her brother, once more. Maddison squeezed him. Boy, was she happy to see him.
When Lucien gave his speech, reminding them not to make contact with those from their mortal lives. There weren’t many people, she and Hudson could possibly run into here. The only living relatives they had were their parents. But they haven’t really spoken to them in a very long time; even back when they were human. They had a complicated relationship with their mother and father; estranged really, especially the older they got. “What about the Shepherds?” Maddison asked Lucien. “They can’t do their duties, with the void and the veil being closed to us.” For Empaths, that wasn’t such a problem, as they could help people here on Earth. The Shepherds might have a harder time; not being able to save people from the void. She wondered, if the Shepherds would be trained as Empaths, for the time being.
Soon as he arrived he knew he’d stumbled into a meeting straight away. Not knowing how much he’d missed or if it’s only just begun. Feeling that he was imposing a little but he’d only just arrived in the city. Hudson couldn’t help but to make a scene as he came in late all upbeat, very different to everyone else. Seeing how everyone’s heads turned to him as he came bouncing in both happy and relieved he’d made it even if he had to make a scene. Finding he'd practically ran to his sister who was just as happy to see him, she'd already pulled him into a tight hug. Hearing her muttering various thank you knowing she was grateful that he’d managed to make it back. As expected she had told him off, giving him a lecture for not calling her. “Maddie, calm down. I didn’t have a phone or way to reach you remember” Trying to calm his sister making her remember how it was not so easy as she thought it was. Hudson rolled his eyes seeing how his sister was checking him over making a fuss. “Maddie, stop it” he begged sounding like a little kid not wanting his sister to move him whilst everyone was all watching them. Luckily his sister stopped pestering him and they stopped their little reniun not wanting for it to take time away from the meeting. Knowing his sister will be drilling him for what happened to him later on, that right now they had to bring their focus to more serious matters at hand.
Hudson had noticed that Lucien and others were happy to see him back, Damarco was already greeting him. “Hey, thanks man. Good to see you too” He grinned feeling happy to be back with everyone. Turning his attention back to the meeting he was trying to get the jist of what he’d missed so far. Finding that people were all talking of how they were finding things being back. Hudson nodded his head knowing that he’d be one of the ones they’ll be counting on to help. He was happy to hear that they’ll be able to move into a lodge with their own rooms. Lucky he wouldn’t have to share a room with his sister like they used to as kids. Hudson wasn’t too sure of where they were all at having missed out on a few weeks. Curious to hear Lucien giving them the option of it being up to them to look for some sort of job or that they were still able to help people like they used to do as empaths. Hudson wasn’t too sure of how it would work for the Shepherds but was curious to hear when it’s figured out. Hudson knew both him and Maddie were lucky as siblings to still be together knowing that it’s not the same for everyone else. He couldn’t help to feel sad hearing Arabella and others share their story of how it’s going to be hard for them to not see or go to their families. Whilst he’s thankful to still have Maddie here in his life, beside him.
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