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No, they definitely weren't in Kansas anymore. Actually, not very far at all from there. A week or so had passed since his kind had fallen from the veil and void to the Earth with no understanding of why or how. Being locked out from communication to their home was making Lucien more disheartened by the day. What had caused their expulsion? The theories and whispers ran rampant throughout the Ailward mansion where the Aspects and Guards were kind enough to let them stay in Evermore, Colorado as Malva worked her magic to make the final touches on their home which would reside in the prairies not far from here.
Lucien had been scouring endless amounts of books and other texts with Malva, hounding Venetus if anything else had changed with a shift in the realms, and even bothering the Aspect of Death to see if the souls of those who had passed were caught in the void without any help, but Erythreus, along with his other siblings, always said the same; there were no real answers. The only sure thing was they all believed it couldn't be a coincidence that their arrival had lined up with the curious happenings around Evermore. He could tell the Ailwards were on edge, but he was gracious to them all for their hospitality.
The aurazin's worried eyes finally peeled away from the large bay window he had been staring out of absentmindedly as the front doors of the manor closed. Another one of his kind had been welcomed inside and Lucien couldn't help but wonder how many of them were still lost in the world. Frightened. No way to reach out for help or easy way to make their journey to the Ailwards. There were quite a few of them at the manor now and there was some comfort in that. At least they had each other.
Lucien's gaze moved over the enormous living room where the others gathered for a touch base and to prepare for their move from the manor to their own place together. They all had so many questions he couldn't answer, but he had to remain strong. Being a leader was not something he ever wanted in this way, but someone needed to ensure their safety and he had been the top ranking sentry. If it had to be him, Lucien would gladly do it for them. Whatever it took, he'd get the Aurazin home no matter what that home may look like now.
"So," he began, rubbing his hands together and then clasping them behind his back tightly, trying to force a small smile that would be pointless among the company in front of him now. Trying to fake an emotion was not exactly the easiest thing to do around Aurazin. "How's everyone doing? Honestly." A simple question. Possibly a stupid question, but Luke knew that if there was one way to make his kind feel better, it would be to lay out all the emotions they could to ease some of the weight off their shoulders.
Time was a strange concept for Danika. The dark haired female hadn't needed to keep a close eye on it for more than 200 years. Each passing day, she grew more accustomed to a sense of time. The Ailward Manor was massive and she found herself wandering outside or throughout the library, quite often. Danika had recently taken up to reading about whatever she could find. As she sat in one of the corners of the library, reading about the different supernatural species, she glanced up at the clock. A small sigh escaped her lips as Danika realized she was late for the meeting with Lucien. She placed the book back on the shelf and slowly made her way towards the living room. As the female got closer, she could hear people talking about how they were adjusting to the being in the mortal world. Danika had been debating on the fall ever since she followed Lucien to Evermore. She'd felt hopeless and confused when she couldn't come back through the veil. She still remembered when she'd found Lucien and the others. Everyone had looked to him for help and soon they'd voted for him to become the new leader. To Danika, it was the right choice. The week or so that they'd been at the Ailward's, she had began to accept their newfound fate. It was difficult not knowing what was going on or how to fix it, but she had made friends with some of the others. She kept trying to stay focused on the positive side, instead of worrying.
As she came to the door. Danika could hear Lucien discussing moving into lodging for the Aurazin. A small smile crept onto her face, as she tried to slowly creep into the room without being heard. Her eyes flickered around the room as she silently closed the door behind her. Taking in many faces of her kind, she gave a small embarrassed smile, amd hoped no one had seen her. Danika sat in the nearest chair and listened as everyone was talking. As she listened, she realized there was a new face. She gazed at Hudson for a second, before realizing her looked Maddison. A soft smile came iver her face as she watched the siblings. Being away from her family wouldn't be a problem for Danika. Her dearest Alan had passed on and so had her sweet daughter. Having a place to call their own sounded quite nice. She looked back at Lucien and looked at him, thoughtfully. "While I'd miss going on missions and helping lost souls, I'm sure there is a place for me. I have heard about people called therapists. They help people with emotional issues or when they become hurt in some way, such as physical injuries," she said, lightly. Her eyes drifted around the room until they fell onto a plate of cookies. She knew immediately who had made those. Common had been cooking all week and she was quite excellent at it. Danika longed for a cookie but she'd recently found herself eating a ton of sugary treats and feelong drained afterwards.
Luke continued listening to his fellow Aurazin's concerns, mentally taking notes of who was more optimistic than others. He wanted to ensure he gave those finding their time on Earth harder more attention in private once the meeting was over and they had a chance to settle into their new home. He gave a grin and a short nod to Daniel for his concern on his well being as the others continued talking. He knew the others were fully aware of how much time and effort he was putting into finding them answers, foregoing sleep and proper meal times. Lucien was appreciative of their worries, but he had to keep pressing on no matter what. They needed concrete answers.
Hearing that Joon and Arabella had come very close to interacting with their previous lives gave him a slight pause, but he was thankful that they were at least being honest. If it were him having died only so long ago, he couldn't be sure that visiting his wife, if she were alive, wouldn't be at the top of the list. It would be a complete hypocrisy to remind them of their rules while he sneaked off and did the complete opposite. They were much stronger than he might've been. "I understand how hard it must be for some of you to be here. Just please use common sense. It's too dangerous and risky to be in the places you once were when you were alive, especially in your original human forms."
"However, I want to thank you," he continued, nodding to Joon, Arabella, and Damarco individually before looking to the rest of them. "Any help that you can provide the Ailwards will be immeasureable. They are low in their ranks and any of their missions that require simple tasks and not dangerous fieldwork to uncover what's been happening here in Evermore will help to determine what has happened to us as well." He signaled to Danika with a quick gesture in reference to what she had said before. "If you'd rather, there are many professions I feel that could suit our kind when it comes to helping others. It's in our nature to do so. I would look into those kinds of jobs if some of you are eager to begin getting into the world sooner than others, but please, don't feel pressured. I know some of us are in different places when it comes to being here and I don't want anyone to push themselves unnecessarily." The sentry turned to Maddison then. "I implore shepherds to also feel free to look for jobs too that might be in line with defending others. We can still do some training for those shepherds who would like to become proper empaths for the time being as well, but I have a feeling they will most likely turn to work." Lucien knew the shepherds above all others since being their leader before Kaia was to take over and the satisfaction of saving others, he believed, would outweigh most of them wanting to become empaths. "Perhaps we can assign one of the empaths here to be a designated trainer if anyone is interested."
His gaze moved to one of the archways leading into the room as a few of the Guards stood with boxes in their arms, waiting for their meeting to come to an end. His hand reached into his waistcoat to look at his pocket watch before turning to the faction again. "Everyone, please don't hesitate to come to me whenever. The lodge is our new home now and I'll be in my office downstairs more often than not. Come to me whenever you need with whatever you need. Be there for each other." Luke reached for the cookie Ommin had gifted him earlier and took a bite, instantly feeling better. He had to keep his optimism stronger than his worried thoughts of what darkness may lay ahead for them, but as they all kept saying and what he did truly feel, being together through all of this would see them through. "Let's start heading to the lodge."
Damarco's sigh lingered a little when Luc mentioned using common sense, and all the risk factors of visiting their loved ones and their previous lives. He'd been tempted to visit a few of the people he left behind himself, but.. he hadn't, he had been strong enough so far, so there was no sense in worrying about it now. Damarco felt that he had been dead long enough to adapt to his life as it is now. Giving him a simple nod back, Damarco smiled a friendly smile before running a hand over his face, stressed from what was about to come. He hadn't been sleeping since the first night mare and he had a feeling that things would get a little worse before anything normalized whatsoever.
Raising a brow, Damarco's interest peaked when Luc mentioned that one of the empaths currently with them, could be a designated trainer for those interested. "I for one would love to take up some training" Damarco just wanted to get that out in the open, so he could link up with someone later on, someone willing to help him with a little training.
Damarco followed Lucien's gaze to the Guard's in the arch way, holding boxes of their belongings, listening intently as their leader ended this meeting on a kind note with letting them all know, he was there for whatever, whenever. "Thank you Luc, for everything you've done, and will have to do.. I'm sure I can speak for us all when I say you're appreciated" Damarco headed out and began helping with boxes. The young Aurazin was a little excited to go make another place their home. Being in this manor, hadn't felt very home-like for him, because he knew it was only a temporary solution. As Damarco reach the lodge with the boxes he'd helped tow away from the manor, he felt the need to go claim a room. The place was actually pretty cozy, and if this was home, then maybe .. just maybe he and the others could settle down rather well. Or at least that was his hopes. After picking a room to put his stuff in, Damarco waited to see what the others did, wondering if he'd end up with a roommate, or if he'd have a room to himself..
Either way, he knew this was the beginning of something more theirs.. something they could maybe learn to call theirs anyways. Damarco didn't wanna waste time however, he wanted to get started with helping the Ailwards as soon as he could, and with that, the Aurazin decided he'd just go back and fourth from here, to the manor until he came up with a plan as in who he'd help and what it was he could help with.
Telling her to calm down, probably wasn’t a good idea in most situations. “If you were me, you wouldn’t be calm..or remember the no phone issue..” reminding Hudson, of how the elder sibling usually worried the most. In their case; the two were always worried about each other. Knowing her baby brother too could be a little over-protective over her. Not that she could blame him. For a split moment, looking a bit foolish, for not remembering that none of them had phones on them. “Stop being a whiny baby, can’t a big sister be glad to see her brother is in one peace and make sure, he’s not hurt?” Maddison questions, half playful, half serious. Giving her brother some space, so they could concentrate on the rest of the meeting. But that didn’t mean that he was out of the woods. There were about a gazillion questions roaming in her mind still.
For the most part, Maddison remained quiet; listening to whatever had to say. The thought of moving to the Lodge, was indeed a new adventure for the Aurazin. Wandering, how all of the Aurazin’s would fair under one roof, without the Ailwards...especially since she and her brother would be living together again. He was always a pain in the butt, to live with. Mainly because Maddison was always on his butt, to stop being lazy and do something around the house. Nodding at what Lucian said about the Shepherds looking for jobs or going into training, as empaths also. “I know, I am still technically an Empath in training, but I’d be more than happy to help shepherds, with some training.” Offering up her services. Having had some experience, she could pass on some of her own knowledge and experience in the Empath field, to shepherds who wanted to learn.
Helping gather some of the things, they had gathered over their time with the Ailwards. Maddison was starting to help move boxes into the lodge. Keeping the box to her frame. “How was England?” Maddie questioned her brother, when they came to close contact again. At least a story to pass their time moving, would keep her and the others entertained. As she probably wasn’t the only one curious.
Now he was finally able to feel relaxed now he was back with his people and sister where he belongs. Spending time trying to make sure to get himself here. Luckily for him it all worked out. Even finding himself making it back in time for the meeting. Yet at the same time he knew there was no escaping Maddie trying to mother him. Trying his best trying to calm her down but none was working. Hearing as she spoke of it being the other way around if she was the one who was lost and not able to get back. “I know Maddie” Nodding his head taking some deep breaths knowing she was right. “To be fair the no one thing wasn’t my fault” He piped up a little almost sounding like a broken record by now but trying to remind her how he couldn’t help it. “But I’m here now, that’s all that matters. Right?” Letting her see the bigger picture, making light on it all. “Mads there’s people around” Once again sounding like a little kid, just feeling a little embarrassed since they were still in a meeting and all. Making a scene too, probably with all eyes watching their little family reunion taking place. Him and Maddie always liked to make a scene any time, so this wasn't anything new.
Quickly moving away from their family reunion and sibling squabble. He was eager to hear anything new, what he’s missed on. Like everyone he was curious to find out any more or connections to them being locked out of the veil. Along with listening to Lucien orders, nodding his head showing that he was listening. Hudson knew that it would be a foolish mistake and just plain stupidity. Hearing that in other species it was the same, some had to leave their old lives behind after they turn or so. All being the same. Hearing Lucien tell them the ways they could help out, if anyone was free to offer their help. “I’m up for whatever, count me in” Not even needing to think about it he knew he was ready and up for it. Hudson knew he’d be good for it, having some sort of experience with his training in his past life as a firefighter. He was trained for anything plus his height and strength was always a good help too. When it came to getting a job, Hudson was still trying to figure that part out. Not knowing what direction to turn to. Probably needing his sister's help and guidance for that whilst he knew that she didn;t need his. Knowing about his sister she probably already has a small job or one lined up already. Maddie was always one to be prepared for anything. Very motivated whilst he was the opposite at times. Like the others he was left wondering what the shepherds would be able to do now, if their purpose would be changing.
Hudson got up off the edge of the sofa following suit with the others, grabbing his bag with all his things in. Not having many things to his name yet. He quickly went to help grab a few boxes able to load two onto the top of each other. “It was okay but nothing compared to LA. I managed to get myself a job in one of the pubs in london” He wasn't able to enjoy it properly, he was just worried and focused trying to get his way back to Maddie and the others. “So what have you been up to since I’ve been gone, well apart from worrying about me” He teased her playfully, already able to second guess.
Elodie looked around the space in front of her, her eyes held a slight paranoia to it as she felt herself pulling her legs up to her chest as she was surrounded by the Aurazin people, people she has yet to understand and know as she was getting used to living a life she knew until going back into earth had her world turned upside down literally.
When the leader, Lucien asked the old age question, her eyes looked up and sighs before speaking in a soft tone, "Well I had gotten used being dead after it sealed my fate but yet here I am to make a difference for people with my special abilities." She was still a little hazy over the details but she knew she could make a difference if she tries her best.
She knew she was some special Empathic as she recollected a time she helped a little boy feel better after losing his parents, knowing she found her place with the orphans and yet stuck in the real world with no way out terrifies her as she has no clue what's lurking around the corners.
She's hoping for a time well spent on earth will help her feel less afraid and more open to everyone alike in order to feel better about herself and to help others as well.
As all the Aurazin sat there talking about ways to help with either the Ailward's find answers, or moving to the lodge, Damarco himself thought about ways he could do both. He figured he could talk to the Ailward' a little more, help haul some of the heavier things of the Aurazin's to the lodge, and then go back. It was about to be a busy evening for them all, and he especially hoped Lucien knew he would do anything he needed him to do.
Damarco stood so that he could dismiss himself and begin today's journey. As he rounded the corner, the Aurazin stepped by Lucien's side and gazed out to the others. "Im sure everyone's nervous, and hopefully even a little excited.. this seems like it's going to be a little more than temporary, and I'm sure if anyone feels like me, then it's scary as hell..but at least we have each other.. we'll get through it somehow" he stated, before turning to Lucien.
"Is it okay to go ahead and start packing?" he asked, wondering what the next steps would be, whether they'd be moving out today, or if it would be a process, like most things. Damarco was one of the most hyper Aurazin's in the room right now,and usually rushed his way through everything. He hoped he wasn't being annoying by doing so now.
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